Author Notes:This story has two parts and I`m hopeful that I`ll be able to post the next part in a couple of weeks.

It`s about genderfluid Sherlock. In this story that means that Sherlock identifies as a man or a woman. I`m aware that there are other gender identities, but I didn`t want to make it more complicated (although gender is complicated).^^

Just note that Sherlock doesn`t represent all genderfluid people. The experience is different for everyone and if someone has suggestions, please feel free to contact me. :)

Also keep in mind that Sherlock uses "he/him/his" when he identifies as a man and "she/her" when she identifies as a woman and John does so as well.

That`s all I had to say, now just enjoy the story and let me know what you think! :)

Revelations and Dinner


John sighed and he grabbed the bags with the groceries tighter and shifted his weight from one foot to the other as looked up at the front of the building of 221B Bakerstreet. Usually, he was more than happy to come home after a shift at the clinic and looked forward to spending an evening with Sherlock. It didn`t even matter to him if they were going out to chase after criminals, watched TV on the couch or made passionate love - sometimes two or all three of the above came together.

John shifted his weight again and the bottle of milk clicked against the jar of jam, reminding him that it would be wiser to bring everything upstairs, before an accident could happen. Nevertheless, John only moved through the front door - to get away from the street - and then stood in the hall, staring up the seventeen stairs, without moving. Sherlock and he had lived together for eleven months, when they had finally admitted to the sexual tension and feelings between them and moved their relationship to the next level. That had been four months ago and John had thought that he was happy. Living with Sherlock was never boring or even predictable and John enjoyed it a lot. He only complained about body parts in the fridge, when there wasn`t enough room for other groceries and Sherlock was finally labeling his experiments - at least, if the substances were a danger to their health. Their sex life was also very satisfying and they were both getting what they wanted... or at least, John had thought so. He shook his head, still not understanding what had transpired this morning, even after having had ten hours to worry about it.

A sun shine tickled him awake. John groaned and turned to his side in their bed, hiding from the damned light. He dozed a little, but it was much too warm underneath the covers to fall asleep again.

Growling, John resurfaced and glared at the clock on the nightstand, which read six in the morning. Great, he had had five hours of sleep and only had to get up in an hour, but John certainly wouldn`t be able to fall asleep once more, after he had been woken. It was a habit from his army days and John cursed inwardly about it.

"You are much too loud." The hoarse, sleepy voice sounded next to him and with a small smile John turned around to face Sherlock, who had for once decided that his body needed some rest. "I wouldn`t be awake, if you had thought of pulling the curtains closed." A soft hum was Sherlock`s only reply and John inched closer to press a soft kiss to one, famous cheekbone. Still sleepy and with closed eyes, Sherlock drew an arm over John`s waist and leaned in for a kiss. Neither of them had brushed their teeth yet, but John really didn`t care about it as Sherlock soft and pliant body melted against him.

At least, a grin tucked at his face as John moved his hands over Sherlock`s sides to his abdomen, most of Sherlock was soft, but not everything. A morning erection pressed into John`s thigh and he felt an answering pull in his own loins. Slow, morning sex would certainly be a great compensation for waking up much too early. John moved one hand between their bodies and stroked Sherlock through the fabric of his pajama bottoms. Usually that earned him a soft moan or a happy, little sigh, but this time Sherlock`s reaction was much more violent. With a growl he jerked away and sat up at the edge of the bed, as far away from John as possible.

"Don`t touch me!"

Flabbergast, John could only stare at Sherlock as he scrambled from the bed and fled to the bathroom. A minute later the shower was running and John didn`t have to be a genius to know that the water had to be freezing cold.

Sherlock hadn`t come to bed afterwards and John hadn`t gone after him, feeling too startled and hurt to deal with Sherlock`s moods. It wasn`t that he expected his boyfriend to have sex with him, whenever John felt like it. He would have understood, if Sherlock had told him that he only wanted to kiss and cuddle in bed. It wouldn`t have been the first time and John had rejected Sherlock`s advances on occasions as well, when he had been to knackered after a day at the clinic. That was normal, but snarling at John like he didn`t have the right to touch him - like Sherlock couldn`t think of anything worse than John`s touch - hurt... a lot.

"Shall I help you with the groceries, John?" A faint blush crept into his cheeks as he looked at Mrs. Hudson and shook his head. "No, I was just... trying to decide how to bring Sherlock to eat something, today." Their landlady gave him a small smile, not quite believing him, but also not asking farther questions. "I have baked some biscuits for you, boys, but I think they will taste even better, tomorrow."

John nodded and smiled faintly. This was Mrs. Hudson`s way of telling him that she wouldn`t disturb them this evening and that they should settle their differences. "Thanks, Mrs. Hudson."

With a last nod in his direction, their landlady closed the door to 221A and John squared his shoulders, before marching up the stairs. Sherlock and he only had to talk about it and then everything would be alright. God only knew how mercurial Sherlock`s moods were and what had brought his behavior on this morning. As far as John was concerned, it could be something completely harmless - like not being able to solve a chemical problem in his sleep - and they would laugh about it later. He didn`t want to think about the possibility that Sherlock had just noticed that he had grown tired of John and didn`t want him around any longer.

Swallowing against the lump in his throat, he entered their flat and scanned the living-room for any signs of a mad genius. Sherlock wasn`t there and John frowned when he didn`t find any experiments on the kitchen table either as he put the groceries away. What had Sherlock done all day long? Had he gone out on a case, without at least texting John? That wasn`t like him, but still...

A quiet curse sounded from their bedroom. John frowned and moved to the ajar door. Sherlock usually didn`t curse, not even when a murder was running away from him - especially not then - and John wondered what could bring his boyfriend to utter such obscenities. Without knocking, John opened the door and... froze.

There was a woman in their bedroom - a beautiful woman. Long legs, covered in dark blue silk from the knees upwards. Small hips and a wasp waist gave her the looks of a model, as did the v-neck of her dress that revealed her pale back from the neck down to her waist. She wasn`t wearing a bra - at least not a conventional one - and it wouldn`t have fitted the style of the dress. John wondered if that was why the dress had a halter neck to compensate for the lack of a bra or if it was purely for fashionable reasons. John would really like to see her front, in order to judge for himself and appreciate her beauty with a compliment, before asking her what the hell she was doing in their room and where the hell Sherlock was... Oh!

That scar, that ran down from the woman`s right shoulder to her spine was one John had seen numerous times already. He had traced it with his fingers or his tongue, cursing the person that had marked his beloved in such a way and trying to erase the memory at the same time. A scar like that didn`t happen to be on his boyfriend`s and an unknown woman`s back... just as the curls spoke a very clear language, now that John looked at them. Really, his whole stance, his height and... everything, was just so typical for him that John wondered how he hadn`t noticed it right away.

"Sherlock!" A laugh resonated in John`s voice as his boyfriend flinched and finally turned around. The dress was truly beautiful, it clung to Sherlock`s body, adding slight curves - to his hips and chest - where their usually were none and the halter neck was concealing his Adam`s apple. A small cut between his neck and the gentle curve of his breasts lent him an even more feminine touch, as did the pedant that hung from the fabric and dangled right over his décolleté.

John wondered for a second if there were some pads integrated in the dress to create the illusion of small breasts or if Sherlock had done something else to achieve that. His gaze wandered upwards to the face of his beloved and John smiled slightly. A little rouge to his sharp cheekbones, dark eyeliner, mascara and rosy lipstick perfected the image and John doubted that a woman would have done a better job at applying make-up. Sherlock was beautiful, only... his wide and shocked eyes, when they met John`s and the way all the color drained from his cheeks didn`t fit very well.

John narrowed his eyes thoughtfully. His first instinct had been to assume that there was a new case and that Sherlock was in disguise and had to attend a ball as a woman to gather information. After living with a mad genius for so long, John wouldn`t have thought anything about it. Sherlock did everything in order to solve a case, but if it had been a disguise, Sherlock would have already started to tease John about not recognizing him at once. He would be boasting about his skills and tell John how he had been able to morph into a beautiful woman and bet with him that no one would be able to tell that he was a man. So, paling and looking fearfully at John certainly wasn`t the usual reaction, therefore...

"That`s not a disguise."

Sherlock shook his head - his curls were styled in a more feminine way and softened his masculine features, John noted - and darted a look at John. "No, it`s not!" His voice was softer, higher than usual and John could easily believe that it was the deep voice of a woman, although it was still in the range of a man`s voice. Still, there was also a trembling to it that John didn`t like. It spoke of fear and the last thing he wanted was for Sherlock to fear him. "Is this some kind of a... kink? Because if it is," John added hastily as Sherlock averted his gaze. "It`s fine. You look good in a dress." Fucking marvelous to be exact, but John didn`t want to push his luck with such words.

Blue eyes, appearing darker than usual thanks to the make-up, regarded him closely.

"It`s not a... kink, John." The words were almost sneered, but Sherlock still managed to keep his voice sounding higher than usual. "I`m," He licked his lips and smeared some of the lipstick. "I`m a... woman."

John couldn`t help himself, he laughed. Chuckles shook his frame and his eyes twinkled madly. He hadn`t thought that Sherlock had such an interesting sense of humor, but it was certainly a nice surprise. Only when no sounds from Sherlock were forthcoming, John gazed up to find the beloved face scrunched up in an obvious hurt look.


Long fingers were clenched into fists at Sherlock`s side as he stared down at the floor, unable or unwilling to meet John`s gaze. In that second, John realised that he might have just made a grave mistake.


John was laughing at her.

Sherlock bit down on her lower lip, ignoring the taste of the lipstick on her tongue as she avoided looking at John. Of course, he was laughing. Only thirty-two hours ago, Sherlock had made love to John as a man. How could John believe or understand that Sherlock wasn`t a man today, but a woman. It had been hard for her to grasp it at first as well and make sense of. It had been easiest when she had been a child and hardest when she had hit puberty. During her adult years, she had learned that it was a part of her - just like her high cheekbones and long fingers - but she hadn`t told any of her current friends or acquaintances. Mycroft knew - of course, he did - and her brother had never insulted her, accepting it without a fuss. Others had seen her in dresses as well, but either they hadn`t guessed at the parts between her legs or had assumed that it was some kind of a kink... just like John did.

"Sherlock?" His voice sounded soft and worried, but Sherlock stared at her bordeaux painted toenails. Maybe, it would be better to tell John that it was only a joke or that it was in fact a kink and leave it at that. John seemed to like seeing Sherlock in a dress - the dilation of his pupils had given him away - and he probably would accept some kind of role-play, only...

Sherlock sighed quietly as she remembered her reaction this morning and how she hadn`t been able to stand John touching her erection. Her rejection had hurt John and he would start to question their relationship if it happened more often. Still, wasn`t that preferable to John leaving her right away?

"Sherlock," A hand curled around her fist and her head jerked up at the contact. Puzzled, but soft blue eyes regarded her steadily and Sherlock felt her defenses shatter to dust. She heaved a sigh and sat down on the bed, dragging John with her, who sank down next to her. "I`m a woman," Sherlock repeated and licked her lips nervously again. "By that I mean, that I identify as a woman today." She waited for John to laugh again or tell her that she should stop this game right away. But her boyfriend only nodded encouragingly at her, although he still appeared a little confused. At least, that was better than disgust or utmost disbelief. "Most days - that`s to say at seventy-one percent of the days of a year - I identify as a man but sometimes I wake up and... identify as a woman."

Sherlock didn`t know if John was able to comprehend what that meant, if he had heard of such gender identities before or if it was completely new to him. She tried to judge from his expression what he was thinking, but it appeared much harder than usual. Probably, because John didn`t know what to think himself. After all, he hadn`t signed up for this, right?

Sherlock gulped and felt how the silk slide against her Adam`s apple. John had either been with women or men, but never with someone, who varied between identifying as male and female. He wouldn`t want to continue their relationship or he would demand that they stop being together, whenever Sherlock identified as a woman... and she couldn`t say which of these options were worse.

"I have never seen you in a dress before," John murmured and then sat up straighter and cocked his head to the side as if a thought had just occurred to him. "May it be that you don`t always feel the need to dress so feminine, when you identify as a woman?"

Startled, Sherlock nodded. That wasn`t what she had accepted - interested inquiries about her preferences in clothing and her feelings - and she didn`t know how to react. Answering John`s question verbally appeared to be the best course of action. "It`s different from time to time. When I just wander around in my dressing grown and stay in the flat, it doesn`t matter, especially not when I`m busy with an experiment or when I`m out and on a case." John nodded and Sherlock was surprised to see real understanding in his eyes, instead of judgment.

"Because your body is only transport," John sneered the word and Sherlock knew that it was due to the fact that John hated to watch her rejecting food and sleep when she was working. "And you can`t be bothered to pay any attention to it."

Sherlock shrugged and a faint smile ghosted around her lips as she started to relax a little.

"It has never harmed me to do so," She hurried on, before any protests from John were forthcoming. "Sometimes, I just want to express myself as a woman and then I.."

"Dress up."

Sherlock caught John`s eyes, which were sparkling with amusement, but without any traces of mockery. She coughed quietly. "Yes, it feels right and you must admit that I`m a very beautiful woman."

John blinked and Sherlock held her breath as his gaze wandered over her a few times. Had she gone too far? Would John tell her that she was looking nicely in her dress - because she did, obviously - but that he didn`t want her as a woman? Or - what seemed more likely where John was concerned - that he accepted Sherlock that way she was, but wouldn`t be able to live with... it?

"I would be lying if I said otherwise, you are beautiful, Sherlock." John`s voice was husky and Sherlock had to force herself to keep still as a finger traced along her silk covered thigh. "I just wonder why I have never seen you like this before. I mean, even when you ignore your body most of the time, certainly you must have wanted to express yourself..." John`s face fell as recognition hit him and his eyes widened in shock. "You didn`t express yourself, because of... me."

Was there guilt in John`s voice or was Sherlock only imagining things? Either way, it would be useless to deny the deduction. "You are right, although I used to... go to one of my hideouts, before we became a... couple, from time to time, to dress and spend the day as a woman."

John blinked.

"That was when you vanished for a whole day, sometimes longer and I always wondered..." He trailed off and seemed to consider his next words carefully. Sherlock held her breath, trying hard not to jump to any conclusions as John`s mind processed the new information. "It`s probably considered rude, but," I`m going to leave you, Sherlock finished the sentence for him and almost jumped, when John continued speaking. "How many days in a stretch do you usually identify as a woman?"

Sherlock considered the question carefully, not sure what John wanted to hear or what kind of answer would be the best. Seconds ticked by and she wasn`t able deduce anything helpful from John`s expression, so she just settled for the truth. "Three days was the longest I have ever identified as a woman without interruption. Do you propose that we... interrupt our relationship whenever I`m..."

"NO!" This time Sherlock flinched at John`s agitated tone. Blue eyes were stormy as they met hers. "I`m not leaving you, woman or man, I don`t care and you know that." Sherlock shrugged, glancing at John`s hand that still rested on her thigh. "You don`t care when it`s either of them, but it`s both... not at the same time, but they are both... I have a female and a male side and..."

"I don`t see the problem." Their eyes locked. A warm, but desperate smile brightened John`s face as he held Sherlock`s gaze. "You are still the same person. You store body parts in the fridge and fill acid in our tea mugs, no matter if you are a man or a woman. Your mind remains brilliant and beautiful, no matter how you feel - except when you are in a bad mood, then your brilliance is rather self-destructive - and you are just as sexy in shirt and trousers as you are in a dress. I rather think that`s a win-win situation for me."

Sherlock gulped and had to avert her gaze, before John noticed how moved she was by his words. No one had ever reacted with so much acceptance, whenever they had stumbled over her secret. Either they didn`t believe what she told them and thought it had something to do with acting as a drag queen or they mocked Sherlock for her feelings.

"Hey, look at me." A gentle thumb under her chin forced Sherlock to turn back to John. A quivering smile hovered around his lips as he leaned in and pressed a brief kiss to her mouth. Sherlock`s breath stocked at the brief contact and she made to touch her fingers to her lips, but John caught them in his hand. "You will get lipstick on your fingers and then you will ruin your dress." Against her will a low chuckle escaped Sherlock at that."You have much experience with that, haven`t you?!" John grinned and then shrugged. "I had a few girlfriends, but I haven`t... that`s it, I`ll just ask and you can tell me to bugger off if you think it`s in any way offensive."

The tension returned at that and Sherlock`s back stiffened, even as she nodded. Of course, John would want to know in what kind of sexual acts she had indulged as a woman or how Sherlock`s identifying as mostly male and sometimes female affected her sexual orientation. Sherlock didn`t really want to speak about it, but after John`s unexpected acceptance, she reasoned that he deserved to know that much.

"When I touched you... your erection this morning, did you react so badly, because you felt revolted by your body parts or... don`t you just want to be reminded of them, when you are a woman?" John`s face was slightly colored and from the way he held himself, it was obvious that he expected Sherlock to lash out at him for such a question. Nevertheless, that was the last thing on Sherlock`s mind. The question was very private, but the topic wasn`t off limits, at least not with John. It would be hypocrite to say otherwise, after all the nights - and days - they had spent together in bed - or on various horizontal or against vertical surfaces. "If you want to know if I feel disgusted by my male parts, when I`m a woman, the answer is no. Sometimes, it feels strange, but it doesn`t change the fact that I identify as a woman. Before you ask, I never considered undergoing surgery to get breasts or a vagina... Maybe I would have done that if I felt like male and female at the same time - all of the time - but since I rather like my body," John`s enthusiastic nod sent warmth through Sherlock`s body. "I don`t see the need to change anything. If I want to have curves, I just add them." She pointed at her small breasts and blushed as John cupped the left one in his hand.

"Oh, sorry, I didn`t mean to..." Sherlock covered his hand with her larger one and kept it on her breast, even as they both fought a blush. "They are only pads, inserted in the dress and it`s not like you haven`t touched my chest before. I don`t mind in the least, but while I also don`t mind my... penis, I don`t like it to be touched in a sexual manner, when I identify as a woman. Orgasm isn`t an issue, but not..." Sherlock stopped and felt more heat rising in her cheeks. Christ, this was mortifying. John wouldn`t understand it. How could he? He was a man, through and through - every day of the year - and it would be hard for him to wrap his head around what Sherlock had just said.

"So, if we want to engage in sexual activities, when your female side is in command, we will have to find other ways of stimulation. You are very lucky, that your boyfriend is a doctor, Sherlock."

That couldn`t be happening? Sherlock stared at John, gaping as he only smiled reassuringly at her. Certainly, it couldn`t be so easy for him to accept her like that. Of course, she knew that John was special - in every way possible - but Sherlock hadn`t even dared dreaming of such an impartial reaction. "You are extraordinary, John."

He chuckled and shook his head. He seemed to know exactly what Sherlock meant as he breathed a chaste kiss to her lips. "No, everyone who didn`t see it like that was just an idiot. And now, I should better get ready..."

Sherlock blinked in confusion. "Ready for what?"

John just gestured to her dress and then to his own jeans and shirt. "I just decided that it would be a waste to stay at the flat, when you are dressed up like that, therefore, we are going out for dinner and I have to change if I don`t want to look too badly next to you."

Sherlock pressed a trembling hand to her lips to hide her shock. No one had ever willingly gone out with her, when they had known what parts she had between her legs. Some had certainly wanted to fuck her in a dress or a skirt, but being seen with her in public...

"Stop it!"

Sherlock frowned and gasped as John drew her hand away from her mouth and pressed a kiss to each knuckle. "I`m not like all this other idiots, otherwise I would have never endured your behavior at a crime scene." He grinned and then sobered a little as he turned to his wardrobe.

"Just do me one favor, Sherlock," John managed to look mischief and grave all at once. "Don`t wear high heels!"


They made a nice couple.

John watched their reflections in the mirror - Sherlock in her night blue dress and himself in his best suit. Strangely, it didn`t feel weird at all to think of Sherlock as a woman.. It was just another side of Sherlock, John could love. Maybe, it would have been different if it hadn`t been Sherlock. John wasn`t so sure if he had been able to wrap his head around a female and a male side in one body if it had been one of his former lovers. Not that he would have freaked out, but it would certainly have taken longer to get used to the idea than when it was Sherlock. Something to do with the fact, that Sherlock was so extraordinary that it was just... fitting.

John smiled and then offered his arm to Sherlock, who accepted it with a raised eyebrow and a little smile. A much better expression than the fear, John had seen on Sherlock`s face earlier.

He still felt bad for laughing at her, but he had sworn that he would make it up to her this evening. It was the only reason, why he had texted Mycroft to make sure that they got a table at one of the nicest restaurants in London. John was sure that Sherlock`s brother would call in a favor for it, but he couldn`t care less right now, as they extended the staircase together.

"Ah, boys, are you...?"

John flushed when Mrs. Hudson appeared at the bottom of the stairs. He certainly wasn`t ashamed of Sherlock in any way - she looked marvelous - but John didn`t know if Sherlock wanted anyone to know about her gender identity. During their conversation he had gotten the impression that Sherlock had only made bad experiences, whenever she had been herself.

John wouldn`t have needed fearing that Mrs. Hudson belonged in that category of people. The startled look cleared from her face at once and an approving smile turned up her lips. "You look fantastic, Sherlock, John. I wish I had such a dress, when I was young." She sighed longingly and then shook her head as if to shake off unwanted thoughts. "You two have fun, together."

"Thanks, Mrs. Hudson." John bestowed a smile upon her and was only a little surprised when Sherlock kissed her lightly on the cheek as they extended the building.

A taxi was already waiting for them - probably Mycroft`s doing - and John gallantly opened the door for Sherlock, who merely snorted, but get in without protest. John sat down next to her and gave the driver their destination, before leaning back in his seat. "You don`t have to play the perfect gentleman." John snorted and nudged Sherlock`s arm gently. "Maybe, I want to treat you like the amazing and wonderful lady, you are."

Sherlock`s head snapped around at that, her eyes wide and calculating as her gaze flickered over John. She leaned back against the seat with a surprised sound. "You really mean it."

John almost laughed at that, but he somehow managed to contain it in a bright grin. "Of course, I do, although that doesn`t mean that I won`t scold you if you dash off to a crime scene tonight and insult every policemen there... or that I`ll treat you like that every day."

Sherlock`s lips curled up in a smile. "I hope not and I`m not really dressed to chase after criminals tonight." John considered that, took in the silk dress and the black court shoes and he shuddered at the thought that Sherlock would jump from rooftop to rooftop like that. She wouldn`t, not if John had any say in it, but his observation led to another question. "If you got a case on a day you identified as a woman, how would you dress?"

"Really, John," Sherlock rolled her eyes at him, the effect increased by the careful applied make-up. "Do you only know women, that wear dresses and skirts. I would wear trousers and a button-down shirt, like usual. Many woman wear such clothes and I also own some nice blouses, which go perfectly with my trousers. Not that anyone has ever noticed, when I have worn one of them in the past." She shrugged and then sent him a low level glare. "Do you want to talk all evening about my... dressing habits or can you come up with something else?"

She didn`t say it directly, but John gathered that Sherlock didn`t want to discuss the differences between his female and male side any longer. Of course, he was still curious, but John was aware that it would be rather rude to ask Sherlock any more questions. Besides, it might give her the impression that he didn`t fully accept her and that just wasn`t on. Against all odds, John wanted Sherlock in every way, no matter if man or woman and he would make damn sure that Sherlock knew that, by the end of the evening.

"I could tell you about my day at the clinic." Sherlock snorted. "Three vaccinations, one hysteric mother, who`s child only had a cold and one drunk, who vomited all over you, so that you had to take a shower at the clinic and a lot of other pedestrian diseases."

"Thanks for reminding me of the drunk." John rolled his eyes at Sherlock. "It was the highlight of my day."

"Really?!" Blue eyes widened in mock innocence. "I thought that was the beautiful woman you found in our bedroom."

This time, John couldn`t help himself, he laughed and a second later, Sherlock joined in. They were still giggling, when they arrived at their destination - Alain Ducasse - and John made sure to hold the door of the cab open for Sherlock and led her to the restaurant. A waiter opened the door to them and they were shown to the head porter, who directed a professional smile at them. "You have a reservation?" It was a theoretical questions, since no one would attempt to go to the most expensive restaurant in London without making a reservation. "Table for two, Holmes," Sherlock informed the man, who bestowed her with another professional - if a little more appraising smile - and looked at his notebook. "Holmes... Ah yes, you have the best table of the house. Please, follow me, Mr. and Mrs. Holmes."

Delight was a far too small a word to describe the utter joy that lit up Sherlock`s face as she was addressed this way. John felt an answering pull at his lips and interlaced his fingers with Sherlock`s as they were shown to their table.

John had been afraid that the best table would be the table right in the center of the restaurant, where everyone could see them. As it turned out, their table was located in a niche and gave them some sort of privacy. Still, a lot of heads turned their way as they sat down and John was sure that it wasn`t only due to Sherlock`s breathtaking appearance but also because of their difference in height. John had never dated a woman that was so much taller than him, but he really didn`t mind. After running after Sherlock for such a long time, John was used to being dwarfed.

"Do you wish an appetizer?"

"Two glasses of champagne, please," John ordered, before Sherlock could say anything and the waiter nodded and departed. It wasn`t long before he came back and this time, Sherlock ordered them a bottle of red wine - a Merlot - as they were handed the menu cards as well.

"To what do we drink?" Sherlock asked, when he raised his glass and John didn`t have to think long, before he came up with something, although it was very unoriginal. "To us and our love!" It was spoken on impulse and John only registered what he had said, when Sherlock gasped at him. He hadn`t said these three simple words to Sherlock yet, although John had thought it fairly obvious that they described perfectly well how he felt for his boyfriend... girlfriend, right now. Therefore only the faintest of blushes graced his cheeks as he held Sherlock`s surprised gaze. "Of course, I love you, Sherlock. Did you doubt that?" From the way, Sherlock stared at John, it might very well be the case or...

A cold fist clenched around John`s chest. Maybe, Sherlock was so shocked, because she didn`t love John, but... No, that was nonsense, if she didn`t love him then she wouldn`t have told him about her gender identity... right?

Doubt made the glass in John`s hand tremble and he was about to put it down, when Sherlock placed her free hand on his. "I love you, too, John. There was never any doubt about that."

A heavy weight fell from his heart and John found that he could breath freely once more as he gave Sherlock`s hand a soft squeeze and held it. "Then let`s drink to it."

Their glasses clinked and John was certain that the happy smile on Sherlock`s face mirrored his own. So far, the evening was turning out much better than he had anticipated when he had come home after his shift at the clinic.

"By the way," John started after they had ordered their meals - starters, main course and dessert - and took a sip from his wine. "What would you have done, if I hadn`t... found you in our bedroom?"

Sherlock shrugged and circled the wine glass with her long fingers. The dark red nail polish fitted perfectly to her outfit. "I would have gone to a casino, drunk a glass of champagne and observed people, but I lost track of the time and then you came and..." She directed a coquettish smile at John, who grinned in return. "I`m sure you would have been an eye-catcher. I`m glad that you didn`t go, I would have had to worry more than usual that no one kidnapped you."

A crimson blush crept into Sherlock`s cheeks, even as she held his gaze and John wondered if Sherlock had ever been complimented earnestly as a woman by someone who knew her. Judging from her reactions and from what John knew about how people usually treated Sherlock- no matter which gender - the answer was fairly obvious. But that was over now, John would make sure that Sherlock knew how much she was loved - man and woman.

"The woman at the table to our left has an affair with the secretary of her husband, with whom he has an affair as well. Neither of them knows about it, the secretary keeps it a secret. A shame, they could enjoy a ménage à trois." John glanced at the inconspicuous couple and then back at Sherlock. Obviously, Sherlock as a woman was as uncomfortable with talking about her emotions as Sherlock as a man, but that was fine with John. He preferred actions to words as well.

So, he leaned back in his chair and listened to Sherlock`s deductions about the other patrons and waiters, chipping in with a question or a remark here and there, but leaving most of the talking to Sherlock. It was just like any other evening they had eaten outwards - except for the prices - and John was rather glad for that. It proved his theory correct that it didn`t matter how Sherlock looked or with what gender she identified with, Sherlock was still the same.

After Escargot à la bourguignonne for them both, Coq au vin for John and lotte de mer for Sherlock, followed by a fantastic pudding - crème brûlée - they were both full and John asked for the bill as they finished their coffee. He was already preparing himself to live from beans and toast for the rest of the month, when the chef waiter came back with a premium bottle of red wine and sans bill. "The bill has already been covered and we would like to present you with a bottle of our house wine, Mr. and Mrs. Holmes."

John opened his mouth to protest, but a kick to his shin shut him up as Sherlock accepted the bottle with a graceful smile and allowed the waiter to bow over her hand. "What the hell...?", John muttered as Sherlock inspected the bottle and gave an appreciating nod.

"Mycroft." It was one word and the name shouldn`t carry as much weight as it did, but John wasn`t going to protest against a free meal at the best and most expensive restaurants in London. "He is going to call in a favor for that," Sherlock muttered, but it didn`t sound nearly as distasteful as when she usually spoke of her brother and therefore John didn`t comment on it.

They were by the last guests to leave the restaurant and a taxi already waited for them outside. Mycroft again, but John didn`t mind, especially not after a heavy meal and half a bottle of red wine. He was ready to go to bed, when they got home, although - he glanced at Sherlock`s beautiful profile - he certainly wouldn`t mind some exercise before he crashed.