Good morning! Or good night… I have a new chapter for you! WARNING: Cute stuff is sadly at a slow as of now. I need space for violence and stuff… Anyway! Here it is! Chapter 5!

Vincent pretended not to be awake to listen. He did it often. His mom didn't always have interesting stuff to say over the phone. He didn't know who she was speaking with, but he didn't really care all too much.

"Yes. I don't agree, that is correct… No. I said no, and I meant it. He's fine! ….. Excuse me?"

"Ms. Samuel, I'm concerned for you and your son… I'm not 100% sure you know what you're doing-"

"Are you calling me a bad mother!?"

"Ms. Samuel, please don't yell. You must understand Ms. Samuel, even if you move, you still can't run from your problems… I have reason to believe your son's condition isn't affected by the people he's around or environment he is in."


"Mom? What was that about?" Vincent asked, looking at his mom in the front seat.

"Oh, you were awake? Well, it wasn't anything too important, just some jerk who thinks he knows what's best for-"

"...Best for who?"

"No one in particular... Just- nevermind." Amelia gripped the steering wheel, anger pulsing through her. "That bastard has no right to tell me how to run my family…"

Vincent looked out the window watching the palm trees fly past. Even though they were in California, which is a place most people think is always warm and sunny, the night was cool. Vincent decided to ignore his mom's strange behavior… she probably wanted to be left alone.

He opened the window just a tad. He wanted to feel the wind in his face, a cool reminder that he had nerves. He could feel. He was alive.

He frowned. Where were the stupid violent remarks his "other side" usually made? He didn't want them back, it was the one thing he'd ever wanted, to have those thoughts gone. But… they weren't "gone". They weren't speaking directly to him… but… it just felt a bit off. Like… a part of him was missing. And not a small part either. One he couldn't… couldn't function without.

The rest of the car ride to the hotel was mostly silent. The occasional attempt of a conversation Amelia tried to pull off every now and then. They were just in their own thoughts. Trying to sort everything out.

"Alright, Vince, we're here! Look at this hotel! Oh my gosh, look, they have a pool!" Amelia jumped out of the car, frantically looking at everything she past. "Wow! Those trees are so pretty! Vincent, come on! Isn't this exciting?!"

Vincent opened the car and stepped out. "Wow…" was all he could say. Right before him was a hotel, but not just any hotel, but a nice hotel. The hotels he'd been to before weren't as lit up and inviting. The place was huge, and it had an actual red carpet leading towards it's majestic hallway. Lights strung across glorious windows, doors, and a sign pointing right to the entrance. It was something Vincent had only seen in his dreams. Vincent thought about that a bit. A place he'd only seen in his dreams… No. This was too unrealistic. Vincent held back the child-like instinct to run to the entrance, to throw all cares away and dance along with his mom.

"Mom…? H-How much would a night here cost? I don't mean to be rude or anything… but it seems too expensive."

"Here's the thing Vincent: I don't care anymore! It doesn't matter! It's just you and me, buddy! Together against the world! Come on! One peak at the price list won't hurt us!" Amelia smiled broadly at Vincent, grabbing his hand and pulling him inside with her. "I'll prove to him… we can have fun… just with his mother. He- he doesn't need those pills to make him happy. To have him feel secure. I'm his mother. I have to do this for him… at least this…" Amelia was happy. For once, she felt free. And that feeling? She wasn't letting anyone take it from her. And Vincent would see soon enough… he could be happy. Not artificially.

Walking inside, Vincent felt… weird. He couldn't explain how he felt. He just felt… different. Maybe this was what happiness felt like? Maybe it was freedom? Vincent decided it didn't matter. He wasn't really one to forget about his problems, but here… he felt safe here. Inexplicably happy. He didn't care why. It felt nice. He didn't want to leave.

"Hello, mam, sir. What can I do for you this fine evening?" a man at a marble counter inquired, looking very calm and collected. The inside of the hotel was just as nice, if not nicer, as the outside. The man behind the counter smiled at Vincent. "Well, it seems we have a young boy! How old are you? Pardon my asking, it's not often we have the pleasure of meeting young children."

"Not at all! This is Vincent, he's 12. Just recently, actually!" Amelia smiled down at her son. Vincent looked back up at her, returning her bright smile with his own.

"Oh! Well, happy late birthday then! Would you two like to be led to your rooms now, or later?" the man asked, stepping out from behind the counter with a shiney key in hand. Amelia turned her gaze towards the man with the key, nodding happily. The young man started to lead them down the corridor, Amelia and Vincent in tow. None of the two questioning why a room was ready for them, without having paid or even asked for a room. It didn't matter to them very much. Everyone was so nice there.

"Here you are! Your room! We already took the opportunity to bring up your luggage! We hope you find the room to your liking. We're all so happy you've arrived!" the young man smiled, then he turned and shut the door on his way out. "This is so awesome! Can we go down to the pool later?" Vincent asked his mom with the biggest smile she'd seen in a long while. That made her sigh with relief. "Good, this was a good choice…" Amelia ruffled Vincent's hair, to which he attempted pushing her hand away. She giggled. "Of course! In fact, we'll go right after we unpack!"

"Yah! I call left bed!"

"What?! No! I always get left!"

"Exactly! That's not fair!"

"I'll show you 'not fair' you little rascal!" Amelia began chasing Vincent around the room, unaware of the lack of cars in the parking lot of the hotel. Or the fact that there only seemed to be one person working there. If this hotel really was so nice, then why isn't it full of people? And why are they given a room even though they haven't yet paid?

So that's it for this chapter! I hope I gave you something to chew on for a while! Happy Thanksgiving by the way, everyone! I'll see you all in the next chapter!