Once Hermione returned home to the Manor, Remus led her to her room and helped her grab her bag. Hermione and Remus returned to the kitchen. Narcissa, Sirius, and Regulus were sitting at the table drinking tea. Hermione's eyes widened at the sight of Regulus.

Regulus was one of her favorite people considering he helped her and Draco prank Remus and Sirius often times when they are over at 12 Grimmauld Place during the fall. Right before everything happened, regarding the death of James and Lily Potter, Regulus sent Kreacher to Sirius and Remus for help. The two found Regulus in a cave surrounded by inferi. Sirius found his brother begging for death, and Sirius and Remus helped him. After Sirius was sent for Azkaban for something he did not do, Remus was left to care for Regulus.

Regulus was not in good shape after his near-death experience, while trying to help bring down Voldemort. For years, the young man was bedridden with ailments, and often times Hermione and Draco would just sit with him and have him tell stories of a younger Sirius. Over the past two years, Regulus had physical therapy, and slowly had been relearning how to walk without assistance. Hermione looked at her other Uncle with joy, having not seen him in over six months.

"Reggie! It's so good to see you!" Hermione exclaimed, as she hugged the younger Black. Regulus chuckled and patted her on the back, and squeezed her tightly before letting her back go.

"Why are you not at Hogwarts, Hermione?" Hermione smiled, actually excited to tell her Uncle the news.

"Yesterday I got a letter from my mother, and so Lucius, Remus, and I met up with her earlier today for lunch. She explained that she's getting a divorce from her husband and that she's moving in close to the Manor. Oh! Also, Lizzy and Tony are going to be going to Hogwarts! Lizzy's starting next year and I'm excited about it. But aside from this, everyone, I'll owl you later, Uncle Remus is dropping me off at Professor McGonagall's floo and I don't want to be too late. Draco and Dora already went back to class early this morning." The three Blacks nodded, hugged, and said their goodbyes to their niece.

Hermione and Remus made their way through the floo and landed in McGonagall's office.

"Welcome Back, Ms. Granger." The elder professor nodded her head towards the younger student, and Hermione walked out of the office to her common room. McGonagall turned to Remus with a friendly smile.

"So good to see you too, Remus. It's been years," Remus nodded, and smiled briefly at his former head of house.

"And, I have a proposition for you," Remus raised an eyebrow, edging her to continue.

"And this proposition is what, exactly?"

"There are two positions I would like both you, and Sirius to fill." Silence echoed through the room. McGonagall rolled her eyes at the younger man in front of her.

"Yes, I know about Sirius. Severus told me all about it, once he explained about him and Hermione, when they took Harry home with them for Christmas." Remus nodded his head.

"What positions are you looking to fill?"

"Over the years, even when you were in school, I think you noticed the, ….issue…., regarding the Defense Against the Dark Arts class," Remus nodded his head warily.

"And then the topic of History of Magic. We do not need a ghost teaching that class any longer, especially when all he goes on about is the bloody goblin wars, which is not the only thing on OWLS and N.E.W.T.S., respectively. I would like both you and Sirius to come work for Hogwarts. I will sign a five year contract with both of you, guaranteeing the positions, and hopefully breaking that god-awful curse on the defense position." Remus's eyes widened considerably.

"You want both Sirius and I to work for you?" Minerva nodded her head. Remus ran his hands through his hair, and he paced around the room. He glanced at the older woman briefly.

"I, uh….I'm fairly certain that Sirius would love to, hell, I would love to, except there's kinda a bit of a dilemma then," McGonagall raised an eyebrow.

"What Mr. Lupin?"

"Black-Lupin," Remus corrected.

"Anyways, my furry little problem? I don't want t be around the students during the night of the full moon, even If I'm on wolfsbane."

"Didn't Sirius and James run with you when you all were here?" Remus had a thoughtful expression on his face.

"Plus, couldn't you just put a sedative in the last dose of wolfsbane potion, so you would be sedated through the whole night?" Remus shook his head.

"No, a few years ago Severus and I experimented with it, and the sedative cancels out the effects of the wolfsbane." McGonagall nodded her head.

"Well, we can use the wolfsbane, and then both you and Sirius can do your runs on the outskirts of the school grounds." Remus nodded his head.

"Of course, if you want a job here we have to inform the student body and their parents that you are in fact a werewolf, and that you are underoath to take wolfsbane," Remus nodded his head.

"Yes. I figured that that would be the case. It's public knowledge that I am registered as a werewolf, so it's not like it will be a surprise," McGonagall nodded. Remus grabbed the papers from Minerva.

"Does Albus know about this?" McGonagall smirked.

"No. And he cannot legally undo any decisions that I make. For the past twenty years, he has been choosing the defense teachers, and frankly, I'm tired of our grades going down. Thirty and forty years ago, we used to have the highest defense and history grades, now they are just average. Plus, I already spoke to the school board of this when Albus was out of the country on business. They've approved of both of my choices regarding both you and Sirius. Now that I think about it, having Lucius on the school board probably is a good thing, and helped swayed the position."

Remus nodded his head knowingly. "When do you want us to start, there's only a few months of school left, and I need to speak with Sirius, who will most likely agree anyway considering it would allow him to be closer to Harry, and his nieces and nephew as well."

"You will most likely be starting at the next school year, so I would like you to start making lesson plans as soon as possible, and I can approve of them before classes get out in June, unless of course something happens before then, that is," Remus nodded.

Remus grabbed the stack of papers from Minerva's hands and shook her hand. He smiled. "Can you keep this from Severus and the kids? I want it to be a surprise, and I'm certain that Hermione and Draco will love having us here," Minerva raised an eyebrow, but nodded as she watched him floo away.

Later that evening, once everyone returned to Grimmauld Place, Remus broke the news to Sirius and Regulus. Remus handed the contracts to Sirius and allowed him to read over them. Slowly, a grin formed over his face and he was beaming at Remus.

"I know I didn't discuss it with you prior to earlier, but I've already signed my contract.." Remus stated. Sirius handed the papers to Regulus who nodded his head thoughtfully as he read over them.

"As soon as I read them, I was ninety-five percent certain that you had. I know that you would have loved to teach it given the opportunity. I know for a fact that I'm going to sign mine as well because one, I'm not being left behind by my husband and me to sit here all bored, no offense Reg, but two, I absolutely love history. It was my best and favorite subject, and it's about time that 'ole Binns gets out of there," Regulus and Remus laughed. Sirius placed the parchment on the table and pilfered through his desk until he found a blood quill. He signed his name and beamed at Remus. Regulus laughed at his brother's enthusiasm.

"This is going to be so exciting! We'll get to see Harry throughout the school year, and then we also get to see Dora, Draco, and Mya," Remus chuckled at Sirius excitement, and then smiled fondly.

"Well, Minerva wants both of us to have the upcoming lesson plans ready by the end of the year so she can approve of them, and sign off on them," Sirius nodded knowingly. Remus grabbed the contracts and grinned and Sirius and Regulus before leaving back through the floo once more.

"So, what exactly is the deal with the professors quarters?" Remus inquired. His eyes furrowed as he stared at McGonagall worriedly. Minerva smiled.

"If a professor is married, their spouse is allowed to share their quarters, and if they have children, then they will get a familial suite." Remus smiled.

"So, are professors allowed to share said quarters, even if they are married?" Minerva nodded.

"Yes, Remus, you will be allowed to share your quarters with your husband." Remus shook his head.

"Technically we will need a familial suite." Minerva raised an eyebrow.

"Sirius gained custody of Harry over Christmas hols', and officially adopted him. Why do you think his grades have suddenly improved and he looks much healthier?"

"I would have thought that that was because of Severus and Hermione, but once Hermione had mentioned you once, after of course Severus telling me, It would have made more sense that you and Sirius would have made sure that you both had some sort of influence over him. I'm surprised that he hasn't done any pranks yet, especially knowing now that he has two Marauder's influencing him." Remus smirked.

"Actually, more like he has seven of the 'second gen Marauder's' influencing him. Sirius and I, while at home, and Dora, Fred, George, Hermione, and Draco while here in school," Minerva frowned.

"Who do you think gave Dora and Mya that potion recipe to make a person's hair color change for two weeks?" Her eyes widened in understanding.

"It was Hermione, Draco and Nymphadora's idea to do that? That caused many of the students to be rather distressed, especially the upper years who were studying for their exams," Remus laughed before shrugging.

"Actually, I think it was Harry who thought of it, and then mentioned it to them, who brought on the twins to help them. He mentioned it to Sirius and I in a letter," Minerva sighed in frustration.

"Just go, Remus, before you tell me too much that I don't really feel like knowing." Remus nodded his head. He stood up, gathered the contracts in his hands and grinned at Minerva.

"Sirius and I will have the lesson plans done in a week. I think Sirius is probably writing some out as we speak. He got extremely excited when I told him the news. Even Regulus got excited over that bit of information. He's probably helping Sirius, now that I think about it." Minerva raised an eyebrow.

"How many things are you people going to spring on me?" She exclaimed. Remus moved back in front of her and cocked his head in a questioning manner.

"First, it was Hermione being Severus' daughter, and then she was raised with the Malfoys, and with two Marauder's influence. Now you tell me that Regulus is alive. I swear, your entire family, extended family included, is going to end up killing me one day," Remus laughed at his, now colleagues, frustration. He stood straighter and his eyes widened.

"I need to go see Severus and inform him of the news!" Remus exclaimed before he walked out of the office, leaving Minerva staring at him with her mouth agape.

Severus' door slammed open without a knock, and he looked up at the intruder. Only a select few people are charmed into his wards. He was not expecting to see a grinning Remus standing in front of him. He set his cup of tea down that he was drinking.

"What the Bloody Hell are you here for?" Remus' wide grin grew even wider.

"That's no way to speak to you colleague, Severus, now is it?" Severus stood, gaping at the man in front of him.

"Colleague?" Remus nodded.

"Minerva hired both Sirius and I. We are both to begin at the beginning of the new term,"

"Both of you? Oh good grief, kill me now. Now I have to deal with more hyperactive people all year round?" Remus laughed at his friend. Severus wiped the mopey look off of his face before he genuinely smiled.

"I do offer my Congratulations to both you and Sirius, though. What's going to happen with Regulus?" Remus shrugged.

"I bet he could be helping Sirius with his Lord duties since both of us are going to be fairly busy with this." Severus nodded knowingly. He was Head of the Prince Family, but thankfully the Prince family is much less vast than the Black Family will ever be. That being that, is a ton of work alongside his other projects that he has going on.

"What positions did Minerva give you?"

"DADA and History. She gave us a guaranteed five year contract," Severus raised an eyebrow at this. Remus explained what Minerva told him earlier that day about the dropping grades in those two courses on the standardized tests.

"Guess who Dumbledore had suggested to her," Severus raised an eyebrow.



The tea that was in Severus' hand froze right in front of his mouth. He froze in place for a few minutes. Severus glanced at Remus with wide eyes.

"That blonde dunderhead that was in Ravenclaw a few years below us?" Remus nodded his head. Severus took a very deep breath in to calm himself. He set his tea back down before looking back to Remus.

"Then I am very glad indeed that you and Sirius are the ones being hired. I'm at least used to the both of you, even though Dumbledore does not know that,"

"I don't think Minerva even told him that we are the new teachers. She mentioned something about it earlier when I was speaking to her about the housing quarters." Remus shrugged at Severus who shrugged in response. The two continued to talk about pointless thing for over an hour until they both realized that it was getting late. Remus gathered his things and walked towards the floo, ready to leave.

"Well if you need help with lessons plans, just floo me later this weekend. I'll be free to help," Severus called out. Remus nodded his head and flooed home."

First of all you guys, I would like to apologize for the severe lack of updates for the past 4 years almost. When I first began writing this I was a 17 y/o who had just graduated highschool. By the time I stopped writing, I was beginning my first job and my first year of college. I have been going to school and work, both full time and have not had a chance to update this. I've had this draft of a chapter on my computer for a couple years now, so it's a little rough, but here it is! Right now, I am going back through and reading the story and I'm about to start writing some new chapters for this. If I can finish writing the story, I'll try to write the chapters and post them as soon as I possibly can.