Author's Note: We do not own any of these characters. We haven't uploaded any new stories since Misconceptions, you know because of college shit, but here is a little part that follows Misconceptions. Please review and let us know what you think!

"Let's Have Another Child"

His eyes clenched tighter together as his breath seemed to be leaving his mouth far faster than it was filling his lungs. He could feel the sweat begin to form beads as they quickly fell from his forehead as his own heart beat was echoing throughout the room. As if the room itself had its own heart and that was the drums that kept bashing in his skull. His teeth grinding together as his jaws were clenched so tight that he has since lost all feeling. He begged to lose feeling throughout his whole body as the pain that was radiating from his wrists was beginning to be too much to bear. The cold metal chains clung tightly against his wrists as they seemed to be pulling his body so far apart that he began to wish that he would just rip already. His muscles screamed at the constant agony that these so called protectors were putting him through. Lowering his head into his chest, he clenched his jaw tighter as if it would help stop the tears that threatened to spill.

Then a single name was screamed throughout the darkness; the voice seemed to stop his very heart in its tracks. His head whipped up and his eyes shot open as he tried to look through the blackness. The voice echoed off the walls of the room and rapidly hit his ears at an almost painful rate. He tried to push himself off of his knees to his feet, but the chained seemed to tighten against his wrists and pull farther apart. A scream of pain ripped up his throat and pushed its way out of his mouth, but it seemed to just become lost in the darkness. He began to fight against the pulling of the cold metal so he could chase after that bitter sweet voice that he yearned for.


Zaheer shot up out of the bed; his breathing as ragged as it could possibly be. Lowering his head into his hands he tried to calm himself before he looked around; there was still a small fear that lived inside of him that he would awake and find himself back in those chains. Two small hands gently laid themselves against the sides of his face and slowly pulled his head up so he was looking into two deep pools of the ocean blue.

No words were said as the younger woman leaned forward to place a kiss on top of the man's forehead. The young woman pulled the man down with her so they were both lying down; the man had his arms wrapped around her stomach as he rested his head in her chest. The young woman seemed to hum a melody as she ran her fingers through his long hair. The young woman did not ask him what his dream was; for she already knew what it was and she just needed to make sure that he knew that he was safe. He would talk when he wanted to, but right now all he wanted to do was hold on to the love of his life.

"Korra?" The man spoke once his heart had calmed itself down to a reasonable rate. Korra lifted her head to glance down at Zaheer, but did not stop running her fingers though his black and gray hair.

"Hm?" The young woman smiled sweetly down at this battered man that she couldn't help but love. Zaheer pushed himself off of Korra and moved himself up so he was just hovering over her face.

"I love you." With those three words said Zaheer leaned down and softly captured the young woman's lips. His large rough hands threaded into her soft chocolate waves as he gently pulled her closer as if he was trying to prove to himself that she was indeed with him now.

"I love you too." Korra whispered against his lips as soon as the two were able to separate themselves. Now it was his turn to smile against her lips and she quickly pulled him back down for another kiss. Their lips began to mold against each other as the tenderness and love of such a simple act was beginning to turn into something different. Zaheer pulled back to look at the young woman's eyes; a small smile filled her lips when he brushed some hair behind her ear.

"Let's have another child." Zaheer said looking down at his love who was now giving him a look as if she could not believe he just suggested that.

"What?" Korra all but screamed as her eyes almost bugged out of her head; she shot up in their bed basically pushing Zaheer off of her. Zaheer simply moved off of the bed and pulled Korra along with him so they both were standing next to the bed. Zaheer gracefully fell to his one knee and he reached over to softly grab her hands. The young woman swears she never heard him speak so softly.

"I love you with everything I have. Although I am a broken man, I wish to give you all that I have left." Zaheer whispered so sweetly as he tightened his grip on her hands ever so slightly. He reached over in the night stand and pulled out a blue ribbon with a small blue stone in the middle with the most intricate design carved into it, "I want you forever, forever and always. I will never stop losing my breath every time I see you looking back at me, I will never stop choosing you, my love, I will never get used to you. You still get my heart racing, and I wish to be able to feel that for every single day of my life until I die. I never had anything to lose until I first held you in my arms, now you have become my life and I know that I don't deserve you. You are my life, my love, my only, and I wanted to know if you, Korra, would marry me?"

Korra's breath got caught up in her throat as the tears threatened to spill down her blushing face. Korra opened her mouth, her words trembling as much as she was, for she was filled to the brim with happiness and fear.

"Oh, Zaheer, —"

A White Lotus guard threw open the sliding door to the room without even attempting to knock. The Guard did not hesitate when he saw Zaheer kneeling on the ground, obviously proposing to the young woman. Zaheer quickly stood up as he put the necklace away in his pocket and Zaheer walked into the bathroom that was built into their room.

"Korra, you are urgently needed in Republic City." The guard simply stated as the young Avatar glared daggers at him.

"But I am kind of busy, and I am not even dres—" Korra began to speak, but was once again cut off by the guard.

"I am sorry for the interruption, but you are needed. I was told to tell you that it was crucial and you were to come as soon as possible." The White Lotus guard spoke in a monotone voice, but was shaking in fear on the inside because of the looks that the young woman was giving him.

Korra was about to protest once again, but a pair of strong hands rested on her shoulders easing away almost all of the tension and rage that was building up inside of her. Zaheer placed a kiss on the back of her head.

"It is okay," Zaheer said loud enough for the guard to hear, "The world needs you far more than I do. Go save it, I will be here with the boys when you are done."

Korra let out an extremely loud and unnecessary groan as she stomped her way into the bathroom as she angrily slammed the door behind her. After a couple minutes Korra came out dressed in her normal water tribe getup. Korra all but jumped on Zaheer wrapping her arms tightly around his neck and repeatedly said she was sorry. After she pulled away from him, gave him a quick kiss and followed the guard out of the room glancing back at Zaheer.

Once Korra and the guard were out of sight, Zaheer let out a rather loud sigh and fell back on the bed.

The door slowly creaked open as a small flame was rising from the palm of her hand as she tried to see into the dark room. Korra slid into the room, and closed the door as quietly as she could, careful not to wake the man who was spread out on the bed peacefully snoring. A small smile filled Korra lips when she saw the man she loved; she walked up to the edge of the bed and kneeled next to the bed and brushed some hair out of Zaheer's face.

"I do." Korra whispered as she leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead. The man stirred a little; he raised his head and slowly opened his eyes. Zaheer eye's struggled to see through the dark to see whose shadow was looming over him.

"Korra?" Zaheer whispered in a husky voice. Korra quickly pulled her shirt over her head, and shimmied out of her pants.

"It's me, hun." Korra whispered as she un-wrapped her chest bindings and then slid underneath the sheets. Zaheer quickly wrapped his arms around her smaller frame and pulled her back up against his chest. He placed a kiss on her neck and snuggled as close as he could.

A strong hand rested itself against her hip and gently shook Korra trying to bring her out of her sleep. Korra groaned and tried to curl up tighter in the blankets as she tried to ignore her duties. The mission the day prior kept her well into the night; barely getting any rest, she was hoping to sleep in today, but apparently some one else had other plans.

"Korra, come on, you promised the boys that we would take them to the beach today." Zaheer said as he let out a small chuckle at the look Korra gave him when he said that. Korra let out a rather loud groan and sat up in the bed.

"Was that today?" Korra mumbled as she scratched her head in confusion; she remembered telling the boys that she would take them to the beach, but she swore it was a different day.

"Yes, it was today." Zaheer said shaking his head at the woman who stared at him in disbelief, "I kept the boys out of here for an hour, but they are beginning to get anxious….."

"Fine. I'm going, I'm going." Korra yawned as she began to walk into the closet shooing Zaheer away with her right hand.