Okay, so here is my second Steven Universe story. My first one was "One Day" which was a Lapis Lazuli one-shot story. After getting a lot of positive reviews on that story, I would like to start an on going story of Steven Universe. This story is filled with mystery, some angst, a good amount of comedy, and a bunch of other stuff. I hope you guys enjoy.

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Steven was fast asleep after fighting three corrupted gem monsters in one day. It had been two weeks since the whole Gem slumber party, and ever since then, he has been dreaming of Lapis, Jasper, and Malachite. But why? What did it mean?

When he went to bed, he expected another Lapis, Jasper, and Malachite dream, but this time, it was...different.

Steven's eyes slowly opened as he found himself in a pitch black place. It was so dark and mysterious that he couldn't even see his own hands!

Nevertheless, Steven walked slowly and carefully, getting paranoid. It seemed so...depressing.

"Um...hello?! Anyone there?!" Steven shouted in the darkness.

No reply.

He kept walking until he heard something come up behind him. Steven quickly turned around, wondering if he would find something or someone, but when he turned, nothing was there.

Steven then got worried. He had never been scared of the dark, but this was a different kind of darkness.

Suddenly, he felt someone watching him from afar. Steven started sweating a little, getting even more nervous.

All of a sudden, a figure started walking towards him in the darkness. Even though he couldn't see anything, for some reason he could see the figure clearly.

It walked up to him, and it was revealed that the figure...was him.

Steven looked at the copy of himself carefully. Everything looked the same about him.

"W-who are you?" Steven asked, confused.

"I am you." The copy of Steven replied, in a emotionless tone.

"How can you be me? I am standing right here. How could you possibly be me?'" Now Steven was getting really confused.

Suddenly, Steven noticed something odd about the copy. It seemed like it was Steven, but something felt off about him. Something that didn't seem right.

"I told you, I am you. Believe it or not, we are one in the same." The copy spoke, now showing a hint of irritation in its voice.

"I'm confused. What's going on here?"

The copy of Steven just chuckled and then said, "You will find out soon enough, Steven..."

Than, the copy of him disappeared in a pile of smoke.

"Huh?" Steven exclaimed, looking around.

"Ugh, what's going on?!" Steven yelled in confusion, wondering what was happening.

Steven began to keep walking, until he heard whispers coming from all around him.

Steven thought it was just in his head, until he heard the whispers turn louder and louder.

He couldn't make out what they were saying because it seemed like it was speaking in gibberish, but once the whispers got even louder, he knew what they were saying.

They were saying his name.


Suddenly, a bunch of eyes formed all around him as he continued to here all the whispers.

"Steven..." This time, when they whispered his name, it seemed like they were getting a little angry.

Steven started looking all around him, getting scared.

"What is it? What do you want!?" Steven asked in panic.


Steven's eyes shot open as he woke up from his weird dream, breathing hard.

Lion heard this and woke up.

Steven kept panting as Lion came up to him.

Lion gave him a look that said "What's wrong?"

Steven calmed down for a second, and looked at Lion.

"Heh, did I wake you up?" Steven asked with a chuckle.

Lion just glared in annoyance.

"Sorry Lion, just had a bad dream. You can go back to bed now..." Steven said, laying back down on his bed.

Lion then went back down to his own "bed" and instantly went to sleep.

Steven looked up at the ceiling in deep thought. What could that weird dream mean?

Steven thought it would mean nothing, but something in his gut told him that it means something if it was such a long and bazaar dream.

Steven turned his head at the portrait of Rose. Could that dream have anything to do with his Mom?

Steven's thoughts then drifted to Lapis. He had dreamt of her a lot and now all of a sudden he gets some random, scary dream? Steven thought that the dream was a sign of some sort.

Could it be a warning? He didn't know.

But for right now, everything seemed okay for the gem hybrid, and he hoped he would not get another dream like that ever again.

But, unbeknownst to Steven, there was a figure standing right outside his window. Ready to strike when the time was right.

Alrighty, first chapter completed. Believe it or not, this is actually my first mystery story, so I hope you guys enjoyed it. Leave a review, and please no flaming! :D