The next morning, Jemma was woken by a knock on the door. She knew Fitz was working an early shift at the garage so it couldn't be him, and if it was Skye she wasn't ready for yet another fight. The last one caused her to get barely any sleep as it was.

Upon opening the door, she was surprised to see someone she didn't recognise, though. He was a young, handsome man with stubble (which reminded her of Fitz) and was wearing a May's Diner uniform. Her interest had certainly been piqued.

"Jemma Simmons?" The man asked.

Jemma nodded with a smile, noticing the badge on the man's chest read 'LANCE'.

"I've got a delivery for you, paid for by Skye Johnson." Lance revealed, handing Jemma a large box. As she took it, she could smell a combination of delicious scents from the goodies inside.

"Those are one plateful of every type of cookie we bake." Lance added.

"She bought me a box full of cookies?" Jemma asked, surprised.

Skye never spent money on anything. Ever.

"Actually, love; she bought you everything on the menu." Lance said, gesturing to his side.

Jemma leaned out the door of her apartment and looked down the hallway, where box after box was stacked against the wall; at least fifteen of them.

"Wow." Jemma whispered.

"I'd say. I imagine you'll enjoy the experience more than my back has." Lance commented under his breath as he walked off with a wave.

"Thank you very much!" Jemma shouted after him.

"Yeah, sure." Lance replied, a hand on his back as he walked down the stairs to exit the building.

Jemma didn't know where to start as she began bringing the boxes inside. On one of them she saw a small note taped to the top of the box.

'An apology by Skye. Part 1 of 3.'

A few hours later Jemma had barely scratched the surface of the mounds of food Skye had bought for her (not that she was complaining; the food was INCREDIBLE) when her phone buzzed. She smiled as she saw the message was from Fitz.

'Meet me at May's in fifteen minutes. Can't wait to see you xx'

Fifteen minutes was nowhere near enough time for her to make herself look good enough for herself to approve of her look, but she was Jemma Simmons, so she couldn't be even one minute late in meeting Fitz. If she prepared her clothes, hair and make-up fast enough she'd be fine.

And Jemma Simmons excelled at preparation.

Fitz's face lit up as he saw Jemma enter the diner, and he desperately ignored the whistling coming from the kitchen behind him (he's be sure to punch Mack later).

"Hi." Jemma smiled as she immediately found his lips with hers and wrapped his arms around him. Leo kissed back with a smile before resting his head against hers.

"You know what's weird?" Fitz asked.


"It feels like we've been doing this for years. I'm so comfortable with you." Fitz grinned like a five year old.

"I feel exactly the same." Jemma whispered with a smile as he gently kissed her again.

"Well, that's good." Fitz commented.

"And you what else is good? Skye bought me everything on the diner's menu and sent it to my apartment. Apparently it's part one of her apology, though I have to apologise to. I said some horrible things to her that I didn't mean." Jemma sighed.

"You don't need to apologise, Jem."

Fitz and Jemma followed Skye's voice as she stood behind the pair with a small smile.

"Yes I do, Skye, I didn't mean any of that, about Ward or Lincoln or-"

"-Jem, please. You were right, okay? I have been known to be…irresponsible…with my relationships, but with Lincoln…I knew it was right, you know? That's why things went really fast for us. Sound familiar?" Skye asked knowingly as Jemma and Fitz looked at each other.

"I guess it does." Fitz smiled.

"Okay, apology part two, the speech…Jem, I'm so sorry for everything. Fitz helped me to see that I had no right to keep you two apart for years and think that I could control who you date and when. You have the right to be with whoever you want to be, and I was wrong to abuse that right. I've also come to me senses and realised that it was always going to work with you two no matter how immature Fitz was or how shy you were when you two met, because you would always grow up into the people that overcame that and were perfect for each other. You were destined to become who you are, and I was so focused on the changes I was making to you that I didn't notice that you'd already changed so much on your own, both of you. I promise I'll stay out of the way of your relationship from now on, and be supportive all the way. Because I love you both and I think you're perfect together. And for everything, all my meddling…it'll never happen again. And I'm sorry. Because above all else, I could never manage without my best friend." Skye said emotionally, and even Fitz had to go his best to hold back a few tears (he'd just gotten the most beautiful girl in the world, and he wasn't going to risk losing her by showing her just how emotional he could get).

Jemma was stunned by the honesty behind Skye's words and rushed to pull her into a tight hug.

"You're my best friend too. I'm sorry, and all is forgiven." Jemma smiled, which was soon reflected onto Skye's face.

"I'm glad we could all move past this; I would never want to come between two best friends. I too forgive you, if you care." Fitz commented and the girls laughed as they invited him to join the hug, which he did with glee.

They soon pulled apart as Jemma wiped some tears away.

"That was a very good speech." Jemma commented.

"Thanks. I wrote it myself then Lincoln helped me memorise it. After correcting my spelling mistakes." Skye explained, rolling her eyes at the last part.

"Man after my own heart." Fitz joked.

"Is that so? Is a man going to give you what I can't?" Jemma teased with a smile, happy she could show her relationship with Fitz to the world with no one against them.

"Absolutely not. You are everything I'll ever need." Fitz smiled as he leaned down and kissed Jemma. She smiled into the kiss as Skye looked away awkwardly, but with a hint of happiness.

"Well, I'm very glad about that." Jemma giggled.

"Speaking of that, part three of my apology has to do with both of you. It's a gift, shall we say?" Skye said.

"Skye, you've apologised enough. We're fine." Jemma stated.

"I know, I know, but I want to do this. But first I need to be absolutely sure…are you two both serious about each other? Like, being a couple and all?" Skye asked.

The smile shared between Jemma and Fitz was more than enough of an answer for Skye, but they gave her more.

"Of course." Jemma grinned as she took Fitz's hand in hers.

"Never been more serious." Fitz added, squeezing Jemma's hand and stroking it gently with his thumb, sending a shiver up her spine.

"Plus, she gives me ten dollar tips." Fitz added with a smirk and Jemma playfully hit him as Skye chuckled.

"Okay then, weirdos. I want to prove that I am one hundred percent behind you two being together, so…here." Skye said, reaching into her pocket and handed a small object to Jemma. She inspected it confusedly.

"…Your apartment key?" She wondered.

"No. Your apartment key." Skye smiled.

"…I'm sorry?" Fitz asked.

"Lincoln asked me to move in with him a few weeks ago, and I was unsure of what to do. So this happening now must be a sign right? I move out, Jemma moves right in. It works out perfectly!" Skye exclaimed.

"Skye, this is madness! No one is happier about me being with Fitz than I am, but we've hardly known each other a week." Jemma protested.

"Exactly! I mean, we've only been on one date, and you think we should move in together?" Fitz said.

"Look at you two, already backing each other up! Super adorable, but you're also super wrong. Jemma moving in would mean you two see each other even more than I imagine you would, plus it would help Jemma get to the diner quicker to feed her face, maybe even get a job here, plus it's closer to university! Plus, technically you've known of each other for years. Come on Jem, take a risk for once!" Skye explained.

"I don't know, I…this is insane, right? Leo?" Jemma asked, turning to Fitz, who appeared to be deep in thought.

"Well…I don't know. There are far worse ideas." Fitz said.

"…Wait, you really think we could just move in together so soon?" Jemma asked.

"…Maybe. It was like Skye was saying it felt right with Lincoln and they moved fast, and we've certainly done that so far…I…I quite like picturing living with you, having you around all the time. It's nice." Fitz said, which made Jemma blush and smile.

I suppose there are worse ideas than waking up to my gorgeous boyfriend every morning.

"I know it's a risk Jemma, but I think it's worth taking. I think you know that it doesn't seem quite as crazy as it should, right? Because it feels right, despite everything. Because you're not as scared of social interaction as I still thought you were. I know it's completely up to you, but surely it's worth a try?" Skye said.

"What do you think, honestly?" Jemma asked Fitz.

"Honestly? I'd rather take a risk with you than have it be easy with anyone else." Fitz smiled, and Jemma smiled back.

"…Me too." Jemma whispered happily, closing her palm and holding the key tight in her grasp.

Months went by, and Jemma had slotted into Fitz's apartment without a hitch. They had a system going, they saw each other all the time as they got to know each other better and better with every passing second, and they even met up with Skye and Lincoln on double dates on occasion. Plus, Jemma had gotten to know Mack, Bobbi and the owner of May's Diner so well, she'd already been offered a job there for when she finished university and was looking for work in the career she truly wanted.

Everything seemed to have fallen into place, and it was perfect.

One evening, Fitz was still cackling as he and Jemma entered the apartment and settled down on the couch.

"I can't believe I've seen that! Mack made speechless! Fantastic!" Fitz chuckled.

"I only said that a large height doesn't necessarily mean that other…parts…are proportionate." Jemma commented with a smile.

"Yeah, but it shut him up. Jemma Simmons, you are both my idol and my hero and I love you." Fitz chuckled as he kissed her gently.

"Good, because I love you too." Jemma smiled as she kissed him again.

The second their lips parted they realised they'd never actually said those three little words before.

"…We've never-" Fitz began.

"-No. We haven't." Jemma interrupted.

"…Pretty big moment." Fitz commented and Jemma nodded before smiling.

"…I love you." She whispered.

"I love you too." He smiled back happily, leaning in for another perfect kiss from the woman of his dreams. Skye had been a nightmare to put up with, but in the end she really came through. Despite the years they could've had together without Skye keeping them apart, they moved past it; they were just glad that it did happen, and in the here and now, they were together.

Not just that, they were in love, and love is a gift. Love is big and beautiful and brilliant. Love is magical. Love is always there to keep your heart beating.

Love is patient. Love is kind.