Authors Note- I got enough support so I will definitely be continuing this story, I still had to re read it and remember where I was taking that story. I will be editing the old chapters and fixing the errors that were made while I continue to write new ones, hope people enjoy! Don't forget to leave me a review of this chapter and tell me what you think.

Aria walked out the bungalow with a sad look, she slowly approached Delta who looked up and shot her a low growl. "Easy, I come in peace." She slowed her steps as she carefully got closer to the Raptor, Delta soon calmed down when she felt the familiar touch of Aria's leather glove. Aria began rubbing the side of her face gently. "This is all my fault Delta...all of it." The Raptor let out a small sound. "I just wished I remembered more so I could put an end to this."

Owen walked out with a back pack, looking to the left he saw Blue over by another area. He spotted Aria with Delta, he frowned noticing her mood was a bit off since he filled her in about Luke Hoskins and why he said that he was here. It threw him off because he already knew he wasn't gonna let Hoskins get a hold of her, Delta, or Blue but she still had this sad look to her.

Moving from Delta, Aria walked back over to where she saw Owen. "Hey, you ready to go?"

"Yeah." Owen hooked the bag on the back of the motorcycle, his eyes flickered up to her. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" She questioned.

"Maybe because you almost died twice, lost your memory for a bit, got a cut on your calf and we are stuck on this island with people trying to kill us and kidnap you." Owen pointed out.

Aria went silent. "Well when you put like that." She shook her head. "There is every reason not to be okay." Looking down, she felt a little nauseous and made a face.

Owen caught this and rested a hand on her hip. "Hey, you okay? You don't look to good."

"Yeah, yeah I'm okay." Aria waved it off. "Just feeling a little sick, we should go though. We are to exposed to the open out here."

"I agree with you on that." Owen got on the bike, she got on behind him. "Just one more thing." He let out a loud whistle, the two Raptors looked up in curiosity and watched as he looked back. "Let's go girls!" He called out before pulling off on the motorcycle, the two raptors let out screeches before dashing after him.

Aria watched how it was different this time was compared to how it was when they were first set free and running by Owen's side. It felt different and they didn't have any equipment on their heads, the only thing driving them was their loyalty to Owen and also because he was the Alpha.

Blue took the right of Owen as Delta took the left, they screeched communicating with each other before dashing ahead. "Do they know where we are going?" Aria questioned.

"Yeah, that old backpack that you had still had the scent of Paddock 9 on it so I let them sniff it and get it's scent before we left." Owen said.

Aria just held on to Owen and laid her head on his back, she couldn't stop thinking about Lucas or Luke as he was going by. She couldn't believe that he lied and his real name was Hoskins but why he was after her, Blue, and Delta she had no clue considering he dumped her years ago.

All of this fighting for some old files that her great grandfather had to create his own Hybrid that he made up years ago. For some reason she couldn't help but feel that there was something she was missing to this, somebody was pulling the strings but she just didn't know who.

Later on in the Paddock, Claire was sitting up in the safe box are with Lowery and Brian.

"Yes!" Lowery banged his open palm on the table.

Claire looked over at him. "What is it Lowery?"

"I got the computer working." Lowery pointed to now the now working PC. "It took some time but I finally got it." He said with a sigh. "Now let's see something." He typed up a couple things before pressing a button, the other five monitors lit up showing the security camera feed for the Paddock. Three of them showed image from inside while the the other two showed the front and the back outside.

"Wow, Lowery you really did it." Claire patted his shoulder with a smile.

"I get a raise when this is all over right?" Lowery questioned.

"If we make it out of this then sure buddy." She said, he nodded before going back to typing.

"Is this all you can get?" Brian raised a brow.

"Unfortunately yeah." Lowery turned around. "Aria turned off all the other connection, I'm shocked I got this one working. Once she turned it off, all the security camera's went down, shocking fences, phone connection and anything close to that won't work."

"I don't even wanna imagine the dinosaurs roaming around everywhere. This place will be just like it did the last time." Claire shook her head. "Complete hell and with Aria in her state we are completely screwed here, we should have just left."

"Whoa, relax." Brian rested a hand on her shoulder, she looked up at him. "Do you gotta think the worst of things?"

"Kinda her thing." Lowery said, she shot him a look. "Just saying." He shrugged.

"Listen all we gotta do is wait for Aria and Owen and then try to figure some of this stuff out. Then once we do get a plan, which we will." He pointed. "All we have to do is power it back up."

"That's gonna be hard be had." Lowery said. "The main power source is all the way on the other side of the island, it would take hours just to get there."

"Who's dumb idea was it to put it that far?" Brian scoffed.

Lowery pointed to Claire, she sighed. "It was mine, I never thought a day would come where I would have to turn it back on myself. We always had the people that work over there and if we had to shut it down we could easily call them and tell them to turn it back on."

"Well everybody that works here is gone." Lowery said.

"I know that Lowery." Claire said sternly.

Hearing the screeching Raptors, they all looked up wide eyed. Turning to the camera's they saw two Raptors approach the closed Paddock door and both of them let out another round of screeches and growls.

"Did they find us?" Lowery asked in a panic.

"No, no look closer." Claire pointed. "That one has a blue stripe going down it's back, which means it's them." She saw Owen's motorcycle pull up as him and Aria was on the back, she felt a wash of relief come over her. "About time."

"I'll open the gate." Lowery got up and went over to the switch, he hit it and opened it up.

"We will go down there and meet them." Claire said as her and Brian walked out.

Owen parked his bike allowing Aria to get off, she stumbled a bit from her body feeling a little weaker then usual.

"You guys!" Claire called out.

The two Raptors snapped their heads up with a growl, the Paddock doors were closing back up. Aria eyes widen as she saw Brian and Claire emerge from the trees but both of them stopped seeing Blue and Delta.

"No, no stay back!" Aria called out, she knew that Blue and Delta were familiar with her and Owen but Brian and Claire was a different ball game.

Owen quickly got off the bike as him and Aria got in front of Claire and Brian, they both held their palms out. "Whoa, easy Blue." He looked at her with a stern expression. "They are okay, so stand down."

Both of them screeched at them while snapping. "Hey, Delta. Delta back up!" She pointed as the two of them were slowly edging their way towards them. "Whatever you two do...don't move." Aria said back to Claire and Brian. "Delta, relax this is not the enemy." She screeched at her. "Don't give me that, I said back up."

"Blue." Owen warned as he saw her feet shifting. "Blue!" He got the Raptors attention, she screeched at him. "Don't give me that, stand down now." The two Raptors exchanged growls before stopping and taking slow steps back.

"Good, good." Aria nodded. "There we go." Her and Owen started taking slow steps towards them, both of them growled. "It's okay...nobody here is gonna hurt anyone."

Brian and Claire continued to watch the two of them with wide eyes. It sill surprised Claire how they were able to calm an animal as wild as Raptors down but somehow they did it. She started remembering them saying something about a mutual respect was between them.

"It's okay, we are all okay." Owen assured. "Just like old times huh?" He said to Aria.

She smirked. "Yeah." Looking back she saw the two Raptors had stopped moving making them do so as well.

Blue let out a growl when she saw Owen reaching to his pocket. "Easy, Blue." He held up two pieces of jerkey that he was feeding them earlier, he threw one to Blue before giving one to Delta who did a little jump to get hers. "Good, see there we go." Pulling out two more pieces he quickly threw them in one swift move inside the bushes, Blue and Delta quickly took off to get them.

Aria grabbed the duffel bag. "Come on, they are okay now." She said as Claire and Brian wasted no time following her.

They all walked up to the room and got inside, closing the door behind them. "That was close." Owen sighed. "What were you thinking rushing down like that? You been to the Raptor cage before so you know how this goes."

"Well excuse me for being worried." Claire scoffed.

"Just be careful next time." Owen said. "We can only keep them calm for so long."

"Aria." Lowery went over and hugged her, she frowned making a face. "I'm glad your okay, now you may not know this because of your situation but I'm the leader now." Her brow raised.

Owen cleared his throat. "Lowery."

"And you always agree with me, you even called me smartest person you know at one point." Lowery continued.

"I don't remember calling you smartest person I know but maybe I did when we first met at the control room." Aria smiled.

"Yeah, when we first met at the...oh snap." Lowery trailed off when he realized what she said. "You got your memory back?"

"Bits and pieces." She shrugged.

Lowery laughed nervously as Brian and Owen shook their heads. "And I knew that the entire time!" He held his hands out. "I was just joking around, you know to ease the tension around here."

"Uh, huh." Aria nodded.

"Wait your serious? When did you get it back?" Claire asked.

"Yesterday night." Aria said. "It was the most painful thing to ever experience but with the right person I got through it."

Owen gave her a small smile. "I was gonna tell you guys but I decided to let Lowery keep going."

"What? Do you want to plan my funeral?" He asked.

"I won't hurt you Lowery." Aria patted his back. "You're to useful."

Lowery shrugged. "I'll take it." He went back to the computer.

"Here Claire." Aria unzipped the bag and handed her a change of clothes. "Thought you wanted to change."

"Thanks, and thanks again from saving us from that T-Rex earlier." Claire took them from her.

"Okay, okay enough thanking it's getting to mushy in here." Aria says. "Just take the clothes prissy pants."

Claire rolled her eyes. "She's back."

"So what did you guys find out there?" Brian asked.

"A lot." Owen nodded. "But no matter how I look at it, all of this still doesn't make sense."

"Well first before we get into what we do know here." Lowery looked to Aria. "Do you know the codes to the old Hammond files?"

"I really don't." Aria shook her head. "I never did."

"So why does Luke Hoskins think you do?" Claire asked. "And who is he?"

"For starters he is Vic's son." Owen said. "He used to work with me in the Navy a couple years ago but he left before I did."

"Whoa hold the phone, Hoskins had a kid?" Lowery asked.

"Yup but he doesn't want the island he just wants my Raptors and Aria for whatever reason. He already has the lead on us when it comes to the numbers gain with Raptors but his are very different." Owen said. "He controls their movements with a remote, I saw that with my own eyes but Luke already said the fighting wasn't him though. So whoever else he has with them is controlling that part."

"Wait this guy is controlling these Raptors with a device? How?" Brian asked, he looked to Claire.

"I can't even answer that but I bet Wu has everything to do with it." Claire said, she scoffed. "So wait, one team is here for a messed up T-Rex and wants the island and the others just want the Raptors and Aria not to mention the code?" She shook her head. "Whoever is pulling these strings is good."

"You can say that again." Lowery said. "Oh, yeah I told Claire that in the lab I noticed that five tubes were missing of this thing called TRIM278 which is short for-"

"T-Rex and Indominus mini's." Owen and Aria said at the same time.

Lowery threw his hands up. "Why do you guys keep ruining my big reveal?"

Aria shrugged. "It's kind of obvious Lowery."

"Well sure but...oh just forget it." He waved it off. "Anyway, Wu wanted to make a couple of these things for the park but of course Simon said no because he thought it would be to much."

"The guy creates his own freaking Hybrid but yet he thinks that is to much?" Owen raised a brow.

"Even Simon had his limit." Claire sighed. "But there were five tubes and I just don't even wanna think of which one they made more of."

Lowery nodded. "Yeah, also that group that Leslie is in is called GEN OPS and they are just some people that were fired from INGen years ago. That T-Rex we ran into by the way was just a test dummy from the TRIM278 but she didn't turn out right so they dumped her on the far part of the island."

"That would explain why it's so pissed off." Owen said. "Dump and animal and forget about it, you know it's coming back with revenge on the brain."

"That's true but back to this OPS situation." Aria spoke back up. "If they were fired by INGen years ago then who do they work for now? And who does Hoskins work for?"

"That's what we don't know but it's obvious that Hoskins is working for Wu and INGen so we can cross that one off the list." Lowery says. "But Aria you're pretty useless right now." She snapped her head over to him. "Useless to INGen and whoever else wants you because you don't know the code to the files is what I meant." He quickly said. "But come on your the great granddaughter of the guy who made Jurassic Park come to life in the first place, didn't you see stuff like this coming?"

"Of course I did." Aria sighed, she leaned back against the table. "Anywhere the Hammond name goes it carries trouble behind it, people are always gonna swear you know something. They find out your last name and start cursing your family for what one person did, calls you grandfather a killer and more." She said as all of them looked over at her with sad looks. "I hate that last name and I hate the last name Murphy."

"Which is why you changed it?" Claire asked.

Aria nodded. "Yeah, I guess all of this is my fault. I just wish I knew what Leslie has against me."

"None of this is your fault." Brian said.

"Ehh..." Lowery trailed off but was elbowed in the gut by Claire, he coughed stumbling back. "B-Brian's right it isn't your fault."

"It is because...I know Luke." Aria spoke up getting their attention, they looked at her wide eyed and confused. "He went by Lucas when I met him, which is why his name didn't stick out to me. The reason he knows me is because I dated him years before I even came to Jurassic World and was the last person that that knew me as Aria Hammond."

"Well that actually explains a lot." Lowery said. "Hoskins wants payback at Owen for stealing a girl that he use to date and wants to ruin his life by taking the things he cares about most. Case solved." He shrugged.

"What about the files Lowery?" Claire asked.

"I-" He opened his mouth to speak, he lowered his hand while shaking his head. "I'm still stumped on that one."

"Wait a minute, you use to date Luke?" Owen asked. "Why didn't you just tell me?"

"I didn't figure out until afterwards but I didn't know how you would take it." Aria looked down. "I'm sorry Owen."

He sighed. "We'll talk about that later, what else do you remember?"

"I remember my great grandfather telling me he always wanted to make his own dinosaur but he never told me that he did or was trying to. The guy never gave me a code or even a hint to one." She threw her hands up. "If he did I just don't remember."

"Well me and Claire have our own theory about that." Lowery said.

Her brow raised. "You do?"

"Yeah, that maybe there isn't any codes or files and that this whole Hybrid thing is a joke." Claire says.

"Who the hell would go through all this just for a simple joke?" Owen asked.

"Whoever else that Luke Hoskins guy and GEN OPS is working for." Brian shrugged. "I bet if we find out who then this all will make sense."

"He's right." Aria nodded. "But if this thing is real then we are all gonna be out of luck because I don't know the code."

Lowery shook his head. "Well we can't pull them up on the computer to try and crack the code on the files to see if it is there."

"How come?" Owen looked over at him.

"Aria shut off the power from the control room and the only way to do it is to power it back up by the main source. Which is located on the other side of the island." Claire said.

"I need to use one of the computers in the control room to try and crack it, this won't work." Lowery patted the computer next to him.

"I guess we are all going to have to split up then." Aria sighed. "But we should do it at night, the more dark the better."

"She is right." Owen nodded. "If I know anything about Luke it is that he likes to hunt during the day and rest up at night. So later on Lowery will head back to the control room and the rest of us are going to the main power building to turn it on."

"Good plan." Aria gave a nod. "Now we just need to figure who is going with who."

"Well, you're not going." Owen said sternly.

"What do you mean I'm not going?" Aria looked over at him. "I have to."

"No you have to stay here, your the one they want and if they get you then the only people left is Blue and Delta." Aria was about to object, he held up a hand. "Your head isn't fully healed, your calf is still injured and your not a hundred percent to go out there and try to fight."

"Owen's right." Claire said. "I can't believe I just said that." She shook her head. "But he is right Aria, your not at your best to go out there and if we do run into them then we have the upper hand cause your not with us."

Owen nodded. "Yeah, I'm leaving Delta with you while you and Lowery head over to the control room later and stay there."

"But-" Aria went to speak.

"I don't care how you say you feel Aria, your not going and that's the end of that. I almost lost you like what, four times? Let's try to not make it a fifth." He walked past her. "Come on Brian you can help me load the guns up." They both walked out the door.

Aria sighed. "Come on Lowery, lets pack up."


Luke sat on the beach sharpening his knife, Leslie walked over to him making him look up. "What can I help you with?"

"You been sitting on your but all day, now do you have a plan or not?" She asked. "How do you plan on getting Aria and those Raptors so we can leave."

"Patience, Leslie." Luke smirked. "Get some."

Leslie glared. "What is in this for you anyway Hoskins?"

"Well I don't mind telling a story." He stopped sharpening his knife with a sigh. "Me and Aria use to date years ago but that girls love for dinosaurs got in the way of that. She wanted to protect and raise them and I just wanted control over them and get the job I was supposed to but my dad gave it to Owen Grady." Luke rolled his eyes. "So a couple years later I had found Wu and me and him came up with a plan."

"I thought you were working for Lex?" Her brow raised.

"I am, call it two jobs and two checks. Lex gets her daughter back, Wu gets the dinosaurs and the code to Hammond's Hybrid files and this island and I get paid." Luke shrugged. "Not much to it."

"Lex sent me out here for her, so why did she send you to?"

"Maybe because she figured you fail, your a good strategist Leslie and pretty cool when it comes to fighting but even you can't control your big cousin." Luke said, she looked down. "Now what I want to know is why didn't you just tell her you were related to her?" He asked leaning back with a smirk. "The betrayal would have felt a lot better."

"Aria doesn't give a crap about how her actions affect others, I had to sit home and watch her mother cry and loose herself day by day. All she wanted was her daughter back but Aria ran away and didn't communicate with anybody that was in the Hammond family." Leslie shook her head. "She forgot about all of us and I looked up to her as a kid, but she just left everybody...including me."

"Ohh I see now." Luke nodded. "This is a personal issue, mixed with a little jealousy huh? Your cousin became the great Raptor trainer and was known to getting in a Paddock with a T-Rex, something you wanted?"

"Not that exactly." Leslie rolled her eyes. "But I hated that our great grandfather thought she was so great and better then all of us, he never said it but I know he was thinking it. He left her and her mom the most money, the house, and even told her the code but didn't tell anyone else."

"Maybe you all had big mouths." Luke laughed making her glare over at him. "Listen you and Aria can go to therapy later about your issues once we are out of here, what are you going to do with that T-Rex?"

"That's my business." Leslie walked off, she saw the four Raptors by the girl GiGi who was on the computer typing.

"Luke!" GiGi called out getting his attention. "I can't get into the Jurassic World security system."

"That so huh?" Luke stood up as he brushed his pants off. "Must mean somebody turned the main power off." He hooked his knife on his hip. "I guess this means that Owen finally wants to play, GiGi get the girls ready for me."

"All of them?" Her brow raised.

"No just my two, I got another job for you and your two." Luke hooked his glasses on his shirt, he twirled his blade in his right hand. "Let's pack it all up and move out."

Later that Night

Aria had packed everything up with Lowery, the plan was that the two of them would go to the control room and wait while Brian, Claire, and Owen would go turn the main power back on. She had felt bad because no matter how she looked at it, this was her fault for leaving her mother in the first place and never coming back home.

Walking down, she opened the door and went inside the Paddock. She walked through and saw Delta curled up by some bushes, she wouldn't have seen her if Delta hadn't opened her eyes. Aria walked through and took the time to admire how big it was, it was just like being out in the jungle of the park.

After a while she found Owen, he just had on his wife beddah as it showed off his frame and muscles more. He had the hood up of the half crushed jeep that was caused by the attack of that T-Rex from earlier, he stopped when he heard footsteps.

He looked back. "You guys finished?"

"Yeah." Aria nodded. "Me and Lowery are gonna be heading out in a little while since it's gonna be a long walk." She walked over. "When are you guys going?"

"Just as soon as Claire gets done changing." Reaching up, he pressed the button and let the hood slam down. "Were gonna be fine."

"I didn't say anything about that Owen."

"But you were thinking it." He pointed out making her go silent. "See."

She bit her lip. "Are you mad at me about Luke?"

"No." Owen said plainly.

"Now who's lying?" Her brow raised.

"I just don't get why you didn't tell me as soon as you figured it out. I accepted a lot about you Aria, what made you think I couldn't except this?"

"Because you knew him and-"

"I don't care about that, just next time give me a heads up." He wiped his hands on the rag, she walked over and hugged his waist making him sigh. "I care about you and that's why you gotta take a backseat on this one, okay?"

"Yeah, yeah I get it." She nodded as she looked up at him. "Promise me your coming back."

"I'm coming back, then we are gonna figure out how to get Leslie and Hoskins off this island."

"How are we gonna do that?" Aria sighed.

He rested his hand on the side of her face, he brushed his thumb across her cheek. "That's a plan for later but whatever it is you're going have to trust me."

"I always have." Tilting her head up, he looked at her before bending down and pressing his lips against hers. He backed her up against the wall trapping her against him, she reached up and gripped his shirt. Owen pulled away, he kissed her a couple more times before resting his forehead against hers. "I love you." She said as she closed her eyes with a sigh. "But if something goes wrong I am coming after you."

He smirked and rested a hand on her hip. "I love you too." Feeling a little dizzy she stumbled forward but Owen grabbed her. "Whoa, you okay? You been like that ever since this morning."

"Maybe I'm just a little tired, I guess it is a good thing that I'm not going with you guys." She sighed.

Hearing rustling through, they turned around to see Brian and Claire coming through the trees. "Hey-uh do you want us to come back?" Brian asked.

"No, we were just talking." Owen waved it off, he kept his hold on Aria who was looking like she was ready to throw up at any minute. "Go on and find Lowery so you guys can get a head start."

"Okay, I'll get Delta first and then I will go get him." Aria moved away from him, she sighed looking at the three of them. "Be careful out there you three." Reaching on her side, she pulled her shock stick off her side and handed it to Claire. "You can't use a gun but this might come in handy out there."

"Thanks." She took it showing her a small smile.

Lowery walked through the trees. "Okay everything is packed Aria, you ready?"

"Yeah." She walked over to him.

"Here Lowery." Owen through him a talkie. "That's to keep in contact with us, take care of her." He said sternly with a point.

"I will." Lowery and Aria said at the same time making Brian and Claire share a chuckle.

"Okay." Owen sighed. "Lets, go."

Sorry if this chapter wasn't much you guys, I haven't done this story in a while but I hope I did okay with this one. I changed the chapter name because I decided to go in a different direction with this story then where I was going the first time. But in the next chapter it will be more action and face offs but anyway don't forget to leave a review telling me what you think.

Chapter 16- The Night Hunt & Leslie vs Aria