This story starts after chapter six of Three Brothers and a Slave by Crystal Violeta. To understand this, read her first six chapters. And, why not? Finish reading it too. Just don't get these two mixed up.

It's a crossover between Captain America (My story, Country Lass) and TMNT.

This in no way is connected to my Country Lass story, even if I use my OC from it. She never meets the turtles in her storyline.

I don't own Captain America, TMNT, or the idea that gave this story life. I do own Heather, aka Country Lass, and the idea to have her find them.

Heather is walking through a quieter part of town, on the way back to the apartment. She is walking past the river and hears whimpering. She looks down, seeing a large concrete hole under the street. She slides down the bank, registering more whimpering coming from the opening. There is garbage in the tunnel, but she ignores it.

'This must lead to the sewer,' she ponders. She walks down the tunnel, following the child's cries. 'No older than three, I think. Maybe younger.'

"Hello?" Heather calls out. The crying stops, "Hello? Who's there?" She rounds the bend and finds a shadow sticking out of a side tunnel. She carefully walks up to it. "Are you alright?" The shadow tenses, "It's okay. I'm not going to hurt you… Are you lost?" She asks.

The child sniffs, "No.. I- I.."


"I ran away..!" Heather turns around the sewer tunnel and sees a little green body. It has its legs curled up to its chest and its head is buried in its knees. There is a meager sack next to it.

"Hello little one." The child looks up at her. Heather is startled to see big and bright blue eyes staring up at her. He has freckles dotting his cheeks and his skin is lime green. She notices the cumulating tears and streaks that show he's been crying for awhile. "Aww.. does someone need a hug?"

At the mention of touching a stranger, the little thing curled up more. Heather took pity on the scared green skinned toddler. She lightly touches his shoulder. "I promise," she says softly, "I'm not going to hurt you." He looks up with those eyes of his and uncurls. She holds her arms out and smiles. His young mind takes this as a welcome and goes into them. She hugs him, finding a brown shell on his back. It wraps around into a plastron on his front, protecting him.

'He's a turtle. Some kind of humanoid turtle.' Heather holds him close until she doesn't feel anything hit her shoulder. Then she pulls him away and lets him sit on her lap. "Can you tell me about it? I promise I won't laugh if it is silly."

"..It isn't silly! It isn't silly at all.. Weo..."


"Weo... He's hurt. Daddy hurt him." An abusive father?

"Why did you run to the sewers?"

"I didn't. I live here. We all do... I wan because Daddy killed him. He killed my brother. And I didn't want to get hurt, too." Heather hugs him all over again.

"It's okay little one. I can help, if you want. Just show me where to go." The little turtle looks up at her.

"But Daddy hits. He's a meanie." Heather strokes his green head like brushing hair behind an ear.

"I'll be alright. You will be too. Let me help." The turtle looked unsure, "My name is Heather, do you have one?"

"... Mikey."

"Okay, Mikey. Let me help. Please?" Mikey nodded. He tries to stand up, but cringes. "Is your foot hurt?" Mikey nods.

"I hurt it when I ran." Heather takes a look. The green skin was turning purple-y red. "If we get back, Donnie can fix it."

"Who's Donnie?" Heather asks, picking the turtle up with ease.

"He's one of my brothers. There are four of us, including Leo." Through his baby talk before, Heather couldn't tell what he was saying. But now that he had calmed down, she can understand.

"Who's the last one?"


"And are you all turtles?" Heather starts, beginning to walk after picking up Mikey's bag. Mikey nods.

"Except for Daddy. He's a rat."

"A, humanoid rat?" Mikey nods again,

"Also, I think he knows ninjutsu. So be careful."

"Don't worry Mikey, I have skills too, you know." Mikey tells her where to go and they find a short staircase with light coming from the opening.

"Mikey! Mikey!" "Hey buddy! Where are ya!?"

"Those are my brothers."

"Michelangelo?" Mikey freezes at his full name.

"Your father?" Mikey nods, slowly. Heather is about to step up the stairs, but sees a chain next to it. It has an open padlock, a small gray stone, and a brick there too. The brick has dried blood on it, similar blood coats the ground. Heather frowns at this and then climbs the steps when Mikey couldn't look away.

"Miche-" Master Splinter looks with surprise as a human girl walks into his home holding his lost son. He starts to growl and starts towards them. But Heather holds Mikey protectively.

"Sir, I found your son wandering the sewers. He's seems to have hurt his ankle." The rat looks at her, then at Mikey.

"My son," the angry rat became a loving father in a matter of seconds. This is creepy in Heather's eyes. The father comes closer, ready to take his son. But Mikey flinches.

"I want Heather to bring me," he says. His father steps back at the refusal, "You killed Leo!"

"No, my son, Leo is perfectly fine."

"No he isn't! You hit him!" Then, two more turtle boys came into the room.

"Mikey!" They both yell, pushing past their father. One with a crack in his plastron and green eyes looks about five and the other, with olive green skin and brown eyes, is roughly four to Heather. The four year old is inspecting Mikey's foot.

"I need to wrap it. Come this way." Heather follows the turtle, pausing briefly next to the rat. But he lets her go. The green eyed turtle, who also has deep green skin, stays next to his little brother until they reach a lab like room. Heather sets Mikey on a chair.

"Leo!" Mikey wails. Heather turns around and sees the final brother. He's lying motionless on an examination table. Mikey starts to get up, wincing as he goes.

"No Mikey, stay here. I'll look at him."

"Help him Heather, you promised!" Donnie, who smiles at Mikey with a gap in his teeth, takes Heather's place and she goes to see the other turtle. She looks him over after taking the dirty old blue blanket that was covering him.

He's dirty and obviously malnourished. But she can see he's the oldest of his siblings, being about six or seven. She couldn't tell which by his size. He has leaf green skin and multiple wounds peppering his body. Heather took all of this in in a matter of seconds. She looks at the wound on his head, already wrapped up. She sees he is still breathing, but barely.

"Hmm," she takes a penlight nearby and shines it directly into his eyes. She sees the irises are blue, a darker shade than Mikey's but still beautiful. One eye has a larger pupil than the other. "He has a concussion," she says, "He shouldn't be moved for while."

"Wait, he isn't dead?" Mikey says, looking up. Heather turns to him and shakes her head.

"No Mikey. With some rest and a good diet, he'll get better. But he must not be moved for a while," she repeats. Mikey beams at this. Heather looks to the doorway to see Splinter glaring at her, "But he is far from fine." Heather motions to the unconscious turtle, "Look at him! He's under fed, dehydrated most likely, has a severe concussion, and doesn't look like he's had a bath in forever. How is he 'perfectly fine'!? Who are you to treat him like this?"

The turtles and rat stare at her. She just yelled at Splinter. No one ever yelled at Splinter, at least not like that. "You dare come into my home and insult me!?" He charges at her. But instead she sweeps to the side, not laying a finger on him.

"Your youngest said you know ninjutsu. I hope the ninja in you will find no honor in attacking a defenseless girl. Let alone a defenseless child." When Splinter does nothing further, Heather goes over to Donnie, who is going through a book on medicine. "You are very smart to be reading so young."

"I know, but I don't think I can help Leo." Heather smiles at him.

"I know field medicine. A few friends of mine get into trouble a lot, so I know what to do. I'll take care of him, I promise."

"But, you can't stay here! We have no place for you," Splinter says quickly, hoping to get rid of her.

"I understand sir, I won't be any trouble. I'll come back tomorrow. Donnie, keep him hydrated, keep his lips- I mean, beak, wet."

"I will Miss Heather."

"Can we feed him some bread when he wakes up, Dad?" Raph asks. He's the only turtle that hasn't been named off, but there was only one name left.

"No. He has to learn that stealing is wrong." Heather is baffled by this.

"What did he steal?" She asks. The rat stands straighter, looking down at her slightly.

"A toy firetruck from Mikey."

"Not true!" Mikey says, leaning on Donnie as he stands up, "He didn't have any toys, so I.." Splinter was looking at his son with a stern stare, "I- I gave it to him."

".. Mikey. I gave that to you for Christmas."

"Yeah! But Leo got nothing! He played with a rock and a brick because we all got cool toys and he got nothing!" Mikey argues. Heather looks at the eldest turtle, then back at the rat.

"He is a slave, Mikey, a servant. They don't get-"

"You call your own son a slave?" Heather asks, using a dangerous tone.

"He is not my son."

"And yet Mikey calls him his brother."

"Stay out of this!" Heather backs the rat into the wall.

"You are hurting a seven year old boy!" Heather says, "I will not stand by." She lets him go. "I'll be back tomorrow only to take care of Leo." Heather looks to the little turtles and nods to them. Raph, the one she had yet to talk to, nods back. She briefly walks over to Leo and places the blanket carefully around him and a kiss on his head. Then, without another word, she leaves the way she came.

I love Heather. She's so.. honest, brave, and selfless. (Oh yeah, read my story on her. You passed it when looking at my stories. Country Lass)