I do NOT own the characters or OUAT. Got bored and wrote this couple of days ago, if you all like it, I'll continue it and FINISH it, I promise.

Chapter 1

Emma Swan, drove to school in her red and black Camero. Blasting music as she pulled up to her best friend Jefferson's house, she honked her horn.

"Get your ass in the car!", She yelled as he walked out his house.

"Dude sorry, I had to fix my hat," Jefferson said.

"Screw your hat, I can't be late for school, this is the 86th time this school year!", Emma said speeding off. Jefferson just shrugged and turned up the radio.

"All I gotta do is put my mind to this shit, I canceled out my ex, I put a line through that bitch, I like all S's with two lines through them shits!", They rapped Drake together as they pulled up to school.

Emma and Jefferson had been best friends ever since Emma came to StoryBrooke two years ago. They weren't saints, the administration hated them and they didn't care. Emma was dark, vicious and mean, but the ladies loved every inch of her. She just turned 18 and her parents were worried that she'd end up in jail before she graduated.

Juvenile Detention couldn't help Emma now, if she got anymore charges she'd be in jail. Emma was adopted, Mary-Margaret and David blame themselves for spoiling her, she had everything she wanted including a darkness that couldn't be removed.

Jefferson grabbed some girl's ass as he and Emma walked to their lockers.

"Ok, the only way my mom is going to let me get that motorcycle is if I do good this semester," Emma said grabbing her books for class, "Ugh I hate this shit, school is for losers!"

"Yeah dude I know but Christmas break was more than enough time to prepare yourself for this torture," Jefferson grinned while fixing his hat.

"Speaking of torture, who is that?", Emma smirked while looking at the olive skinned brunette walking down the hallway.

"Regina Mills, the mayor's daughter, just moved here from New York, heard she's a bitch though," Ruby, the schools national inquirer, stated while walking up to Emma and Jefferson.

"Age?", Emma asked.

"16, Junior and off limits, she's dating Robin Hood," Ruby confirmed.

"Hmmm we'll see about that," Emma smirked while closing her locker.

"Em, no, absolutely not, no girls this semester, you HAVE to graduate and plus she's 16, we don't do younger girls," Jefferson scoffed.

"J, look at her, that's not a regular girl, I want her, like now," Emma said walking towards Regina.

"What the hell Emma!? Ugh she never listens, Regina's parents aren't going to like this at all," He sighed.

Emma wore black jeans, black t-shirt, a red leather jacket and black combat boots. She walked up to Regina's locker and smirked, "I think heaven's missing an angel."

"Hmm, is that so? I think you're lame and your lines will never work. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get to class," Regina said closing her locker and walking off.

Emma smirked, she watched Regina's ass sway as she walked away. I like your style Mills, she thought.


"Fine, say LeBron stays with the Cavs, he still doesn't have the team to beat Splash Bros next year," Jefferson said smoking a black and mild in the school courtyard.

"I agree bro," Emma said looking at motorcycle engines on her phone, "Dude, I'm bored, let's go start a food fight or something."

"Emma we can't, you must really want your parents to kill you," Jefferson said putting out his black and mild.

"No, MM and Dave are cool, they'll understand," Emma said walking away, "Come on pussy."

Jefferson sighed and followed his best friend.

They walked into the cafeteria, Jefferson stood in line, Emma scoffed and pushed her way in front of everybody else, grabbed a tray and food and sat down at her and Jefferson's table, in the back of course.

Some nerd walked past, Emma tripped him and his food went all over him. Emma laughed wickedly, "That was awesome."

"Dude, I almost peed my pants," Jefferson laughed walking up.

"You ready?", Emma asked.

"I guess man," he sighed.

Emma smirked a carelessly tossed her tray back over her shoulders, it landed on the table behind her. Jefferson threw his apple and it hit Robin Hood in the chest while he was walking to his table. Someone yelled "Food Fight" and all hell broke loose.

Regina and her best friend Katherine ducked under a table, she couldn't believe she was getting her new skirt dirty to avoid getting food on her entire outfit. Emma winked at her and left out of the cafeteria with a blonde girl named Ashley.


"Mmm Emma, I love you," Ashley moaning as Emma attacked her neck and tried to unbuckle the girls belt.

"Yeah that's what they say," Emma smirked finally getting the girls pants undone.

Regina watched the two go at it in the back of Emma's car, she scoffed and smirked, she knocked on the car's window.

Emma stopped and gave Regina a confused look, she rolled down the window, "Yeah kid, may I help you?"

"Kid? Two years doesn't make you an elder Emma. I just wanted to say, next time you decide to start a food fight, please don't do it while I'm in the room, my clothes cost way more than you think," Regina rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, I got, I'll warn you next time," Emma struggled to say while Ashley was trying to rip her shirt off, "Look babe, I got business to get back to, oh and by the way, I could always buy you more clothes," She winked and rolled the window up.


Regina and Robin were kissing on her porch, he tried to put his tongue in her mouth, she rejected him, he pulled away, "Oh Regina come on, stop acting like a baby."

They'd been dating since around thanksgiving, two weeks after her father got elected Mayor of StoryBrooke.

"I'm not, it's just you're trying force your tongue down my throat," she exclaimed.

"Ugh, I thought you were ready to take the next step in our relationship," He said.

"Well I'm not, my body isn't some toy, it's a temple and you need to respect it," Regina scoffed before going in her house.

"Regina, how was school dear?", Henry Mills asked walking down the stairs.

"It was good daddy, how was your day?", She asked her father.

"Good, I have a new curfew I'm installing so I'm going to need you home a little earlier than usual," He said.

"Oh that's fine," Regina said going upstairs.

Regina was always a good child, she wanted to be successful. She was 16, a virgin, and an A student, the perfect goody two shoes. She wanted excitement and danger which is why she had a bitchy attitude but truth be told, she had a sweet heart and all she wanted was to be treated right.

She wanted to make her father proud, she had an older sister, Zelena, she wasn't very successful, she was 21, no job, no life and used all of her dad's money.

Her mother Cora wasn't around, she was married and had a new family of her own, Regina rarely saw her.

Regina was lying in her bed, doing homework of course when her phone rang, "Hello," She answered.

"Dude this Trig homework is going to kill me," Katherine exclaimed dramatically.

"Tell me about it, I'm almost done though, want to go to the mall?", Regina asked her best friend.

"Yeah, but first I have to tell you about 8th period," Katherine stated.

"What happened? It's just gym," Regina said.

"Gym with seniors might I add, guess who totally hit on me," Kat said.

"Who?", Regina asked with a hint of excitement.

"Emma freaking Swan," Kat squealed.

Regina rolled her eyes, "Ew are you serious? What did she say? One of her lame pick up lines? And since when did you start liking girls?"

"Regina, she's hot and a bad ass, nobody cares if she's a girl. And I don't judge by gender, I like personalities. Anyway, she was playing basketball, which she's surprisingly good at, and the ball rolled by me and she asked me to throw her the ball so when I did she smirked at me and said "damn girl, I like a girl who can toss a basketball" then she winked and continued to play," Kat said.

Regina rolled her eyes again, "Ugh she's so irritated, it's a trap Kat don't fall for it, I've heard about her, she fucks anything that walks, today she told I looked like an angel, she's cute sure but I don't know, I couldn't see myself being a person like her."

"Would you consider dating a girl?", Kat asked.

"I don't know, I believe I would, if that girl made me happy or if I had a real interest in her," Regina said.

"Hmm, well, let's go to the mall, I'll be there soon," Kat smiled.

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