SO APPARENTLY I NEVER POSTED CHAPTER 5 OR 6? EVEN THOUGH THEY'VE BEEN DONE FOR LIKE EVER? I don't know what happened, but that's why they're all going up on the same day. I just finished this chapter today, so the Author's Note below is my actual screaming and happiness. Welp. Off we go.



Chapter 7: Confession

I wasn't in the best mood, and I was also confused. Bad times all around.

I found Zoro and Sanji, but they were incredibly disappointing. I was happy to see them again, but it was hard to ignore. Especially Zoro. Cool attitude? Gone. Understanding for me that no one else seemed to have? Nope, we're more like strangers. Sinfully attractive face? Well, his double chin kind of looks like a smile. Muscles? Fat. Lots of fat.

I hid my sulking behind an improvised smile. Maybe he was still strong, I hoped. Maybe he really did train instead of lounging around and making our time apart pointless.

As I was lost in my thoughts, a laser came at me from behind. I avoided the familiar attack, launching into a jump and landing swiftly on a nearby wall. Hancock's disguise fell off, and I frowned. She worked hard to make me undetected, and these guys decided to shoot at me all willy-nilly.

"It's Straw Hat!"

Great. Actually great.

Kuma was incredibly easy after my two years or training. One punch took him down, and the unsuspecting crowd went wild. I tried to make a break for it-I caused enough trouble, the opposite of what Hancock said-when I heard a voice that could heal any disease.

"Hey, Luffy!"

My heart decided to practice gymnastics after a two year hiatus as I watched Zoro running towards me. Sanji, too. He's cool.

The Navy lady sent another Kuma-Pacifista, bear-bot, whatever-to attack us, but Zoro and Sanji took him down with ease. I admired Zoro's movements as he swiftly spun through the air, slicing his target up into death pieces. The moment he landed, sheathing his swords, I rushed to him giddily. He pointed to me suddenly, looking at me with the eyes I missed so much.

"Hey, Luffy, you're the ninth."

I had no idea what that meant, but he's hot, so who cares?

Feeling guilty for directing my attention to Zoro only, I turned to speak to Sanji. Before I could say anything, he looked at me with his one eye and hinted discretely towards Zoro. My breath hitched in my throat, and Sanji nodded knowingly before taking off.

"Come on! We gotta meet with the others!" He called back, already several meters ahead of us. "Luffy, keep an eye on moss head. He'll get lost otherwise."

Zoro cursed in his direction, and I looked at his free hand. My cheeks burned red when I suddenly remembered how hopelessly in love I was with someone I can't avoid. Great. Again, great.

We made it to the ship somehow (I couldn't bring myself to hold Zoro's hand, but I kept a very attracted eye on him) where everyone was waiting. After a very sweet reunion, we set sail for fishman island.

"Zoro," Nami directed, already starting to take charge. "Go up to the watchtower, tell us if you see anything suspicious."

Zoro shrugged and made his way up. I watched until he closed the door behind him, and the rest of the crew was facing me expectantly.

"...Why are you all looking at me like that? I haven't done anything yet!"

"No need to get so defensive, we know you've been too distracted to cause trouble," Nami put her hands on her hips and shook her head.

"Huh? Distracted? What's going on?"

"You need to tell him, Luffy."

I inhaled a sharp breath and clenched my fists. Everyone looked at me with soft eyes, sending embarrassment through my veins. Once everyone knew my deepest secret, it made me feel vulnerable and stupid. Robin walked closer to me and put her hand on my shoulder.

"You have nothing to worry about. Regardless of the results, he won't think any less of you or treat you any different."

"She's right," Nami adds. "Sanji practically confesses to us seventy times a day, and we still talk to him."

"You don't have a choice," Brook laughs. Sanji threatens to kick him into the ocean.

"There's nothing to be afraid of," Robin says encouragingly, putting her arm around my shoulder. I kept my eyes glued to the deck.

"You're one sorry King of Pirates if you can't do something as simple as say how you feel," Sanji said plainly. Everyone looked at him with offended eyes, including my own. Others tried to defend me, but I could only stare at him.

"Look, he's not going to do it if we just butter him up," he silenced the uproar. "This is just another challenge he has to face. He's just gotta do it."

Nami tried to defend me more, but I silently brushed her hand off of my shoulder. Everyone was quiet, and I could feel their eyes on me as mine burned holes into the planks beneath my feet. I remembered from when Sabo, Ace, and I were kids. Sabo had a crush on a girl in town, and Ace kept teasing him for it. Back then, I didn't understand why it was a big deal. He told her one day, and I watched her kindly reject him. While I pitied him at the time, I remembered how he was completely over it the very next day. As I stood on the deck, all eyes on me, I honored how brave he was and how he was okay after the painful rejection. After some time, I look up with new determination.

"I'll do it."

Without waiting for confirmation or assurance, I walked to the watchtower. Once I was behind the door, down the stairs, and staring up the long ladder, my heart started violently smashing against my ribcage. I hesitantly pulled myself up the ladder, thinking of anything besides the task ahead.

This isn't anything like fighting. Fighting is almost entirely physical with my mind following slowly. Normally, I had no trouble telling people how I felt. It came instinctively to just say what came to mind.

What was it about Zoro that made it so hard?

Yes, he has a very attractive face and body and everything. But he's calm and collected. He's the only one who stopped questioning me. During idle time, we always ended up together and could talk about anything. Usopp and I had great conversations, but…

Why was Zoro so different?

Before I knew it, I reached the top. I took a deep breath and hauled myself through the opening. Zoro looked up from polishing his many weights and smiled. The very image was enough to send hundreds of excuses for escape through my mind. Once he took a step towards me, I realized I couldn't move. I had no choice.

"'Sup, Luffy?"

"H-Hey, Zoro…" I swallowed harshly and reluctantly pulled at my fingers.

"What's up? You look like you want to tell me something." He looked at me with concerned eyes, and I could have melted instantly.

"I, uh…" My voice cracked, causing my face to flush and confidence to shatter. "Where did you go during the timeskip?"

"Oh, you'll never guess…" Zoro laughed, walking over to put his weight back and leaving me to curse myself for chickening out last minute. "I woke up in this dark, desolate area surrounded by gravestones. Then, this annoying chick-"

"Actually," I nearly yelled as an interruption. Zoro turned sharply on his heels to look at me. I tried to ignore his presence getting closer in order to continue. "I wanted to tell you something…"


I opened my mouth to speak, but an invisible log in my throat stopped me instantly. I forgot how to breathe until I started choking violently, and Zoro got unbelievably close in concern. Scenes of worst-case scenarios flashed through my mind, and I felt tears prick at the corners of my eyes. Scenes of him laughing at me. Scenes of him spitting on me and calling me disgusting. Scenes of him refusing to be my friend. Scenes of him leaving the crew and becoming a pirate hunter again.

Once scene of him accepting me and letting things stay as they are.

My breathing became normal and the phantom tears left as I focused on the happiest daydream I've had in years. After convincing Zoro I was better, I continued.

"Well...I, uh...You see, I...The thing is…" My eyes were glued to our toes, idly comparing our shoes. He tried to meet my gaze, but I pulled my hat over my eyes. My grip shook around my hat, and I chanted to myself internally.

Tell him you like him. Tell him you like him. Tell him you like him. Tell him you like him. Tell him…

"I love you!"

Well, that didn't go as planned.

I panicked. I came on WAY too strong and probably scared him for life. Tears came back, this time trailing down my cheeks. My shoulders shook visibly as the silence dragged on. I braced for impact and was surprised to feel his strong arms pull me into a hug. He took my hat off put it back on my shoulders, and our eyes met.

"It's about time."

Before I could say anything, I felt his lips on mine. Electricity shot through my body, and my eyes were wider than possible. To my dismay, he pulled away far too soon.

"Is this the ending you wanted?" Zoro asked, eyes soft and kind smile. He took one of my hands in his and ran his thumb across my palm. "'Cause I'm pretty satisfied."

I didn't answer with words; I didn't have any to offer. I answered by jumping up and throwing my arms around his neck, crashing our lips together. All insecurities and fear or rejection washed away, replaced with pure happiness and bubbling laughter. My mind was in another world filled with flowers and Zoro and meat-making me realize my grumbling stomach-and sunshine and everything wonderful.

I came back to reality, eyes-to-eye with Zoro's rare look of admiration only for me. He held me up by my waist, letting my feet dangle languidly, and my forearms propped me up on his shoulders. Because the option was there, I ran my thumbs over his jawline and sideburns. They are soft, I thought to myself.

"You knew I liked you?" I asked. After our romantic silence, we settled ourselves on the bench. I sat in Zoro's lap, my back to his chest and his arms around my waist. As we talked, he played with the fabric of my vest absentmindedly. I said it was cute, but he didn't like that.

"I'm not stupid, Lu'," he sighed. "If someone normally loud and confident suddenly becomes shy and distant, wouldn't you think something's wrong?"

"Maybe I was just hungry."

"You're always hungry. You don't blush like a tomato, run away in a fit of shyness, or get a nosebleed upon seeing a guy shirtless when you're hungry."

I looked out the window and pouted. "Everyone knew my secret. That sucks…"

"Some secret."

I playfully elbowed his stomach-satisfied to find even more defined abs in place-and laughed as he tried to hug me to death.

"So what now?" We settled back in, but I twisted our fingers together. I wasn't jealous of my inanimate vest; I just wanted him to play with my hands instead. "Everyone down there made me come up here to tell you, but I don't wanna make a big deal out of it."

"First and foremost, let's make it official: I like you, you like me, we're dating. Done," He stated matter-of-factly. I snuggled my back into Zoro's chest, looking down in hopes that he wouldn't be able to see my blushing face.

"Secondly, we don't have to mention it. We go down there, holding hands or some other romantic shit, they'll know without us saying anything."

I nodded, quietly watching his calloused hands rub loving circles on my palms. A complication popped into my mind, and I rolled on my stomach to face my new boyfriend. I'll never get used to that, I concluded.

"Wait, if I'm gonna be King of the Pirates, what does that make you?"

Zoro blinked with his remaining eye (would that make it a wink?) and moved one hand from my back to mess my hair. "I'd still be your first mate. That's all I need to be as long as we're together."

"That's sappy," I said. Zoro took my hat and shoved it in my face.

"But that sounds like friends with benefits, and I don't want that!" I frowned defiantly before nuzzling my cheek into his chest. "Would that make you Queen of the Pirates?"

"I'm not a girl, Luffy."

"Then what would you be?"

Zoro urged me up, and I obediently put my arms on his chest to look in his eyes. He smiled, successfully melting my heart, and kissed my forehead. "I'm yours, Luffy."

I felt my face grow up and my face turn an embarrassing shade of red. I rammed my face into his chest to hide my furious blush. "D-Don't say things like that! It's so weird…"

I tried to ignore Zoro's laughter and the warm feeling in my stomach when he kissed my head. Happiness erased any emotion that wrecked me over the two years from my body, and I held the source tightly. Weariness I hadn't noticed helped me sleep as Zoro mumbled sweetly in my hair, the last thing I heard spread a smile on my face:

"I love you."