Hello ^.^

This is my first Hobbit fanfiction and I hope you'll like it. English is not my first language, so forgive me if it's not well written...but I'll try my best to improve. Feel free to comment if you see anything wrong and reviews are always welcome. I want to give thanks to FiliandKili'sGirl18 and guardian of durins line for the support and for giving me the courage to try this.

Edited 13/05/2016

Disclaimer: I only own my OC characters, the rest belongs to J.R.R. Tolkien, J.K. Rowling and Peter Jackson.


Watching her own reflection in the mirror, she saw a short woman in her late twenties with a wavy red hair and some freckles on her face and neck. When someone would look at her, they would always mention her olive green eyes, her straight nose and her lips, not too full and neither too thin. She resembled the face of her grandmother, Murron McAllister.

It was another day of work, so Katrin did a braid on her long hair, otherwise it wouldn't be practical to work. She dressed a pair of dragon leather pants with a blue blouse. The holster with her wand was already on her left arm.

Now she felt confident for another day of work.

She walked to the stairs while thinking about her own life.

Her name was Katrin and she was the daughter of a witch and a dwarf, but not just any dwarf. Her father was from another realm, linked with the dark forest from the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. This other realm was called Middle Earth and it was from there that her father came by accident. She knew little from her father past, because he didn't talk too much about it. She never insisted because she knew he turned sad every time she insisted, so one day she stopped. Maybe he missed his home too much and that was the reason.

She remembered her childhood with joy. During winter she used to play with her father in the snow, while building things. After that, they used to drink a cup of hot chocolate that her mother gave them to warm. She remembered when they did the Christmas tree. Once, when she was five, she insisted on putting the star on the top and tripped making the tree fell, causing chaos. Her mother rearranged the tree with a movement of the wand finishing the mess Katrin caused. Those were happy memories; she used those when casting a patronus spell to defend from Dementors. Dementors were the guards of Azkaban, the English prison for wizards and witches. She did go there once because of her job and it was like an endless nightmare, very frightening.

Like many witches and wizards, Katrin was raised with the stories of the magical world. But what she liked most was hearing about Hogwarts, for her that was one of the most fascinating stories filled with adventures. Her father fond them amazing and even went there the summer she received her letter. He insisted on personally knowing the place his daughter would be attending. Never did the headmaster of the school found such a worried and zealous father or stubborn. After meeting Dumbledore, they became acquaintances sharing life stories. Brandin Fundin, her father, told professor Dumbledore about Middle Earth. First, Dumbledore became dubious but then believed him. He advise them to never tell anyone about the portal located in the dark forest. After all, there was a strong motive that made it forbidden to all, and that was only one of the many secrets.

Her mother, Katherine McAllister, born and raised in Inverness, was from an old line of witches and wizards. But since the first great wizard war, they became fewer in number. Katherine was a very talented healer at St. Mungus Hospital, in fact she was chief of one team of young healers.

Despite not being a wizard, Brandin Fundin didn't have any difficulty in finding a job. In fact, he was able to continue his previous occupation as a jewelry maker. He started selling his work at a little shop at Diagon-Alley, working for a wizard called Sylvester Diamond, who recognized and valued his craft.

When Katrin was eleven she was sorted into Hufflepuff, although her family was rooting for Ravenclaw. The majority of wizards on her mother's family were from Ravenclaw. Only her great grandmother had been from Hufflepuff, but that had been a long time ago and curiously her great grandfather had been from Slytherin. Now that was irony, at least that was what Katrin always thought.

She was from the same year as Harry Potter but she only befriend him after Hogwarts, when they became close because of the Auror Academy.

In the year Katrin turned sixteen, Voldemort came back with his maddening ideas and restarted with his evil plans. People started to be murdered and disappearing, chaos was arising everywhere again. Her parents almost didn't let her go back to Hogwarts, but her grandfather said that would be a sign of weakness. So she went to Hogwarts despite the danger.

On her seventeen year at Hogwarts, when Christmas came that would be her last Christmas with her father. Upon January 13th he was murdered by death eaters, followers of Voldemort. Katrin found out by the news from the Daily Prophet. Minutes later, she received her mother's owl. She and her mother were devastated for a long time.

The ambience at Hogwarts became even more intolerable. Watching death eaters among the teachers staff and seeing all the horrible things they did every day…was insupportable. They teached and practiced the forbidden curses on the students. On that year, the students became very few, some didn't even return to Hogwarts after Christmas break. In fact, those who continued attending school regretted.

Katrin always wished to be an auror, just like her uncle Kian. He always gave her incentive, giving her lots of books since her 1st year at Hogwarts, which was the time she showed interest for the career. He was like a second father to Katrin, and her cousins like brothers.

For a long time after her father death, she found comfort only with her studies and profession. Since that day, she became obsessed with learning all that she could. She started reading all that she thought would be of help with her job. That included, spending hours at the Aurors Academy, training her defensive and attacking spells for days. She even insisted on having extra classes of transfiguration and potions, and even about muggle survival skills. The last one, made her few friends laugh at her. They didn't understand why would a witch or wizard, want to learn about muggle things, and worse than that: muggle survival skills. The only person that didn't thought that she was crazy, besides her mother, was Harry Potter, one of the friends she made at the Academy of Aurors. He understood her need of learning all that she could. Harry even asked her, if she wouldn't want to be an animagus, but she refused, thinking she hadn't the skills. Katrin knew that her father wouldn't be happy if he knew about her lack of confidence. But she knew she wasn't as skilled as others were or better, she was terrified of a possible accident. She didn't want to risk it.

Katrin was now 27 years old, working as an auror at the Ministry of Magic in London. She still lived with her mother, Katherine, in Scotland. For generations her mother's family had lived in that area. For muggles it seemed like an abandoned castle, one of those one easily finds in the Highlands, but it was far from that. It was beautiful, made with red stones and two little towers. And like most castles, had a lake filled with magical creatures.

Lately, in the past few weeks, she started having weird dreams about adventures. The first time, Katrin thought that it was merely a different and childish dream, but soon after that they kept repeating and she knew that those weren't normal dreams. Katrin knew that she was dreaming about a place she never went, her father's home: Middle Earth.

But what disturbed her more in these dreams, was not the dream, but the feeling she kept having when she saw him. From time to time, since she was a little girl, she had dreams that were like visions. It was a family gift that was what her mother told her.

In her dreams about Middle Earth, there was always a man that she could only remember his blue eyes. They felt so sad and familiar like she knew him. Those eyes made her feel very confused and with irrational feelings.

Katrin knew it was time for her to visit Middle Earth and meet her father's family and culture. She felt it in her heart that she was meant to go there. It was time to read the journal her father left her.

Hope you liked it. I will post next chapter soon. Please review! =)