*** Well this is it guys! I am almost sad to see it end! Please check out my new story Hidden in Plain Sight. It is a Sesshomaru and o/c story. You know I love my Sesshy stories! I also have another Sesshomaru and Kagome story I would like to write that will take place back in time. I probably wont start that one though until I am close to being done with Hidden in Plain Sight. So keep an eye out!***


Kagome laughed, as she watched her son suckle greedily at her breast. His silver hair stuck out in tufts and big blue eyes stared at her lovingly. He was the greatest gift Sesshomaru could ever giver her. Her eyes filled with tears at the precious bundle in her arms. Besides having her blue eyes he looked exactly like his father. At one month old he was already the pride of the Taisho pack.

Rin and Shippo both loved their new little brother. They kept telling her over and over about how they couldn't wait for him to get bigger, so that they could play with him. Kagome was thankful neither child had reacted badly to the announcement of another child joining the family. They had both cheered wildly and asked if it was a boy or girl.

Sesshomaru's father had taken the news the best. The man had grinned from ear to ear at the prospect of another grandchild. Of course that meant she had to plan a wedding faster than thought to avoid being too big for her wedding dress. Izayoi and her own mother had put their heads together and had one planned out in one month.

It was held in the ballroom of the Taisho mansion with their closest friends and family in attendance. Flowers had poured out of vases and pots despite it being the heart of winter. Best of all, no one had even realized Kagome was two months pregnant until they had announced it at the reception. It would forever be one of the greatest days of her life.

When her son was done eating, she burped him and put him in a new onesie. He gurgled and kicked his little legs happily when she laid him down in his crib for nap time. "My sweet little, Ryota. My strong son." Leaning down she placed a kiss on his head and turned on his mobile.

Kagome could feel Sesshomaru come to stand behind her. Leaning back into him, she glowed with happiness. Her life was perfect. She had three beautiful children, a handsome husband, and a loving family.

She had even finally forgiven Inuyasha and Kikyo enough to let them visit their nephew. The two had just recently married and settled down to start their own family. It was no longer a time to hold grudges but to rejoice in blessings. There was nothing like a brush with death to make you realize what was really important in life.

Turning off the light in Ryota's room, Kagome and Sesshomaru walked to their own room hand in hand. Kagome figured she would wait a year before asking Sesshomaru for another child. She wanted a houseful of children, love, and laughter.

As for Kagura, she was rumored to have moved to America. No one knew for sure or really cared enough to check. Though it was said that she was now strutting her stuff in the playboy mansion instead of practicing law. Sesshomaru had warned her what would happen if Kagome was hurt, and he had kept his word. If she put in a resume with any company in the world he would know and see to it that she was the laughing stock of the business world. She had apparently decided to cash in on her other… assets.

Miroku and Sango were happy to have Kagome back safe. Sango had been maid of honor at Kagome's wedding. Miroku had been asked to step in as best man. The two were to finally be married in the spring. They also spent many evenings over at Kagome and Sesshomaru's house, enjoying Sesshomaru's culinary skills. They were considered honorary aunt and uncle to the children, as well as being god parents.

All was well in the Taisho world.