So this is oneshot/not-really-a-oneshot-because-I'd-like-to-continue-it-eventually-maybe. Enjoy!

"It's alright, Boss. I've got him in my sights." Kid said, gripping the Dragunov SVD, his sights trained on his target.

Joe Marshal is the CFO of Quarter Brink Enterprises. He wasn't a very nice guy in The Kid's opinion. They met awhile back at a corporate party while Kid was undercover, gathering information. He took a risk and approached him. For a supposedly paranoid guy, he was pretty loose with information. Kid learned names of contacts (not that Marshal knew his name dropping was so helpful), dates (Kid may have swiped his phone and checked his calender), and interestingly that he was cheating on his wife (he got a "confirmation" call during one of their chats. It wasn't hard to put two and two together with the way he fiddled with his wedding band*).

Looking down at the balding business man from seventeen stories, Kid reckoned that no one would be particularly distraught with this man's death. Considering that he was siphoning money off from the accounts he was in charge of, even his company was in for a pleasant surprise once The Kid was finished.

"Kid, you need to take the shot now. We have another agent down there about to demonstrate his skills."

Without any hesitation The Kid's finger squeezed the trigger. The shot rang out loud, meeting it's intended target effortlessly. Marshal went down instantly with a shot to the head. His blood seeping into the pavement. People scrambled around in a frenzy. Kid couldn't help but chuckle at their reaction as he packed the sniper rifle into it's case in his duffle bag.

He paused suddenly, "Wait, Sir. You said there was another agent nearby?"

The building behind Marshal's corpse, the one he was about to enter before he was silence, exploded with a deafening Boom! Glass shattered as a gaping whole appeared in the side of the structure. Flames licked the remains.* It was a terrifying sight for a civilian, but something entirely different for a trained killer. The sheer chaos was delightful.

"Kid, meet Trigger." The voice one the other end of The Kid's earwig said with a sarcastic edge. "Now quit staring. Get to the extraction point, now!"

Kid shook his head, "Yes, right. Sorry, Boss. On my way." He heard a snort on the other end and smirked. Kid is a very polite person and proud of it. Just because he kills people doesn't mean he can't have manners. His insistence at using civilian niceties greatly amuses his higher ups. He can't say why. But, they don't bother him, so he doesn't worry about it much.

Pulling his cap down lower on his forehead, Kid waited patiently at the extraction point. Seconds later, a dark van sped down the street and came to an abrupt stop in front of him. The door to the van slammed open, "The fallen angel becomes a malignant devil." barked a scowling man with sea green eyes and shoulder length blonde hair.

"Yet even that enemy of God and man had friends and associates in his desolation; I am alone."* Kid finished the quote from Mary Shelley's Frankenstein and grinned as he threw his duffle bag on the floor of the van. He clambered in after it, not at all bothered by his colleague's terse behavior.

"Is everyone present?" A pleasant voice from the front seat asked.

"Yes." Both men answered in unison with varying degrees of enthusiasm.

In response, the brunet in the front seat sped the clunky van far away from the scene of fire and death.

"So, which one of you is Trigger?" Kid peered at the other two agents in the van.

The blonde across from him gave a non-committal grunt. Kid took that as a yes.

"Oh really? That's great. I wanted to say I admire your work. From what I've seen, you're very good. Do you specialize in anything besides demolitions?"

The man called Trigger's eyes narrowed. "Listen, kid. I don't know who you are and I don't particularly ca-"

Kid grinned, "How'd you know my code name was The Kid? You're good!" He said, not at all patronizing.

Trigger glared at him viciously, "Anyway, I'm here to get a job done. I don't have time for your pathetic attempts at conversation."

Kid looked around the van, blinking in confusion. It sure looked like he had time for a small chat. It's not like there's much to do in a smelly van.

Trigger seemed to notice this as well, "Shut up." He griped and turned away.

Kid was about to comment on how he hadn't said anything, but thought better of it.

Angler watched the exchange in her rearview mirror with interest.

After a few more suffocating moments of silence, Kid thought he'd scream honestly, Angler piped up from her spot in the driver's seat.

"Since I'm the one carting your butts back to HQ I think it'd be best if the both of you introduced yourselves. Here, I'll go first. I'm called Angler, support class."

Trigger snorted, "What the hell's that supposed to mean?"

"It means I don't have just one specialty. I'm a kind of a jack of all trades."

"Or you're useless; as in master of none?"

Angler sniffed and turned her head away, chin in the air. Trigger smirked.

Kid made an effort to change diffuse the tension, "I'm The Kid. Usually my missions are solo. So, it's nice to meet other agents. I'm a sniper. I've broken the world record for longest shot too, unofficially of course."

He grinned over at Trigger who sighed, "Trigger. Weapons and demolitions. There isn't a man-made machine for war that I don't know how to use. Now, if you're satisfied and sharing time is over..? I'm going to take a nap. I'm not going to spend the next two hours listening to you two."

And with that the rest of the drive was endured with an awkward silence.

Trigger almost felt bad... almost.

"Oh! Thank God you're all back. The Boss is about to go ballistic." Trigger's handler immediately glomped him when the three of them entered headquarters. He noticed out of the corner of his eye, Angler and The Kid also meet with their handlers. He noticed that their handlers weren't near as neurotic and touchy as his. Damn them. If Trigger didn't already dislike them, he certainly did now.

Maria Colbert latched herself to the Swiss man's arm and went into a flurry of mile-a-minute words.

"Wait. What? I can't understand you. What's going on?" Trigger unattached the chattering Latina from his arm and steadied her. His hands on either side of her shoulders.

Surprised, Maria blinked, "P-porcelain."

His brows furrowed, "Porcelain? What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"She's a new agent. She-she's on a rampage."

"Has she finished all of the training?"

Trigger watched as something seemed to dawn on his absent-minded handler, "Shit. I wasn't supposed to tell you, y-you weren't supposed to kno-" Trigger shook her slightly, trying to get her to focus, "Y-yes. She's a fully fledged agent." Maria mumbled, clearly deflated.


Maria cast her eyes to the ground, "Fourth floor. But, what are you-"

She was cut off abruptly as Trigger turned to the other returned agents. "Angler. Kid. There's a situation. I'll fill you in on the way."

The two agents although confused, quickly complied having already observed seriousness of his nature on the long car ride here. They had no doubt there was an actual problem and immediately pulled away from their handlers to follow him.

The fourth floor was eerily silent when the three agents arrived... for about two seconds. Screams, grunts, metal clashing, and frantic orders quickly filled the floor in it's entirety.

Trigger immediately got to work, "Kid, head to the nearest first aid station. Find the Valium, stick it in a syringe, and get your ass back here as fast as possible. Got that?" Kid nodded and rushed off. Trigger turned toward his other companion. "I sure hope close quarters combat is one of your trades. 'Cause you're with me, Angler."

Angler gave him a cheshire grin, "It is. Don't worry about me. I just hope you can keep up." She winked and headed towards the sounds of mayhem.

Trigger grumbled and trudged on after her.

The sight that greeted them when they entered was... shocking to say the least. If not for the current situation, the agents first glance at the new recruit would have left them doubtful of her abilities.

They immediately understood the code name 'Porcelain.' That's what she looked like she was made of. The agent called Porcelain was young and slight; couldn't have been older than twenty three. She would have called to mind a fragile china doll with her innocent features under normal circumstances. But, her eyes held severity that was as threatening as it was unusual for her looks.

She moved like lightening. Her reflexes quick to dodge any physical onslaught and retaliate with equal, if not more fervor and brutality.*

"Put your gun down, you fool. The boss declared no permanent measures are to be taken against the asset!" The nearby chief ordered one of his men.

"So how should we handle this?"

"Talking her down won't work. She's too agitated. Our only hope is to hold out until The Kid gets back with that sedative."

Trigger and Angler nodded to each other and set to work.

It was Trigger that came at the distraught girl from the front, with Angler slowly working her way around to flank.

Porcelain snapped her eyes stormy blue gray eyes towards him. In a flash she was in front of him with an uppercut to the stomach with enough momentum to stagger her opponent. Without giving him time to recover she raised her elbow to deal a devastating blow to Trigger's collarbone.

By this time the previous men sent out to neutralize Porcelain stepped back to let the other assets handle the problem. That's when Angler swooped in, grabbing her attention. Porcelain's snowy locks swirled with her as she anticipated the other female agent's movement. Grabbing her fist and pulling her forward. Once Angler was directly beside her she stepped into an uppercut, aimed at her kidneys. Porcelain found herself behind the agent now. She kicked the back of her knee caps in, temporarily crippling the agent.

Rage seethed in her movements as she stalked back over toward Trigger.

Kid returned just in time and moved toward Angler, who was now on the floor. Forgoing his questions he helped her up into a sitting position. "I found it." He said and presented her with the syringe.

Angler just nodded, a determined expression set in her face. With a wince she stood and motioned to Trigger silently to keep her busy.

Taking the syringe, she readied it in her hand and waited for an opening from the young agent.

The first thing Porcelain did when she reached Trigger was launch herself at him. She went straight for his leg, grabbing his hamstring. Trigger guessed what she was trying to do and brought his foot towards her hip. Porcelain simply ignored his attempt to stagger her by lifting his knee up with one arm, she smacked the side of his head with her other. Effectively disorienting him and taking him to the ground.* Once he was on the ground she pressed her body weight across his chest, wrapping her left arm behind his neck. She dropped her shoulder into his face and used her head to drive his shoulder across him, into his face. Once she had Trigger in a suitably uncomfortable position she grabbed her right bicep with her left hand and put her right hand to her ear, trapping him. Bringing her legs closer to his side she crossed over his waist and spidered the floor until her right arm was at a ninety degree angle with his body. On her toes, with her legs out behind her she squeezed. "I don't know who you are. Or why you're here. But, I will destroy you." She growled.

All of this was done in a matter of seconds.

Angler barely had time to notice her distracted state until she heard Trigger's strangled gasp for air. She launched herself at the crazed agent. Standing over her, Angler placed her knee against the girls back and grabbed her hair, jerking it to the side. Porcelain was surprised enough that her head went with it, exposing her neck. Angler wasted no time in thrusting the needle into her skin and injecting the sedative.

The effect wasn't immediate.

In fact, the small speck of blood on her neck only served to anger her more as she further disentangled herself from Trigger, leaving him gasping for air on the ground.

She stalked toward Angler with a enraged fire in her eyes. She was about to open her mouth to threaten her fellow agent when a loud, thump! Reverberated against her head and the lights went dark for her.

Kid stood with Porcelain's crumpled body at his feet, an electric pencil sharpener in hand. "Well, that was exciting." He said thoughtfully.

Angler and Trigger just smirked, panting as their adrenaline levels slowly decreased.

"I guess we know what her specialty is." Angler joked, walking over to Trigger and offering him a hand up. He chuckled and accepted.

"Yeah, she's an easily underestimated close quarters combatant. Plus, she's scary as shit. No one's ever used moves like that on me before." Trigger mused, peering at her curiously.

The Kid set his pencil sharpener aside and tapped his chin with his finger. His light blonde hair flopping in his sparkling purple eyes, "I wonder if she's strictly hand-to-hand?" He said thoughtfully.

Angler shook her head, "Of course not. I'm sure she's trained in some type of ranged weaponry. Maybe pistols."

"Nah. She strikes me as someone that might like knives though." Kid said as he propped her unconscious body against the side of an office desk.

Trigger shook his head, "Doesn't matter. As long as I'm never the one she's targeting."

Angler giggled, "Scared you, did she?"

He glared, "Shut up, you were terrified too."

"Guys, she's coming to." Kid whisper shouted at them. Their heads snapped toward the doll-like girl. She looked even more innocent when she was unconscious. It would have been adorable, if she wasn't insane when she was awake and was currently rousing herself now.

"Quick! What do we do?" Trigger urged Angler, also whisper shouting.

"Me? Why do you assume I have the answer?" She griped.

"Nngh." Porcelain moaned and her large eyes fluttered open. She blinked a few times, but found it hard to keep her eyes open past half-lidded. She looked around to find eight weary glances hovering over her.

"Alright. What'd you inject me with." Porcelain growled at Angler with a glare. It would have been terrifying if she didn't look so adorably sleepy.

"Just Valium. You feeling any calmer?" Angler asked, crouching beside her.

Porcelain was about to nod when her attention was called elsewhere. A loud booming voice entered the room, "Okay, no one better be dead. The paperwork would be a major bitch. I am so not in the mood for your crap, Por- Who the hell told the other assets about the situation!?" There standing a few feet from the elevator was the boss. Looking absolutely livid. He pointed at one of the hired guns standing nearby, "You. Status report. Now!"

"The target was neutralized by the other assets, sir. No permanent methods used, no casualties."

The boss nodded and peered at the girl, "Holy shit, what'd you do? Drug her? She looks stoned."

Porcelain's face turned down into an adorable pout and she crossed her arms, "I'm fine, thanks."

He chuckled. Then turned his attention toward the agents, "Who told you about the situation?"

Kid and Angler were quick to point the finger at Trigger. "Great, some friends you are." He mumbled under his breath.

The boss sighed, "Well, that's great and all. But, it tells me nothing. Who told you Trigger?"

Trigger stayed silent. Sure, Maria was a pain in the ass. But, he wasn't about to sell her out. He has a heart.

"No answer? Eh, I suppose it doesn't matter. No harm no foul right?" Nobody answered.

"Sheesh, tough crowd. Anyway, Trigger, Kid, Angler, and Porcelain return to your handlers."

The three standing nodded. The Kid helped Porcelain to her feet. Together, the four of them headed towards the elevators.

"You're not going to attack us again, are you?" The Kid asked the girl leaning heavily on him once they reached the elevators. She glanced up at him thoughtfully, "No. Unless you piss me off."

"Surely that's not hard from what we just saw." Trigger sniggered spitefully.

"You don't know anything about me!" Porcelain seethed.

"I know you're most definitely going to compromise Project Desolation. That's enough for me."

Angler placed a hand on his shoulder in silent warning. Realizing her close proximity, Trigger quickly shoved her off.

"What do you want to do about the assets?"

The blonde man just smiled, "Their meeting went much better than expected. I'm thinking about taking it in a whole other direction, actually. Team missions from here on out. They worked well together, don't you think?"

The secretary nodded and muttered a weak, "Yes, sir."

"Hmm. Let's just hope they don't disappoint." The head project manager of Project Desolation grinned with a sly gleam in his bright sky blue eyes.

# 1 Was this too farfetched? I don't think so... But, as usual I'm not sure.

# 2 I got stuck here. How are you supposed to describe an explosion?It's times like these I get upset I suck a metaphors.

# 3 Gotta love Mary Shelley. I hope this passes for a good code phrase thing.

# 4 Here, let me just explain what her fighting looks like and not actually give you any details. Ugh, I'm the worst.

# 5 Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, anyone?

Main Cast (in order of appearance):

The Kid – Finland

Trigger – Switzerland

Angler – Hungary

Porcelain – Belarus

The Boss – America

Okay, so Switzerland is a total ass in this first chapter and poor Belarus had a mental breakdown of attacking people. I feel bad about that... If this is continued you can rest assured you'll get character development for these two as penance. Reviews are marvelous and so is pie. Specifically blueberry.