Assassination Classroom - Injured

Pairing: Akabane Karma x Okuda Manami

Staggering down the steep hillside, Okuda Manami struggled to keep up with her classmates. Many of them were already halfway down the hill, and Kayano Kaede's constant hollering for her to pick up pace, wasn't very helpful.

"Come on, Okuda-san!" speaking of the green haired girl, Kayano glanced back over her shoulder, catching Okuda's eye as the shy girl gave her a stammered response.


Giggling softly at Okuda's rather cute response, Kayano slowed down her pace a bit, now jogging along with Nagisa Shiota and his friends, Sugino Tomohito, the baseball fanatic and the bad boy of the class, Karma Akabane. She made small talk with them, mostly Nagisa though, Sugino was too preoccupied staring at Kanzaki Yukiko, the female of the class that most of the males adored, and Karma who was just lazily minding his own business.

Finally catching up with Kayano, Okuda breathed out a sigh of relief as Nagisa and Kayano greeted her.

"Hey, Okuda-san!" the blue haired male greeted kindly, flashing Okuda a warm hearted smile.

"You made it, Okuda-san!" Kayano proudly exclaimed, ducking down as a branch nearly hit her head.

Also ducking down and feeling the branches leaves brush over her hair, Okuda smiled nervously back at the two. Sugino waved in greeting and Karma side glanced the girl, a smirk plastered over his lips. Jumping over some rocks and ridges and also trying to keep a firm hold on the ground, the group of five traveled slower than the rest of the class, letting Okuda catch her breath. It wasn't that she wasn't fit or anything, but the steep hillside was taking a toll on the girls petite body, with gravity working against her, yet having to slow down her pace so she doesn't trip and hurt herself, of course she would have to slow down. But then there were some of her classmates who clearly did not care if they got hurt or not, and at that moment, that was Nagisa, Kayano, and Sugino.


Kayano's sudden exclamation of the number three, triggered the three of them, herself, Nagisa, and Sugino, to pelt for the bottom. Their grinning faces were the last thing Okuda saw, as she stumbled down from the sudden gust of air they had created. The unexpected sensation of her body falling made her squeal out in surprise as she used her forearms to cover her face.

Swiftly catching her and pulling the petite girl up, Karma held her tightly against himself as he felt Okuda's sharp intakes against his chest. Panting for air and shaking from the near collision to the ground, Okuda shakily glanced up as her lavender colored eyes made eye contact with slightly amused, mercury one's.

"Are you OK, Okuda-san?" the red head asked sincerely, but the amused look on his face countered the sincerity Okuda thought she heard in his voice.

"I-I'm f-fine!" she stammered out, a blush creeping up on her face as she glanced back down, fixing her distorted glasses as well.

They stayed like that for awhile, Okuda's burning face and Karma's rather amused look.


The sudden exclamation of there other classmates voices brought Okuda back to her senses. Pushing Karma away lightly, she staggered a bit to the side, creating some space between herself and the fiery red head.

"L-let's g-go..." the chemist girl muttered out shyly, keeping her face hidden from the mischief maker.

Gingerly walking down the hill once more, and having to go a tad bit faster, Okuda winced every now and then as she placed her left foot down gently. Her ankle was oddly pulsing in pain. It suddenly collapsed on her as she stumbled onto her knee.

"Ow, ow, ow..." she mumbled, squeezing her eyes shut in pain as she wrapped her hands around her pained ankle.

Pausing and glancing down at the dark haired girl, Karma sighed as he walked on over and lifted Okuda's left arm.

"Huh!?" Okuda exclaimed in surprise. Glancing once again over at Karma, she continued to speculate him in shock as he wrapped her arm around his shoulders, and using his free hand, wrapped it around her waist. Properly standing up, Karma gave her a sharp toothed grin and began to slightly jog down the hill.

Okuda was forced to hop along on her right foot, leaning on Karma lightly as to decrease the pressure on her left ankle.

Finally making it to the bottom of the hill where everyone else was waiting, Mr. Karasuma immediatly went on over to the two, as to inquire what took them so long. Setting Okuda down, the mischief maker helped her get into a sitting position in which no pressure would be placed on her injured ankle, and rolling up her pants, he eyed her injury and made note of what to do.

"Akabane, Okuda, what - "Mr. Karasuma cut himself off unexpectedly as he saw the odd swelling on Okuda's left ankle. Karma was already inspecting the damage, and picking up the girl bridal style, he gave a confident smirk to their gym teacher.

"I'll be right back,"

Without waiting for a response, Karma walked off briskly, huddling Okuda close to him as the girl feebly blushed and grasped at his shirt. Okuda could feel the prying eyes of her classmates as she buried her face onto Karma's chest, blushing heavily and trying not to squeal in embarrassment.

Entering the staff room like it was his own room, Karma ignored Professor Irina Jelavic's rather icy stare, as the curvy lady raised a questioning eyebrow towards the two.

"And exactly, what are you doing?" she asked stoically, keeping a rather cool and calm facade on.

Bluntly ignoring her once more, Karma placed Okuda gently down on one of the empty chairs and grabbed a stool that was nearby. Using the stool to prop up Okuda's injured foot, he glanced at the girls face to see her cheeks were tinted a shade of red that could've been the same color as his hair. An amused snicker escaped him as he glanced away before she could see his face. Standing up, he raided the drawers and desks, looking for a bandage roll.

Not to pleased about being ignored, Professor Irina folded her arms firmly over her large breasts and watched as Karma wandered around searching for the bandage rolls. Finally finding them on one of the bottom drawers, he went back to Okuda and taking her foot, he glanced at the glasses girl and said, "It's gonna hurt a bit,"

Nodding understandingly, Okuda pursed her lips together as Karma began to wrap the bandage around her swollen ankle. It hurt at first, while Karma was tightening up the bandage and all. He used his pocket knife to cut it down to size, making sure Irina-sensei didn't see him take it out.


Standing up, the taller boy lent a hand towards Okuda, and hesitantly taking it, she stood up on both her legs and winced. The pain had decreased, but it was still there. It was a much duller pain then before though, as the poison maker smiled up at the mischief maker in gratitude.

"Thank you, Karma-kun!" she exclaimed, a grateful smile on her face, as the taller boy looked away - a red tint splashing onto his cheeks.

Huffing out of irritation, Irina-sensei ignored the two's interaction and went back to browsing the net.

The pair walked on back inside there classroom, after Okuda got changed from gym and Karma had kept the bandage roll on him. They noticed the intense stares they were receiving and while Karma could easily brush it off, it made Okuda squirm uncomfortably, and to Karma, it made her look ten times cuter.