
Disclaimer: I don't own Danny Phantom or Teen Titans or anything DC related. If I did then it wouldn't be as popular as it is.

The story was written & developed by Nightmares Around Winter. The story based on 'The Forgotten Hero' by TheWhiteTitan.

Author's Note: Oh boy! Now that I got some time out of my busy life schedule and finding the time to do some writing I guess I should update this story, I wonder how long has it been? *sees that it has been over a year*...Jesus Christ ... I need to find more time to do the things I enjoy. Other than that, hope you enjoy!



"Demonic/other-worldly voices or thoughts"

(Author's Note/Translation) The ANs that are numbered are at the bottom.

Chapter 11: Temptation

Danny looked over himself in a mirror as he sat in the back of a limo. His eyes were a bright blue as he had developed a cover to hide the unnatural glowing red of the cybernetics. His black hair was a bit long, using his bangs to cover up part of his face, but was still presentable. A black suit jacket with matching pants and a dark blue shirt, going tieless to give an air of approachability. He looked over his fake eye; while it was convincing he was still concerned that a keen observer would notice that it was a fake.

"You look fine, sir." Mercy said simply as she gave a quick glance at the rearview mirror. After arriving by plane, the chauffeur had observed him messing with his hair for the entire trip. Obviously the eye was still bothering him. "Nobody can tell."

He nodded as he changed his mind about using more hair to cover it; instead, he turned his attention to his mechanical limb. Muttering a chant, he watched as muscle and flesh covered the mechanical frame. After a minute, it looked just as much as any real arm, save for the discoloration on his shoulder. He smiled; he would have to thank Circe to teaching him that little trick. The last part of his attire was two black gloves that he slid on just as they reached their destination. "We have arrived," Mercy stated.

"Thank you," Danny said as he opened the car door. "I will call when I need you. Feel free to do as you wish."

"Of course sir," she said as she drove off.

As Danny watched the limo drive off he let out a sigh before turning to the building in front of him. "Well then, let's see how this goes," he said to himself as he walked up the pathway to the door and knocking firmly. "Hang on a second!" A woman's voice called out to him, followed by the sound of footsteps as he straightened his clothes. The door was opened by a girl with dark skin and black hair made into two ponytails. She had a surprised look on her face at the stranger before greeting him with a "Can I help you?"

"Y-Yes," he said uneasily. "I am sorry but is this the Hawkins residence? I am looking for a man named Virgil."

The young woman narrowed her eyes at him as if sizing him up. "And what do you want with him?" She asked.

"I was hoping that I could help him with his injuries." He answered.

The woman's gaze softened. "What makes you say that?" She asked. Danny picked up the small trace of hope in her voice as he pulled a card from his front pocket, which the woman took it. After a quick glance, she saw that the black card had the white image of two snakes coiled around a winged scepter with the name 'Caduceus Medical' printed in gold. She turned it over, seeing it read 'Daniel Luthor, Founder and CEO'. The woman looked wide-eyed between the card and him.

Danny held out his hand. "Daniel Luthor." He formally introduced with a small smile. "Here to see if I can help in any way."

"Sharon Hawkins," she said with a small hint of red in her cheeks as she shook his hand. "Please, come in. My brother is with my father but they will be back soon." She said as she opened the door for him.

"Thank you." He said as he walked in.

"Would you like some tea?"

"Oh yes please!" He said kindly as he closed the door behind him.


In a darkened bedroom, Wally West was putting on clothes after a passionate session with his lover. While he tried to make it quick, he certainly was proud that he made it good for both of them. After all, it wasn't every day they get a chance like this so they capitalized on it. He hummed a tune to himself as he put on his yellow outfit as the woman underneath the sheet mumbled. "Up already?" She asked.

Wally looked at the form with a smile on his face as he climbed on the bed, "Yeah, did I wake you?" He asked as he pulled down the sheet to be welcomed with the smiling face of his lover, Artemis.

The blond archer ran a hand through his wild red hair, "No, I just got up and I notice you weren't in bed with me." She answered.

The speedster smiled back as he gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Sorry, but I figured I should hurry up and get back to my own room before the others notice." He answered as he kissed her other cheek.

She moaned with a pout. "I hate hiding."

"I know."

"So. When can we stop?" She asked a bit more hopeful.

Wally West smiled. "Soon...I just need to break things off with Jinx."

At the sound of the witch's name, the archer quickly stood up with an annoyed look on her face. "Wally, you said you would tell her."

"I know, it's just that it is hard to reach her. She's always off doing her own thing," Wally said. "She and I have been together for years so I think I should at least be upfront about us going out with other people."

"I get it, but we have been together for almost a year. I'm tired of being some side girl!" Artemis proclaimed.

"I know and I hate sneaking around too!" Wally said. "But I at least want to be a man about it and break up with her in person!" The room was filled with silence as Wally looked down at the bed-sheets. "Look, I am sorry. I know this isn't fair for you. But trust me, I will break the news to her. It's just that, ever since I was assigned here and Jinx stuck to roll with the Titans, we hardly even have time to talk. That's the reason why I feel we don't connect anymore and I think she would be happy for us to go our ways but I just want to be a man enough to break up with her in person, not through some impersonal text or email or take the coward's way out and ask a friend like Nightwing or Conner to do it. You understand what I mean?"

Artemis looked up at him. "Fine...but please...make time," she pleaded.

He smiled at her before kissing her lips. The two moaned into the brief embrace before Wally separated. "I'll see you later." He said as he sped out of the room using his power. Artemis could only look at the door as it closed with a sigh. She hated herself for being intimate with the speedster; she hated herself more and more when she learned that he was in a relationship. She didn't know much about Jinx, just that she was a reformed villain that Wally met before and started dating when they were teenagers. Now here they were in their early twenties and Wally was cheating on that reformed villain with her.

She got up from the covers as she went to go take a shower, she needed to clear her head as she weighed whether or not this secret relationship was worth keeping. Wally was a charming, albeit cocky, person. He was great in bed and he was always so affectionate. Yet...all the secrecy was making her feel dirtier and more shameful by the second. Yet it wasn't like he wasn't the only one to have secrets, she certainly did. 'So maybe keeping this a secret would be fine for just a bit longer,' she thought as the hot water hit her nude body.

Yet she knew that he liked the girls, he was open about his attraction to other girls, hell when that Valerie Grey showed up with her tight red suit Wally was practically drooling over that girl's voluptuous form. She even caught him flirting with the girls on their team but they just played it off as harmless. Yet if it wasn't, then would she just be another girl? The thoughts invaded her head as the water rinsed her form. Unlike some of the other girls who had developed curves, her body was more athletic. Still, the fact the other girl's had more feminine definition did seem to make her feel more insecure about her own. Maybe she will talk to Wally about it later.


Robert Hawkin's wheeled his son up to the front door of their home, bringing him home from a physical session. The doctor explained that since he lost his ability to use his legs, Virgil would be at more of a risk to develop certain health issues and therefore needed some exercise, specifically those focusing on cardio and arm strength. Virgil didn't seem to really care, or talk much, having seemed lifeless since being released from the hospital. Not that he could blame his son, in what seemed like a heartbeat he lost his best friend, his legs and his purpose. He knew about his son being Static before the incident and he used to be terrified of the thought of losing his son like he had lost his wife. But after a while he had gotten used to it and with even more time the idea of his son being a superhero was one that made him swell with pride.

Yet, here was his son now. Broken, miserable and completely dead on the inside, just looking for a means to escape. He was worried that one of these days his only son would be found in the bathtub with both of his arms cut open or a knife in his neck, yet he didn't express those fears. For right now he had to be strong and put on a brave face for his son. "Hang on a second, I'll get the door," he said.

Virgil merely nodded as his father opened the door, surprised to find it unlocked and even more surprised when he heard laughter coming from the kitchen. He opened the door to see his daughter laughing with a man he had never seen before. "Dad, this is Daniel," she said as she and the young man rose from their seats. "He is here to help Virgil."

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Hawkins." Danny said as he held out his hand. Robert shook it but didn't remove the hardened look in his eyes just as Virgil wheeled in.

"Who's this?" Virgil asked as he looked at him with indifference.

"My name is Daniel Luthor," Daniel started, "and I am actually here to offer a proposition for you, Virgil Hawkins."

"Ain't interested," Virgil said as he rotated himself away to go into the living room.

"All I ask is you at least hear me out Virgil." Daniel sighed. "Or...would you prefer if I called you Static?"

The household went silent at the mention of his heroic persona. Virgil rotated his chair to face him. "How the hell did you find out?" He asked.

Daniel merely sighed, this time more tiredly as he approached the couch nearby. "Mind if I sit here?" When he got the approval he sat down with his hands brought together as he leaned in. "I learned about it using the power of the all mighty dollar." He answered as he fixed Virgil with a somber look. "But more important than that is the reason why I am here." His hands hid his mouth from view leaving only his eyes visible, seemingly piercing him in place.

Virgil looked at him with suspicion. "Yeah, you said you have an offer for me."

Daniel nodded. "What if I said that can repair the damage done to your spine, thus allowing you to once again use your legs?" At that, the Hawkin's household became quiet once again as they stared at him. "And not only can I do that, but I will also do it for free," he smiled. "And I will only ask for one thing."

Virgil's look became soured. "I figured there is a catch, so...what is it?"

"I want keep being Static." He replied.

"Not a chance!" Robert shouted drawing in both of their attention, "Look, my son has done enough. He risked his life for nothing more than the safety of these people and asked for nothing in return and look at what it cost him!"

"Mr. Hawkins, while I understand your anger my offer was for your son and your son is old enough to make his own legal decisions." Daniel said before turning his attention to Virgil. "So...what say you?"

Virgil was lost in thought as he stared at his useless legs. He thought about the day he lost them: Richie's body impaled on a mass of antlers, the harsh cold filling his lungs, those red eyes staring into his soul and then the phantom pain of his spine being shattered against the concrete. Then came another sensation, a heat rising inside his stomach and into his chest like a furnace: hate. "Fine," Virgil finally answered. Sharon and Robert fixed him in a concerned gaze while Danny had a small smile behind his hands. "But I have a question for you: Daniel."

"Of course." He said.

"Why does me being a hero mean so much to you?" He asked. "Are you trying to turn me into some PR stunt for your company that nobody has heard off?"

Danny let out a small chuckle, "Well...mind if I answer your question with another question?"


He set his hands down and fixed Virgil with a gloomy stare, "What does the word...'hero' mean to you?"

"I don't follow..."

He smiled. "It's simple when you hear that word what does it mean to you? What is the first thing that comes to mind?" He went on. Virgil merely shrugged in response, causing his smile to grow. "A hero is just a person who is willing to take time out of their life to do the right thing. To do what they can just so everyone else around them can have even the slightest chance to be safer or happier. It's not always just some guy in a fancy costume with a special gift, it could just be a fireman willing to go into the flames to save an innocent life, it could be soldier willing to pounce on a live grenade to save another, it could even be someone like your father," he said as he gestured to the Hawkin patriarch, "a man willing to spend his free time to show children and young people stuck in terrible conditions that they can achieve a much better future if they fight for it. And, sometimes they could even take on the form of a paramedic, willing to risk her own life for the chance to help others."

Virgil looked at him in surprise at that. "The point is, Virgil," Danny went on, "the world needs more people like that. The world needs heroes and if I can help those people willing to take chances to become just that then I will do just that. Besides," he said as his eyes became emptied, as if lost in distant memory, "I...I know how it be in need of a hero...only for one to never show up. And I never want that to happen to anyone else." As a dreadful quiet crept into the household, Daniel snapped out of it as light entered his eyes again. "Anyway, do we have a deal?" He said as he offered his hand out.

Virgil smile back at him, "You got it, Luthor."

" me Danny."

Couple Hours Later

After Danny had Virgil signed some legal documents, Sharon insisted that he stayed for dinner. Not wanting to be rude, he accepted and was greeted with a nice meal of fried steak, potatoes, gravy, and fried okra. After that he stuck around just for some light chat yet he noticed that while Virgil and his sister were happy with the deal, the father was more melancholy, possibly because he didn't want to see his children in future danger. Yet regardless, it wasn't his decision and he didn't seem to want to damper the mood, as they even gave Danny an extra plate of food for him to take home. As he waited on the corner for Mercy to pick him up, his cell rang.

Looking at the number he recognized it as Franz and his mood darkened, knowing what it was about. "Yes?" He answered.

"We found his lab, sir. All information is gathered and the facility is swept clean." Franz replied.

"Good...and the specimens?"

"All of them are terminated. Save for the female sir. As you requested, still in her tank and hasn't been opened yet." Franz answered. "Clone is designated as Dani."

"Keep it deactivated till I return." He answered as the black limo approached.

"Of course sir." Franz replied before he closed his phone.

Danny stuffed his back into his pocket as he entered the limo. "Sorry I was late," he apologized. "They offered me to stay for dinner."

"No need to apologize sir." She replied before Daniel offered his plate to her. She looked at him and then back at the plate in confusion.

"I brought you a plate; you could eat it before you fly back to Metropolis." He explained. "I figured you would be hungry."

"O-Oh...well thank you sir." She said as she grabbed the plate and put it into the seat next to her. The confusion was still visible on her face. "I assume you will be catching a different flight?" She asked as he transformed into his ghost form.

"In a manner of speaking, I just have something I need to do, elsewhere." He replied as he undid the spell on his arm, reverting the flesh into ash. "Tell the others to watch the news." He said as he phased through the car and flew invisibly in the direction of Gotham City.


The end of another chapter is here and hopefully will be the start of me updating more frequently or at least more than ONCE A COUPLE OF FUCKING YEARS! I am really sorry about my lack of regularity in my update schedule and I could go on with the same excuses of life being wonky, but the truth of the matter is that it was just generally hard for me to get motivated to write. And it sucks because I actually DO like writing whether it's fanfiction, an original short story, or a novel, etc. Hell, I am learning to play Dungeons and Dragons because I just like making characters up and I am even working on a campaign that I am gonna try to DM for some friends of mine because of the fact that I just like writing.

So yeah, a new chapter, hopefully, more chapters more frequently (I am at least going to try to dedicate an hour to writing a day so I could update more often). I always wished that you all had a Happy X-mas, Hanaka, Kwanza, whatever the celebration along with a new year as well as a lovely Valentine's day.