Welcome! I am excited to bring you all this summer camp AU fic. This prologue just tells you who will be in the main group and how they ended up in summer camp, next chapter is where the actual story begins. ;)

Prologue: Off to Camp

Carol Owen came home from her last day of school in her freshmen year. When she opened the door, her parents were seated on the couch and had their gaze on a three panel brochure. Carol stood by the door as she slowly closed it. She stood dumbfounded once the sound of the door closing shut still hadn't caught either of her parents attention.

The young fourteen year old girl looked around her living room feeling completely invisible. "Um, I'm home." She waved both of her hands in the air.

"Oh, that's nice honey." Her mother simply stated and didn't even look up at her only child.

"What are you guys looking at?" Carol asked tilting her head, her small auburn curls that were in a high ponytail, swung to the side of her face. She slowly walked closer to them when her father looked up at her.

"Carol, why didn't you show this to us earlier?" Her father voiced, lifting up the brochure to show her.

Carol's eyes widened with confusion and disbelief. "No, no, I had that put away in my room! The only way you could have gotten that was if you went through my things!" She reached out and snatched it from her father's hands. Her school was always passing out stupid fliers and she wished she never picked that one up. Knowing her parents, they would want her to go. After finishing her first year of high school with a 4.0, she wanted the summer to relax and spend time with her friends.

"Carol, it'll be fun. You'll get to meet new people, new friends." Her mother said enthusiastically.

Carol huffed and puffed. She wasn't one to fight with her parents and deep down inside she kind of thought it could be fun. But she was definitely not going to show it - not to her parents, not to the people at the camp, and not even to herself.


Daryl Dixon woke up late on his last day of high school. Hell, he didn't even want to go and he wasn't going to. He rolled out of bed and got dressed in the same old type of clothes he dressed in everyday - his fashion consisted of dark colors. He quickly slipped on a tan button down (probably the lightest color he'd ever wore) paired with his favorite black jeans. With a quick brush of his blond hair - that had been getting darker year by year - he was ready for his day.

"First day of summer for me, last day ah school for those losers." Daryl joked when he walked out of the trailer house that he lived in with his older brother, Merle, and threw his jacket on.

Daryl went to the local liquor store and stole some candy and a can of Budweiser. After sticking the candy in the front of his pants and hiding the beer in his puffy letterman jacket (that he also stole) he went on his merry way down the road. He slipped into a small opening of a fence and into a vacant lot. He had been going to this lot for the past week and stayed there for six hours until school was out.

When Daryl pushed open the door of the old abandoned store, he was caught off guard when he found someone else inside. "What the hell?" He spat out as his reaction.

In front of him stood a tall woman in a dark blue uniform. The belt wrapped around her consisted of lethal weapons and the one she held in her hands aimed towards Daryl's face was the most lethal weapon of all.

"Daryl Dixon, you are arrested under the court of law." The woman kept the gun pointed at him as she made her way to the confused teenager and put handcuffs on him.

She stuck the boy in her car and drove him to the police station. When they arrived she told his parent guardian to come down to the station to discuss the future of the young boy.

"Mr. Dixon, summer is here and Daryl skipped the last day of school, and got caught doing illegal things. This is just the first day. Imagine what trouble he could find himself into in a week from now… He's going down the wrong path and fast."

"What are you sayin' sugar buns?" The man's grin grew viciously.

The woman disregarded the man's inappropriate comment and continued, "We have a program for him, with kids his age, just something to keep him busy and out of trouble, safe."

"Listen lady, I can handle my own baby brother, okay!" The angry man assured, having enough of the woman's nonsense. He got up off his seat and turned to leave but before he could take one step the woman spoke up.

"Mr. Dixon, you realize if you turn this offer down we will be forced to arrest Daryl for possession of stolen items and possession of alcohol. He is just a minor and jail isn't where he belongs. He could have such a better, brighter life."

"It's Merle. My ol' pops was Mr. Dixon." Merle growled and sat back in the chair facing the woman.

"Merle, you do want your younger brother to have a brighter life, correct?"

"Yeah. What the hell is it anyways, teenager's anonymous?" Merle smirked.

"Merle, this is serious, and no nothing like that. It's actually a summer camp."


Michonne Lewis was a girl who had been home-schooled for all of her life. She didn't have much friends and she liked it that way. Being alone was what she knew and now that her parents were planning a family trip, she'd rather not have any part of it. The perfect summer for her consisted of the curtains closed blocking any possible sunlight from coming in and shoving books into her face.

After finishing her final math test, she hugged her teacher who had come to her house everyday for four hours and gave her lessons. "Ms. Shepherd, you are the best ninth grade teacher a girl can ask for!" Michonne stated with a smile, releasing Ms. Shepherd from the hug.

"Oh, it was definitely a pleasure teaching you!" The woman said her goodbye's and exited the house.

Michonne stared out the window till the sight of her teacher was no longer in her peripheral vision. She did the moonwalk away from the window and broke into a full on dance of excitement.

"Michonne?" Her mother's voice completely stopped any more dance moves from making it's appearance. "I'd hate to rain on your parade, honey, but it's time that you should start packing."

"What? Mom, no, you said I could stay here, that you were only leaving for one week!" Michonne walked closer to her mother, moving the dreadlocks out of her face and behind her shoulder.

"Sweetie, me and your father decided that we should stay for two weeks and we don't want to leave you here alone for that long." Her mother's smooth voice resonated in Michonne's ears but Michonne knew the soft tone was just to keep her calm.

Michonne sighed, trying not to lose her mind. "Mom, please, I don't want to go to the Bahamas with you and dad. You guys deserve your alone time." She calmly argued.

"We do deserve our own time and that is why you aren't coming with us." Her mother jokingly put. Michonne's confusion of silence let her mother go into further detail. "Michonne, we found this great place for you. It's a summer camp and I think you'll like it!"

"Summer camp? Your sending me away! I'd rather go with you and dad!" Michonne testified.

"Now, Michonne, it's already decided. Go pack your things; I don't wanna hear another word."

Michonne made her way upstairs with the words of 'summer camp' still echoing in her head.


Rick Grimes walked home from school with his best friend Shane Walsh after a short last day of school. The two had their summer planned out: play video games and, maybe, hang out with some girls. Making their way up to Rick's front door, the two heard the sound of laughter. "Your parents are here?" Rick turned back to his friend who shrugged his shoulders. Then they heard some more talking followed by laughter again.

"Wait!" The taller one out of the two pulled his friend's hand away from the door handle. "Let's listen to what they have to say."

The boys stayed close to the door pressing their ears up against the wood surface. The voices were muffled over the wooden barrier.

"So the boys will be going then?" The woman's voice could have been easily mistaken for either of the boys' mother.

"Yes, I think it will be a fun experience for them. See new faces, meet new people. Lord knows in this tiny town you know everyone by name." Now that woman's voice sounded the same as the other's but the way she complained about the size of the town sounded like Shane's mother.

Both boys shared confused glances with each other as to what their parents were even discussing.

"Yeah, I'd hate to be in the same room when you ladies tell them about their new arrangements." Shane's father spoke as Rick could hear his dad laugh along.

"They were boy scouts, they love camping and the outdoors, and this summer camp provides just that." Rick's mother explained.

The color had drained from both boys' face as they looked up at each other and simultaneously said, "Summer Camp?!"


Maggie Greene held her little sister, Beth Greene's hand as they ran in the front gate all the way down a long path to her family's farm house. Summer was her absolute favorite but this time she had it planned. She would spend her time working with the farm animals. She hoped her dad would let her get to ride one of the horses all by herself. But before her summer got started she had to rush home and get ready for her eighth grade graduation.

"Maggie, Bethie you're finally here!" The girls' mother rushed to them and hugged them. "Now, darling, your dress is up in your room but before you get it your father has some exciting news for you girls." Beth jumped up in excitement, the six year old girl hadn't even found out what it was yet but just expecting something was good enough for her.

The girls' father came in with a smile. "How was the last day of school?" The man with short blonde hair and a short beard growing asked as he knelt down so he could be eye-level with his youngest daughter.

"Good, daddy." Both girls said with a smile.

"Daddy, what's the surprise?!" Little Beth asked, throwing her arms in the air.

"Oh! I almost forgot! Maggie, remember that one summer camp you wanted to go to last summer but we didn't send you?"

"Yeah, what about it?" She asked walking a little closer to her dad.

"Well, I signed you and Beth up for it this year!" Hershel said with excitement.

Maggie's face dropped as she forced a fake smile, "Oooh, wow daddy, you shouldn't have." The one year she didn't beg her dad to take her on a trip was the year he sends her to a summer camp.


Glenn Rhee was the youngest out of four and the only boy. He really enjoyed school, it was the only time he could get away from his three crazy older sisters, but this summer he wanted to make a big change. Next year he would be going to the big 'HS', High School. So, he made a workout plan that consisted of pull-ups, push-ups, squats - all to get a girl and be the new buff freshmen.

After his big celebration for graduating to the next grade, his family finally left. Glenn jumped on his bed and shut his eyes. Less than a moment later all of his sisters came barging in. "Hey, what's the big idea here?!" Glenn sat up.

"Mom's sending you away!" One of his sisters said in a teasing voice.

"What?" Glenn asked confused.

"Yeah, she's sending you away, probably to the military." Another said in a sour tone.

Glenn's eyes widened, "Mom!" The worried boy shouted.

The children's mother came rushing in, "What, what is it Glenn?"

Glenn shook his head, "You're sending me to boot camp?! I am not physically prepared for that!"

He noticed the snag remarks from his sisters but focused his attention on his mother. "No, my love, you're going to a summer camp. I was planning on telling you tomorrow, but I see three impatient girls beat me to it." The women looked back to the girls who innocently smiled back.

"Summer Camp? Thank's... but I'd rather stay here." Glenn simply replied.

"No, no your dad and I already set it up. You're going, and besides, Glenn, you don't want to be stuck in a house with your sisters all summer, do you?"

Glenn shook his head, disappointed at the change of events. He'd rather be stuck in a wormhole with his three sister than go to a summer camp. "But summer camp? Really?"


Tara Chambler was a very confused eighth grader. She didn't want anything to do with the color pink, and when it came to picking her graduation outfit she went with a black silk pants suit. She fixed her short black hair with her hands, marched on the stage, and gladly took the diploma from her now ex-principal.

After the graduation ceremony, she walked out of her school to look for her family in the big crowd of people waiting for their graduate. Her eyes landed on her family. She saw her mother talking to her first period teacher, Ms. Lerner. The woman had blue eyes that looked as cold as ice. Tara swore that woman had it out for her.

"Hey, mom, and everyone!" Tara said looking to her family when her older sister came over to hug her.

"Aww that's the sweetest." Ms. Lerner cooed then turned her gaze over to Tara's mother. "So, I'll go ahead and save that spot for her. Tara has been telling me about it since January!" The woman gave Tara an evil smile and went on her way.

Without thinking Tara asked, "What was that witch saying?"

"Tara! Please, you keep running your mouth and I'll cancel your trip."

"Trip, what trip?" The girl hurriedly asked.

"Ms. Lerner helped me sign you up for, you'll never guess… Summer camp!" Her mother squealed.

"What!" Tara's eyes grew wide in disbelief. She knew that *insert bad word here* had something up her sleeve to ruin the young girl's life but the girl didn't think she would take it to that extreme.

"She told me you really wanted to go, and I think you deserve it, Tara!" Her mother placed her hand on Tara's shoulder as Lily, Tara's older sister, shook her head feeling sorry for her.

"I cant believe it!" Tara sounded as if she were happy, trying to not disappoint her mother. She never had been camping in her life and she sure didn't plan on it. In her mind all she thought about was how she would trash Ms. Lerner's classroom before the first day of school next year, and be able to make it on time to her first day of high school. She clenched her jaw together, "So, Summer camp... huh?"


Lori Hill was a freshman cheerleader. She was the only child of two wealthy entrepreneurs and she had gotten everything she wanted. She walked home on her last day of school with some guy who had a major crush on her. Like the days before, she payed no attention to him, or his drooling, and made her way up to the steps to the front door of her two story house.

"Thanks for walking me home, Eugene… Maybe I'll see you next year." She rushed into her house before the boy with the ridiculous mullet could wipe the drool from his face and speak.

She made her way to her father's office. "Daddy, I'm home!"

"Oh good, hello princess."

Lori pushed open the door that was half cracked to her father's office. "Oh, hey mom, I didn't know you were here."

"That's alright cupcake. How was the last day of school?"

"Good, what were ya'll talking about?"

"Do we tell her now?" Her father looked up from his paperwork to look at his wife.

Her mother nodded and decided to share the news, "Pumpkin, we looked into this really great summer camp that has a really good program. It's very modern and it's up in the mountains with a beautiful view." Her mother trailed off.

"Okay, are you guys buying it or something?" Lori asked missing the point.

"No sweetie. We want to send you there for the summer!" Her mother finished with a smile.

Lori frowned. "What? Summer camp? Daddy, please, tell me she is joking!"

Lori's father raised an eyebrow, "No, I'm afraid your mother speaks the truth." He saw the lost look in his daughter gaze.

"But, but… I, I don't know how to camp! Do you guys hate me or something? Whatever I did to deserve this, I am truly sorry! Please, forgive me!"

"You didn't do anything wrong; it's just that we think it would be nice for you to have a different experience." Her father explained.

Lori was still at a loss for words, "Ugh, but it's summer camp!"


Kelly Moore-Bolden was the only adopted child to two loving fathers. She couldn't tell you how the last day of her freshmen year was because she didn't go to it. Both her fathers traveled from place to place on business trips and she was dragged along with them. She was really happy when summer arrived because now she didn't have the anxiety of missing school and having to make up all the late work.

Her shoulder length, blonde wavy hair blew in the wind as both of her fathers came out of a tall building.

"Did you recruit anybody?" She asked with a smile.

"Yeah, thankfully. We might just have a business in no time!" Her dad, that was shorter than the other one, spoke.

"Well, lets just hope, Eric." The taller one now spoke. He put his gaze back on his daughter, "So, kid, want do you want to eat?"

"Mm, not hungry." She stubbornly said.

"Hey, what's on your mind, sugar plum?" Eric asked taking a quick glance at his other half for assistance.

"Nothing, dad. It's just… I found something." Kelly reached into her back pocket and pulled out a piece of paper, showing the men standing in front of her.

"We were going to tell you. Kelly it's the best place for you, right Aaron? Tell her." Eric nudged his partner.

"Kelly, your father and I will be moving around a lot this summer, and we just want you to have a stable place. Maybe you can make friends there." Aaron shrugged hoping his only daughter wouldn't argue.

"Make friends!? Dad, I have been spending my whole life trying to not get close to anyone I met at school because we never stay in one spot for more than two months." She argued.

"I hate to have to put my foot down but it's down. We are driving you there tomorrow. At the end of this, when you come back, you might just thank us." Aaron spoke.

"Yeah, or I could really, really hate you." Kelly only smirked when Aaron gave her a strict look.

"Honey, we just don't want yo-" Before Aaron could finish, Kelly broke his train of thought.

"I get it, you just don't want me in your way." The girl sighed, hoping her words would guilt her fathers into letting her stay with them for the summer.

"Never think that!" Eric stated, appalled at his daughter's comment, quickly pulling Kelly into a hug. "We would love to take you but we want you to grow and be open to people. Have friends." He assured.

Kelly rolled her eyes when she knew they weren't looking. She knew her dads were right and she hated that fact. She needed to see a familiar face other than both of her dads'. "Let it be known now, I have yet to go, but summer camp isn't my thing."

Hope you enjoyed! Next chapter they all meet and the story takes off from there! It will be filled with funny, cute, sweet, bitter sweet and embarrassing moments so stay tuned! A lot more characters will be introduced throughout the story as well. (I would also like to mention their will be more pairings other than Richonne and Caryl.)

Hope you continue reading!

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...Until Next Time...