Broken bonds shattered dreams

Chapter one the accident

"We begin with a story..."

"We are the Crystal Gems, We'll always save the day, And if you think we can't, We'll always find a way, That's why the people of this world believe in Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl and Steven!" Steven sang as the group traveled through the jungle.

"Steven please stop singing that song! Where trying to sneak up on that monster! Or did you forget why where here!" Pearl scolded.

"Oh lighten up Pearl he's only trying to have fun!" Amethyst hissed back.

"Fun!" Pearl's eye twitched as she was ovasly agitated by her teammates lack of seriousness. "This "mission" Isn't supposed to be fun! Its meant to be a serious mission!" Pearl snapped.

A loud roar echoed through the trees.

A huge two headed monster roared at the team.

"See look what you did know Amethyst!" Pearl snapped.

"Me! You where the one shouting!" She snapped back.

"Enough you two! Our priority is to protect Steven and get the gem!" Garnet told them.

"Garnet is right." Pearl said attacking the beast.

Before the Gems could blink the last thing they saw was Steven disappearing over the edge of the Clift with a cry.

"Steven!" All of them cried out in usasion. Garnet poofed the monster and sent the gem back to the temple then ran to the bottom of the Clift.

At the bottom all three of them gasped at the sight. Steven was standing, bloody but standing.

"Steven your okay! But how? Did your bubble protect you?" Pearl asked.

Steven turned around slowly. the Gems all gasped at the sight.

"S-Steven...y-your gem...its cracked!" Pearl gasped holding her hands over her mouth.

"Wow dude that's a bad crack." Amethyst said.

"Your bubble didn't help you, did it?" Garnet said.

Steven walked towards them saying nothing, he just walked away from them without a word, no expression on his face. the Gems looked at one another in concern before standing on the warp with Steven the light beaming them back to the temple.

Once back at the temple Lion looked up and jumped on Steven.

"Get off me Lion I don't want to play with you right know." Steven said pushing lion off of him.

Lion frowned and growled confused.

Steven went up to his room and covered himself in his blanket. He would have preferred to go to his mothers room but he couldn't not now.

'How could I have let this happen to me!' Steven thought to himself sadly.

-Deeper inside the temple-

"How could you have let this happen Amethyst! I thought you were watching Steven!" Pearl snapped!

"I thought you were watching him!" Amethyst snapped back.

"I can't stand you Amethyst you're so-" Pearl hesitated.

"Yeah go on say it pearl!" Amethyst snapped her anger fuming.

"That's enough! Both of you need to calm down and fouse where here because of Steven. We have to get him to heal his gem before it cracks worse. " Garnet said.

Both Amethyst and pearl looked at each other.

"Right, sorry Amethyst." Pearl said.

"I'm not-" Garnet elbows Amethyst. "Okay jezz. I'm sorry Pearl."

"Now then, let's go out and get Steven to try to heal his gem!" Garnet said.

Pearl and Amethyst both nodded.

-in the main house-

"Steven?" Garnet asked.

"What is it?" Steven asked as he walked down the stairs wrapped tightly in his blanket.

"Steven can you heal your gem? I think you've waited long enough." Garnet said.

"I already didn't work." Steven said quietly.

"Then let's try Rose's tears." Pearl said.

Steven frowns but stands on the warp pad.

-at the fountain-

"Where here." Garnet said. "Go over to the fountain and see if you can heal your gem."

Steven looked at the statue of his mother.

'Please, please let this work.' Steven pleaded to himself.

Steven took a bit of water from the fountain and put it on his gem. It began to glow.

A smile found its way onto his face, that was until the light dissapred leaving only his cracked gem.

"I-it didn't work..." Steven said chocking back a sob.

"I don't understand why didn't the tears work Garnet?" Pearl asked.

"I'm not sure but this worries me greatly." Garnet said.

Pearl hugged Steven tightly.

"We'll figure all this out Steven. I promise you that." Perl said.

But little Did pearl know was watching from the shadows was a boy dressed in black. A smirk crossed his lips. soon enough that body he longed for finally would be his! All he had to do was corrupt the mind and then everything would fall into place. The he dissapred into nothingness.

A/N: Yeah new fandom! New stories to write. I'm not crazy about Steven universe but I figured that I wanted to write this story so here it is! The first chapter! I would like to thank my friend Peter. who also got me watching the TV show. and for helping me start this story off.