Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to Twilight


I spent so much time focused on my lack of happy ending that I didn't stop to consider that my story wasn't over. I am still here. Blood, muscle, nerve – life. I was living. Not living the ideal life yet, but I still had chances to get things right.

I needed balance. A balance of family and commitment to protecting my community, along with pursuing my happiness… perhaps far away from La Push.

An equilibrium could be achieved. I just needed to be patient.

Author's Note: If you follow my profile because of Garden of Glass then I implore you to not hate me! I am planning to update it very soon. Just editing and reaffirming canonical details in it. I've re-entered my love for this rare Twilight ship so I just HAD to spit out a chapter before the idea escaped me. I hope you enjoy it because I've been mentally writing it in my head since around 2008 - 2009, kind of the same amount of time as my Hermione/Theodore fic.