*Your POV*

I began to cry again not because of before but because I did mean something, to him. He made me feel whole.

"Ezio, is it bad that my father is a Templar?" I paused not waiting for a response but so I wouldn't choke on my words "And my mother is an assassin?"

Ezio sighed "Do you believe that you are bad?"

I was shocked by his words "No, but-" He cut me off before I could down myself.

"There is your answer, mia bella. You are not a bad person just because of your mother and father. They have nothing to do with the person you are now. You are wonderful and beautiful and I believe that both your madre e padre would be proud of you."

*Ezio's POV*

I really didn't know that they would be proud. Her mother maybe but not her father. From the way that Uncle Mario talked about him, he would just shun her even more. But i could not see her like this, it broke my heart that a man would do that to his daughter and the mother of his child. He was a pitiful man and I made a vow that he will meet my revenge for hurting this woman that I am beginning to love.

"Do not constantly think about it mia bella, things will look up and maybe one day you may confront your father about everything." I knew that she really didn't want to talk to anyone about anything that just happened. I wouldnt want to myself, but she couldn't keep thinking about it and it make her regret even being alive.

*Your POV*

"I dont think that would work Ezio. I doubt that he would listen to me. I nothing more than a pathetic girl, not to mention an assassin. Would you listen to me?"

He looked at me with a deep sense of passion burning in his eyes "Yes, I would listen to your every word mia bella."

I have never felt more wanted by anyone before. He was so sweet, so kind, so caring. "You really would?"

"Every word and more, mia bella" He smiled so sweetly to me and my heart melted. "Now come, we should train some more. Maybe it will take your mind off of things."

I nodded my head in agreement and walked off with him.

*Ezio's POV*

It felt good to have helped her out. I know that she felt so many emotions, it must have been painful.

"So, Adalina, you can shoot well with the bow and arrow. I wonder how good you would be with a gun."

I smirked at her and her eyes grew wide. "A GUN!"

"Yes a gun. I have one. It may not be a full size projectile but it still works and it is very lethal and easy to use. We can modify your hidden blade to have the gun feature on take you to Leonardo!" I took her hand and we were now going to see my good friend Leonardo.


madre e padre - mother and father