My Sweet Guardian Angel

Disclaimer: I do not own Elsword or any of its characters.

A certain ebony haired female gazed out in the wilderness. A wilderness colored in the same shade of white. It was winter in the land of Elrios, even Hamel was covered in a glaze of snow.

Piles of soft, fluffy snow stood patiently for children to make them into snowmen. Snow to this girl was a thing that she thought never existed. After all, she was born in Sander, a place where sand and deserts were the only things you could see for miles.

Even if she was quite amazed by this peculiar sight outside, she was too worried to even give a glance. She was worried for the sake of her friends.

Just a few hours before, the other 7 members of their team not including Chung and her went to Velder to get supplies for their Christmas party that was going to be held tonight.

Just after they had left, a blizzard struck. She was very worried..."What if they didn't make it through the blizzard?" She thought as her gazed worriedly at the window.

The blizzard continued for hours and ever since then, this certain Sakra Devanam could not keep worrying. She paced up and down in her room, stared endlessly at the the window sill, and bit her lower lip in worry.

She just couldn't calm down. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. The curious Ara now turned her back and answered with a "Who's there?".

"Ara its me, Chung." A familiar voice said as a blonde haired boy walked into the room.

"Chung what is it?" The curious looking Ara asked as she tilted her head in confusion.

A worried expression spread on the Deadly Chaser's face. "A-Ara...I got a call from Velder saying that there was a demon attack near where the gang left off." He seriously told the shocked looking Sakra Devanam.

There was a hint of sadness in his voice. Ara just stared helplessly at Chung, tears swelling up in her eyes.

She started sobbing while she covered her face. The Deadly Chaser took pity on her and slowly hugged her.

Ara's face was now leaned against Chung's toned chest(He wasn't wearing his Freiturnier/Armor that he wears) which was covered by a white T-shirt. Even though he was still wearing a shirt, Ara could still feel his skin.

A blush crept up to Ara's cheek, turning her cheek a darker shade of pink. Tears stilled flowed down as she confessed her feelings to him. "C-Chung what if t-they didn't make it!" She whimpered as leaned her head closer to his chest.

Chung smiled sadly as he slowly petted her hair. "Ara their going to be fine...our gang is not weak after all..." He whispered as he stopped petting her hair.

She quietly nodded. "C-Chung...I'm glad that your here with me..." She whimpered as tears flowed down her closed eyelids.

The Deadly Chaser smiled. "I'll always be there for you and I'll always be the one protecting you...Ara...Your too special to me...I can't lose you...or I'll break..." He gently whispered, but Ara was already asleep. He sighed. "I'm glad she didn't hear that..." He thought as he layed her on her bed, placed a blanket over her, and quietly left.

What this prince didn't know was that Ara was awake all along and she heard every word. After he left, she layed in her bed...dazed or so it seems.

She touched her burning forehead and her blushing cheeks. She knew that the cause of this wasn't a fever, but other than that she didn't know what the cause was.

Poor Ara...didn't know that the cause was definetly not a fever...but it might be worse than a fever.

An incureable disease that's called...Love..



(Ara's POV)

As I rolled in my bed for who knows how long...I couldn't take it anymore.

As I turned once again, thoughts of previous events filled my mind.

"I'll always be there for you and I'll always be the one protecting you...Ara...Your too special to me...I can't lose you...or I'll break..." He gently whispered.

I blushed furiously. I couldn't believe he said that. Then, a weak smile appeared on my face.

I sighed and cover my face with my hands. you know what those your words did to me?

Sooner or later...I won't be able to hold in my feelings anymore...You idiot...I'm going to fall for you too much!

Tears of joy or sadness fell slowly down my cheeks. I don't even know which one it or sadness.

Just as I was about to drift to sleep, there was a knock on the door.

I sighed. "What do you want Chung?" I plainly asked for I knew who was at the door.

"I was wondering if you would come downstairs for a cup of hot chocolate and how did you know?" Chung asked he waited paitently outside my bedroom door.

"Who else is there in this house?" I asked in a mocking tone.

"I thought you were going to say that you were pyshic or something and come done when your done k?" He chuckled as his footsteps were heard going downstairs.

I laughed. Same old...Same old.

I lazily got up and changed from my PJs to my traditional orange, gold, and white robe. Once I finished changing, I opened the door and raced downstairs.

As I raced downstairs, my steps became slower and I froze when I saw Chung looking sadly at the window. His eyes were teary and his angelic smile was now a depressing frown.

Chung? A single tear flowed down his flushed cheeks and then more tears flowed down. "...I-I won't b-be able to tell you my feelings if your not here anymore...Eve..." He stuttered as shifted his gaze to a picture he had in his hand...a picture of Eve.

I could feel my heart break. I mentaly laughed at myself. I knew it...I knew all along...yet I still believed and hoped...I knew all along that Chung...doesn't like me...he likes...


My last thought almost made me shed a waterfall of tears, but I luckily pulled myself together. I plastered a fake smile on my face and wiped my tears if there were any.

This isn't the time to have a mental breakdown Ara...just pull yourself together...

"Chung I'm done!" I shouted as I pretended that I just got there. I stepped off the last step and walked towards him, a fake smile plastered on my face.

He looked startled to see me, but he hid that under a bright smile. He quickly hid the picture behind his back and greeted me.

"Oh Ara when did you get here?" He awkwardly asked me as he tried to put on a smile.

"Oh I just got here, what were you doing?" I lied as I put a curious expression on my face.

"O-Oh...I was just looking at the window, trying to see if the blizzard had calmed down." He lied as he averted his gaze.

I flinched. I can't believe that he lied right to my face like that. I tried to hide my frown, but I guess he noticed it.

"Uh...Ara is something wrong?" He asked as he slowly placed the picture back on the table.

"Oh...No it's nothing, so can we sit down and drink some hot chocolate?" I lied as I walked to the the couch.

From the corner of my eye, I swear that I saw a hint of disappointment. I shook it off though.

As I took a seat on the couch, I took the nearst cup to me which was a blue cup with stars. I like the design.

Chung was sitting on the couch across from me, staring at me for an odd reason. Just as my took a sip of the hot chocolate, Chung spoke up and said, "Um...Ara that's my cup and I drank out of it...".

I froze and then I spitted out the liquid in my mouth. WHAT!? I watched as the hot chocolate from my mouth splashed over Chung's face.

"Ahhhhh...I'm sorry Chung!" I apologized as I grabbed my handkerchief as I desperately tried to wipe the sticky liquid off him. This would be something newlyweds would do with each other...what Eve would do to Chung...

I was so focused in my thoughts that I didn't realize that Chung was calling me. "Ara, you okay?" Chung asked worriedly at me.

I snapped out of my thoughts and plastered a fake smile on my face. "Oh..I'm fine Chung." I replied back in a plain tone.

"Okay and...your too close to me." He replied awkwardly and he pointed at the space between us. I barely even realized that we were only inches away from each other.

"Oh...Sorry!" I apologized as I plastered another fake smile on my face. I slowly backed away and took a seat on the couch.

"Ara...stop it." Chung announced in a cold and serious tone.

It sent shivers down my spine. "W-What are you talking about Chung?" I asked as I forced a smile.

I gazed into his now cold looking eyes. "I hate it when you lie and when you try to cover up your feeling by putting on a smile." He shot back at me, his cerulean eyes now a icy cold blue color. I just stared, with expression turning shocked.

I tried to open my mouth to talk, but nothing came out. I closed my mouth and turned my head.

"Ara...what's going on." Chung asked me in a calm manner.

"Nothing is going on, I don't know what your talking about Chung." I shot back, my head still turned away from him.

" your lying to me, putting on fake smiles, and your acting strange." He told me, his voice a bit stronger.

I ignored him. "Ara...look at me.." He demanded with a cold tone.

I didn't even move an inch.

"Ara.. LOOK AT ME...or I'll force you too!" Chung shouted as he pounded his fist on the table, causing the cups to clatter.

I flinched, but I didn't move. Why is he being so rough!

Suddenly, Chung moved off his couch and held my chin with one hand. He slowly forced me to turn, but I fought back. He suddenly grabbed my cheeks with both hands and we gazed at each other.

I wanted to dig and hole and live there right now! However I couldn't do that. I feared that he would be angry...I feared that he would hate me...I feared that he would look at me with those ice cold eyes..., but he didn't.

Instead of yelling at me like I thought...he...cried..

"A-Ara...tell me what's going on...why are you avoiding me and lying?" He asked me as two tear drops fell from his eyes. Chung...

I had to admit he looks cute even when he cried. I felt bad inside..really bad...

I started tearing up too and tears started to fall. Chung looked shocked. "W-Why are you crying Ara!?" He asked me as he let go of my cheeks.

"Uh-U-UH...C-Chung I'm sorry the truth is that I saw you crying and looking at a picture and then I was jealous and then I wanted to lie about being sad and then I didn't wnat you to know and then I lied and then I felt bad and then I then I didn't want to look at you." I explained quickly as I whimpered quietly.

"W-Wait...slow down and explain it clearly!" Chung panicked as he tried to figure out what I just said.


"For short...Chung I was jealous!" I announced as hot tears streamed down my flushed cheek.

I stared into Chung's eyes to see his response. He looked confused. "Why were you jealous and who were you jealous of!?" He asked as he wiped away some of my tears.

"Well...for starters..I heard you say that you wouldn't be able to tell Eve your feelings if she didn't make it out of the blizzard...and then I started getting jealous..." I explained as I tried to calm down.

"Then...I tried to hide that I was actually jealous and sad by smiling to you...and I lied that I just got here..and then when I spilled hot chocolate all over you...I was thinking what if Eve was the one to clean up the she was your wife...and then I didn't want you too...see me looking jealous...and that was why.." I explained as I took breath breaths in between.

After I had explained the whole situation to him, he just stared at him. His eyes were wide and he looked shocked.

His expression then softened and he...smiled? "Ara...I think you misunderstood..." He explained as he came closer and hugged me.

...W-What...!? "W-What do you mean...I don't understand!" I panicked as I tried t understand what he was talking about. Chung hugged me tighter and started explaining.

"Ara if Eve didn't come back then I couldn't reject her." He explained as he slowly patted my head.

"What do you mean?" I asked for I was TOTALLY lost.

He sighed. "Eve confessed to me...,but I couldn't return her feelings so I wanted to tell her that I didn't like her back, but if she didn't come back I couldn't give her an answer!" He explained before a frown spread across his face.

I just stared with wide eyes. "B-But I thought you loved Eve!" I panicked as I tried to explain myself. He chuckled. "Ara..I already have someone I like and its not Eve...and the girl I love is the only one for me..." He whispered as he gazed into my eyes.

I could feel my heart shatter. I mentally hit myself in the face. So Chung already has someone he likes... "S-So...Chung tell me about the girl you like...I want to know.." I murmered as I held in my tears of sadness.

Ara...are you sure you want to know? Eun asked me in a worried tone.

I'll be fine Eun, and where were you!? I asked.

I was napping of course, She answered back before she yawned tiredly and went back to sleep.

"Well...she always has a bright smile on her face, she's cheerful, she's cute, she's clumsy, and she she always hides her feelings." Chung explained as he put his finger on his chin.

She...sounds familiar...

Suddenly, two tears drops fell from my eyes. "U-Uh...Chung I have to admit I'm...jealous of her...after all she stole your heart..." I said, the last few words a whisper. I looked up to see Chung looked surprised, but then he smiled.

" don't have to be jealous of her because you ARE the girl I love." He gently whispered into my ear. Then, he embraced me tightly and played with my hair. I gasped and my eyes turned wide. Chung...likes me..? My tears stopped and I just stood their in Chung's arms with my mouth wide open.

He quickly let go of me and I could see his flushed face. He gazed straight at me and confessed.

"Ara...I love you..." He confessed as his cheek turned a darker shade of pink.

I just stared, shocked. I couldn't believe that this was happening to me. My shocked face turned into a relieved expression. As I smiled, tears started streaming from my face. I quietly started sobbing.

Chung panicked and asked me what was the matter. "C-Chung...I can't believe that you actually said that to me...I've always thought that you liked someone else...I love you too Chung...I love you..." I whimpered as I cover my face with my hands.

It blocked my tears AND the slight blush that was creeping up to my cheeks. Suddenly, a pair of arms wrapped around me and I let my face be revealed. I didn't know what my face looked like, but it probably looked like a big red tomato.

"Uh..Chung did you mean what you said earlier in my room?" I asked as I touched my redden cheek.

"What I said was true and I meant every word...Ara..." Chung whispered as he touched my hair.

I could feel my heart pound two times the regular speed.

From the corner of my eye, I could see Chung blushing like crazy. Aww...he's blushing...wait I'm blushing too though...

I was so happy. One question still lingered in my mind though.

"Chung...would you promise me something?" I asked as I broke free from the embrace. Chung just looked at me with a curious expression.

"Hmm...What?" He asked me innocently. Yes...I said innocently.

"Chung...promise that you will always be there for me?" I asked as my cheeks turned flushed.

He smiled. "Ara...I'll be there for you...I promise..." He whispered as he gently touched my face. I stared in his melting warm cerulean eyes and smiled.

"Thank you...Chung." I answered before our lips touched and we kissed. My eyes were closed, but I would imagine him blushing like crazy.

As I slowly open my eyes, my eyes grew wide. Chung looked like an angel, pure white wings fluttered on his back and released feather the color of snow. an I dreaming.

I slowly broke free from the kiss and softly shook my head. I gently opened my eyes to see his wings disappear.

I must have been dreaming. I yawned. "Chung I'm going to sleep..I'm tired.." I said before I let out anothe yawn.

"OKay, but won't you rather sleep with me?" Chung asked in a seductive tone. I blushed. He smirked.

"Fine!" I pouted as got a blanket and layed down the sofa. I pointed as the spot next to me and gestured him to sit down. He smiled. We snuggled on the sofa together and slept.

(Narrator's POV)

"WE'RE BACK!" A cheerful redhead said after he closed the door behind him. He then recieved glares from his group mates. "Huh?" He said as he tried to figure out what they were glaring at him for. "Shuh and Look!" Rena angrily whispered as he pointed to the two sleepy peacefully on the couch.

They were literally hugging each other under their blanket. Ara leaned on Chung's chest while Chung leaned on Ara's head. Both looked of them looked like peacefully sleeping together.

"I guess they forgot us huh?" Raven said as he smirked

The gang could probably guess what happened after they were away, but one thought was left undetected.

A certain ebony haired girl was having a secret thought.

" I love sweet guardian angel..."

Chung may not an angel, but to Ara...he may be her guardian angel.

Life is full of surprises that you may not expect to happen, but when the time comes you have to make a decision.



I hope you guys liked it! I am not the best writer ever when it comes to Chara, but I love Chara so I decided to make a fanfic about them. I hope Tamako-Chama sees this because this story is inspired by her. (I read her stories and felt like making a Chung x Ara fanfic.) Anyway, I hope you liked it! I may turn this one shot into a two shot or maybe turn this one shot into a chapter fanfic, but I'm not positive. If you want me to turn this into a story please tell me down below! R&R down below in the review box!~Aria