One Hell Of A Lover

Summary: Ciel gives a rather strange order which Sebastian, regrettably, has no choice but to carry out.

Pairing/s: Grell and Sebby

Warnings: Rated T, no slash in this, just implications and humour.

Disclaimers: I don't own any of the characters or their voices (but I wish like hell that I did)

The following morning, Grell lay on Sebastian's bed with red spiral's in his eyes. He was drooling all over the covers and worse, he was completely naked with his "junk" touching the covers too. Sebastian was going to have to perform a cleansing ritual on the room which was ironic given the situation. He also felt disgusting. He felt as though he finally understood what that angel had meant by "unclean"; Grell needed to be 'snuffed out'.

His master was lying asleep on a divan near the door, he must have collapsed onto it at some point.

"My lord?"

Ciel groaned in his sleep and shifted but did not wake. Excellent.

Sebastian smiled, his mouth turned up at the corners; his eyes were exactly the same. Yet, there was an obvious fury evident on his face. He felt like laughing at what he was about to do but didn't want to wake the young master up; it was best that he didn't see this.

He approached the dazed reaper and flexed his fingers before placing them on either side of the head. He was going to enjoy this.


Sebastian paused and turned round before he could snap the reaper's damned neck.

"Yes, my lord?"

"What are you doing?"

"I'm just carrying out my orders. You did, after all, order me to dispose of both halves of Jack the Ripper"

"You would still kill him after what you just did"

"Yes my lord, and without a moments hesitation, I might add"

He turned back to Grell, meaning to finish what he;s started.


"My lord?"

"I must have dozed off after a coupe of hours, I didn't see everything. You'll have to do it again"

"No need, my lord"

Sebastian turned to a small stack of shelves on the opposite side of the room and took a strange object from the very top shelf. He brought it back to his master and showed him. It was a little black box with a familiar looking glass circle on the side.

"What is this, Sebastian?"

"It's a video camera, my lord. Think of it like an ordinary camera, but one that takes moving pictures"

"I was not aware that such a thing existed"

"Well it doesn't, at least not yet. This is not the finalised version, when I have created it, I will pass the credit onto someone else. You don't think humans have come this far on their own, do you?"

" what does this have to do with you not repeating last nights events?"

"Well, I had a feeling that you may become rather tired during my performance so I had this set up to record the whole thing. You can re-watch it as many times as you like" Sebastian smiled.

Ciel Phantomhive took the strange contraption. He knew that the button on the top was for taking film so he pressed another large button that was placed on the inside camera next to...a small glass window of some kind?

"Sebastian, what is this?"

"Allow me to show you, my lord"

A half hour later, after Sebastian had managed to get Ciel to come round again once he'd seen the moving pictures on the screen, Sebastian showed the boy the footage.

~9½ hours later~

"So my lord, what do you think?"

"...burn it"

There you go guys, that was the last chapter. I hope you liked reading it as much as I liked writing it :D

Until next time,

