*cowards in corner*

Any way, hope you like.

Unknown place

3rd person pov

Systems restart


Memory Core activated

Systems Online

Optimus Prime awoke with a start, heaving with a sharp intake. Dirt and dust flew away from him as he coughed, shaking pieces of rubble away and off of him, Deep dents were placed in his armor, scratches even more so. He grunted as he tried to pick himself up, barely managing to do so. He looked around, a hard fact hitting him. He was in the Base's remains.

He stood shakily, his limbs quivering. How long he was out, he didn't know, but he knew it must've been for a while. He groaned as he walked, his knee joints clicking into place. The Prime noted that the groundbridge console was taken and the Command Center was too. Everything seemed to be burnt and torn to shreds; the platform the children hung out on was spiraled and twisted. The were no sign of them or the other Autobots; he wasn't even sure where they were. To think about it, he didn't know if they were alive.


"Decepticon alert!" Ratchet called, the red lights flashing all around. The Autobots were ready to attack anything that moved.

"Ratchet, groundbridge the humans out of here." Optimus told him, who got a nod in response. The poor, poor children were terrified and begged their guardians' to let them stay. But they knew their position and that they would be safe with Fowler and June.

"Optimus, they're right on top of us!"

"Autobots, evacuate!"

It was all he could remember, and it nearly scarred the life out of him. What if they were dead? Separated? He knew they were most likely captured, and that calmed him, but it was the fear of the unknown. First, he needed to find how long he was out. Then he needed to find their human allies, and soon after that, find a way unto that blasted warship.

He sighed as he entered the center of the base. The Autobot insignia on the floor was covered by the pieces of the ceiling and walls, dust covering that. He shook his helm, letting it slightly droop. He ws not one to lose hope, but these situations seemed hopeless. He turned and walked in the direction of the road, hiding behind large hunks of rock that was left.

The old beaten road now looked like a futuristic highway. He thought he might as well scan a vehicle, so he waited. A 'big rig', as the humans called it, passed by. He took the opportunity, scanning it. Thankfully no one noticed the bright blue field of light. Humans must've thought he was just another car. Perfect.

He transformed, pulling onto the road. He switched lanes as he enter the town. Instead of it being a small, dirt town, it was huge and full of technology. He decided to go to the Darby's residence, maybe June or Jack were there. He was tired of angry drivers and complicated roads.

He drove into the driveway, careful no to crash into flower pots. He activated his hologram and leaned out of the driver's window, honking the horn. A machine whirled out of the automatic doors, flashing lights at his alt. mode.

"Enter Name Now!"

"My name is Optimus Prime. Who lives here?"

The machine ran back inside the door. It only took a few seconds or three adults to come out.

One was a woman with grey hair and a doctor's uniform, a badge of some sort on her chest. Next to her was a younger woman with brown hair tied into a messy bun wearing casual clothes, and next to that woman was a man in his fourties that had stubble on his chin and a scar on his right temple on the side of his head.

Jack had gotten a scar there when he lost his memory.

Optimus' holographic form stepped out of the truck and towards the humans. He stepped right in front of them before speaking.


The man and the older woman ran forwards and hugged him, both close to tears.

"Optimus," The grown teenager sraid. "Where were you?"

"At the base." He replied. "But I fear it was brought down long ago."

"You can explain that later, for now, come into the garage." June ushered, shooing him. She pressed a button from a remote in her hand and the giant door opened. He drove in, His tires screeching to a halt. The Prime's hologram then jumped out of the truck, glancing around.

"I see that the future has some.. arrangements. How long have I been out?" He asked the honorary Prime. Jack shuffled his feet.

"Optimus.. you've been out for nearly 45 years."

Arcee sighed from her spot in the cell. they had been here for nearly half a vorn, being tortured and beaten up for information with no avail for the 'Cons.

Each day Megatron would take one of them into a room made for torturing. They had no idea where it was since they were knocked out on the way there. They would be there for hours, being stabbed, cut, slapped, punched, and other methods. It always had a certain order: Her, then Ratchet, Bulkhead, Bumblebee, then Smokescreen.

The energon the were given was rather spoiled or poisoned, but they took what they could get. The cage they were kept in gave each their personal space, but no one seemed to care about it.

Two vehicons opened the door. "Your turn," One of them said, pointing at the femme. She obeyed, stepping out. They hit her hard on the helm, and soon she was out. They carried her to the room, hooking up chains to her servos, peds, and neck. All she had to do was wait for Megatron.

Soon he came in, walking the entrance, wearing his evil smile.

'Have anything to say, Arcee?"

"Go to Kaon." She spat, keeping her gaze at the floor.

He kept his gaze on her. "You know the saying, 'If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all'?"

She rolled her optics. He continued . "That must not apply to you, since your just so special."

The femme looked up at him as he unleashed his sword. "I'll show you just how special you are."

He took the tip of it and scraped it along her faceplate, energon spilling out. She held back a scream; she didn't want to show weakness to him.

Hours later she was thrown, literally, into the cell. Bumblebee limped over to her and drug her over to Ratchet, who examined her wounds. He nodded, releasing her. She leaned on the side of cell as they called in Ratchet. Her joints gave a metallic whirl as she sat down, glancing at the drones as they took his limp body away. She turned on her side, crossing her arms.

"What do ya think his after now?" She asked quietly.

"Optimus." Bulkhead responded, looking down.

"Or where he is." Bumblebee countered.

Smokescreen nodded. "Do you think he's still.."

"Yeah, o-of course he is."

"That's why he's a Prime, right?"

Arcee nodded, looking away. Optimus, She thought, Where are you?