After passing out from blood loss, Leo had woken to the welcoming sight of her guild mates. It had been three days since then. Happy had been curled up at her feet and as soon as she had awoken jumped to hug her. Although she had woken clean, internally she felt like crap. The cut on her neck was bound to be a scar, but she didn't care. Fairy Tail had also won third place, Sabertooth won second and Lamia Scale first. Leo had also slept through the winners announcement and dinner, She was only sad about missing food.

She later had a talk with Habiki and he returned her ripped up sweater. She was glad they were ok and he was happy that they won, still felt that in some way she owed them. Erza and Gray also apologized for not really believing her and she did to them too. Leo learned that it didn't matter if you were friend or enemy, the point is she learned that it was ok to trust and that not everyone was bad. It reminded her of Kage. They helped him out of the kindness of their heart, even though he was an enemy and ended up back stabbing them.

Leo sighed and looked around, it's been a calm past three days but it's felt like weeks since the competition. Erza took the team out on a little shopping spree for a job that they took, but have a couple days to prepare for it. Problem is she sort of lost them. Their job is to guard a ball dance. A report was given that the dance could possibly be overrun by thieves looking to steal jewelry from the guest's. So Erza took everyone out to by some dresses and suits.

They had lost Natsu a while back, he just sort of disappeared on them and when Leo stopped to pet a dog she got back up just to see they were all gone. She shrugged it off though, her only worry spending hours wondering around a place she'd never been before, but the brunette knew she'd be found eventually. It was a lively place warm beautiful day markets were busy with people enjoying the afternoon sun and having a great time. Leo didn't mind walking around solo, she enjoyed feeling the energy of happy people and took the time to just walk. Shopping was boring anyways, especially without Natsu to keep things fun.

Suddenly she heard an odd cry of some sort of animal and went to investigate. Turning a corner she came across four fallen men and a pink frog with a tail. She was baffled by the sight and had no idea what to say. Suddenly three more men showed up behind them.

"what is this? You worthless slobs." Said a man.

"Why are you havin' such a hard time?" Said the guy with a net. "You can't even catch a single frog? You ant fit to call yourselves frog traders. Step aside girl!" He ordered Leo she didn't move "You lookin' to get hurt?" He growled, his buddies laughed behind him. The cat shook nervously but then ran up to hold on to her leg, Leo hid the surprise on her face and stood her ground.

"Give us the frog." He ordered.

"No." She said.

The man stepped up to her, trying to be intimidating with his size "What'd you say to me girl?" She wasn't scared.

"I said, No." She repeated firmly.

"Step aside!" without warning he tried to shove her away, but as he was swinging his net down to capture the cat-frog Leo jumped back in the way in attempt to knock him over.

"What the hell!?" She shouted. Her head was in the net.

" I snagged you!?" He tried to pull it off but it got on her nervous.

"Gatcha!" A man shouted. She heard the cat-frog cry and glanced back to see it in a cage.

"Let em' go!" She yelled as she grabbed the edges of the net and tore it off, once free she kicked the net guy in the gut and to the ground. As soon as the other guy saw, he jumped in fear and ran. He didn't get far though as Leo leapt into the air.

She shouts landing a flaming right heal hard onto the man's back with ground crushing force as he lands. On the way down he accidently threw the captured animals cage in the air and Leo caught it. Quickly she let the cat out and clutched it to her chest protectively. Another man came at her but she swiftly roundhouse kicked him in the ribs sending him flying into a building. Out of the corner of her eye she see's a man with a green cage trying to slam it down on her head while he lets out a war cry. She jumped back in the nick of time, sliding to a stop from the fast movement. The pink cat holds onto her, tears in its eyes.

"It's ok" Leo tries to reassure the cat in a soft voice "Please don't cry, you're ok." The frog looked up to her and nodded tearfully.

"Ok." Leo turned her attention back to the men, her tone firm. "I'm giving you a warning leave now or get hurt" She held the cat in one arm and uses the other to ignite her hand threateningly, glaring them down with any ounce of malice she had. The guys visibly shake sweat pouring from them as the gathered their fallen men.

"She's a monster!" One shouted "Let's get out of here!" Said another and they took off. After watching them vanish into the distance Leo carefully put the cat-frog down.

From a safe distance Rouge, Sting, Lector, and Yukino watched as the girl just stared down at Frosch. The girl had dark brown hair, blue eyes, slightly tan skin and wore a black hooded muscle shirt and dark gray shorts.

"Who is she?" Rouge asked in awe.

"I think she's the girl from Fairy Tail." Yukino replied.

"Yeah, the one who passed out at the end" Sting said, he shivered "She's scary…" Lector agreed with him. They watched as she crouched in front of Frosch smiling sweetly at the little animal.

"You ok?" she asked.

"Fro thinks so" He said in response.

She stared at frosch for a bit "holy shit you're so fucking cute" Leo gasped resisting the erg to squeal like a girl and cuddle the animal.

"Fro thinks so too" The cat smiled agreeing.

"So your names fro?" Leo asked regaining her composure. The cat nodded "Are you alone?"

"Fro was shopping…" Tears suddenly started forming in the cats eyes. "Truth is, I'm lost" The pink cat cried.

"Frosch!" Rogue cried as well tears flowing.

Leo panicked she didn't really know what to do.

"It's ok, it's ok, I'm lost to!" She said waving her hands and the cat stopped crying "I was with some friends and they sorta disappeared on me." She shrugged. "So where are you trying to go?" she asked.

"Home, Fro is a member of Sabertooth" The cat turned around as he spoke and unzipped his costume to revel a Sabertooth Mark on his back.

"That's cool" She said in awe. Fro turned to face her again a smile on his face "you ever been here before?" she asked looking around. The cat nodded "oh well, do you wanna find our way home together? Since I don't really know where I am or where I'm going can I follow you?"

"Sure!" said fro and he began mindlessly walking, Leo following behind. In honesty Leo didn't want to leave the defenseless cat alone, especially since it was getting late. She would find her own way home eventually, but for now didn't mind just tagging along.

"Why would she follow Frosch?" Lector questioned "Frosch doesn't even know where he's going."

Rogue shook his head "She's doing it to protect him"

"But she doesn't have to we are" said Lector.

"But she doesn't know that" Sting answered.

"Let's keep following them" Yukino added. Together they kept hidden stalking them.

Occasionally fro would get distracted by little things and wander off into different alleys but Leo didn't say anything and just followed. Fro told her how he was set on finding his way home without help because he always gets lost. He also said that he could feel his friend Rogue cheering him on. It was cute and really motivational to watch a simple minded cat try to find his way home.

He led her out of the city and across some grassy hills. Occasionally Leo would get the suspicioning feeling that they were being followed but when she turned to look back nothing was there. She kept guarded though and didn't say anything.

Eventually they entered another city and Leo just sighed. The pink and black poka dotted frog cat was humming happily in his own little world, so she kept quiet. She didn't mind his humming and actually enjoyed it a bit, she also enjoyed the quiet long walking they'd done even if there wasn't much speaking to it. It was nice to take a quiet day and still have some company. When night came Fro began to sleep walk, Leo offered to carry him but he said he could do it and then fell back to sleep.

"You are something…" She mumbled to herself. Finally they got to a guild and fro snapped awake.

"I made it!" He shouted happily.

Leo sighed closing her eyes and chuckled a bit "Fro I think you're very lost" She said kind heartedly. "This is my home, Fairy Tail."

"Fro thinks so too…"

"This isn't it!" They heard a cry from far behind them. Leo immediately got into a protective stance in front of Fro.

"Who's out there!? show yourself!" She shouted. She than heard some bickering and a loud 'fine!'

Three strangers emerged from the shadow's including another cat.

"Rogue!" Fro ran from between her legs and into the arms of a man with long black shaggy hair, he had tears in his eyes and a big smile while holding him. She settled down, so this must be his best friend.

"We mean you no harm" Said the blonde spiky haired male with a foolish grin holding up his hands.

"I can see that" She responded dryly.

"Hi my names Yukino." Introduced the light blue short haired women with brown eyes. She was very polite and kind it reminded her of Mira.

"Hi I'm Leo" She said nicely. Suddenly the black haired guy was in her face, staring her down. Leo didn't know what to do with the sudden invasion of privacy and stumbled back a bit. The man had red eyes with slit pupils similar to Gajeels. He was glaring down at her and she wavered between the lines of awkwardly doing nothing or shoving him away.

"Rogue! Knock it off!" Shouted the blonde and he was about to pull him away when he spoke.

"Thank you for protecting Frosch." He said. She nodded slowly.

"Leo?" A shout came from behind them "What's going on?" It was Erza and her friends. But Leo was stuck in Rogue's gaze, she felt like he was looking into her soul.

"Hey sting" greeted Gray and he nodded towards Yukino as well "Rouge what're you doing?" Rogue finally backed away from her.

"We've been following Frosch all day." He said "She was with him."

"That's right you guys were looking for him." Wendy commented. How did they know them? Leo wanted to ask but reckoned that they met during the winner's dinner.

"Speaking of which" Interrupted Erza "Has anyone seen Natsu?"

"He's still missing?" Leo was surprised.

"We assumed you two were together." Gray said.

"He could be at your place" Suggested Wendy.

"Yeah I guess" Leo shrugged "What about Happy is he with you guys?"

"Yeah but I think he was planning on staying the night with Carla and I" Wendy said.

"Alright I guess—" Leo was interrupted by a sudden war cry. Her head snapped in his direction and she saw a flying black object coming straight for her. Leo took one step to the left and Natsu missed her completely, crashing into the stone ground.

"You're an idiot." She said. Sabertooth was somewhat baffled by the surprise attack and the calm way she avoided it. It must happen a lot.

"Well that solves the mystery." Gray said his arms folded.

Natsu quickly jumped to his feet "Fight me Droppy eyes!" He shouted to Gray.

They went head to head and began their name calling "Pyromaniac!" Gray yelled.

"Stripper!" Natsu retorted.

"CUT IT OUT!" Erza roared and everyone feel into a nervous silence.

Sting gave a small cough "I think we should be going now" He said.

"Ya what're you guys doin' here anyways?" Natsu asked.

"We were looking for Frosch." Yukino said.

"Oh that's cool, hey little guy" Natsu greeted waving.

"Hi" Frosch waved back. Leo yawned she was getting sleepy, today was an interesting day.

"Hey um… I think I'm gonna go" She announced "It was nice meeting you guys" She waved a goodbye Sabertooth politely "I had fun Frosch" She smiled at him.

"Fro thinks so too" The cat returned a wave and happy look.

They all said a goodbye to her as she began to walk away, except for Natsu.

"Wait up!" He said and jogged to her side.

"What've you been doing this whole time?" Leo asked him.

He put his hands behind his head "I got bored and decide to be a ninja" He grinned deviously "But…then I sorta lost you guys" Leo chuckled "What? I spent half the day trying to tract you and your scent was like everywhere." He then looked confused "Why?"

"I was following Frosch around" Leo smiled "He's so adorable!"

Natsu shook his head and chuckled "You animals and cute things."

"Well I had fun, did you at least have fun?" She looked up at him smiling.

He paused looking into her eyes for a moment before answering "I think it just got nicer."

"Well that's good."

He yawned "Ya well now I wanna sleep" They walked the rest of the way in a comfortable silence.

Hi, still not dead!