AN: I finally got some inspiration to continue this, so here's a little filler. Next chapter should be more interesting.

Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail.

Lucy fumed in silence as she and Cobra walked through the woods. This was the last time she took a solo job, she swore to herself. Except, it would not be the last time. She needed money to pay her rent, and while her team was wonderful, the money she got as a reward from their jobs together was not enough to cover her rent and still have money for food and other necessities. So she had started taking small jobs on her own to supplement her funds.

The job she had taken this month was to take out a group of robbers harassing a village near Magnolia. Since it was so close, Lucy had taken a few days off from her team, claiming a "vacation" to write and what not, and walked. She had completed the mission with ease and then she had the bad luck of stumbling upon Cobra on the way home.

"We're going to have to disguise you," she blurted out. "You can't just walk out in public like this."

"Don't you have a Spirit who can do something about that?" The blonde was surprised he responded and even more shocked at the contents of his response.

"Well... Yes, actually. Virgo could get you a cloak or something like that. That should be enough until we get to my apartment." She mused on that idea for a few moments before narrowing her eyes at the fugitive. "But how do you know I have a Spirit for that?"

He shrugged lightly, refusing to meet her stare. "You seem to forget I was part of the group who kidnapped you. We learned everything we could about you. Or at least the others did. I didn't really care, but listening to their souls day in and day out, some of the information was bound to seep through."

"Huh," Lucy muttered. Pushing her thoughts on the matter to the side for later examination, she touched Virgo's key. Without even calling her, the pink-haired maid appeared in front of the two.

"You called, Princess?" Virgo offered to Lucy a bundle of cloth. "Here is a cloak for your companion."

Lucy took the bundle and handed it off to Cobra. Confused, she responded, "Thank you, Virgo, but how did you-?"

"I was watching from the Spirit World in case you required assistance. Punishment, Princess?" There was a mischievous gleam in Virgo's eyes which Lucy did not trust.

"No, Virgo. No punishment. You can return to the Spirit World now." Lucy glanced over to her escort to see him covered in a simple black cloak with a deep hood to shadow his face. This was going to be interesting.