Ok sooo, I'm back and this is the fifth chapter of Gender bent! Hope you all enjoy!

Foxy had Evil Toy Bonnie by the neck and she was squirming around in his powerful grasp. The blue bunny's psychotic red eyes glowed. She tried to reach for axe but Foxy stopped her with his powerful jaws. He bit onto her arm causing Evil Toy Bonnie to scream out in pain. She began to sweat and clench her fists. The bunny slammed her foot into Foxy's jaw causing him to yelp out in pain. "Aye! Ye not be better than me with yer two eyes, Aye!" Foxy pinned Toy Bonnie and she slammed her fist into Foxy's face. "Y… you will never defeat me… In fact, Fred! Chichi! Come help me beat this scoundrel of a pirate!" Foxy growled insulted. Weakly, Foxy reached for the broken axe lying on the ground. "Ye not be hurtin' me and me mates! Cap'n Foxy doesn't like scallywags like ye!" He swung the axe at the evil Toys but was punched in the jaw and it began to bleed. He looked up in Pain and saw the Toys on the ground. BB held the axe in his tiny hands and yelled "Now that is quite enough you four!" Foxy stood up and yelled back "BB why ye be punchin' me. I be defendin' ye from ta evil toys!" BB crossed his arms and said "Nobody will be killed or hurt." Then raised the axe " UNDERSTAND?" Everyone nodded. After the fight BB called Foxy while holding something behind his back.

Foxy followed the little boy animatronic and asked him what it was. "Come to Vixey with me. She told me something last night that I wanted you to be aware of." "What would that be?" Asked Foxy "Well… She likes you, more than just a friend." Foxy blushed and replied "Well… tell ta lass I like her too." Foxy and BB walked up to the parts and service room. Foxy tapped Vixey on the shoulder and lifted her off the ceiling. "We have something for ye lassie." Foxy said. Then they gently laid Vixey on the floor and picked up some white and pink metal. First they started at her feet, rebuilding them quite easily. Then moving up her legs this got even more awkward. Foxy and BB rebuilt her legs and lower midsection. They handed her a pair of pink panties and black shorts. Vixey sighed in relief and they continued moving up. They rebuilt Vixey's chest and put her bowtie back on, then handed her a bra and a pink tank top. Vixey smiled in relief and continued feeling Foxy's hands moving around her body. Finally… After two hours Foxy and BB had fixed Vixey. She was long missed and was a big piece of information for the Evil Toys, for she was one herself but was freed by BB. Later that night Foxy asked Vixey about what happened to the Toys. Vixey closed her eyes and tears almost came out. She hung her head and pink fur covered one of her beautiful blue eyes. She flipped her tail and spoke in a beautiful voice, more than when she was mangled "Well back when you guys were withered… I…we… There was this criminal." She stuttered. "He got into our heads. And then murdered some children and got into their heads. They possessed everyone, even me… except BB. He was the only one strong enough to resist. Then he freed me and promised the spirit a free and safe afterlife instead of being a tortured soul stuck inside me. But the other souls want to make everyone suffer like they did…..so poor Fred, Chi and Bon aren't free." Foxy felt horrible for the toys. He realized what he could have done to Toy Bonnie. Foxy's ears slid down and he whined a little. Vixey looked up and flipped her hair. She hugged Foxy and spoke softly "It's ok Foxy. We'll all be free at some point. BB is working on driving the soul out of Bon and its working! He's about halfway there." Foxy smiled and blushed, but hugged her back "Well lassie. I hope ta meet her as her true self sometime soon." Vixey smiled and then finally gathered up the strength and courage to do it. She kissed Foxy on his furry lips. Foxy's eyes bursted open. He then closed them and kissed her back. Bonnie and Freddy walked in on them and saw. Bonnie smiled and whispered "Congratulations Foxy. You finally found a girl." Foxy and Vixey slept on the floor in the Pirate's cove Vixey had built. Foxy felt as if he only needed to look into Vixey's eyes to see the galaxy. They were truly beautiful.

Meanwhile, Bonnie and Freddy went backstage and saw a bed. Bonnie laid down and tried to sleep but she felt something warm next to her. It was Freddy. He looked into her magenta eyes and said "Bonnie… I have something to tell you…" Bonnie looked up at the bear "What is it Fred-Fred?" Freddy smiled "I L…. never mind not yet." Bonnie smirked as she knew what he was going to say. Bonnie walked out of the room and changed into her Pj's. They were purple shorts and a magenta tank top. She hopped in bed with Freddy and looked into his sky blue eyes. Bonnie kissed him on the cheek and rolled over to sleep. Freddy rolled over and blushed. Then he got a new feeling. Bonnie saw what he wanted in his eyes and threw off her tanktop revealing her white bra. Freddy's eyes opened wide at the bunny. "B… Bonnie… You're beautiful." She smiled at Freddy and said in a tipsy voice "You're the most handsome thing on earth Freddy." Freddy knew it. They were both drunk and it was hard to hold back. Freddy threw off his shirt and took off his top hat and bowtie. Bonnie took off her shorts and laid down under the covers. Freddy then moved his hands over and attempted to take off her bra. "No. Not yet Freddy. I love you but not yet…" Freddy smiled and stopped, even though her bra was undone. Bonnie took it off and let him caress her breasts. Then she put it back on and decided to sleep. As Freddy slept he knew that someday, he would propose to Bonnie and show that he truly loved her. But not yet.

Well, a bit of a lemony scene but not quite yet. I will in chapter 7 like I said and yeah. So hope u enjoyed and byeeeee!
