Hey guys and welcome back to another one of my fanfics! And this is the second fanfic I have done so far(Woohoo!) and I wouldn't have done it if it weren't for red the pikachu master's great fanfic ideas. And another thing that makes this fanfic different from the rest is that it's a Pokemon one!

Hope you guys enjoy it!

P.S. Mew an Arceus are together. :P

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Declaimer: I do not own Pokemon or any of its characters.

Chapter 1, Babies In A Basket

"Lustrous Forest, a forest like no other.

It lush green fields, trees and bushes flowing with life as its beautiful crystal clear rivers snake through the tree lines- reflecting bits of sunlight in the day.

And at night, the forest gives a breath taking view to all those who see it. The rivers glow beneath the moonlight along with the forests flowers.

This forest is well known to many Pokemon, but it is kept hidden from humans to keep the peace.

Not one human has ever stepped foot into that sacred place. Well, until one day.."

(Back 7 years ago in Lustrous Forest)

"Catch me if you can Arceus~!" She said in a playful tune to the larger white-ish being.

*Sigh*"Mew, I have no time for this. I am hear on official business. I can't go running around playing right now." He replied.

"Aww, c'mon. It's always 'working' with you, you never have time to spend with me. And what am I supposed to do while I wait for you boring meeting with the forests residents." Wined Mew.

"Oh Mew.." He started, but changed at the last part she said; "Hey! Meetings aren't boring, They're fun!"

"Yeah, to you cause your such a nerd~" She said teasingly.

Arceus slightly blushed in embarrassment and mumbled about not being a nerd. He then sighed and said; "Mew, when this meeting's over. How about we go do whatever you want to do for the whole day. Does that sound good?"

Mew perked up at the offer and then asked; "Anything?"

"Anything-" Arceus managed to say before the small pink legendary flew at him giving him a vice grip of a hug.

"Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyoooooooooooou~!" She said as she tightened her grip in excitement.

"Y-your..welcome.." He managed to say.

She then let go of him and stated to fly off but paused for a moment to wish her love to have fun at his boring meeting. Before he could reply about how they're not, she flew off to who knows where.

He wondered how such a small Pokemon- even if it's a legendary- could possess such strength in hugs.

(Few minutes later, Mew's Pov)

Mew had finally calmed down from her sudden burst of energy and just floated aimlessly through the forest heading nowhere in particular. As she was admiring how lush the forest had looked she caught something in the corner of her eye. Something that looked out of place from the forest.

She floated back to the spot where she had thought she saw. There it is again, it looked like.. A basket?

She levitated closer to the bundle but then stopped to stare at what she had found.

"A...A...Baby..?" Mew quietly said to herself. 'B-but not just any baby, a Human baby.. what is a human doing in this forest..how did it get here?'

Mew looked around to see if there were any others, but did not see nor sense any.

"And.. where is its parents?" Mew floated closer to the infant to see that it was not alone, a baby Pichu clutched to the young human as they both slept in their basket.

"Awwwwww~ They're so cute~!" She silently squealed.

Mew soon noticed that there was a letter attached to the basket the infants were in. She picked it up and had begun to read what was written in it.

Dear reader,

Please take care of Pichu and Ash.

-Previous Guardian.

"Ash and Pichu, so that's your names." She said softly to the two sleeping babies.

"We can't leave you two all alone out here now can we?"

She carefully begun to pick up the basket the two were in and started to us her physic powers to levitate.

"Well then, Welcome to your new family."

*Yawn*, there we go. Chapter one, done. An it's only 12:10pm. (Go to bed Ninjie) Shush you, I'm already planning on it.

Well the picture I made for this fic comes from my Deviantart account, if you want to check it out there just search TeamPokeFan. Check my gallery and you should find it there.

And if any of you have any ideas for what legendary should pop up or what Ash an Pichu should do with their legendary family- just send me a message an I'll see what I can do.

Till the next chapter, Blackninja out.

*Tiredly say SmokeBomb*