A/N: You guys didn't expect this...right? Or did y'all? XD

Mkay...another attempt on FreddBon fluffs and romance, and apparently this one had Fem!Bonnie in it, because let's be honest, I'm not into yaoi or MalexMale pairings... :/ it's just...FreddBon is my OTP and I'm a huge shipper of them :3

Now that being said, here's some warnings and notes before we begin:

-Heavy AU: Takes in an alternate universe where the murders didn't happen, the animatronics aren't homicidal, and with the night guards (Mike and Jeremy) befriends them well :3 Also, Bonnie caused the Bite...and you guys might wondering why, but I'll explain that later :P

-Takes place at the second game's restaurant with slightly larger establishment, and all the animatronics (the Fazgang, Toys, Springtrap and Golden Freddy) are comissioned to work together in one pizzeria.

-Female Bonnie and Golden Freddy/Goldie. The reason why...I already told you guys, I'm not into MxM/Yaoi pairings :/

-The animatronics are sentient and able to do human stuff (eat, sleep, ect.) and has a special trait and personality of their own.

And lastly:

-Slight profanity (Night guards' potty mouth, Foxy and Mangle's sailor mouth, and slight cusses from the others), gore and graphic violence (Mostly in flashbacks :/)

Anyways, without further rambling, enjoy the chapter!

?'s POV

Have you ever been accused for something you felt like you didn't do, but the others saw what you did?

Have you ever hurt...or killed somebody that you dearly loved?

Have you ever experienced the feeling of being torn apart by your friends, who trusted you and loved you as the part of the family?

Here's something I wanted to tell you: I have...

Yes, as you all might guessed, I have experienced and did everything I said.

Pain, hate, betrayal, suffering, sadness...that's all I felt for the last couple of...months? Maybe years now...as I sit in a slumped down position on the dusty floor of my dwelling place: Parts/Service room.

You might wondering why this all happened, but here's what happened:

I bit a child...

Yes, I bit a child. The poor soul couldn't be more than 7 years old and nearly lost her life...

For the first time since I was built and programmed, I hurt a child - no, seemingly tried to murder a child - without myself unable to process everything I just did, I was so sure that I didn't do it...it was a glitch in my processor. Or someone was controlling my actions from somewhere else...

I tried to reason with the others, trying to convince them that it was an accident. But how foolish I am, I already knew they wouldn't believe me. So I had to pay the price for damaging the pizzeria's reputation and did such horrible thing...and mainly, disappointing father for my actions...

They ripped me apart, hurt me, took my identity, and threw me here. Now I slowly rot and rust away inside the forbidden room, with everyone loathing and forgetting my very existence inside the pizzeria I called home for...years? I don't remember, my dating system is severely damaged, along with my night vision and voice box. Gosh, I look hideous and really child-unfriendly now...

My left arm was severed, leaving only a tangled mess of wires and the frame of my endoskeleton of where my arm used to be. I also had many dents and holes on various part of my suit. And my withered condition didn't help either, the holes began growing bigger, exposing more of my endoskeleton, with dirt and smudges staining my fur. My servos are battered...badly, my rusted joints only made it worse, moving a limb feels like there's tons of additional weight strapped into your body...

But worse of all, they ripped my face off...

All you can see from the remains of my head is my lower jaw and my eerie glowing red endoskeleton eyes...

Kids and adults alike are terrified upon seeing me...they said I was a monster, calling me the faceless one or "the bunny who bit a child", I was treated like garbage...or an animal, by the people whom I called my family, they only fed me some leftover pizza or expired canned food to fuel my energy...even sometimes those stuff that you might find in the garbage. But when the pizzeria held a birthday, I would most likely be given the leftover food from the party...at least better than rotting food in the garbage. They only provided me a bucket to empty my septic tank, and someone would volunteer themselves to go into this room and change the bucket daily. I'm surprised they still have a heart after all the things they've did to me, but what's the point of keeping me alive here? Seeing me suffer? Or watching me slowly rot and rust away? Huh, I'd rather have died when they ripped me apart a few...years ago...

My name is Bonnie the Bunny...and this is the story of my life...

"Great, just another day on job..."

Foxy heaved a sigh as he plopped down onto the couch of the lounge, where everyone gathered after they finished their daily routine on Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. The magical place for kids and grown-ups alike...at least that's what the manager said...

"I'm not going to lie...the kids are getting out of hand today." Toy Bonnie, or Blue, as he liked to be called, said as he polished his red guitar to make the paint sparkle once again, "My makeup is ruined because of them."

"Oh stuff it, it's just your makeup Blue. I've been through a lot more than that." A white and pink furred vixen replied, named Mangle, as she fitted her paw to replace the hook that was once there. "The kids are very rambunctious at the Kid's Cove that made me think they were going to tear me apart. But eh, better than being cut in half in a magic show..."

"Hmpf, consider yourself lucky that you don't become a guinea pig for a magic show!" Springtrap, a golden bunny, retorted. His gray eyes flashed with anger. "You didn't know how embarrassing it is to have your body split in two, real bunnies flooding out from your ass, a quarter mile long tie being pulled out from your ears, and worse; locked up in a box while having real knives almost shred your wiener to pieces!"

These conversations had been a recurring activity for the Fazfamily, at the end of the day, the whole family gathered around in the longue to talk about their activity (but mostly complain about the kids and stuff like that) over some snacks and sodas. But things seemed...different, it felt like...something - or someone - was missing from their usual activity, even when chatting and having some fun, they usually felt a piece of puzzle gone from their heart, ever since that dreadful day... But, everyone already (trying actually) forgot about it. Hey, what's done is done, and there's nothing you could've done to change the past...

"...and that's why you shouldn't let a kid climb on you." Blue finally finished his story, resulting in most of the animatronics chuckling in unison. The blue bunny always was the one who had stories to tell, and filled up most of the time and sometimes got rid of boredom that usually overwhelmed the animatronics during day off. Considering they only got TV and a set of gaming console to entertain themselves, and going out wasn't really an option. "I swear, that boy almost left me with unbalanced hearing and lot of pain tonight."

Chica giggled as she set down a tray of cupcakes on the table, wiping her hands with her apron, "Well, at least you're still intact Bluey."

Foxy groaned as he noticed what meal Chica has served to them, "Ay, anotha' cupcake again lassie?" He inquired, staring at the cupcakes with different colored frosting on it uninterestedly, pursing his lips. "That be the fifth time tis' week."

"Come on Foxy, at least it's miles better than Springtrap's spicy sandwiches." Chica replied, everyone shuddered at the mention of "Springtrap's spicy sandwiches", trying to not think the day when everyone had extreme diarrhea malfunction over their digestive system and wrestling with each other to use the bathroom first after taking a few bites. Well, except for one person, a particular purple bunny who devoured a whole plate of sandwiches without getting a slight nausea or any malfunction within her systems. And that sandwich, was a nightmare to everyone.

"Gee, at least someone likes it." Springtrap said, crossing his arms and his ears wilted. Still can't get over the fact that his sandwiches are worse than a spiced garbage stew.

"Just face it Springy, you're the worst cook the world has ever known." Goldie told the golden bunny, smirking as she snatched one of the cupcakes and starts munching on it like a hungry bear.

"And that someone would be yourself, Springtrap." Chica quipped, earning another groan from the bunny. "Ain't that right Freddy?"

Freddy meanwhile, didn't answer, the elder bear seemed to be occupied by his own thoughts as he just stood in the front of the window, stoically staring into the sunset outside with his paws behind his back. A blank look etched into his face and his azure eyes filled with worries.

After a momentary silence, BB was the first one who spoke; "Um... Mr. Freddy, are you alright there?" The balloon vendor asked, a hint of concern clearly heard in his voice.

Freddy quickly snapped out from his thoughts, shaking his head some and turned to the young human animatronic, giving him a reassuring smile. "I-I'm fine BB, just...thinking about stuff..."

"Spacing out again there, brother?" Teddy sipped his cup of tea, before exhaling a long sigh. "You've been doing that for the last couple of days, what has gotten into you?"

Freddy sighed, the elder bear then turned to look at his younger sibling, "N-nothing...just got lots of stuff on my mind now..." He replied, trying to assure the leader of the Toys.

"Ya sure Fred?" Chi's accented voice spoke, arching an eyebrow. "Ya looked like yer hidin' somethin', is there somethin' ya would like ta tell us about?"

"No Chi, I already told you guys, I'm fine." Freddy let out a - made up - playful chuckle, as if nothing was wrong with him.

For the past few days, everyone had been questioning the bear's condition (something he didn't take quite well) due to his sudden change of mood and attitude, he often spacing out during breaks and became quite a bit of loner recently. It was obvious that he did have a lot in his mind when accidents happened, but after days went by, everything's been nothing but normal. Too normal actually. And everyone was starting to get concerned about Freddy Fazbear. God knows what he was thinking right now, along with the author.

"Well, I'm just gonna...go into the main office and ask if Mike and Jeremy could take their shifts tonight." Freddy stated, walking away from the group.

"Oh, and Freddy," Blue stood from his seat, glancing at the brown bear, "can you be a dear and help me with some stuff after you're done askin'? I...can't find the box where I kept all the video games for tonight's game night."

Freddy sighed in relief, he thought the bunny would question him further, fortunately he didn't. "Of course, will do Blue. I'll see ya guys later!" With that, Freddy exited the longue and headed off to the direction where the main office is. But instead of knocking on the door, he walked past the office itself for some reason, and instead, strode through the hallway next to it. He strolled through the slightly dark hallway until he reached a door that read "Parts/Service".

Glancing to his left and right, Freddy was making sure nobody sees him here, or else he had been reduced into a pile of scrap metal by now...

This room, the Parts/Service room, was forbidden for anyone to enter, including the staff, animatronics, and even the technicians and security guards. Even the owner of the pizzeria; Mr. Fazbear himself didn't have the guts to peek the slightest. Sure, everyone knew the room housed the known culprit of the Bite, and it was completely understandable regarding why this room was forbidden. But Freddy thought otherwise, he was very sure that the "culprit" was a mere scapegoat of the whole incident, and the real mastermind behind all of it was still roaming freely on the outside world, without the public or the authority knowing his/her identity.

Freddy placed his paw on the door knob, the memories of that day was still fresh on his processor, as if it just happened yesterday;

"You've damaged Father's reputation and killed that poor soul! You deserves no mercy."

"Please! Just give me another chance to explain it, *sobs* I wasn't the one who did it..."

"Then who lassie? We saw it ourselves with our own optics, ye bit that lil' swashbuckler till' the lass' head popped like a balloon! Ye scurvy landlubber, nobody hurts me lil' mateys an' leavin' without losin' a limb!"

"Foxy, please, you have to trust me..."

"Nobody's here trusted ya anymore ye little shit, look what you've done! We are threatened to be shut down fer good because of ye!"

"Enough of this! The point is: you have to learn your lesson soon enough, bitch!"

"Teddy, please..."



Freddy grimaced at the memories, squeezing his eyes shut and clenched his paws, and one almost crushed the door knob he was holding. His breathing became shaky, and he felt a lone, oily tear slide down his cheek.

That day was the most painful event that changed his entire self, the once cheery, gentle and yet, friendly Fredderick Fazbear, was now nothing but a cold and loner version of himself. And of course, it was the reason that made everyone concerned about him. Never in his robotic life did Freddy feel intense amounts of emotional pain and sadness, to see his love hurt and tortured for the crime she didn't commit. And all he can do was watch as everything played out right before his eyes.

After a moment, the elder bear took a deep breath and gathered himself, he shouldn't be thinking about this. It was the past, the day that has long gone by, and nothing could be done to change it.

Clearing his mind from any thoughts, Freddy twisted the knob and opened the door slightly, letting the light illuminate the pitch dark room. He then peeked his head inside, turning his night vision on to see through the darkness.

The room was dusty and dark, the checkerboard floor were coated with dust and dirt, the light bulb barely works with no one bothered to change it, leaving the room without proper lighting. And there, on the far end of the room, slumped the once kind and cheerful purple rabbit he always admired. Her face was missing, along with her upper jaw (which, he wondered how she could eat without able to chew the food), her left arm was severed to her elbow, with only a mess of tangled wires and frame where her arm used to be, some patches of her suit were also missing. And the holes will always gets worse each day, mainly on her right paw, which already torn off completely and exposed her entire endoskeleton hand. Her lower jaw, teeth and maw stained with thick brown smudges that appears to be a coat of rotting blood, plus, her fur wasn't much purple anymore, years of withering has made it turned into dark blue purple-ish color with dirt all over it.

She looked dead...almost lifeless, people would already consider that the rabbit ruthlessly broke down and dead for good. But Freddy clearly wasn't one of those people, he knew, deep inside her rusty gears and wires, she was still alive and well, struggling to never break down like those people thought her so, she held onto the tiny light of hope among the darkness that surround her to keep herself strong to face whatever that's coming to her.

"You're a strong bunny, Bonnie..." Freddy thought to himself, smiling as his AI processor relieved all the good memories he had with the purple rabbit, but his metallic, syntethic heart ached when he realized how broken she is now. With her withered condition and the family loathed her existence, hoping to have those good days again are nothing but a mere dream that's almost impossible to come true. Well, almost. "...I promise you, that one day, I will prove that you're innocent and make sure that you received the justice you deserved long ago. Mark my words Bonnie, I...will save you from this...terrible fate.."

A/N: Shoutout to Zerothekitsune for helping me proofreading and provided me some help! And be sure to check his stories, too! ^-^

Now, I shall working on chap 2 if you guys liking this c: