Chapter Six/Part One

"You know," Bass says, squeezing Charlie's hand firmly. "I didn't get it."

Night has settled over Chicago, and they have only just arrived at Bass's building. They are standing in the foyer, waiting for the elevator to arrive. She looks at him with mild confusion in her eyes. "Didn't get what?"

"An email three years ago. When I came to your place tonight and you were punching me, you said something about an email. I never got an email from you."

Charlie smiles at the memory of his arrival earlier that night. "Sorry I hit you."

He shrugs. "It's okay. I just wanted you to know. If I'd gotten an email or a call from you – anything at all, nothing would have stopped me from finding you and seeing if we could make something work."

Her smile has faded. She watches him closely. "Why didn't you just call me?"

"Well, I was going to, but I didn't have your number. So I called Miles, thinking he'd give it to me."

Now Charlie scowls. "What did he say?"

"Said you were kind of wild and that he didn't even have your number handy that day. He didn't come right out and say it, but I got the impression he didn't want me to call you. I should have persisted, but I didn't."

"Was that also when he told you I had a boyfriend?"

"No. That was a year after we were together in Philly, but you were still in my head." The elevator door opens and Bass pulls her inside. "Still in my heart."

Charlie's scowl morphs into a wide grin. "You asked him about me again?"

"Yeah, right after I moved back. That was when he told me you had a serious guy in your life. If he'd said anything else, maybe I'd have tried harder."

"He seems okay with everything between us now," she says, pressing her body to his as he pushes the elevator button that will direct them to the thirty-third floor.

Bass grunts, "Bastard is lucky he's still recovering from that herniated disk. Otherwise, I'd have beaten him to a pulp by now. He doesn't get a say in this anymore, by the way." He leans in and presses his lips to Charlie's. She sighs into the kiss, wrapping her arms tightly around him.

They pull apart, smiling, breathing heavily. He runs his hands down her arms, stopping at her wrists. Slowly he pulls one up so that he can see it better. "You still wear it?"

"The charm bracelet?" Charlie nods. "Yeah, I only take it off when I'm in uniform. Regulations and all that."

"I have something for you." He lets go of her hand and reaches into his pocket. He pulls out a ring of keys.

"Awww…you bought me a new car?" She asks with a smirk.

"No." He's laughing as he begins to fiddle with the key ring. She tries to peek, but he turns so that she can't see. Finally he turns and holds out a loosely closed fist. "Here."

As his fingers unfurl and she sees the small silver charm, Charlie's breath hitches. "The Liberty Bell?" Her voice is a whisper.

"Yeah. I bought it the day after you left Philly. Then I talked to Miles, and figured I'd never have a chance to give it to you, so I put in on my key ring. Every day for three years, I have thought of you each time I used a key." He leans in to kiss her temple but chuckles when he sees he doesn't have her attention at all. She's too busy attaching the new bauble to her bracelet.

Once it is fastened, she holds out her arm to admire the new addition. "I love it."

"I love you." As soon as the words are out of Bass's mouth, he wishes he could reel them back in. He clamps his eyes shut. Too soon. Too soon. He berates himself internally. Even though it's true, he should have waited.

"It's okay. You can take it back. I understand." Charlie's voice sounds small.

Bass's eyes fly open and he sees that she's staring at the floor. He puts a finger under her chin and lifts her face slowly. He looks into her eyes and sees the welling tears. "Charlie, I don't want to take it back. I just don't want to rush things. I wasn't lying. That is how I feel. I just wasn't planning on telling you yet."

"But why? Why would you love ME?"" She looks bewildered, and he doesn't think she even realizes that she's running a palm over her abdomen. "I'm broken and I just can't…"

"You can't what?"

"I can't be the kind of woman you would want or need. You deserve more."

"There is nothing more. Not for me." He takes her hands in his again. "Is this about what you said before? About having kids?"

She nods slowly, eyes averted. "That first day, the surgeons worked on me for sixteen hours. When they were done, I was alive, but…"

"But what?" Bass pulls her closer still.

Charlie continues, her voice muffled by the fabric of his shirt. "They repaired a hole in my stomach and took part of my liver. They had to remove eight feet of intestine, my uterus and an ovary. I still have one ovary and that's all that's keeping me from early menopause, but kids, well, that's just probably not possible, definitely not the old fashioned way."

The elevator doors open and they walk out onto Bass's floor. He stops and pulls her into his arms again, but leans back, waiting till she looks him in the eye. When he speaks, his voice is shaky. "I love YOU Charlie Matheson. That doesn't come with strings attached. If you feel the same way, and this moves forward, the kids thing is not a deal breaker for me. Okay? If we can't have kids the old fashioned way, and you want to have kids, we'll figure something out. If you decide you don't want kids. That's okay too. I just want to be with you."

She starts to say something, but stops when they hear a burst of raucous laughter coming from down the hall.

Bass shakes his head. "Shit. I forgot about Blanchard's poker game. It's Friday night. The back conference room will be full of good old boys, smoking cigars, drinking whiskey and telling tall tales over hands of cards."

Charlie exhales slowly and grasps Bass's hand. "That's okay. Let's do what we came here for. We can talk about that other stuff later."

He nods and they walk together toward Bass's office. The drunken laughter fades behind them as they put space between the lively poker game and themselves.

They quietly enter Bass's office. She makes a bee-line for the file cabinet and opens the appropriate drawer by the moonlight that filters through the windows.

Bass flips on a lamp and Charlie sits in her desk chair, flipping through the pages until she finds the section that she was searching for. She reads quietly for a moment.

"It's here. It's all here. How did I miss it?"

"What did you find, Charlie?"

"The Andover case started to go sideways after the contents of the merger were reworked, right?"

He is thoughtful. "Yeah, I guess so. It was around then where things started to fall apart and the information leaks began."

Charlie nods, "That fits. I think this whole mess is due to that restructuring of the merger."

"But the changes were minimal. Just a couple pieces of real estate, and small ones. Compared to the bigger portion of the deal, those additions were nothing."

"I'm guessing that Louis Nunez would beg to differ. Look here." She points to a list of holdings within the file. "It's all about the additions. The dock at the Tunstal ship yard and the warehouse two blocks from there. I bet that's what this is all about."

"I don't get it. I've never even heard of the Tunstal shipyard."

"No reason you would have, and I bet Andover hadn't either. Or if he had, he'd forgotten. He was just trying to throw some more minor holdings into the deal to sweeten it. He didn't look at the details. His company is so big, he just wasn't thinking. He overlooked it."

"Overlooked what, Charlie? What are you talking about?" Bass is getting frustrated.

"I think that the reason Blanchard decided to sabotage the merger was that Nunez told him it could not go through with these additions. He didn't want any of his drug trafficking business to fall into the hands of Willoughby Limited."

"How do you know Nunez' drug business is tied up in this?"

"The last case I was working on with Jeremy was one we were investigating in conjunction with Narcotics. We were looking for one of Nunez's runners, this dirt bag named Bennett. He was pretty low level in Nunez's organization, but had proved to be more than a little crazy. We couldn't prove it yet, but we were sure he was responsible for six murders here in Chicago alone. Narcotics wanted him for dealing and distribution. We'd tracked him to the Tunstal yards, and we knew he was keeping his stash in a nearby warehouse for Nunez. We just hadn't narrowed the exact location down yet."

Bass feels a shiver go down his spine. "This guy – is he the one who shot you?"

Charlie nods. "Yeah. He made us and we didn't realize it. Followed us down town. We spotted him and gave chase. We ended up in this shitty alley and he was cornered. He was going to shoot Baker, but I didn't even think. Everything happened so fast. I jumped in front of Baker and…"

Bass moves close, kneeling next to her chair. "And then?"

"I had four holes in my gut and Baker was screaming for help and Bennett got away."

They both whirl when the office door opens. Mickey Scanlon is standing in the open doorway. He's wearing jeans, a black sweatshirt and an old baseball cap. He is holding files, and looks genuinely surprised to see them. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"This is my office, dipshit. What are YOU doing here?" Bass stands and steps between Scanlon and Charlie. After hearing her story, he is suddenly more worried than ever.

Scanlon holds up the files. "I finished reviewing these. Thought I'd drop them off before I go to the bar to meet up with some friends. You guys here for Blanchard's game?" Scanlon glances around and his eyes fall on the open file on the desk. "What's that?"

Charlie stands slowly and walks out from behind Bass and his desk to face Scanlon. "We're looking through the Andover case file. I had this thought and…" Her voice trails off and she tilts her head slightly. "Wait. Have we met before?"

Scanlon raises an eyebrow. "Well, we met Monday and we've been talking all week. Did you hit your head?"

She shakes her head no, but she's deep in thought. "No. That's not what I meant. I think I remember you from before – "

Charlie doesn't have a chance to finish as the door opens again, banging wildly against the wall. Frank Blanchard is standing there. He has a big grin on his face and a big gun in his hand. "Well, hells bells, Monroe. You having your own party down here and didn't even invite me?"

Bass moves to protect Charlie but Blanchard shakes his head, pointing the gun at Charlie's heart. "Just stop right there, Monroe. We need to talk."

Charlie's eyes are riveted to the gun. Her knees begin to shake. Panic grips her heart. Images of a dark alley and excruciating pain assail her.

Bass is frantic with worry as he sees the gun pointed at Charlie. No. This can't be happening. Not now. Everything she's been through, everything she's survived - it can't end here, like this, not when everything is finally coming together.

He's too far away though to help. He has no hope of getting to Charlie before a bullet does. She looks dazed, and Bass can tell that she's starting to panic. He looks at Scanlon, but that kid isn't really close enough to help her either. "Shit." He mutters, before taking a step around the side of the desk.

The gun swings in his direction and Blanchard's eyes narrow. "Told you not to move."

"Shoot me. Pick me. Leave her alone." Bass's eyes are steely and his voice holds a definite threat.

NO! Charlie watches as the gun moves, its barrel pointed at Bass. NO! Why is this happening again?

"Oh, I'll be shooting all of ya here in a bit. Hold your horses." Blanchard waves the gun slowly back and forth, making sure they all know he's watching. "Listen, I never wanted all this. Truth is I like you, Monroe. I really do. And you, Ms. Porter, well, you're just adorable. Under different circumstances…" He licks his lips and lets his eyes wander down Charlie's frame. "Let's just say that the last thing I want to put in you is a bullet. Nah, what I want to put in you is – "

"We get it." Bass growls, slamming a closed fist down on the desk in front of him. "You're a pervert. Now, why are you going to kill us?"

Charlie's breathing becomes ragged. She tries to focus on the here and now, but the memories swarm - stuttering gunfire and a gush of warm blood. And pain. She knows what is happening. She needs to shake this gripping panic. She needs her book, but it's not here.

"Well, I'm here because before the Irish kid busted in, I was listening to your conversation and realized that you were entirely too close to the truth."

"Listening how?" Scanlon asks. Bass notes that Scanlon sounds curious, but not terribly afraid.

"Planted a bug in here yesterday. Monroe had put a note in my newest copy of the file. That note concerned me and so I wanted to see what y'all knew. Imagine my surprise when the monitor starting blinking in the middle of my game. I excused myself and put on the little headphones that came with the bug. I heard enough to know that you guys know way too much."

"So, you're going to shoot us?" Scanlon scoffs. "In an office building with a roomful of witnesses just down the hall?"

Her terror is a living thing and it zooms and swirls, but she claws mentally to the crest of the panic attack with one thought forefront in her mind. She just found Bass. She won't lose him now. She can't. Something gnaws at the edges of her brain - some thought that she needs to grasp. It's just right there. Almost in reach. Oh. Her breathing begins to even out and with total clarity, Charlie suddenly knows where she's seen Scanlon before.

"Well, that is the plan, yes." Blanchard points the gun at Scanlon now. "Andover can take care of your bodies. He's good at that sort of thing." When he cocks the gun, Blanchard smiles as Scanlon's arms shoot up.

Bass and Charlie both see it at the same time. As Scanlon's arms go high, so does the hem of his sweatshirt. Fully visible is the handle of a handgun, tucked neatly into his waistband at the small of his back..

All panic is replaced by calm as Charlie sees she'd been right about Scanlon.

Everything happens in an instant. Scanlon takes a small step backward. This move puts the gun at his waist within Charlie's grasp. Charlie reaches for it and in one swift movement, born from countless hours at the range, she points the gun, and fires.

Blanchard's smirk disappears as he realizes he'd misjudged something. The bullet that tears through his shoulder makes him drop the gun. Scanlon has it in his fist within seconds, and is kneeling next to Blanchard, searching the old guy for other weapons and holding a hand over the bullet hole to help slow the blood. He glances over his shoulder and flashes Charlie a smile, "You did good, Charlie. Real good."

"Ah hell. That hurts." Blanchard whines.

Charlie is shaky but Bass is there, pulling her close. "It's okay. It's okay."

She pulls from his embrace as a thought strikes. "The poker game! Was Andover down there? Nunez?"

Scanlon shakes his head. "Nope. Andover usually comes, but his surveillance detail reported that he was stuck at home with his sick wife. She's on dialysis and has spells. He's a complete dirt bag, but he dotes on his wife. Nunez has never joined Blanchard's game. Also, two of my associates are under cover in the conference room. I'm sure they already have it all under control."

Charlie sags into Bass then, finally able to exhale.

Bass holds her close, and whispers into her ear. "You are amazing."

Scanlon grins up at them. "He's right. You were. But then, so was I."

"Who are you anyway?" Bass asks. "Not an attorney, I take it."

Charlie frowns thoughtfully, answering Bass. "He's FBI. We met the morning that I was shot. I'd forgotten all about it, but I guess talking about the shooting with you jogged my memory. Scanlon was working on the Nunez case from a federal level. We had a short meeting that morning."

Scanlon nods, "Yeah, it was maybe a two minute meet and greet. No reason you would remember after all that happened later that same day. I was worried when I first ran into you here, but you were so distracted that I could tell you didn't know who I was."

Charlie smiles shyly up at Bass. "Distracted would be a gross understatement."

"Yeah, I noticed."

Bass frowns. "So, you've been here a little while. How did you find out about the Blanchard connection?"

"Neville." Blanchard spits out the name like it's poison. He cringes as a jolt of pain goes through his shoulder. "That little jerk turned me in. Am I right?"

Scanlon nods, "Yeah. Tom Neville heard some conversations that had him worried and he called in a tip. We've been working with him for the past three weeks."

"You knew who I was, though?" Charlie asks.

"Yeah. I remembered you but we also did background when you started working here. Knew you were one of the good guys."

"So you also knew about what happened to me and about my panic attacks?"

"I also saw one of them first hand at the bar, remember? But yes. I knew."

"Yet, when things went to hell tonight, you showed me your gun. You know I freak at the sight of a firearm, but still you offered me yours? What made you so sure I'd be able to use it?"

"I've only known you a week, but the kind of person who will risk their life for a friend – a partner… that is the kind of person who knows what to do under pressure. It was a gamble, but I was pretty sure you'd come through. That kind of spirit doesn't die."

"Thanks Mickey." She says, tears in her eyes.

"No, Charlie. Thank you."

Within minutes, the office is swarming with uniformed policemen and paramedics. Charlie, Bass and Scanlon all give statements, as do all the remaining poker players. Mickey gives Charlie a quick hug and shakes Bass's hand on his way out. "Take care of her. She's a very special gal."

Bass smiles gratefully at Scanlon. "Yeah, I will."

When everyone has gone, Charlie and Bass are finally able to relax. They are in Bass's inner office. He is leaning against his desk, looking out at the Chicago night. Charlie stands next to him.

He looks down at her, tightening his arm around her shoulders. "You look exhausted."

She shrugs with a little smirk. "Not really."

He narrows his eyes at her. "What? I can tell you want to say something."

Charlie moves to stand between his thighs. She leans in and kisses the corner of his mouth. Her voice is low and husky. "All week, I've been thinking about what it would be like for you to take me on this desk."

Bass feels his body respond to her words. "All week, huh?"

"Mmmm." She sucks lightly at his ear lobe and he yanks her closer.

"Well, I admit that thought has crossed my mind as well." His hands slide down to cup her ass. "What shall we do about it?"

"Everything," she says, biting down on a cord in his throat. He yelps and then laughs as he easily switches their position. Now she is up against the desk and he's standing between her thighs. He lifts her slightly so that her ass is resting on the edge of his desk. She wraps her long legs around him and he leans in to taste her.

The kiss they share is the frantic joining of two people who came close to losing one another. This is more than a kiss. It is heated and urgent. His hands are buried in her hair and hers are at his back, fingers moving and exploring as the kiss deepens.

She pulls his shirt out of his pants and he unbuttons it quickly, before shedding it and tossing it aside. Charlie is running her fingernails up and down his chest, admiring every curve of muscle. She pauses only when he pulls at her Blackhawk shirt. Soon it has joined his on the floor. He makes quick work of her bra and his mouth latches hotly around one nipple. He sucks and flicks his tongue against the puckered flesh.

Charlie moans when he uses his teeth, feeling his smile on the tender skin of her breast. She arches her back, urging him to continue. He doesn't need much encouragement, but he does move to her other breast. He spends a lot of time there, sucking and licking.

She grows impatient as need builds within her center. "Up," she says, breathlessly. He does as she suggests, ravaging her mouth once more. She reaches down and begins to unbuckle his belt. After the belt is out of the way, she loosens his pants, and reaches inside to cradle his ass with her fingers.

His hands move to the button on her jeans.

She stops him. "Turn out the lights."


"Yes. Turn them off."

"No." Bass pauses, watching her face. "I told you that I love you. I need to see. I need to show you that my love doesn't change just because you have scars."

Charlie bites her lip and looks away. She's torn.

"We all have scars, Charlie. Sometimes, they are just on the inside, but we all have them."

She takes a deep shuddering breath. "I've never shown anyone Bass. Never."

"Show me?" He asks, his voice soft.

She nods with a little jerk and then closes her eyes. He takes his time, unlacing and removing her boots before unbuttoning and unzipping her pants. At the same time, he kicks out of his own pants and underwear. When he tells her to lift, she uses her hands for leverage, lifting her butt off the desk so that he can pull her jeans and panties off her legs. They are both naked, skin glowing a soft gold in the muted light cast by the desk lamp.

He doesn't move. Doesn't touch her. Not at first. She opens her eyes slowly, and looks at him. Tears are spilling down his cheeks as he memorizes her skin with his gaze. He looks up and their eyes lock.

She had expected sympathy or pity. She sees neither.

"May I touch you?" His voice is hoarse.

She nods again, slower this time. Charlie feels something building inside, something bigger than sexual tension. Something more important than getting off. This thing that is growing in her chest is warming her from the inside out and causing her heart to pound in her chest. She watches as he tentatively reaches out to stroke the scarred flesh.

Her belly and lower abdomen are a patchwork of jagged raised flesh and whirls of scar tissue. Skin which had once been smooth and toned now feels uneven and lumpy in places. The scars glow white against the natural warm tan of her unmarred flesh.

Bass feathers his fingers along every line, carefully exploring every bit of this part of her she's never shown anyone before. He takes his time, being sure to address each and every scar with a tender and loving touch.

It's too much. Charlie doesn't even know she's crying until her body lurches with a sob. He seems to know what she needs and he pulls her close, holding her tight. His arms are around her back and her face is buried in his throat. He holds her until her sobs subside, gently stroking her back.

She sounds scratchy when she finally speaks, "I'm sorry. I know it's so ugly."

Bass pulls back, finding her eyes with his. "No, Charlie. Those scars aren't ugly. They are beautiful." He traces a finger along a long white line. "Beautiful." he says again.


"Yes. They are beautiful, because they remind me that you are here. You are alive. Those doctors had to carve you up a bit but they saved you. Every one of these scars reminds me that you could have died. Nothing about you is ugly. Nothing."

As if to show her just how sincere he is, Bass lowers himself to his knees. He presses his lips to one scar and then another, gently kissing his way down the lined section of her belly, and then going lower. He lifts her thighs onto his shoulders and wraps his arms around them, holding her in place. She's still wet from their earlier coupling in the water tower. He slowly begins to lick and suck his own seed from her core. Alternately, he uses the rough of his tongue on her clit before going back to her drenched center to lick and suck and fuck her with his tongue. All the while, his hands stroke her scars slowly.

She grasps handfuls of his curls and moves her hips, pivoting in an instinctive rhythm, trying to get more of him. He complies, working her into a frenzy. She comes with a cry and he moves back on his haunches, watching her with a satisfied smile. She takes a deep, shaky breath as she begins to come down from her orgasm. He stands, wiping at his mouth and chin with one of his hands before taking his cock and stroking it as he walks toward her.

Charlie reaches up and strokes his cheek. "Bass?"


"Pretty sure I love you too." Her eyes are wet, but her smile is wide.

"Thank God." He says with a laugh pulling her legs around his waist once more, and lining his throbbing dick against her slippery hole. Charlie wiggles a little and he moans, but doesn't enter yet. Instead, he teases her velvety folds with the head of his cock. He strokes it against her center is measured movements. Finally he settles just where she wants him most.

"Need you," she says against his ear.

"You have me," he says as he slides into her heat. They start out slow. Bass pumps fully into her core and retreats before pushing fully in once more. Then he repeats; thrusting deeply, watching her expression change as the tension builds. He increases his tempo and she's holding on to him, nails biting into his back as he pounds her into the desk. It doesn't take long before they combust together, collapsing into a sweaty heap.

"Need you forever," she whispers, kissing his temple.

"You're in luck," he says with a sated smile. "That's exactly how long you have me."

Chapter Six Part 2: Three Years Later

"What do you mean, you can't come? You have to come. It's Baker's birthday. Charlie will never forgive you if you miss this. Baker won't either." Bass is truly disappointed as he talks into the phone.

Miles groans on the other end of the line. "Listen, I swear to you I'm going to get there if I can. This case has blown up on me and I may need to be on this stake-out for a few more hours. Tell Charlie and Baker both that I'll make it up to them if I don't show."

"No way, brother. If you don't come to the party tonight, you will be making your excuses to those two all by yourself. Besides, you're gonna miss a hell of a game. Flyers are going to kick ass tonight."

"You're in an executive box at United Center. Doesn't that mean you are obligated to cheer for Chicago?"

"Never. Now get your ass down here."

Bass hangs up the phone and frowns at it. He's deep in thought when he hears a bark of laughter which draws his attention to where his wife is sitting on a big leather sofa next to Jeremy Baker. In front of them on a low table sits an enormous chocolate cake. The two old friends and former partners have clearly gotten a jump on the night's festivities, drinks in hand. Charlie throws her head back again, laughing at something Jeremy's wife has said.

Everyone is here: friends and co-workers as well as family. They have all come to celebrate Baker's birthday. Miles's new wife Nora is chatting with Julia Neville on the balcony seats that overlook the ice. Tom Neville is talking with Miles's business partner Jim. The Pittmans are talking with Danny who flew in for the festivities. Special agent Scanlon had even shown up, although as usual, he is alone. Jeremy and his very pregnant wife are sitting with Charlie. Bass watches them all and a grin slowly replaces the frown that Miles had caused.

Life is good, even if he is surrounded by fucking Blackhawk fans.

The Zamboni has cleared the ice and the first puck of the game is ready to drop when the door to the box suite opens and Miles Matheson appears. His arms are laden with brightly colored packages. Miles dumps them unceremoniously by the door and looks around. "So, where's the birthday boy?"

Jeremy Baker laughs and points. "He's out on the balcony with the manny."

Miles rolls his eyes. This isn't the first time he's done that regarding Bass and Charlie's decision to hire a male nanny for their son Baker.

Just then the doors to the balcony open and the 'manny' Jason Neville appears with a precocious blond toddler in his arms. "Look." Jason says to Baker. "Told you that your Uncle Miles would be here."

The birthday boy squeals in delight and wriggles down, running to hurl himself into Miles's arms. "Hi!" He says with a toothy little grin.

Miles can't resist this kid. He grins back. "Hi Baker. Happy birthday. How old are you?"

"I'm this many." Carefully the little guy holds up two fingers. "Presents for me?"

"Yes, of course I brought you presents." Miles ruffles the head of golden curls before sitting the little boy in front of his pile of gifts. "Have at it. They're all yours."

As Baker digs into his presents, Miles wanders over to Charlie and pulls her off the couch and into a big hug. "How you doing?"

"Kind of drunk, actually." She's grinning. "We're celebrating."

"Yeah, I know. That's why I'm here. Didn't figure you'd start so far ahead of me."

"Well, we're celebrating Baker's birthday, but also something else." Charlie sits back down next to Jeremy and his wife Ellie. She points at Ellie's swollen belly. "It's a girl, Miles. We're having a girl."

Miles feels tears in his eyes. He loves Charlie as if she's his own. Truth is, of course, that she could be. He never has confronted Rachel about that possibility and never plans to. None of that matters. Regardless of who her father might be, Charlie's happiness is the most important thing to Miles.

"Congratulations, Mama. Does Bass know?"

"Of course I know, you dick. We went to the appointment with Ellie. I think the ultrasound tech thought we had some weird polygamist thing going on till we explained about the surrogacy."

Miles looks over at Ellie Baker. She is sweet and soft spoken with big brown eyes that light up whenever she sees her husband's face. Miles fights tears back again. He kneels in front of Ellie and takes one of her hands in his. "You know, what you're doing here for them. Doing for them again…" he clears his throat. "Well, it's amazing. Our whole family is indebted to you. Anything you ever need, you just tell us."

Ellie takes her free hand and places it on Jeremy's knee. She looks up into his face and the love there is so real, so very raw that everyone looks away for a moment. Ellie turns back to Miles. "You have it all wrong, you know. They don't owe me anything. It's me that owes them. Owes her. When she took those bullets meant for my Jeremy, she saved his life and she saved my life too, because I wouldn't have survived without him."

Miles nods. "I know, but still."

"No buts. Carrying their babies is the absolute least I can do. If they want more of them, all they have to do is ask." She laughs when Jeremy lifts an eyebrow, questioningly.

"Well, maybe they'll have to wait just a bit. We've decided to maybe try for one of our own next."

"We do have five or six frozen embryos left." Bass offers with a smirk. He moves quickly to dodge the sofa cushion that Jeremy lobs at his head.

Miles looks back and forth between Bass and Charlie. "Five or six more? Are you kidding me?"

"Don't worry, Miles." Charlie says with a smirk. "Two babies is enough. We won't be asking for Ellie's help again." Charlie wraps her arms around Ellie's shoulders and hugs her friend tight. "Love you guys."

"We love you too."

Little Baker walks over then with a huge blue teddy bear in one arm and a monster truck dangling from his other hand. "Daddy? Uncle Miles, play with me?"

Miles nods, wiping at his eyes. "You bet, Kiddo. Let's play." Bass follows Miles and the three go to a corner where they can play in peace.

Between periods of the hockey game, Jeremy pulls Charlie aside. "Hey Charlie, I know one more thing we might want to celebrate."

"What's that?" Charlie asks, taking another sip from her beer.

"Connor Bennett. They got him."

Charlie feels a shiver at the name of the man who had caused them all so much pain. "Got him?"

"Yep. He's in Fox River. Same cell block as Andover and Blanchard. Small world."

"And Nunez?" She asks.

"He's still in prison in Panama. The US has dibs on him if he ever gets released, but nobody ever comes out of that prison alive, so I think he's where he needs to be."

"So, it's all over?" Charlie lets out a shaky sigh.

"Yeah, I think so. You want to come back to the PD?" Jeremy punches her shoulder playfully. "We miss you."

"Nah. I'm really happy working with the Bureau. My new partner isn't so bad either. He's no Jeremy Baker, but he'll do."

"I heard that." Mickey Scanlon says, walking up and wrapping an arm around Charlie's shoulders.

"Sometimes, the truth hurts." Baker says with a smirk. He turns to Charlie. "I'm glad you aren't out in the field much. Does that make me selfish?"

Charlie shakes her head. "Nope. I'm glad too. I like that I don't have to worry every day about whether or not I'll see my family again. They mean the world to me. I love being an agent, but nothing compares to being a mom. My favorite part of the day is when I get home and Baker is waiting for me with a big smile and a hug. Love him so much." She giggles. "Bass too of course."

"And now a new baby is almost here. Are you ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be."

Jeremy walks off to talk with some of the others and Charlie looks at Mickey. "What's up? You're being weird."

"I uh, have a question."

"Okay?" Charlie is curious.

"Is your manny single?" Mickey's cheeks grow red as he sees Charlie's eyes widen in surprise.

She recovers quickly and smiles. "Yes, I do believe he is. Want me to introduce you?"

"Yes, please." Mickey sighs in relief and Charlie takes his hand, leading him over to meet Jason.

Baker had demanded three bedtime stories and two songs before finally crashing into a deep sleep, one arm wrapped tightly around his new bear. Bass and Charlie are finally winding down on their sofa after a very busy day.

"So, a girl." Bass says, still digesting that bit of news from earlier today.

"Yeah. I can't wait to meet her. Do you think she'll look like her brother? He looks so much like you."

"Baker looks like you too, Charlie. I think he got a pretty nice mix of the best of us both."

She shrugs. "I suppose so. Regardless, he's adorable."

"We do make beautiful babies." Bass agrees. "So, any ideas on baby girl names?"

"Yeah." She moves to straddle him on the couch. "But you have to guess."


She raises her hands high in the air, clasping her fingers. Slowly she begins to sway. "Ding. Ding. Ding."

Bass yanks her down and into his arms and they are both laughing. After the laughter fades, he leans in for a kiss. "So, Liberty?"

"Yes, Liberty Belle Monroe. That's B-E-L-L-E and we'll call her Libby, I mean if that name is okay with you? I know it's not a regular baby name." She looks at him with big hopeful eyes.

"Charlie, I think you know by now, all I want is for you to be happy. Are you happy?"

"Yes. I'm very happy. In fact, there is only one thing I can think of that could possibly make me happier."

"What's that?"

"Take off your clothes, and I'll show you."

Bass grins at his wife as he begins to strip. "As you wish."


A/N First and foremost, a huge THANK YOU to Romeokijai for the prompt, for her beta super powers and for her friendship. If you see errors (especially in this chapter), blame me, and me alone. I got a bit antsy with wanting to get this published before the Armada begins in earnest.

Secondly, thanks to each and every one of you who commented or showed this story some love in any other way. Your support is very much appreciated.

One last thank you to LadyHawke who got me started watching Prison Break. If you look very closely, you may recognize a couple PB references in this chapter (Tunstal Yards and Fox River in particular, as well as Luis Nunez' new home, which is modeled after Sona Prison in Panama).

Disclaimer...I don't know a lot about surrogacy, and what little I do know came from some Google research. If I got something wrong, I sincerely apologize.

Thanks for reading. Please leave a comment if you'd be so kind.