"Mama, is it only just you and me?" The small hanyō asked his human mother who held him securely in her lap. The white haired boy who dawned dog ears on the top of his fluffy head was lonely, and wondered if his mother felt the same. They had each other, but it felt too hallow for a five year old boy to describe, something the mother knew all to well.

"Maybe..." She gently answered with solemn mercy. As she carefully combed her fragile fingers through his silver strands of hair, she held her gaze up at the night sky. "When I look up, Inuyasha, I feel like the sky tells me, maybe not." She never knew much about the likely lengthy history of the daiyōkai she loved, but she felt somewhere in the corner of her soul he left more than just her and their at the time newborn behind. He probably had other children out there, and comrades who weren't as fond of mortals like he was, but she hoped that they would accept Inuyasha when he inevitably headed out into the world without her.

"When I look up at the sky at night time, I think about when my hair will look like yours!" Inuyasha piped. When he looked up, he saw both his mother's small smile and the sparkling sky above. On those nights, Inuyasha was sure to stay awake until the sun had risen before he decided to burrow under covers for rest. The poor child never had to align himself with the other children, even when he turned human for one night. "I think it might be tomorrow." With age he was growing more accustomed to predicting time of the new moon.

"Inuyasha..." She murmured but had ended her sentence short. She was always curious if the boy had ever caught the scent of another dog yōkai yōkai, or if he ever wanted to see another silver haired individual.

"Huh? What is it, mama?"

"Nothing..." She softly answered as she pet through his hair. "Enjoy the sky until you find yourself suddenly in your dreams," she suggested to her boy with gentle scratches to his sensitive ears to placate him. Once she stopped, his twitching went from his ears to his little nose. "What is it?" There has been times her son had smelled scary things, to simple cooking she could barely afford to buy, and when it was fall season such as now, it hurt her that she couldn't obtain as many yams for Inuyasha as she would like.

"I smell a yōkai... a boy yōkai... and he smells like..." His smile grew in size as he announced, "Like a dog!" He excitedly exclaimed, but his mother covered his mouth, though she knew it was futile; a full fledged yōkai would hear even a whisper she's sure. She wasn't sure if she should attempt to run away, light an annoying scent to scare the yōkai off, or simply wait to see if he was coming for them. It felt as fateful as the day she was in labor with the very child who was locked in her protective mortal hold. Before she had the chance to fairly decide a decision, the dog yōkai appeared and her hold on Inuyasha tightened enough to pull him closely against her bosom. The yōkai moved elegantly and at a casual pace that still looked like the march of a warrior. The closer he approached, the more details she saw about him.

He looked a lot like her past lover.

Though the violet markings on his very pale cheeks were split into pairs on the sides of his face, those were still markings her lost love had on his face that their son did not have. He had golden eyes under red lids too, striking silver hair and ears that pointed to the sides just like the Inu no Taishō. The only difference between her yōkai lover and this teenage male was that his eyebrows were thinner, and that he had the mark of a crescent moon on his forehead, otherwise, a relation was evident.

"Your names." The full fledged yōkai demanded evenly, though his golden eyes pierced her humble brown ones. Air escaped her first, then she struggled to keep her writhing child with her, feeling fear toward the male who demanded their names. His fine eyebrows began to furrow the longer it took for her to answer, sending chills down her spine.

"I am Izayoi, and my son is... Inuyasha." In actuality she did not want to introduce her child to this threatening teen in front of her, but for safety's sake, she strategically gave in.

"Humph...Inuyasha..." The way he spoke the name was with disdain and judgment; another fear of a mother coming into plight. Had his late father not told him of the arrival of a younger sibling...?

"Release him so that I, Sesshōmaru, may speak to him."

"Sesshōmaru...?" The boy curiously repeated as he managed to turn his body to face 'Sesshōmaru' while still tightly held by his mother.

"Inuyasha," he punctuated, as if solidifying their names to one another before he continued on, "two things we share in common, one is our father, who is no longer with us, Inuyasha." He blamed him, he blamed both of them, and while the child did not understand, the fallen princess did in place. "Half of you is yōkai with his blood, the other half...human, Inuyasha." His brows remained furrowed, his shining gaze hard pressed, even as he flipped his long, and well-kept silver locks back.

The hanyō swallowed a lump in his throat after the other boy had stopped speaking. He was very scary, but all the while fascinating. He had to know for certain about something-

"Are you my older brother, Sesshōmaru."

"...Yes," he answered with a heavy frown on his face. Despite his expression, the younger pup beamed at him anyway. Sesshōmaru turned around and took a pace forward.

"Wait! Older brother-"

"Sesshōmaru," the older dog yōkai reprimanded as he continued walking away.

"Sesshōmaru!" The boy cried out at toward the other who did not halt or nor turn around. "Will I see you again, Sesshōmaru?!" To his surprise, his older brother had halted in his pace, though he still did not turn around.

"As long as you live, Inuyasha, we will see one another" he vaguely answered before he continued on ahead. He ignored the other boy's sweet reply of telling him goodnight as he disappeared into the darkness.

Izayoi felt her heart fall into her stomach. A feeling of uncertainty, confusion, and apprehension. She did not feel trust for Sesshōmaru like she felt trust toward Tōga, the boys' father. Inuyasha's excited smile disheartened her, when normally she wanted him to have such an expression toward something or someone other than her...

Tōga... Will Sesshōmaru harm or protect Inuyasha? Dear Tōga... please, I ask one more thing of you, inspire Sesshōmaru to not harm his younger brother, Inuyasha...

A/N: Though taking place in the past where the brothers firs meet, this fic is more loosely based off the manga where Inuyasha and Sesshomaru's interaction isn't so incredibly volatile. Neither do they have an intense rivalry for as long as the anime. It's still a wish fulfillment fic in it's very nature, but I am also trying to make it match with canon as best as I can, thoughI won't beat myself up too much if I don't achieve that effect totally. You can also find me on tumblr under the url tofuget