Hey! My first Teen Titans fic, hope I do well. This chapter is gonna be OOC, but hopefully just this one. Gimme a chance *puppy dog eyes*

I know I said I wouldn't work on this until I finished my Leo Valdez fic, but I just couldn't resist. Author's temptation... Lol

General P.O.V

"For the last time, I'm sorry, okay?" Yelled Beast Boy angrily.

The normally green teen had turned a crimson color, and his relaxed atmosphere had been replaced by one of anger and exasperation. His fists were balled and he glared daggers at the girl standing opposite of him.

Raven too was ticked. Her usual indifferent, chilly aura was now replaced by one of rage and fury. Contrary to her teammate, her ghost-like skin had paled even more, to the point of being see-through, and all around her furniture trembled, picking up on her mood.

She scowled fiercely at Beast Boy.

"I don't care!" She hollered, which was scary enough in itself. Raven tended to never raise her voice, let alone yell.

"I've had enough of your pointless apologizies! I've told you a million times, don't go into my room. And yet you went! And to top it all I even caught you looking through my stuff!"

"Yeah, that's right! Yell at me without even hearing my point of view, " Growled Beast Boy angrily, nearly hitting Raven's lamp in exasperation.

"I intend to!"

"Look, I didn't snoop or anything. I just wanted to check if you had my lost comic!"

"Why would I have your comic?"

"I dunno, I just thought... " Beast Boy started to say, but was cut off by a scornful Raven.

"You thought? You need to have a brain to think, pinhead. And you don't have one!"

Beast Boy's cheeks burned at the insult, and his fists tightened, mostly from pure instinct.

"Clever insult, it's not like you used it a million times now or anything," He fired.

Raven made a hissing sound in her throat, and Beast Boy gingerly took a step back. He had never seen her this angry before, and it annoyed him that she was getting so worked up over such a minor thing.

"I mean, geez," He continued, "You come into my room all the time, and I don't go all Dark Fury Style on you. Anyway, I didn't read your diary or whatever, so what's the big deal?"

Raven's eyes flashed.

"Your room is more like a troll's lair by the way you take care of it. And it's a matter of privacy! As in, my privacy! And you better have not read my diary," She snarled, "Or I swear, you'll never see the sunlight again."

This comment nettled Beast Boy and he snapped back,

"I'm surprised you even know what sunlight is, seeing how you're always in that dark meditation zone of yours. Heck, you never even smile at my jokes!"

"Yeah, cuz a) they're not funny, and b) if I smile, something will most likely blow up!" Shouted Raven. "I'm not like you, who smiles during every single second and who has never experienced pain in your life! I actually have problems, okay?"

She seemed near tears practically, but not out of sadness. Out of complete, out of control rage. And Beast Boy himself was now slack-jawed, shocked at this confession, but instantly regained his composure.

But something had changed. He no longer wished to argue his point and defend himself.

Instead he just looked at the furious empath, and shook his head sadly, for once without his usual trademark grin.

"You don't know anything about me, Rae," He said, for once quiet. "If you think I've never experienced pain, then you really don't know me."

Raven scowled even deeper, too deep in her haze of fury to really notice the shift in the boy's attitude, or the sadnessin his words.

"Firatly, my name is not Rae, and secondly I know that you're a pathetic, stupid, immature freak who cares about no one but himself and keeps on begging for attention, and that's enough to know in my opinion. Now get out of my room!" She spat.

Beast Boy felt like his heart had cracked into a million pieces as he turned away from fuming Raven and shakily opened her room's door to leave.

But instead of leaving, he found himself face to face... Or rather, face to chest considering the man's size... With a concerned looking Cyborg.

"Hey, I heard screaming. You two alright?"

"Couldn't be better," Muttered Beast Boy, trying to leave, but Cyborg placed an arm on his shoulder and held him back.

"Raven? What's going on?" He asked the empath kind of nervously, seeing her angry mood.

Raven glared.

"None of your business. Now go away, both of you. I want to meditate."

Beast Boy couldn't resist a final jeering remark.

"Ooh, meditation. It sounds fun. Especially for creepy psycho witch ladies," He said scathingly, but in his eyes it was clear that his mind was elsewhere.

Cyborg winced.

"BB... "He said in a warning tone, but was silenced as Raven glowered at him.

"Says the green freaky monster," She snapped.

"That wasn't... " Cyborg interrupted, but once again was cut off by a glare from Beast Boy.

Without realizing it, they had entered the room (once again), and Beast Boy had wormed away from Cyborg's strong grasp to go face to face with Raven.

They were now yelling insults at each other, Cyborg attempting to calm them down but with no result.

Amidst the chaos though, suddenly the sound of smashing glass was heard and all arguments ceased.

The trio looked thunderstruck at Raven's mirror, now laying on the floor in three large cracked pieces. Raven gasped.

"My mirror!"

Beast Boy gulped.

"Rae, I am so sorry, I didn't... "

But that was the final straw for Raven. With a furious roar of Azarath Metrion Zinthos, she blasted Beast Boy with a ray of magic.

He hit the wall with a crunch and a yelp of pain, then sank unconsciously to the floor.

"Raven!" Shouted Cyborg angrily, and Raven paled even more realizing that she had just attacked and possibly injured her friend.

But then the room started spinning, and everything turned black.