DISCLAIMER: I do not own Fairy Tail or its characters. I have made some of my own characters for the story and replaced Lucy as a character named Leo Azulia that I created! Don't get me wrong I love NaLu and Lucy but I just wanted a stronger character. Please be nice this is my first Fan fiction that I've been writing for a while but I'm open to any criticism because I'm hoping to get better. So here it goes just give me a chance, trust me in my opinion it gets better towards the end. Oh and you'll see the way I write in POV's change as I was trying to find out what worked best for me.

The First Step

He's gone. He's finely left me, I knew it was coming. It's kind of funny though because now I feel relieved. As soon as I walked into the broken down little apartment and not a single sound was heard, I began to panic. Was he really gone? Did he really leave me? Yes he did. He bailed, after years of spending our money on gambling and alcohol he's finely left me to fend for myself but, it's not like that was new. I can finely breathe.

There's a knock on the door "open up!" The land lord, Shit.

"Your times up! Pay the $552,274.00 you owe or the Council will arrest you!"

I'm sorry but I am not going down for my father's negligence, I've worked too hard trying to bring us back up to be thrown in jail for his debt. I quickly but quietly sprinted into my room and grabbed my pillow pulling off its cover. I flipped it over and tore apart its re-sown stiches pulling out a jewels. The knocking sounds became louder and I jumped, I need to hurry. I rushed out and yanked open a drawer in the kitchen. Of course he would take all the money and leave me with nothing!

"We're coming in!" A man shouts, that's my queue.

Just as they break and open the door I fully sprint out the kitchen window. I shield my body from the glass by crossing my arms across my face and bring my knees to my chest. I fly out into the nightly streets landing from 10ft off the ground. I landed Crouched with my right hand on the stone floor and I look back at surprised faces before sprinting off into the night. I feel bad that he doesn't get his money it's not fair but neither is my situation besides life isn't fair and sometimes you gotta just roll with the punches.

A couple weeks sleeping in alleys isn't very comtherable. I move from my side to my back stretching my arms and legs while smacking my lips groggily waking up to the morning sun. My stomach rumbles and I open my eyes and stare up at the blue sky. I'm lost confused in a way but not scared or worried. I need to continue looking for a job, it was hard enough trying to find work in my own town but now that I'm out I don't see much hope.

Everyone around here looks happy'n healthy the place is booming with life. I pass by a magazine cart and take a look sorcerer weekly I pick up the paper and flip through it. Maybe that's what I should do join a guild. I snort, yeah right like I could ever make it into one. Too join a guild you have to be a strong wizard, still I wouldn't mind. Mermaid Heel, Fairy Tail, Raven Tail, Pegasus so many different guilds out there yet only few actually make headlines. I read more about each of the guilds. Damn Fairy Tail really does sound lively and exciting.

I need to start a new life one free of debt and restriction, and as a wizard I should grow stronger myself as well as find my own power, joining a guild would be great.

"umm…Excuse me miss are you going to buy that?" I jump at the sound of his voice and put the magazine back. "I'm sorry no." I say gently and leave. Focus Leo! you gotta eat. I walk around town looking for a non-expensive place. I need to conserve as much money as possible.

By now its midafternoon. I've tried to find work here but nothing seems to pop up. I slouch exhausted by all the walking and lack of food. I always skip lunch and breakfast didn't offer to much nutrition because I couldn't resist buying warm soft tasty butter bread, just thinking about it makes my mouth water. Come to think of it I wonder how my father's holding up, not that I care I'm just curious. How could I care about the man who threw away our money and treated me like shit after mom died. Besides something I've learned is that the only person you can really count on is yourself.

I round a corner and suddenly men burst out running I fall back landing on my butt "Hey watch it!" I snap.

"another one boss should we grab her?"

"huh?" someone pulls back my hood. I stare up at six bandit looking men four hold one unconscious women over their shoulder. Oh crap.

"yeah take her" he says.

I jump to my feet "touch me and your dead!" growl.

"Mmm got a little fire in you don'tcha" their boss snickers.

You've got no idea. He takes a step towards me and when he's close enough I ignite blue flames all over both my hands. They take a step back then to my surprise smile.

"A wizard. She'll be worth a lot of money." I can hear the greediness in his voice and pale, I've never really used my magic for fighting before. This was supposed to be an intimidation tactic which usually works.

"take the others up on ahead we'll catch up" he commands

"right" they respond and turn around. I can't let them take those girls.

"wait!" I shout they stop expecting me to say something. I only said it for them to stop I didn't have anything in mind, well better not waist a chance. Using my fire as a boost for my feet I ram into the crony that first noticed me with my shoulder sending him to the ground. Their leader tries to grab me by diving towards my left but I notice him from the corner of my eye and duck, he trips head first into a wall. Both of them are un conscious. I feel the adraninle begin to take its course.

"boss!" a pointy noised guy yells.

"Put the girls down!" I shout threateningly.

They growl angry and proceed to stand up to me, I steady myself and prepare for the oncoming beat down.

"Watch out!" someone shouts, I look up to see a flying object heading straight for me.

"AAHAHAHAH!" I scream and the guy colloids into me. I land hard and my head spins.

I feel him get off "Sorry! Happy stay with her! I need to get these guys."

"whaa?" I tried but failed. Something crawls to my face it's a blue cat?

"Are you alright miss?"

It talked?! Holy shit it talked! I scream, sit up, accidently back into their boss still on the ground and jump to my feet. I feel a heat and hear the cries of men. I turn my attention to the guy who ran into me I see he's shooting flames at the bandits while laughing. I stare at them as if frozen in time shocked. He's having such a good time, he's a fire wizard like me but his colors are normal and he's so strong. I've never seen a wizard fight, only %10 of the world's population are wizards and where I lived there weren't any guilds.

The men put the women down hoping for a better fight but sadly the guy was just too much and they all end up knocked out on the ground. The boy turns around and I ignite my right hand. He may have beaten them up but who's to say he doesn't turn on me? Well his pet seemed nice, but it talk! He walks back to him and the guy approaches me, a serious look on his face, he grabs my wrist. I still haven't move, I can't and not because of him. I'm still shocked and have no idea what to do.

He opens his mouth and then suddenly sucks in my fire.

Eating it!? My jaw drops and a shiver runs through my body.

"Man your fires really good! It's really re-energizing too." He says. I'm speechless. He ate it, he really ate it!

"I'm sorry about flying into you" he gives me a sheepish smile and scratches the back of his head. I pull my hand away and clutch it.

"thanks for taking care of those two." He looks around his smile gone as he figures out what to do next.

"I guess I owe you" he says

"w...what?" I mumble

"Oh cool! so you can talk, I thought you were mute"

Really…who is this guy?

I find my voice "what do you mean you owe me?"

"this was my job. I was supposed to capture these guys and turn them in for kidnapping and you took out two of them, so I owe you."

Oh my god is he a cop? If so I need to leave now.

"are you a cop?"

"nope I'm a Fairy Tail wizard" he smiles proudly "but the cops will be here soon to pick these guys up and help the women. In fact—" he sniffs the air "they're already here."

I throw my hood on as the council police show up.

"I'll be right back" he grins. I watch as he leaves and debt on whether or not I should run. This guy interests me and he's the first person to actually talk to me in while but I don't like the idea of being too close to the council police. Still I wait for his return, I don't know why exactly but I assume its cause I'm lonely, and I don't care if he's going to buy me anything or not I just want someone to talk too.

He comes back and we head off "so where would you like to eat?" he asks

Mmm food "I don't know?"

"how about the King crab!" says the cat.

"what do you think?" the guy asks me.

"uhh…sure" I respond. I don't really care where we go, I'm still trying to wrap my head around the whole situation.

"I'm Natsu by the way and this" he points his thumb to the cat "is Happy."

"I'm Leo… Just Leo." Leo Azulia is my full name but that brings up the past and I'm looking towards the future.

It doesn't take long to find the King Crab and I'm amazed by how delicious it all looks. It's basically a buffet with rows of food and I can't help but feel like I'm in heaven.

"what's with the face?" Natsu asks me.

I stare in awe "how much is all this food gonna cost?"

"For you nothing, for us almost nothing. It's a buffet."

I nod as if understanding but all I acknowledge is how much food is around that I can eat. Back before my dad ran off I was always working multiple jobs at the same time but could still never afford any good food to eat and relied on snacks. We find a table and I immediately head off to get food. I load my plate with bread, steak, mashed potatoes, a little bit of crab legs, and broccoli with the beverage of strawberry lemonade. Just as I settle back down into the bench Natsu jumps into the one in front of me and assists happy with his plate. Natsu puts a plate down for him and begins to coble down his food, and I do as well.

"So where you from?" Natsu asks me with a mouth full of food.

I swallow "The city of Leima"

"why are you so far away from home?" Happy asks

I shrug "It wasn't much of a home. Anyways, how come you can talk?" I ask Happy.

"Happys always been able to" Natsu smiles "and he can fly."

"Yep" he nods cheerfully.

"and you flew into me?"

"haha, yeah sorry. We didn't see you till it was too late."

"That's pretty cool" I gulp down my drink. I wonder what it would be like to fly. The wind in my hair the feeling of freedom, he's lucky.

I sigh "I'll be right back, I'm going to get more food." I feel him watch me as I leave. I walk to the buffet and gather up another plate mostly of bread. I spot a cheese cake and grow excited. I love cheese cake and I haven't had it in so long. I put the heavenly slice on my plate, I turn around and accidently bump into someone.

"Sorry!" I squeak.

"watch it!" The man shouts and shoves me onto my butt. I'm taken back by the sudden hostility and don't know what to make of it.

"It was an accident!" I shout back, he doesn't know me he has no right to yell at me. My cheese cake and crumbles of bread as smeared all over him. I stand up, that was good food and now it's all gone to waist. I notice the Raven Tail emblem on his cheek. I can also feel the eyes of customers watching us, I do my best to block them out and focus on my anger towards him.

"accident or not you got my new shirt dirty!" He aims to swing with his right fist but someone stops him by grabbing his wrist. We both stare at Natsu.

"don't hurt my friends" he glares. The man yells and attempts to punch him with his other hand but Natsu ducks and with a right flaming hook towards his stomach sends him through the roof. The impact wave messes my brown hair around, I feel great power coming from Natsu, it's unbelievable.

"woops…looks like I over did it again" he scratches the back of his head grinning and for some reason I want to smile too but then men come busting through the front doors.

"Their they are!" more Raven Tail men.

"come fight us like a man!"

"Ha! You sound like Elfmen but I'll teach you not too mess with a Fairy Tails friend!" he cracks his knuckles and smirks ready for a fight. That can't happen if I let him go in their he'll destroy the whole building, it's what the Fairy Tail is most known for kind hearted but they destroy everything! Just as he's about to jump in their I grab his hand and drag him the other way.

"Hey what are you doing?!" he's not mad only surprised.

"saving the King Crab!" I shout as I drag him out a door. I will eat that cheese cake someday! Happy flies next to us.

Their shouts grow further and further away to the point where they only thing heard is the wind gliding past our ears. I don't know what's gotten into me today, first I try to stand up to kidnappers, only to have a stranger fly into me, than I go out to with that stranger, almost get into a fight, and now I'm running with his hand in mine off to who knows where. I jump off the roof and on to a street but continue running. I gotta say though this has been the most fun I've had in years if not ever. I kind of like this guy I can't tell you why but there's something about him.

I finely slow down and stop. We both breath heavily.

"are you ok?" I ask

He nods "and you?"

"perfectly fine." I smile, happy lands next to us.

"that was fun but now I think it's time to take you home."

"Home?" my good mood drops.

"Yeah, I can't leave you out here alone with all those guys running around."

"umm…ok" I stand up straight "but what about you?"

"I'll be fine" he waves his hand "now let's go, where too?"

Shit how am I going to do this? "this way" I point and begin to walk.

He folds his hands behind his head and follows me and Happy flies back to him. I don't have a home, I should of just told him the truth but I don't want him to pity me. Besides I'm fine on the streets no one can hurt me or take what I've earned for selfish reasons. I always hated the way he was but I never hated him exactly. He was once a good father and that I could never forget. Every time I looked at him I felt sadness because the father I had now was just an empty shell of a father I used to have.

"do you think she's lost?" I hear them Happy whisper behind me.

"I don't know? But we've been walking for a while" Natsu says

"I can hear you!" I glare back.

"Sorry!" they apologize in unison holding up their hands/paws.

"anyways I live here." I point to the random building to my right and smile.

"you live in a garage?" Natsu asks unamused.

Shit! "Yeah…" I mess with the back of my head nervously.

He sniffs the air and then suddenly leans in and sniffs me. I blush, does he not know personal space?

He stands back and folds his arms with a serious look "You don't have a home do you?"

I shake my head shamefully "how do you know?"

"It doesn't smell like you at all." I'm quiet, he sighs "let's go."

I look at him confused and he grabs my hand "You're coming home with me." Now he drags me along and I just stare at the back of his pink hair. Why does he care? He literally just met me and now I'm going to his house, What kind of guy is he? What kind of girl am I?