Chapter Three: New Perspectives

Doctor Henry Wu loved his job. It was a dream come true for him. Not only being able to stretch his scientific wings, but also create such magnificent creatures. As a child, he'd been obsessed with dinosaurs. Every year until he turned twelve it had been a dinosaur theme birthday party. He'd gone on fossil digs, visited every museum he could, and spent hours researching if it'd be possible to make a real life dinosaur.

And now, he could.

No one knew that Henry truly loved the dinosaurs. They were living, breathing, feeling creatures. Yes, they were a product of science, but they didn't know that. They didn't bother to know that.

Henry created these creatures, and loved them as a parent. He imagined if there was a god, he'd feel the same as Henry about his creation.

But Henry buried those feelings around others. It was far easier for him to pretend like they didn't matter. While growing, the dinosaurs were his responsibility. He was their caretaker, and he could decide what happened to them. But as soon as they hatched, he no longer had any say in their life.

If they had to be put down, Henry could do nothing. If they were taken from the island, Henry had no voice.

That was frustrating beyond belief.

But on cool nights he'd wander the park, visiting each of his creations. He knew them all by name. And they knew him. They'd come eagerly to their fences, sniffing at him as he fed them little treats. Of course he wouldn't dare do such a thing with the carnivores, but he loved them all the same.

Henry hated to pick favorites, but he couldn't help it. Rexy was his special girl. His first true success. She was everything he'd ever hoped for. Plus, the t rex had always been his favorite of the dinosaurs.

Rexy was the queen of the park, and Henry was beyond proud of her. He loved her sister two. Little princess Sue was a fantastic creature in her own right, but the elder rex always held a special place with Henry.

As Henry sat at his desk, reading through reports, his musings trailed away from the tyrant lizards and to his 'secret' work. InGen gave him so much more freedom than Masrani did.

He had his own private labs on Sorna, and unlimited access to whatever he wanted to do. While he despised InGen's plan for warfare dinosaurs, he relished in the freedom they gave him.

Genetic hybrids!

He'd already created hybrids among living species, and was starting to tamper into dinosaurs.

Is first true extinct hybrid was compy sized, with the skin of an octopus, allowing it to change color and texture at will. She was extraordinarily intelligent and incredibly social.

The little creature had developed a habit of sneaking into Henry's room and curling up in bed with him. Henry, the sucker for dinosaurs he was, couldn't say no.

His employers knew he lived off island, they didn't know his home was on a secure base on Isla Sorna. Every night he returned to that incredible island and his creations who ran free like they should.

Henry sighed. Jurassic World jut made him feel so confined.

Shaking away those thoughts, he opened up a new report. The park's first clutch of raptor eggs were scheduled to hatch in less that a week.

The man hired to care for them was truly intriguing. Owen Grady had experience tenfold. Raised among animal trainers, he worked first with horses for famous acts such as Cavalier, then with big cats for circuses and magic acts.

Both his parents had been part of a circus, a lion tamer and a monkey handler, before settling down to raise Owen and his two sisters.

After high school (age 18) Grady joined the army as to get a collage education as well as train animals for the navy. He worked with dolphins, becoming one of the leading experts with the species.

Between his work with the grey skinned creatures, he also found a passion studding orcas and great white sharks.

He'd lived a few years in an Alaska ocean town, living amongst the native american people who held knowledge of orcas like no one else.

Turns out wild orcas were much less aggressive and so much more willing to work with humans than captive ones. The creatures loved interaction and an excuse to show off their intelligence. They seemed to view Owen Grady as a play mate, teaching them all sorts of fun games to try. While he never got in the water with them, the large dolphins would some flocking to his boat, sticking their heads out of the water and begging for bits of fish.

He'd boycotted SeaWorld ever since.

After ten or so years with the navy, Grady retired. Not a year later he received a letter asking him if he wanted to join the Jurassic World team.

Based on years of watching the wild raptors on Sorna, Henry realized their behavior, hunting patterns, and social structure was incredibly similar to that of an orca pod. Aside from choosing only one mate, the two species were remarkable similar.

It made Grady the number one choice in the world.

Henry was truly impressed with the man, and his genuine concern for the animals' wellbeing sealed the deal for him.

A soft beep pulled Henry from his thoughts. It was a message alert. He sighed when he saw who it was from. Vic Hoskins. The man was the bane of Henry's existence. He was the one who pressed for dinosaur soldiers more than anyone else. Especially raptors. The man just couldn't get it through his stick skull that that would be an absolutely horrible idea.

They didn't even know if Grady would be able to keep the raptors in line, much less get them to follow orders.

Then there was Masrani's custom order for a new dinosaur. Something 'bigger', 'scarier', 'cooler'.

Henry sighed again. Well, he had a plan that would kill two birds with one stone. Create Masrani's dinosaur that could also be a prototype for Vic. The real question was what to put in it.

Henry's eyes flashed with a sudden, insane idea.

He knew exactly what he wanted in this creature. He didn't care if he'd be damned if anyone found out, this creature would be his crowned jewel.

And it'd be more of his child than any other.

Owen leaned back in his chair with his cell phone pressed between his shoulder and ear. In his hands he held a notebook and pencil.

The phone rang for the third time before finally picking up.

"Hello?" Asked a husky voice.

"Jess! How you doin'?"

"Owen?! You son'ofa'bitch! I thought you were dead or somethin'. You never call!"

Owen laughed into the phone. "Yeah, sorry bout that. I've been busy as hell."

"You too huh?"

"Yeah. How's your little family?"

"Oh, their great. Givin' me hell, of course, but I love em all to death. Lu's pregnant now. I'm so excited."

"Congrat's man!"

"Yup. Okay, I know this isn't a social call. It never is with you. What's it you want?"
"Just some advice."

"Oh jesus, don't tell me..." Jess groaned over the phone. "What'd you do this time?"

Owen laughed. "Nothing! I just got a new job, that's all."

"It's never just 'that's all' with you Owen. What's the catch?"

"Well... I got hired by Jurassic Word..."

"The dinosaur place? The hell Owen?!"

"... as an animal handler..."

"Oh Jesus."

"... for the raptors..."


"Well, nice knowin' ya."

"Com'mon Jess, don't be like that."

The other man sighed deeply. "Okay. Fine, fine. Can't have my navy bud get eaten by dinosaurs, now can I?"

"Jess, you've been doing pretty much the same thing for years now."

"Hey, wolves are very different that raptors, ya hear? Don't you remember twenty years ago when they literally tore people apart?"

"Mine are gonna be different Jess. Trust me."
"Oh yeah, how do you know that?"



"Turns out the first raptors had more testosterone in their blood than bull sharks. You know how aggressive those can be."

"Of course I know. Lost a toe to one." Jess grumbled.

Owen laughed. He remembered that surfing trip gone wrong. Jess was the toughest man he knew, hardly even blinked when his foot got chewed on by a ten foot shark. He'd just punched it in the nose and swam to shore, bleeding like water out of a hose as he went.

"The geneticist here learned from that mistake. They've reduced the raptors' testosterone levels by more than half."

Jess sighed. "I don't know man. I've gotten plenty of stitches from my pack, and these guys aren't near as deadly as those dinosaurs. I've even got bit by Lu once or twice. At least wolves aren't know to outright hunt people."

"I'm gonna be raising my girls Jess. I'll be alpha from the get go."

"Really now? What about when they're older and decide to challenge you? What will you do?"

"That's why I'm calling you. You've been alpha of a grey wolf pack for over ten years."

"Okay, okay. You have something to take notes on?"

Owen tapped his pencil against the pages. "Yup."

"Okay, first thing..."

A.N. (Baby raptors next chapter, and a little explanation on why Grant's little line is in my summary. I'll probably spend around three or so chapters on Owen and the girls before time jumping to when the Indomini(?) come in.