Just as the blaster in front of Mikey was charging to be fired a shuriken flew out and destroyed the blaster. The orange masked turtle turned to see Splinter standing on top of a lamp post. "That was some good timing." Aaliyah commented; glad also to see that her older sister had the sense to not be there. She assumed she was still at the lair then.

"We heard you might need some assistance." Splinter said just as Rockwell and Usagi popped up in front of him and Pidgeon Pete and Hawlita were above him, flapping their wings.

"Splinter!" Leo exclaimed.

"And reinforcements, yeah!" Raph added happily.

A car flew in the air and crashed in front of some of the Triceratons and then Slash and Leatherhead showed up with April in between them. Next to Leatherhead was the newest member of the Mutanimals Muckman, beside him was the axolotl mutant Candy and then Mondo Gecko skated forward.

One Triceraton moved to use his own laser to try to shoot out at Angel when the blaster was chopped in half by a sword belonging to the brown fox mutant Ninjara and then he was kicked in the chest hard by the arctic fox mutant Alopex. "No way were we going to miss this." Alopex said as she looked to Angel.

"Casey!" April gasped, relieved to see him alive. Casey hugged her back as he said, "Red."

"Nice to see you're okay O'Neill." Karai said, trying to ignore the slight jealously she felt at seeing them embrace. She already knew they were close, and of course she knew the hockey masked vigilante loved her while Donnie was with April, but what the head knew and what the heart felt were sometimes different things.

"You too Karai." April replied.

It was also something Donnie could relate too. "Guys, um, you do realize that we're still in extremely horrendous trouble, right?" He asked them.

"So what do we do?" April wondered.

"We find a way to stop them." Angel said.

Mikey was in front of April now. "Kick their Jurassic." He stated, causing Angel to laugh a bit, privately impressed how the orange masked turtle was able to clean up an otherwise horrible sounding statement.

With that the team charged the Triceratons.

One Triceraton was distracted as Donnie hit him in the head with his staff and then was unprepared for Leatherhead to pounce him. Another found himself dodging one mace attack from Slash, then moved to dodge a strike from Ninjara only for the large black masked turtle to connect with him that time. "Nice shot." Ninjara said to him with a laugh.

"All in the wrists." Slash joked with her.

Despite being distracted by jumping behind a Triceraton and sweeping her legs out to trip her opponent, Alopex noticed that they still had more than enough people to be working on that mysterious object in the center that she remembered was some sort of black hole generator.

Mikey tried to attack a Triceraton and got hit. "Mikey." Leo gasped and tried to attack the Triceraton as well. He grabbed ahold of the blue masked turtle's foot and started to slam him on the ground. He was then tossed, to land on Bishop's deactivated body.

A Triceraton tried to pound his fist onto Jennifer's head, but the lithe blonde managed to dodge out of the way. She lashed out to try to kick him only for it to seem to have no effect. It wasn't quite as easy to ignore when Aaliyah smashed him in the feet with a double kick to the chest.

Pidgeon Pete tried to dive bomb a Triceraton himself but was grabbed by the neck and slammed hard onto the ground. He moved to step on the pidgeon mutant only to feel something barely slam into his back as Hawlita tried to spear him from behind to no effect. He swung and the hawk mutant dodged under him, reaching out to pull Pidgeon Pete with her.

With a, "Goongala." Casey again tried to shoot a few exploding hockey pucks at a Triceraton who turned to look at him but otherwise seemed unfazed. "Maybe I need an upgrade." The vigilante noted as he started to skate away from him. Karai jumped up and tried to attack that same Triceraton but it got a grip on her and tossed the kunoichi away as well.

April noticed as well. "Casey, Karai." She gasped and barely managed to lift one of the fallen blasters from the ground and just barely managed to get a shot off that, perhaps by luck more than anything else, struck the Triceraton in the face.

Casey and Karai were now closer to April. "Awesome save Red." Casey noted. "Thanks." Karai added.

They heard Mondo exclaim, "Cowabunga!" As he skated rapidly past multiple laser blasts and toward a Triceraton. "it's time for Mondo Gecko to open up a can of.." He started hit a Triceraton's leg and was knocked to the ground.

That one rubbed his leg and looked to see Mondo standing up. While that had happened Candy leapt out and tried to slam her fists into another Triceraton's face only to be caught and slammed down hard next to her gecko boyfriend. With that the two started to try to stamp down on the lizard mutants.

"Mondo, Candy." Muckman said. "Stay away from my pals, you alien freaks." With that a gust of wind started up, lifting up some trash. He was about to throw those when two more Triceraton's started to blast at the garbage mutant, causing him to lose his arms and his concentration. They continued to blast at him, though it was anyone's guess how effective that would truly be.

Splinter ran forward, jumped off a Triceraton's head and then used a small whip to take away lasers from two others, using those to cause the three of them to knock each other out as he landed. He noticed the commotion in the center. "We must stop the black whole weapons from being triggered." The rat master announced as Muckman reformed behind him.

"Slash, Leatherhead, take that machine down." Leo ordered the two largest and strongest members of the united team.

"Count me in too." Angel added. The Nightwatcher armor gave her a good strength boost as well.

Leatherhead roared and charged one, only to get stuck in a wrestling like match. "You two destroy the weapon." The alligator mutant stated.

Another intercepted Angel. She dodged the fist but got caught with a kick. The Triceraton grunted in surprise. "Interesting, you possess the eye of sarnath." He noted with some amusement.

"Yeah, let's see how amused you are with this." Angel retorted as her metal fist connected with his head. He stumbled back but not enough for the armored Latina girl to help. "Looks like you're on your own Slash."

The black masked turtle leapt up and brought his mace down hard on one of the Triceratons and then turned to the machine. He slammed his mace against it multiple times. "Not even a scratch." He noted irritated.

"What is that thing made out of?" Ninjara wondered.

Slash tried a different approach from what looked to be an outlet of some sort. So distracted was he that he didn't notice the Triceraton coming up from behind him. Luckily a thrown car was slammed into him and there was a screech from Rockwell as he lifted another car up. All through that Slash kept pounding, oblivious.

Rockwell grunted like a monkey would. Then he got a psychic impression. "Great scot, more are about to beam down." He announced…just as one beamed in from behind him and grabbed him by the head and tossed him. It then tossed a small pyramidal device which trapped Rockwell in a force field.

Over a dozen more beamed down. One trapped Slash in the same manner as another trapped Ninjara with the same device, causing both to lose their weapons. "Dino freaks." Slash growled.

"This battle is over, you have all lost." A Triceraton whom Jennifer was sure was none other than the leader of the invasion, Captain Mozar, stated. Leatherhead and Alopex moved in to try to attack too only to be trapped by another force field device.

"Leatherhead!" Mikey exclaimed and jumped over a Triceraton to try to help only to be grabbed by Mozar.

"Foolish little one, you are coming with me." Mozar announced. He then started to beam away with the youngest turtle.

Raph called out, "Mikey!" As Splinter called out, "Michelangelo!" Jennifer, Aaliyah and his eldest brothers looked up in shock as Mozar beamed away with Mikey, only to have more Triceratons appear on the ground.

Another thrown cube trapped Casey and as Karai and Jennifer ran over to try to free the hockey masked vigilante both girls too found herself trapped in one of the force fields.

"Casey!" April gasped as from behind her Raph gasped, "Jennifer." Both ran forward to try to help them but Leo tackled Jennifer while Angel took a hold of Raph's arm, both saying, "No." With dismay Aaliyah noted at some point Alopex and the rest of the Mutanimals had been captured as well.

"I'll come back for you." April promised Casey in unison with the promise Raph called out to Jennifer. More Triceratons teleported in and started to fire at them.

"We've got to go sensei." Leo said.

"Retreat, everyone retreat." Splinter ordered the remaining group, which he sadly noted was only his three sons, Aaliyah, April and Angel.

Standing on top of a Triceraton Donnie noted, "Huh, this little baby might come in…" But was interrupted when a beam struck him in the shoulder and he landed with an, "Ow!" He then got up and followed even as the Triceraton he had taken the device from started to stir.

The remaining team members converged on a rooftop. "We've got to back for them sensei." Leo said as he thought about the Mutanimals, Casey, Jennifer and Karai. "We can't just leave them there."

"We need to teach these horn headed jerks a lesson too while we're at it." Angel said, sounding completely pissed off despite the helmet and the voice modifier on the Nightwatcher armor.

"And what about Mikey?" Aaliyah wondered worriedly,

"What are they going to do to him on that freaky ship, probe him?" Raph questioned, also sounding worried.

"First we must destroy the black hole machine, that is the priority." Splinter reminded his students. "If we cannot stop this weapon, the entire world is doomed."

Angel sighed. "Yeah, I guess you have a point there." She conceded.

"Sensei, I think it will take some time for the Triceratons to fix all the damage Slash caused." Donnie noted reasonably though Aaliyah didn't really seem to remember Slash or any of them really causing all that much damage to the black hole machine.

"We've got to go after Mikey." Aaliyah insisted.

"Even if we stop the generator, we still have to get him back." Leo pointed out.

Splinter jumped off the water tower to land in front of his students. "Go then, save your brother." He looked to Aaliyah, "And you as well. April, Angel and I will stop the Triceratons and rescue our friends and my daughter."

"By ourselves?" April questioned in disbelief. "Uh, you're, uh, kidding, right Sensei?"

"Yeah, what could possibly go wrong there?" Angel questioned sarcastically and the red head was sure she had rolled her eyes as well though with the helmet it was hard to tell.

"We will ally ourselves with someone even more powerful than the Mighty Mutanimals." Splinter announced as he closed his eyes.

"Who sensei?" Leo wondered.

Aaliyah bit her lip as the only logical thought came to her. "You have got to be kidding me…" She murmured.

"The Shredder." Splinter stated. He heard April gasp in shock and Aaliyah sigh as if that was the same deduction the white masked female turtle had made.

It was easy to guess Angel was gaping at him even through her Nightwatcher armor. "You have got to be frickin kidding." She said.

Sirens roared as April stealthily snuck up to the entrance to the cathedral where Shredder and his minions seemed to live at. She made her way to the throne room, doing an admiral job of hiding her anxiety about this plan. There was a sound and she gasped before drawing her tessen and looking around for the source.

Then there was a laugh as an invisible force forced her tessen hand behind her back to hold her captive, April knew that had to be Anton Zeck aka Bebop.

"Hey girl, who do you think opened that door for you?" Bebop questioned as from the front Hector seemed to also materialize out of nowhere thanks to his shapeshifting powers, including the ability to blend in like a chameleon.

Hector gave April a menacing, leerful like smile that he normally reserved for Jennifer. "Maybe I should teach her not to intrude into places she doesn't belong." He stated gleefully.

Splinter jumped down from the ceiling, where he and Angel had snuck in from the roof and the broken area of glass at the top, and smacked the mutant warthog in the head with his staff. Angel meanwhile jumped down and slammed her metal plated feet right into Hector's face. "I don't think so, you little bastard." She bit off.

"Bad move rat." Tiger Claw said as he stepped forward. "Are you desperate?" The mutant tiger wondered as he withdrew one of his blasters and pointed it at the two girls and Splinter. "Or just fools?" He then fired the ice laser at them. All three of them dodged out of the way.

"We're not here to…oh." April started but then ran her back up against the large form of Ivan Steranko aka Rocksteady.

"Hah, is Rocksteady late for party time?" The giant rhino mutant asked. He moved to grab April but the red head moved out of the way and dashed around him. He tried to gore her and she dodged again, and another maneuver was dodged as well.

Tiger Claw laughed as he shot at Splinter. "We have not come to fight you." Splinter stated, trying to finish where April had been cut off.

"Too bad for you." Hector said as he wiped a bit of blood from his nose, then formed the typical mantis scythe arms as he tried to chop Angel into three parts. "Because that's what you're going to get."

Angel used her hands, covered in the armor, to block both scythe attacks. "As much as I'd love to kick your misogynistic ass right now, we have other problems to worry about." She shot back angrily.

Tiger Claw tried to attack Splinter, but the rat master moved out of the way and then kicked him. They started to wrestle against each other. "Foolish move, bringing a couple of cubs here." The tiger mutant said to Splinter.

April was dodging strike after strike from the giant rhino mutant. Then she realized that her ankle was grabbed by the Bebop, who still lay on the ground. He laughed and the distraction allowed Rocksteady to get his massive right hand around her. "Help." April called.

"April, shoot." Angel forced the scythes away and was going to turn to help her. She didn't pay attention to the wings that Hector grew from his back which he used to bring down on top of her head. That was one instance where having metal around the head didn't work out quiet as well as one would hope for.

Splinter pushed Tiger Claw away and called out, "April." In alarm, only to have one of the laser guns pointed at his head. He was about to fire when a deep male voice ordered, "Stop."

From behind Splinter stood his former friend and oldest nemesis; Oroku Saki aka the Shredder. "I wish to know why Hamato Yoshi has come here." He said. Angel wished she was in the position to tell this bladed maniac where he could stick those wishes. "Perhaps to end his miserable existence." He added as he extracted the blades on his right arm.

"Our feud is meaningless in the face of this invasions Saki." Splinter reasoned, though he did not turn to face Shredder. "The world will soon be destroyed." The rat master continued and Angel noticed a Triceraton ship flying in the background as if that were helping to prove his point. "Will you sit by and watch? Or will you help us save it?"

"Helping would be a first for you." Angel noted darkly only to get growled at by Hector, though she ignored him.

Shredder pointed his blade at Splinter's throat. "What have you done with Karai?" He demanded to know.

"She's being held by the same horned morons who are attacking this city right now." Angel answered him simply though April was sure she was glaring at the Shredder.

"That is correct, she has been captured by the Triceratons." Splinter confirmed.

Shredder extracted his other blades. "You lie." He stated.

"They're telling the truth Shredder." April voiced now, where she was being held by Rocksteady with her arms behind her back. "Karai is still out there. If the Earth blows up you'll never see her again. So maybe you can do the right thing for once in your evil life," Angel had to chuckle a bit despite the circumstances as that comment mimicked her own o only moments ago. "Even be a hero for a change. That is, if you still love Karai."

Shredder huffed and glared angrily between April, Angel and Splinter but made his choice…

Meanwhile the turtles found what they were looking for. "There's Mikey's ship." Leo said. "Told you it came down this way."

"Wow, not a bad park job either." Donnie noted.

"At least considering it's stuck between two buildings." Aaliyah added, trying to be humorous but as far as she was concerned failing kind of miserably. Two humans peeked up from the car they were behind to see them. They screamed and that caused the four turtles to scream back in shock.

"Aliens, run." One of them stated just before they both ran.

"Uh, humans are so annoying sometimes." Raph said dryly before remembering that the female turtle with them used to be one, to say nothing about his girlfriend, best friend or any other human they knew. "No offense."

Aaliyah shrugged it off. "None taken. You'd be surprised how often humans think that of other humans." She noted matter of factly. They got up and followed Leo and Donnie toward the Kraang ship.

They boarded and got ready to fly. "The mothership is approximately one hundred thousand miles from Earth." Donnie stated, making Aaliyah wonder if the purple masked turtle had some kind of coordinates she couldn't see or if he was just that smart. "Roughly half the distance from the Earth to the moon."

"Alright, think I've got the hang of this." Leo said.

"Just like Space Heroes." Aaliyah said with a cute smile that Leo briefly returned. That was why as the ship tried to scrape its way up the buildings and out it suddenly lost control and crashed to the ground. It was rolling around a bit and as Raph and Donnie glared up at them Leo laughed kind of forcefully to dissipate the atmosphere now. Then he righted the ship and they took off.

"Turtles were definitely not meant to go to space." Raph noted as he looked sort of greener than usual. He then proceeded to lose what was left of his last meal, making Aaliyah unconsciously grimace.

Donnie floated back to the console. "Hold on, let me turn on the artificial gravity." He said. A moment later he did and then his oldest brothers and Aaliyah fell to the floor hard. Donnie started to laugh until Raph's last meal landed on his head now.

As Donnie went about brushing his head off and muttering in disgust the two turtles stood up. " Guys, I see it." Leo said. "The mothership."

"Oh my gosh." Aaliyah got out, shocked at it.

"Kay, but where' s Mikey?" Raph wondered.

"I'm detecting a unique life signature coming from the closest craft." Donnie answered. Aaliyah again wondered how he made sense of the readings. "It's got to be him." Then he switched gears. "Check it out, I think I finally figured out the cloak on this baby."

"This thing has a cloak?" Aaliyah asked, surprised. She had not been around when the first ship had shown up after all.

"They'll never find us now." Donnie said with a smile at Aaliyah and his brothers. They saw several fighters deploy from the mothership. "Okay, this is disturbing." The purple masked turtle noted.

"Aw, don't make me throw up again." Raph said.

"The Triceratons are locking onto us with their weapons." Donnie said.

"Even though we're cloaked?" Aaliyah asked, suddenly suspecting the Triceratons knew how to read past their longtime enemies' defenses.

"Floor it Leo, go go!" Donnie said even as the blue masked turtle did just that. They barely avoided the initial barrage but were moving back for another strike.

"How can they us Donnie?" Leo asked.

"Let me text them and find out." Donnie replied sarcastically and then burst out with, "I have no idea."

"Their sensors must be set up to see past Kraang cloaks." Aaliyah surmised.

Donnie nodded. "Of course." He admitted with a sigh. "Their sensors are probably calibrated for it otherwise they could be wiped out be a fleet of cloaked Kraang ships."

At Leo's orders Raph manned the weapons station but the Triceraton's were dodging and Aaliyah suspected the red masked turtle's seemingly random console pounding was not helping the situation either.

One of the craft struck the Kraang ship and Raph growled annoyed. With a roar of sorts they ran headlong into the ship that struck the Kraang vessel. It wrapped its metal tentacles around the craft and somehow as Raph was punching the console the same thing was happening on the outside. Then finally it was blasted and destroyed that vessel.

"One down, hundreds to go." Aaliyah said even as they were hit again.

"Look out Leo, left, left." Raph tried to direct. "Would you let me drive?" He finally asked in exasperation.

"There's just too many of them captain." Donnie said, trying to give his best Space Heroes impression.

With a look of determination Leo headed toward the mothership. All four became kind of nervous as the mothership rotated around and pointed the edge of it at them, where the edge started to glow and collect energy. It reminded Aaliyah of the movie Independence Day and that was not reassuring considering what happened with that, Sure enough it fired and struck the Kraang ship, blowing it up…but not before Donnie leapt , grabbed Raph and Leo, making sure the blue masked turtle had a hold of Aaliyah as well, and activated the device he had grabbed from the downed Triceraton from the last disastrous battle earlier and pressed the button.

That transported them onto the mothership. "We're alive." Leo exclaimed surprised and joyful.

"You snagged a teleporter?" Raph asked Donnie. "You mean we could have just beamed here?" He demanded, getting kind of angry.

"There was only one charge and I…" Donnie started to explain but some noises made him stop. "Oh man, we're in trouble." Surrounding them were several Triceratons with lases pointed at them.

"Not a good set of coordinates Donnie." Aaliyah sighed. The Mozar approached them with a growl. He then held up Mikey.

"Guys, that was awesome." He exclaimed. "Thanks for the sweet rescue. So who's going to rescue us next? April? Casey? Angel?"

Donnie nervously tried to laugh.

Bebop's ridiculous dance was just a distraction to allow Rocksteady and Angel to knock a Triceraton off the roof on their way back the Washington Square. That drew the attention of one on the ground. Splinter jumped off its head and Shredder took out its laser by chopping the top up. He then beat down the Triceraton.

"This is so weird." Angel noted dryly.

"We agree on one thing, tin can man." Hector said from behind her and Rocksteady though this proved to Angel that he didn't realize the person behind the armor was in fact a teenage girl…and immediately decided it was probably better that way.

"We must remain stealthy." Splinter said. Shredder ran off, as did Splinter. Behind them were April, Angel, Fishface aka Xever Montes, Rahzar aka Chris Bradford, Tiger Claw, Hector, Bebop and Rocksteady.

They hid behind a truck and April noticed something. "Whatever we do, we better do it fast." She noted with Rahzar behind her as a Triceraton powered up the black hole generator.

"The timer has been repaired." One of them said. "This planet has meer nextons to live." Angel assumed it was some Triceraton version of minutes.

"We must not waste time master." Tiger Claw said to Shredder. "We must…oh no." He was interrupted as another set of teleporters went off and more Triceratons appeared. Two of them even fist bumped, which would have amused Angel in different circumstances.

The five turtles were placed on their knees in front of Mozar. "Captain Mozar, please don't destroy the Earth." Donnie pleaded. "Our world has so much potential."

"The humans of your world are as thoughtless as the Kraang." Mozar countered. "They pollute the planet, erode its ozone willingly, and they don't even need mutagen to do it."

"That's no excuse for mass extinction." Aaliyah replied hotly.

He ignored the female turtle. "Escort them to the airlock and be done with them." He ordered. A Triceraton grabbed Mikey while another grabbed Raph.

Both stop when Leo spoke up. "You can destroy us Mozar, that's okay." He started as looked at the ground.

"It is?" Mikey questioned.

Leo ignored his youngest brother. "But I'm asking you one last time before I take this whole ship down." Now Leo looked up to glare at the Triceraton captain. "Let the Earth survive. Or be destroyed."

Aaliyah had to give him credit for good speeches and good intentions but she wasn't sure how he would follow up on that.

"Empty threats." Mozar said.

A Triceraton reached for Leo. The blue masked turtle grabbed his large thumb and flipped onto his feet. He took the power cell from the laser and despite Mozar's order…or perhaps plea, Aaliyah thought it was a combination of both, he threw the part toward the dome. It took out a section of the screen.

A few Triceraton met what Aaliyah could only assume was a horrible end in the vacuum of space. She hoped they weren't going to follow stead. Leo grabbed a console, Donnie grabbed his foot, Raph grabbed his foot, Aaliyah grabbed his foot and Mikey grabbed her foot.

One Triceraton grabbed a hold of Mikey and he lost his grip on Aaliyah's foot. Mikey started to scream. He was up against the ruptured dome now.

"Mikey." Raph called out.

"The grappling hook." Aaliyah started.

The red masked turtle nodded. "Already on it." He promised as he shot it toward his younger brother.

Mikey caught it, took a device off his captor's belt and then moved as another Triceraton slammed into the one that had been holding him. "Guys, check it out." Mikey said and pressed the button, staring with; "Booyakas…" Before they teleported.

The five turtles landed hard in New York. They started to stand only to get blasted at inadvertently from the fight going on.

Rocksteady was locked horn to horn with a Triceraton, followed by the kind of fisticuffs one would expect from WWE matches.

"April." Slash and Karai said as Casey said, "Red." When they noticed her running toward them.

"Angel." Jennifer said happily as she saw the armored vigilante coming toward her and the two fox girls.

"I knew you wouldn't leave us behind." Casey added.

"I'll get you guys out in no time." April said as she leaned down toward the pyramidal device. She tried to smash it but to no avail. Angel had better luck smashing the one holding Jennifer but of course she had the suit's metal and strength to back up her move. A moment later though April succeeded in her attempt too.

Both Casey and Jennifer hit the ground a bit hard, but none the worse for wear. "Thanks April, you rule." Casey said.

"Thank you so much." Jennifer said as she picked up her batons. "Now let's help the others out."

"Incoming Triceraton." Candy noted.

"There's no time." Rockwell said.

"Just go guys." Slash said to the four humans.

As the Triceraton was about to attack them Tiger Claw used his ice blaster to shoot laser tip, arm and center of forehead. "Quickly, run." He instructed the four humans.

"You're going to have to tell me how this happened." Jennifer said to her two friends.

Shredder and Splinter took out a Triceraton even as they both heard Karai gasp, "Father." Each man assumed she had to be talking about themselves though of course she was talking about Splinter. That didn't stop her from being shocked to see Shredder working with them.

Splinter used powder to knock out another Triceraton but the large arm fell on him in the process. As he rose he said, "Hurry, Saki. We have no time."

Jennifer glanced back, barely making out the dimming counter. She made out Splinter getting up and Shredder turning to look as well. Then the blonde had a very horrible feeling in her stomach, as if she had the flu or food poisoning, but this had nothing to do with a virus. "No, wait." She started.

It didn't matter. Splinter ran toward the black hole machine with Shredder behind him. He was just about to reach the timer when he suddenly straightened and gasped even as Jennifer let out a cry of terror.

The five turtles turned. April, Casey and Angel turned. They all saw the same horrendous sight. Though from their vantage point they couldn't see it; they could all imagine it even from that back. The view of the blade's from Shredder's left arm protruding from Splinter's chest. He then pulled the blades out and allowed Splinter's body to fall to the ground.

"NO!" All four turtles yelled.

"Father!" Karai exclaimed as she felt the tears in her eyes. At that moment she wished for nothing more than to be free, to be at her father's side for as long as she could. Then to turn her rage onto Shredder.

"Master Splinter!" Aaliyah gasped, tears already in her eyes.

Though it was unseen from the helmet Angel felt tears brimming her eyes. "You son of a bitch!" She screamed as she started toward Shredder.

For just a moment April and Casey stood in shock too before April placed her hands against her head. He also noticed Jennifer do the same thing. Both girls let out a yell of…something. Grief, or maybe anger…maybe even both. Two psychic blasts emanated and Shredder away from Splinter's still form.

Splinter had heard all of their cries of anguish. He heard the timer of the machine go off. Then everything went black.

The black hole machine beeped and started to rise. The Triceratons teleported away as the generator activated.

Angel briefly saw Rocksteady and Bebop hugging each other. "Hold me close comrade Zeck…" He started before they were sucked up. Fishface and Rahzar quickly followed.

Clinging one handed to a tree Tiger Claw demanded, "Shredder! What have you done!?" He was almost positive this could have been stopped had Shredder not stabbed Splinter in the back instead.

"Hamato Yoshi is finished." The now helmetless Shredder declared as he stared at the ground, then back up at Tiger Claw. "The Earth can be destroyed for all I care. I have finally won!" He exclaimed as he pumped his fist in what most would consider a pyrrhic victory.

Everyone who was able gathered around Splinter's body. They all knew and wished Karai could be there too. Leo lifted Splinter's head to lie it on his lap. Mikey leaned down to hug him as Jennifer leaned down to kiss Splinter on the cheek, her tears flowing down her face to be joined by Mikey's tears.

The artificial black hole expanded. It continued to consume. It stole Splinter's body. It stole the Mutanimals, as well as Ninjara and Alopex. It stole Karai.

Aaliyah cried, not only for Splinter; who had become her teacher but she cried for Adelita who she figured had to be alone and worried, not realizing that the world was ending. She cried because after so many years of a fractured relationship with her older sister that chance to repair it had been stolen from her.

The seemingly from the center of the black hole a white ship descended. A platform fell and the door opened to reveal a white looking robot. "Hurry! We haven't much time!" He called out.

"Do we trust him?" Donnie asked.

"Do we have a choice?" April countered as she started the ship, her hands in her face to help block the wind. The tears in her eyes didn't help her vision either. They all boarded the ship as New York was torn apart. The ship barely escaped the gravity pull of the black hole as the world was being pulled in.

"Everyone hold on." The strange robot told them. The ship accelerated just as the Earth was pulled into the black hole and it vanished. The shockwave hit the ship but didn't seem to harm it.

"Did that just happen?" April asked as she thought of her dad, as she thought of the possibility that her mom could have been alive up until that point.

"I think so." Jennifer said softly as she still cried. Only now did she understand why May had chosen to leave the Earth for parts unknown. Why Null and his group, including seemingly her own father, had chosen to go to Hell (literally). Somehow they had known.

Leo stared at a screen. "The Earth. Splinter. Karai. Everyone." He lamtented. "Everything."

"Gone." Donnie said softly. "Lost forever in an infinite gravitational singularity." Raph just stood by in shock, one hand on his head with his free arm absentmindedly wrapped around his Jennifer's still quietly crying form.

"Holy pepperoni." Mikey said softly.

"Watching your entire world disappear into the quantam singularity of a black hole is rather distressing." The robot noted, far too nonchalantly for Angel and Aaliyah's tastes. "Can I offer you some hot cocoa?" He asked Mikey, and the orange masked turtle took it.

"Come again?" Angel demanded angrily but Aaliyah placed her had on the girl's arm.

"Dude, who are you?" Mikey asked him.

"My name is Professor Zayton Honeycutt." The robot introduced himself. "And you my friends, are about to embark on a wondrous adventure." Everyone did look at each other, kind of intrigued. Each wondered if this adventure could lead them to a way to bring the Earth and Splinter back.

And from the darkness that seemed to engulf her for a moment there came a bright white light…

Left out Casey saying it was awesome. Seemed out of character as on top of everything he had lost his dad, sister and in this world his girlfriend. Is there a way to reverse what has been done? How can the team come to terms with those they've lost? What became of Renet? How many are even really lost? The adventure continues…in space.