Allen never realized how lonely he was. It was just Timcanpy and himself in his house. By now it has been a few weeks since the incident back in Japan, and without Kanda. Those few days with the police investigator were some of Allen's best. He missed him, and had written the other once a week. But Kanda had only sent one reply back to Allen.

"I miss you too Moyashi. But I'm trying very hard to work something out right now. Just keep waiting.

-Love, Kanda"

It was short, and Allen knew that he shouldn't lose faith, especially since Kanda had signed with love, but Allen still grew worried. He wanted to know what Kanda was up too. And it bothered him even more since at times it seemed like Lavi knew what was going on, and he wouldn't tell Allen anything. There was then a knock at the door. At first Allen wanted to ignore it, but when Timcanpy gave a whistle Allen knew it was Lavi. Upon opening the door Allen was indeed greeted by the redhead.

"Hey Lavi." Allen waved to the other as backed away from the doorway so that he could come in.

"Turn on the TV!" Lavi shouted and pushed Allen to the living room.

"What? Lavi!" Allen yelped.

"Quickly!" Lavi seated Allen on the couch and handed him the remote. Allen still gave Lavi a questioning look, but he turned on the TV nonetheless. What was on was the news.

"This just in the case of the Noah are still at large." The news lady reported.

"What?" Allen almost jumped up from the couch, but Lavi sat him back down.

"Listen." Lavi ordered.

"Even though the head of the nefarious group was arrested weeks ago in Japan, reports have it that many of the Noah group leaders are still at large. The members are said to be scattered throughout the world." The news lady explained before it switched to a different reporter.

"The Noah are still out there?" Allen tensed up slightly. And the poor guy jumped when there was a knock at his door. And it didn't help when Timcanpy started tweeting and flapping his wings.

"Why don't you go answer?" Lavi said with a wide grin. Allen just knew Lavi was up to something now, but what could it possibly be? Nevertheless, Allen walked to the door and slowly began to open to door. Allen kept his eyes closed from nerves, even when he fully opened the door.

"Can't you even look at me baka Moyashi, I thought you missed me." Allen's eye snapped open, and he was greeted with the sight of a smirking Kanda.

"Yu!" Allen cried out and jumped the other man. Arms went around necks and a strong hug went both ways. "What are you doing here?" Allen just had to ask.

"When the report that there were still Noah at large, I used it as an opportunity to see if I could get filed to guard you again. After all, you were a target before and now that the boss is in jail, you'd be just as big a target." Kanda stated with a small wink.

"So your stuck with me again?" Allen asked with a smile.

"Yep. Now go kick out the usagi, you and I have a lot of catching up to do." Kanda walked on into the house and went to give a greeting to Timcanpy.

"Why can't I be here? I missed you too Yu!" Lavi stated with a whine. A blade made its way to Lavi neck.

"You don't call me that." The police officer hissed.

"But Allen gets too." Lavi complained.

"You better leave." Kanda warned. Lavi put his hands up in defense and slowly began walking towards the door.

"Bye Lavi." Allen gave a wave before closing the door behind the redhead. "So why'd we have to kick out Lavi?"

"I want to take you out somewhere private." Kanda replied.

"Hmm? Where?" Allen asked.

"You'll see. You just have to trust me." Kanda held out a hand for Allen to take.

"You sure? You just got here and…" Allen sighed when he trailed off.

"It'll be fine Allen. Just let me lead you." Allen took Kanda's hand and then allowed the other man to walk him through town. The pair passed by many places that Allen adored and thought that Kanda could have been taking him. And after each one Allen grew more nervous and excited.

"Come on Yu, where are you taking me?" Allen groaned after they've been walking for hat felt like forever.

"I'm still not going to tell you." Kanda replied, "Besides we're almost there."

"Really?" Allen raised an eyebrow.

"Yes." Kanda gave a nod and continued to lead Allen. Soon enough Allen started to get questionable, it almost seemed like Kanda was leading him to the…

"Here we are." Kanda stopped right in front of the old orphanage.

"W-Why are we here Kanda?" Allen squeaked out.

"And here I thought you'd like to see the place where we met." Kanda gave a small chuckle.

"That can't be the only reason you've brought me here for." Allen huffed.

"It's not." Kanda patted Allen on the back to urge him forward. Allen was still confused, but he walked on anyway. When Allen got closer to the orphanage he noticed a big sign up front that he'd never forget.

"The Adoption Fair?" Allen looked back at Kanda. "No way! Kanda we aren't adopting a kid!" A deep blush broke across Allen's face.

"That wasn't my plan, but if you want to I won't complain." Kanda shrugged his shoulders.

"Kanda our relationship is only a few days old, since those weeks apart don't really count. A kid would be too much, jeez!" Allen's blush refused to leave his face, "And if that's not why we're here, then why are we?"

"Sometimes if the kids see adults that used to be orphans like them, they feel better about themselves. That and I thought you'd want to visit Allen, that was the name of your dog right?" Kanda gave a small smile. Allen was speechless. He nodded and took Kanda's hand.

"That's really nice of you…" He muttered almost under his breath. The pair made it inside the building and the lady that was assisting the people that come in to see the kids walked right over to them. It just so happened to be the same old headmaster after all these years. Those it didn't seem that she recognized either one of them.

"Hello there sirs." She greeted with a smile.

"Long time no see ma'am." Allen replied.

"Hmm? Have you been here before? I'm sorry but I do not recognize you." The headmaster frowned slightly.

"We used to be orphans here…" Allen gave a weak smile.

"Really?" The headmaster gasped.

"It's Red, the boy with the arm." Allen held up his left hand and removed his glove slightly so that the headmaster could see the discolored skin underneath.

"Oh my, I do remember you!" The headmaster clasped her hands together, "You look so good, how have you been dearie?"

"I've been good. I'm a professionally pianist now. The man who adopted me really did change my life." Allen answered.

"Dearie, that's so good to hear." The headmaster smiled and then turned to face Kanda.

"Kanda. The brat that usually beat on the other kids." Kanda explained to the older lady.

"Oh yes, I remember you. I trust that you grew out of all that bullying behavior." The headmaster huffed.

"I'm a police investigator out of Japan. And don't worry, nothings wrong, I just came to check in on this place with him." Kanda pointed to Allen.

"Wonderful, I'm sure the kids would love to meet you two. In any case, you two know how things work around here. Take care." The headmaster waved before walking away to go help some other folks out.

"First things first Yu, I want to see Allen's grave." Allen stated with a sad smile. Kanda nodded and the pair then headed to the back of the building. It was nice to see that the back wasn't as barren as it used to be, there was a small garden and it was evident that the grounds were much better kept then they used to be. In fact, Allen almost had a difficult time finding his dog's old grave. He found the small mound, but it had grass growing all on top and around it.

"It's nice to see what they've done here. I hope you've rested well old friend." Allen muttered as he knelt down to the mound.

"What are you weirdos doing?" A kid suddenly was staring at them from the back door. He had on the typical poor kid attire and a large bandana around his head that covered his forehead.

"Just enjoying the scenery." Allen stood back up and sent a smile over to the kid.

"What's there to see?" The kid huffed.

"When we used to be here this all used to be plain dirt." Allen explained.

"You used to be here? You guys are orphans?" The kid questioned. Allen gave a nod.

"Shouldn't you be with the other kids?" Kanda crossed his arms over his chest.

"Not like I'd be adopted. Nobody likes me." The kid shook his head.

"Why not?" Allen asked.

"Why should I tell you?" The kid snorted. He then made a sudden mad dash towards the pair, he crashed into them and kept running. But he didn't get very far before Kanda caught him.

"Hey! Let me go!" The kid shouted and squirmed in Kanda's hold.

"Give Allen's wallet back." Kanda demanded.

"What?" Allen padded his pant pocket to confirm that his wallet was indeed missing.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" The kid growled.

"There's no point in lying." Kanda's free hand went to his sword, but Allen stopped him.

"You don't need to steal. Why do you need my wallet?" Allen questioned as he went to get his wallet back.

"Weirdos let me go!" The kid whined.

"Let's take him back to the headmaster." Kanda huffed and moved the kid so that he was tossed over his shoulder.

"No! She can't know I tried to pickpocket you!" The kid screamed.

"Then tell us why you tried in the first place." Kanda stated.

"I just want to help the orphanage. If it had some more money then things would be easier for everyone." The kid admitted with a frown.

"How were you going to explain to the headmaster where the money came from?" Allen sighed.

"Say you guys donated and gave me the money to give to her." The kid also let out sigh.

"Well you didn't need to steal the money, if you would've asked we could have donated the money ourselves." Allen gave a small chuckle.

"Are you making fun of me?" The kid blushed in embarrassment.

"No." Allen shook his head. He and Kanda then made it to the headmaster.

"You found Timothy!" The headmaster gasped and ran over, "We've been looking all over for him!"

"Well he was with us in the garden." Allen explained.

"He wasn't doing anything bad was he?" The headmaster asked.

"What do you mean?" Allen questioned back.

"Like pickpocketing. I've heard from other guests that he's been doing that." The headmaster sighed. The kid gulped and Kanda put him on the ground.

"No, he was just wondering why we were in the garden. No harm." Kanda stated.

"Really? Alright then. Good." The headmaster let out a relieved sigh. "I'll leave him with you for now then." She then walked away again.

"Why didn't you rat me out?" Timothy looked up to Kanda with a pout.

"The Moyashi here did much worse when he was here. How many times did you run away and cheat at poker with locals?" Kanda smirked as he talked to Allen. Allen jabbed Kanda in the side with his elbow.

"And how many times did you beat up the other kids to the point of hospital visits. You were probably the reason the orphanage has money issues." Allen laughed.

"That was years ago!" Kanda hissed. It was then Timothy began to laugh.

"You weirdos are really nice." He muttered.

"Well it nice meeting you Timothy. I'll see you later." Allen ruffled the boy's hair and started leaving, Kanda right behind him.

"You really like that kid, don't you?" Kanda asked once they were away from the orphanage.

"Thank you for bringing me there Yu…Maybe in a few months we can see Timothy again. I'm sure Timcanpy would like him too." Allen gave a small smile.

"Great then there'd be two Tim's in the house." Kanda huffed. Allen just laughed and stopped to give Kanda a hug.

"And don't worry, the Noah won't break a part your family again. I guarantee it." Kanda hugged back and buried his face in Allen's (fake) hair, a smile hidden.