Regina is deaf and Robin learns sign language so he can talk to her.

Enjoy! ~Kiki the Storyteller

Robin was working his first shift at his new job in 'The Arrow' café. So far it was very enjoyable the customers where so friendly and nice. He turned around and saw a beautiful brunette looking up at the board looking at all her options on what to order. She was stunning, she was perfect her beautiful hair cascaded down her back giving her a goddess look.

"Hey, how may I help you?" It was like she just ignored him she didn't react to him speaking to her at all. "Hello, would you like to order?" he then moved to stand facing her behind the counter. "Can I help you?" Her eyes were beautiful too the perfect shade of brown it was like a sea of chocolate.

Then all of a sudden she started to use sign language oh….she's deaf. How was he supposed to talk to her? Ruby then moved in front of him Ruby signed back to the woman (Hi Regina, how can I help you today?)

Regina replied (I'll have a coffee please. Who's that behind you?) Ruby turned around to look at Robin "can you make a coffee please?" Robin wanted to stay and admire Regina more but he had a job to do "yeah sure" he mumbled. (That's Robin he's new. Cute isn't he?)

A grin spread across Ruby's face. (Don't be silly I just wanted to know who he was!) Regina scowled at Ruby her eyes then drifted to look at Robin.

Ruby walked away with a smile across her face she could always tell when Regina liked liked people always could ever since they were young. Regina started to focus on emails her focus was soon broke with a coffee cup coming in to her line of vision. She looked up to see beautiful blue eyes staring back at her.

She signed (Thank you) but soon remembered that he would know what she's saying. She pulled out a pen and grabbed a napkin and wrote down "Thank you" she passed the napkin to Robin. A smile broke out on his face when he looked at the napkin he pulled out a pen from his pocket and wrote "No problem, I'm Robin nice to meet you"

It was then her turn to smile "I'm Regina" she moved to shake his hand. He took her hand and turned to kiss the back of it. A blush broke out on Regina's face, Robin took the napkin and wrote down "It's a pleasure to meet you mi' lady and I hope you have a good day" She passed him the money for her coffee he then quickly wrote "on the house."

He smiled at her and started to walk back to the counter while she stood there dumb struck. She soon was sook out of it when her guide dog Regal tugged on her lead. She left the café with a big smile plastered on her face Robin watched her leave with a smile on his face too.

Weeks went by where Regina would come in for her daily coffee. During her time in the café she and Robin would exchange notes on napkins. Whoever was last left with the napkin would take it home and store it safely away the other person not knowing they were doing the same thing.

Robin had been secretly been learning sign language for Regina. He had been practicing on sentence in particular and couldn't wait to the next time he saw her.

Regina came in at her usual time 9:15 she looked for Robin straight away. A smile broke out on her face when she spotted him behind the counter with a coffee ready for her. He came over to the table she was sitting at and gave her coffee cup into her small hands. He then handed her over a napkin which read "Can I ask you a question?" she cocked her head to the side in confusion but replied with "Yeah sure."

She looked up to his smiling face when she gave back the napkin. Then Robin started to sign to her "Will you give me the great privilege of going on a date with me?" Tears were in Regina's eyes she couldn't believe that he had learned sign language just for her. "Is that a yes or a no?"

She signed back to Robin "Yes. Defiantly yes" He leaned in closer and asked her again in sign "can I kiss you?"

"Yes" she signed back to him. Finally Robin took the big leap that he had been waiting to do since he met her. When their lips finally connected it felt like a million fireworks shot off all at once, like coming in from a cold rainy day and pulling on warn dry clothes, it felt like a million warm kisses all throughout their body it was basically pure magic.

There will be one more chapter I will hopefully finish before I go to South Africa next Tuesday!

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