It was a sweaty sort of day especially if one was in the library near the window even if it was open. Sasuke wiped his face as he leaned over his calculations spread across the table along with several scrolls from his family archives. From the looks of it, it would seem that he'd gotten most of the formula down from old memories. He was just missing several calculations that would take into account distance and intensity of the flames that he would be using. If he could just get that then perhaps... He sighed as he leaned back into his chair away from the papers. In his previous life he remembered slaving to learn the art of Alchemy from old man, Berthold Hawkeye and now he'd come full circle with him again relearning techniques that had become second nature to him. Or at least were when his name was Roy Mustang of Amestris.

"Um Uchiha-san can I help you?"

Sasuke looked up from his musing and noticed an aide had approached his work space. She was of the mousy sort that reminded him of the one girl that he'd loaned to Hughes that one time just before the Scar incident…

He shook his head firmly to rid himself of the thought. Those kinds of thoughts were best left in the past…or more preferably when alone and not in a public sector. He stared at the girl giving her his best patented Uchiha glare of "who do you think you are?" the girl jumped in response and began to back away quickly before she turned and ran. He rolled his eyes expressively as he began to gather up his equipment and research materials into his satchel ignoring his conscience that obviously had Hawkeye's voice nagging about at least apologizing at least a little to the girl.

It was understandable that she would be curious about his activities. He'd been sitting at that place for hours scribbling notes and looking up books something unusual for boys of his age and not to mention that technically he was supposed to be at the Academy at this time. However since Sasuke had been skipping it sporadically over the years his absence wasn't too much of a surprise or even noted due to another boy's antics at least that was the case for Iruka-sensei. Besides Sasuke had attended schooling once and even if it was in a past life he wasn't too keen on repeating the experience again.

After a brief time, he'd gathered up all of his research and soon headed for the exit. The librarian nodded towards him as he left which he returned. She'd seen him come into the library often enough that he was just a regular at this point and nothing worth commenting over. He was grateful for her discretion since she was the one most likely to report him in. He'd taken time to establish a sort of relationship with her. He would often stay behind after hours helping her clean up and she in turn kept quiet whenever he came to study or just research other forms of chakra manipulation...provided it was in his security clearance of course due to his academy student status.

He walked outside of the library and breathed in the moist mid afternoon air. It was around lunchtime and a good time to take a break from research and get something to eat. Nodding firmly to himself at his decision he began to walk towards his favorite shop until he looked up briefly only to stop in his tracks, What...

The Hokage monument had been vandalised at it would seem during the time he'd stepped into the library that morning with various rude drawings and phrase around the august warmongers heads. Most were childish in nature with a few mature ones that would have made several officers in his previous life blush if only slightly. Sasuke snorted at Uzumaki's obvious handy work and resumed walking once more. Naruto of course had bragged about becoming Hokage and surpassing all of the previous so many times that no one save for Sasuke paid any attention to him. Obviously he was hoping to gain attention through defacing the monument and also in a rather immature manner asserting his dominance over them. Sasuke was more then happy to allow him to think that since the boy was practically starved for attention. In fact he encouraged the boy secretly by displaying himself as a rival for power. Which actually wasn't too far from the truth. Naruto wasn't the only one that wanted to become Hokage after all.

"Sasuke-kun," Iruka's tired voice jolted him from his thoughts catching him off guard. He turned back and saw a very tired and very annoyed sensei with a tied up Naruto in tow. "What are you doing outside of class again?"

Of course I forgot he'd be out, Sasuke grumbled to himself as he allowed himself to be dragged back to that Academy. It wouldn't do for him to put up a struggle even if he could escape the teacher since Naruto was keeping is other arm occupied. No, he'd bid his time now, given a few days he wouldn't have to worry about it. And then...The real work would be begin.