Hiya Guys~! I'm back with the last chapter of "My Sweet Guardian Angel"! I haven't updated this chapter for a LONG time now. Sorry~! Gomenasai minna! Anyway, for this chapter I drew a drawing of the dress that Ara's going to wear. Go check it out on Deviantart. Search up Hikari-No-Aria and it should be the fourth one.(It should be a drawing of Ara). Sorry if I draw bad! I'm NOT a drawer, I'm more of a writer than an artist! Please don't say bad things of my drawing because I'm not like a person who draws good. I just wanted to give you guys a clear image of how Ara's dress should look like! So...I hope you Chara lovers out there like my new chappie and enjoy~!

Disclaimer- I do not own Elsword or any of it characters

~Love on a Snowy Night~

The sound of fluttering dresses and clomping heels were heard throughout the building where the members of the El Gang lived. They were quite busying tonight for a party was going to be held in Velder and they were officially invited by Vanessa.

While the girls were busying preparing their outfits, the boys were busying trying to tidy themselves up. Everyone was busy especially a certain blonde haired male.

~Elsword's POV~
~Chung's Bedroom~

I sighed and shook my head in anger. I angrily glared at my blonde haired friend. "Don't tell me you haven't decided yet Chung!?" I asked him as I impatiently tapped my foot.

"Of course I've decided Elsword! But will she like it?" Chung answered back, confusion hinted in his voice. I sighed and weakly smiled at my friend.

"Chung...have more confidence in yourself dude!" I encouraged him as I patted him on the back. He nodded. "I'll try my best Elsword." He told me. I smiled.

"Now that's the Chung I know!" I chuckled as I nudged his head which I could clearly see he disliked. "Elsword!" He yelled as he freed himself from me. I chuckled.

"Okay, Okay, Let's get changed into our suits before Raven and Add get here." I told him as I headed to the bathroom to get changed.
Chung nodded and waited for me to get changed.

~After Elsword gets changed~

As I stepped out of the bathroom, I awkwardly called out to Chung. "So...how do I look?" I asked as I lifted my arms to reveal my suit.

It was a black suit both inside and outside with a crimson red hair was now I had to say that it matched me perfectly. (LK style).

Chung nodded and smiled. "You look great Elsword! I bet Aisha would go head over heels over you…" He complimented as he gave me a sly smile.

I blushed. "S-Stop Stalling and go get changed Pikachu!" I stuttered as I pushed him him into the bathroom. He continued smiling and started chuckling.

I gritted my teeth and humphed.

~After Chung gets changed~

I waited impatiently as Chung got changed. I crossed my arms and tapped my foot impatiently. As I was about to call him out, the door of the bathroom creaked and he stepped out.

Chung was dressed in a white suit with a cerulean blue tie that matched his eyes. He was wearing white shoes(Whatever boys wear…..do they wear heels?Oo.. Boots? Whatever they when they dress up.) I grinned. "Well done my friend! I see that you really are more than what you look."

He looked ticked off. "Thanks for the compliment….." He replied back as he shot me a plastered smile that was obviously was fake.

I grinned back. "My pleasure…." I shot back as I gave him a smug smile. I could feel the electricity bounce between us.

*Knock, Knock* "Elsword...Chung are you done yet?" A voice asked from outside Chung's bedroom door. We stopped glaring at each other and looked at the door.

"Sorry! We're done Raven!" Chung replied as he opened the door to reveal two "gentlemen" at the door. One was a ebony haired man that was wearing a gray suit and a brown tie. I could identify him as my friend, Raven. He was accompanied by a white haired male that was dressed in a white dress shirt with a magenta tie and a purple vest over it. That glint in his eyes could identify him as Add.

"So ready to go or not?" Add impatiently asked as he looked at his watch. " I should be asking you that Add…" I told him as I started heading out his door and to the stairs.

"We should hurry before we get roasted by Rena for being late." Chung added and we left for the party in Velder.

"I'm excited to see how this turns out for both Chung and Ara…" I thought.

~Ara's POV~
~Ara's Room~
I shyly looked at the outfit that Rena, Aisha, Elesis, and Eve picked out for me. It was a strapped red and black knee-high dress with orange glitter on the front of my chest. A pink bow was wrapped around my waist and black flats were the choice of shoes. My hair was now left to drop at my waist while two clips were clipped to my side bangs. The last part of my outfit was the red choker on my neck.


"That looks very nice on you Ara…." A familiar voice complimented me from my door.
I looked up to see Eve standing by the door wearing her dress. It was a long strapped past knee-length white colored dress with pink ruffles and lace. A pink ribbon was diagonally wrapped around her waist while she wore white heels. She wore laced white gloves and some white pearls around her neck. Her hair was the same and her Empress Tiara stood proudly on her head. She looked beautiful.

"U-Uh...Thanks Eve! You look beautiful!" I thanked and complimented the Empress.
She blushed. "T-Thanks…" She murmured, but just enough for me to hear her. I smiled.

"My, My don't you too look gorgeous!" A voice complimented from behind Eve. I tilted my head and looked behind Eve. Standing right behind her was Rena walking along side Aisha.

Rena was wearing an almost floor length strapless kelly green dress. It was decorated with green ruffles and emeralds were attached to her waist line as a decoration. She was wearing diamond earrings and she held a mini green purse in her hand. Hidden under her dress were a pair of green heels that were decorated with green roses. Her hair was now tied back in an elegant bun and a two feather clips were each attached on the side of her bun.(Like GA's feather ornaments).

Aisha on the other hand was wearing a very light purple knee-high dress that was strapped on on side. Silver glitter was decorated on the front of it and black lace was trimmed at the bottom. A black ribbon was tied at her waist and was let to fall at her back. She was wearing fingerless black gloves with purple lace and she was wearing purple heels. Her hair was now a side ponytail that slightly curled at the ends and she wore a purple rose headband to end her outfit.

Both of them were absolutely stunning! They looked like gems or dolls at the very least! "Oh! Rena! Aisha! Thanks~! But, you two make me look like chopped liver!" I told the two which made them laugh.

"Ara! Thanks for the comments~! But you know, I think this outfit makes you look more like you!" Aisha giggled as she and Rena headed over to us.

I blushed. "B-But….Chung wouldn't look at me with this outfit…" I muttered under my breath. Rena smirked which told me that she heard my embarrassing thought. "So...Ara you want Chung's attention do you?" She asked me with not even trying to hide her smirk that appeared on her face.

I blushed again, but this time I could feel my face turn very red. I bet I looked like a human tomato right now. Aisha and Eve saw this and started giggling. "S-Stop giggling!" I pouted as I clenched my fist in anger.

"H-Haha..ok..That's enough! Let's go downstairs and meet up with Elesis." Aisha told us as she stopped laughing and started climbing down the stairs.

I smiled. As we headed down the stairs, a familiar figure stood at the doorway. She was wearing a bright red halter neck dress that reached to the floor and a bright diamond belt was wrapped around her waist. Her bright red hair was now in a long neat ponytail that traveled to her back and she wore a ruby necklace on her neck. She was dressed in red heels and wore a silver gloves to end her outfit.

"Elesis!" I called out to her as I quickly went down the stairs and pounced onto her.

"Oh! Hi Ara! My, don't you look cute tonight!" She complimented me as I got off her and smiled.

"Thanks for the comment Elesis!" I replied back just as the Rena, Aisha, and Eve rushed over to Elesis.

"Well, Well I see you girls really dressed up for today!" Elesis chuckled as she gave us a grin.

I smiled. "There is no need to over exaggerate your statement Elesis." Eve calmly told her as she kept her monotone face.

Elesis grinned. "Well, let's get that over with and let's head over to our carriages!" She excitedly announced as she opened the front door to reveal five carriages lined up.

"Well, what are we waiting for!?" Aisha joked as she got onto her carriage and waved goodbye.

The rest of the girls including me did the same and we headed off to Wintery Velder, where the party awaited us.

~Narrator's POV~
Twas, the night were Velder was at it's very peak of potential. Lights flickered in the moonlight and chandeliers jingled from the ceiling. Glass cups clicked together in toast and the fragrant smell of freshly baked cookies drifted into the nostrils of the guests. People danced away like their was no tomorrow and laughter was the like the sweet sound of your beloved.

Wintery Velder was hosting a Christmas party that was being hosted by the one and only Vanessa. She invited many guests to this party like the Ice Queen Noah, Feita's Lento, and many more. Don't forget about the members of the El Gang though!

The boys were quietly awaiting the arrival of their partner while the girls rode to the party hall in their carriages. All the boys seemed anxious, but one of them stood out the most.

"E-Elsword! What do I do!? What if I mess up!?" A certain blonde haired male nervously asked his red haired friend. He was pacing around the ballroom nervously while his hands were behind his back.

"Boy, you worry too much Chung!" Elsword replied back in an irritated tone. Chung froze and turned to look at him.

"How can I not be worried!?" He shouted back as he angrily galred at him. Elsword sighed and scratched the back of his head in frustration. "Chung, just believe in yourself! She'll love it! I promise!" He told Chung in a proud manner.

Chung frowned. "How do you know that Elsword?" He asked in an unbelieved manner.
Elsword smirked. "Chung, trust me. You got this unless you're too scared to do it!" Elsword shot back as he gave Chung a sly smile. A tick mark appeared on Chung's forehead and he humphed.

"Just watch me!" He proudly told Elsword as he gave him a sly grin.

Elsword grinned back. "Well, It looks like you fell into my trap Chung…." Elsword secretly thought to himself.(No-chan-It's not a secret thought if we know what he's thinking Aria….T_T). (Well..yeah...doesn't matter though. xDDD)

Anyway, just as Elsword said that, the lights turned off and the spotlight turned on.
It was time for their partners to arrive…
A bright green carriage with vines, flowers, and glowing mushrooms pulled up first. The door clicked open and a green haired elf stepped out of it. As she got out, she flashed her partner a smile. A hint of pink could be seen in her cheeks. Raven gaped and looked at his beautiful elven partner.

The other boys giggled at his reaction and they were sure to tease him about it.

"U-Uh..Y-You look so beautiful Rena!" Raven nervously stuttered as he took out his hand and Rena gracefully accepted it. The couple gracefully walked across the ballroom and started dancing to the slow beat.

After Rena, a bright purple carriage with black mist pulled up. Ghosts orbited it and a purple haired magician came out with a very fat bat. Elsword gapped as well when he saw the outfit that Aisha was wearing. She smugly smiled at her partner's actions.

"What? I am too beautiful for you to look at Els?" She slyly asked him as she walked into the building and grabbed his hand. Even though she didn't show it, she was totally stunned at his attire. Elsword snorted. "PLEASE, you will remain the same brat you since back then! ...Grape.." He shot back as she smugly looked at the irritated looking magician. "Cherry." She shot back. "Pig Head." He shot and the game of "Say bad things that insults your partner" continued.

Elsword may not be impressed on the outside, but on the inside he was stunned. "Oh my gosh...Grape looks so...s-so...um..stunning. I can't believe that I'm saying this…".

After her, a sky blue, hot pink, and white carriage with nasod codes inscribed into it pulled up. Two nasod servants opened the door and an empress stepped out. Her face remained a poker face, but she was fidgeting. Add cackled at her actions and gave her a weak smile. "So, even a Nasod Queen like you can get nervous? Huh." Add sneered as he took her hand. Eve shot him a glare, but it softened. "My, always have to joke around don't you Addie?" She joked as she earned a glare from her partner. "Don't call me that in Public Eevee.." He whispered under his breath, but just loud enough for the amused Nasod Queen to hear. She amusingly smiled at the irritated yet slightly blushing Add.

That scene earned "AWWWWW"s from the audience members. (No-chan- Oo...How did they even know what Add and Eve were even saying? (O_O….(?) I don't know! xDDD. Psychic?)

After the Add x Eve couple, a crimson red carriage with Velder's insignias and a huge red claymore in the front. Suddenly, the door of the carriage burst open(No-chan- T_T more like it was sliced open…) and a crimson red haired girl came out. Her proud pose and sharp stare turned soft when her eyes met those of Aren's. (No-chan-Oo...WHY NOW!? Why didn't you tell us that Aren was going to appear? ;V) (xDDD. Meh who cares~! - Aren's wearing a cream colored suit with an orange tie.) Elesis waved and Aren waved back. They hooked arms and walked to the ballroom.

Chung nervously waited for his dance partner and when she arrives, he nearly turned into a tomato.

Ara arrived in orange colored carriage with lotus flowers with white haired foxes pulling the carriage. She stepped out the carriage gracefully and blushed when she saw Chung's suit. "OMG! OMG! C-Chung looks so hot~! I think I'm going to nosebleed right now!" She thoughts as she nervously walked into the hall and met Chung. Chung slowly reached out his hand and nervously yet quickly embraced her. Ara turned a deep red and clutched the back of suit. They quickly parted and shyly intertwined their finger together and walked hand in hand to the ballroom. When they reached it, they slowly danced to the heart-warming music.

(~A Few minutes later in the Ballroom~)

Ara nervously looked looked around the crowded ballroom for her partner, which she lost on the way.

The two were having a great time at the party, except for the fact that there were too shy to even talk to each other. When Ara excused herself for a glass of El Punch, she got lost on her way back.

As Ara nervously searched the hall for any sign or her friends or Chung, she bumped into a certain someone.

"Oh! I'm so very sorry!" Ara apologized as she bowed her head in apology.
"It's fine. No need to worry! Wait...Ara?" The unknown voice said as he or she looked at the ebony haired girl in shock.
Ara flinched and slowly raised her head, so her honey colored eyes could meet olive colored ones.

"A-Amelia..!?" Ara shockingly stuttered as she pointed at her. The treasure hunter smiled. "It's nice to see you again Ara! Also, you look so beautiful tonight!" Amelia cheerfully told her.
Ara blushed. "Thanks you...and it's nice to see you again too Amelia~!" Ara shyly replied back.

And so the two kept talking about their lives and whatnot. One conversation caught my eye.

"So...Ara! I heard from Rena that you have some feelings for a certain boy~!" Amelia cheerfully piped as Ara jumped in surprise. "SO...who is it Ara!?" Amelia asked, her aura turning from cheerful to demonic. Ara shivered and squeaked, "U-Uh! It's..It-It's...Um..Chung…" She muttered, but just enough for Amelia to hear her. She squealed. "I knew it!" She giggle as she hugged Ara tightly, maybe...too tightly.

"A-Amelia...I-I..Can't breath…" Ara gasped as she Amelia apologized and let go of her. Ara panted. "Sorry about that~!" Amelia apologized as she gave Ara a cheery smile. Ara sighed.

"It's fine…" Ara replied as she touched her throat and weakly smiled. Amelia frowned and then smiled again. "Ara, as an apology..I will teach you something useful…" She told the curious looking Ara.

Amelia pulled Ara in and whispered something in her ear. Ara instantly turned beet red and shyly looked at the grinning Amelia. "I-I..can't possibly do that!" Ara stuttered as she shook her head.

Amelia smiled. "Don't worry! I KNOW you can do it! Now I have to go so see you Ara!" Amelia waved as she grabbed her glass of punch and left. Ara waved goodbye and cupped her cheeks.

"I-I...can't do that! It's too embarrassing!"

Ara violently shook her head and scurried outside for a breather.

~Outside in the Balcony~
Ara slowly close the balcony door behind her and went to the railing. She leaned on the railing and gazed at the stars.

Thousand of millions of stars shone brightly in the night sky like jewels.

"Their so beautiful…" She thought as she took a strand of her hair and pulled it back to her ear.

She slowly hummed to herself and let the night breeze swish through her ebony colored hair.

" Kiss, Kiss Fall in love"
"Maybe your my love"
" I see you come" "I watch you go"
"You never seem to leave me though"
"Is this love or hate?" "We'll see, your making me crazy!"

"Inside my dreams, your all I see"

"Well, all I see is you and me!"

"Lady, maybe or host"

"I find it really don't mind!"

"If I had to choose a rose in this garden of romance"

"Maybe we could take this chance"

She sang out to the night.

"Maybe your my love!" A voice sang from behind Ara.

She turned around to see Chung smiling at her with a slight blush on his face. She looked shocked that he knew the song, but she continued.

"And I would like to find a hand like yours to take mine." She sang as she walked up to him.

"And with one kiss, we could stop time." Chung sang back as he faced Ara and looked at her.

"And I'd fall in love with you!" They sang in unison as they clutched their hands together and looked into each other's eyes and continued singing.

"Tomorrow's far away, let's put our faith in today!"
"Just you and me in a beautiful spring!"

"And we'll always fall in love again!"

"Hey, Hey"
"Maybe your my love!"

They gazed into each other's eyes and came closer. And close and they kissed, a pure and simple kiss. This kiss however was enough for them to know each other's feelings. Their voices weren't need, just their thumping hearts and touching lips.

Three emotional words were said to each other-

"I love you" and they laughed. That was when snow gracefully fell on the two like a present from the heavens.

Chung decided to use this moment. He kneeled down in front of Ara and pulled out a blue box. Ara looked shocked, but looked into his attractive cerulean pupils.

Chung's serious expression made Ara's heart skip a beat. Chung breathed in and stared into her honey gold eyes.

"Ara Haan, would you..m-marry me?" Chung nervously proposed as he opened the box to reveal a silver ring with a heart shaped, bright orange topaz in the center. Ara gasped and blushed like crazy. Chung patiently waited for her answer.

"I-I..Chung I would love to!" She squealed as she pounced onto Chung and pecked him on the lips. Chung sighed in relief and smiled at her.

Ara smiled back. Chung slipped the ring onto her ring finger and kissed her.

They stared into each other's eyes for what seemed to be forever.

Suddenly, Chung grabbed Ara around the waist and pecked her cheek."Ara, I will always be there for you. I promise." Chung whispered as he looked into her eyes and stared at her.

Ara blushed like mad and looked away.

"T-T-Thank..you Chung. Promise that you will make..me y-yours?" Ara muttered as she whispered into Chung's ear and bit it.

Chung looked away, revealing his blush. Ara smiled. "It's funny that Amelia's advice worked!" She thought as she looked at the blushing Chung.

Just then, Chung turned around and grabbed Ara's wrist. Ara's eyes grew wide as he leaned in and kissed her open neck.

"Merry Christmas Ara.." He seductively whispered as he gave her a smug smile. Ara was shocked and slapped his face.

"C-C-C-Chung!" She screamed as she chased him around the balcony only to enjoy spending time with her future boyfriend.

This is one special white Christmas that I will never forget!" Chung chuckled as he grabbed Ara's hand and tightened the grip on her hand.

The two looked up at the snowy sky and found enjoyment.

This was an enchanting Christmas for all the members of the El Gang and especially for Ara and Chung. What kind of love awaits them? Love for eternity that's what. Let's bless this couple that made the snow is fall on Christmas…


Hi again guys~! xDDD. Sorry for not updating this sooner. I've been quite busy this week since my dance lessons for my country's festival is starting soon! I'm going to be heading over to Minnesota for the festival that starts the 16th of August. I might not be updating for a while after that.

(No-chan-ARIA! QwQ! NOOOO! Don't leave me~! You haven't even made an OC to be my boyfriend~!) (xDD. Well I'll only be staying in Minnesota for a few days~! Don't worry~! Also, I have an idea for a new boy OC~! I'm kinda stuck between Rei, Riku, Kaito, and Izumi. xDDD. Such great names! I can't choose!" (No-chan- QwQ. Are they cute~!?) (Me-MAYBE….)

Hehe. So I hoped you liked this! Also, I kinda imagined Chung as an angel in this chappie since he was given the nickname-Sweet Guardian Angel. xDD. Also I was thinking of making a new one shot~! Also sorry if there was little romance in this~! D: I ran out of ideas!

And which story do you guys want me to update? LWTEC?(Life with the El Gang couples?) EImRaT?(Elsword-Imperial meet Rebellious and Transformed?) ESotH?(Elsword-Secrets of the Heart?) IDK right now~! Please leave a comment~! Bye bye~! Cya~! Note-This was unedited so sorry if you spotted errors~!

Also- I used Ouran High School Host Club's Opening song-Sakura Kiss. It has nothing to do with this christmas story~! xDD. That song doesn't belong to me~!