Lock and Key

Disclaimer: I do not own Cardcaptor Sakura or any of its characters.

FYI: This FF is an AU based off the manga. (so none of those extra characters from the anime unless I need then)

Lockmate = Soulmate

Sticky juice dripped down Sakura's fingers, the juice box crushed in her grip. She paid it no attention to it, pressing herself against the wall as she listened to the conversation happening on the other side. It wasn't like she had meant to stumble across the scene. It was an accident! but now that she was here, she couldn't bring herself to leave. She had to hear it to the end.

"Please consider dating me." a female voice was saying.

Sakura recognized it as one of her fellow classmates, Natsuki. The girl was a famous beauty, receiving dozens of confessions throughout the school year. Seemed like it was now her turn to confess.

"I'm sorry." another voice said, this one deep and sending shivers up Sakura's arms. "I will only go out with my destined partner. I cannot return your feelings."

"I'm aware of this." the girl replied. "Your rejections have become quite famous."

Sakura bent down, poking her head around the corner. She spotted them, about ten feet away sheltered under a tree. Natsuki stood in front of him, eyes fixed upwards on the man's face, the back of his head facing Sakura. She couldn't see his expression, but she watched as his shoulders lifted and then sagged, indicating he had sighed.

"If you are willing to try, I am as well." he said "Let me see your keyheart."

The girl beamed, her large eyes shining in anticipation. Her reputation was well deserved. The girl was beautiful. Any boy would be a fool to reject her.

Natsuki placed her hands on her heart, and then pressed down. A soft light shone, barely visible to Sakura. As Natsuki pulled her hands away, they revealed a gold decorated key, barely the size of her palm. It was Natsuki's Keyheart.

Sakura blushed, knowing she was spying on a potentially intimate moment, but she couldn't leave. The boy pressed his own hand to his heart, his back blocking her view as he pulled his Lockheart from his soul.

"Here." the girl said, offering her heart to him. He took it, and again Sakura's couldn't see as he attempted to fit the key into his lock. Sakura sucked on her bottom lip, trying to fight the anxiety welling up inside her. What if this one actually worked?

The expression on Natsuki's face told her what she needed to know. The excitement flickered, disappointment and hurt flooding into her features. Sakura's heart soured, then immediately sunk as she felt guilty for celebrating at the girl's expense.

"I'm sorry." said the man. "But that's that."

"That's that." Natsuki agreed with a sigh. She took back her key, tears starting to fall as she placed it back within her soul. "I wish you luck on finding your true love."

Sakura brought her head back, sitting against the wall as she closed her eyes. Yet another close call. How many girls was it now? They said only one in every ten thousand people found their lockmate. If this kept up, he'd probably find her.

"What are you doing?"

Sakura's eyes flew open.

A familiar pair of amber eyes greeted her. The boy loomed over her, his height exaggerated from her crouched position.

She squeaked.

"Syaoran." she said, scrambling to her feet. "I didn't mean- I was just..." She felt completely exposed, caught while she'd been sorting out her feelings and spying.

Her childhood friend stood before her, looking handsome like usual with his curly brown hair and well-toned physique. He had a strong jaw line as well as an almost permanent scowl due to thick slanted eyebrows that made his expressions hard to read. Well, unless you knew him as well as Sakura did. For example, one eyebrow was lifted slightly and a small tweaking of his lips told her he was amused. He truly was the handsomest boy in the school... though perhaps she was a little biased. She was crazy in love with him after all.

"You've got juice all over your uniform." said Syaoran.

Sakura looked down, only now noticing the pink stains appearing on her white shirt. It looked like she had deliberately dumped the entire contents of her drink onto herself.

"Hoeee!" cried Sakura, pulling out her handkerchief, desperately trying to blot out the spots. It was no use, her own hands still sticky from the liquid.

"You're such a spaz." said Syaoran, a smile tugging on his lips. "Here." He pulled off his sweater vest, handing it to her. "Wear this. You can give it back to me later."

"But…" She stared to protest.

"Take it." he said, his tone leaving no room for argument. "You can't go around wearing a stained shirt all day."

She took it, unable to suppress the warm feeling that started to spread through her as she pulled the vest over her head. It was too big on her of course, covering her skirt as it sagged.

"Thanks." she said, smiling at him. She was wearing Syaoran's vest!

"What are you doing over here anyway?" he said glancing away.

"Oh- well." said Sakura, she grabbed the bento box that had dropped earlier. It was a good thing the lid hadn't popped off. She held it up, smiling.

"I wanted to see if we could eat together. Tomoyo is spending every moment working on her project and I didn't want to disturb her..."

She trailed off, wondering if it sounded weak. In reality, she'd just wanted to spend time with Syaoran. Even since they had changed class rooms, she'd felt lonely without him there.

"Sounds good to me." said Syaoran, and Sakura's heart leapt.

The two of them sat down on the bench, opening their bentos and digging in. Sakura couldn't help noticing when their elbows would brush every now and then, sending heat up her entire arm. A part of her was still thinking about the girl Syaoran had turned down. Did he not realize she had heard the whole conversation?

"Is Tomoyo-san working on the costumes for your play?" said Syaoran, picking up a piece of food with his chopsticks. "I heard you've had some problems."

"Yeah." said Sakura with a sigh "The roles were chosen at random and a lot of people aren't happy about it. They've been switching, making it hard for Tomoyo since has to redo a bunch of costumes. It wouldn't be so bad if she didn't insist on making each outfit a masterpiece."

"That's Tomoyo-san for you." said Syaoran. "It kinda reminds me of the play we did in junior high. Do you remember it?"

"How could I forget!" said Sakura, suppressing a laugh. "You made quite the lead. I've never seen such an adorable princess."

"Or such a handsome prince." said Syaoran, smirking. "What's your role? Maybe you'll get to be the princess this time"

"I'm not in it." said Sakura, suppressing a blush. She was definitely not happy Syaoran had called her handsome. That would be ridiculous. "I was randomized to be a stagehand. Natsuki-san is the princess. She was the only one everyone could agree on..." Sakura realized her mistake a second later.

"I see." said Syaoran. His eyes returned to his food.

Sakura looked at the bento in her own lap, the silence stretching between them making her feel awkward. Why had she mentioned the girls name? Maybe Syaoran was regretting turning her down. She was, after all, the prettiest girl in their grade. Her heart felt heavy.

Stop that Sakura. She thought, shaking her head. You can't get depressed over every little thing! It was her life's philosophy to think positively about everything. Worry burned unnecessary energy, she shouldn't get caught up in it. But what if he realized she had been eavesdropping?

Sakura sneaked a glance at Syaoran.

The boy was looking at her from the corner of his eyes, a smile creeping across his face.

"You-!" exclaimed Sakura, a blush coloring her. "You're teasing me! You knew I was there!"

Syaoran chucked, the sound making her blush harder. How had she not built up an immunity to him yet?

"It's your fault for eaves dropping." he said, taking a piece of food from her bento and popping it into his mouth. "I didn't realize you had such hobbies. Should I be worried about changing in the locker room?"

"You-!" She sputtered, too flustered to speak.

"The bells about to ring." said Syaoran, standing up. "Come on."

Sakura scowled, but couldn't suppress the happiness that always flowed inside her after talking to him. She really was completely smitten.

"He got another confession?" said Tomoyo pausing as she stitched the costume in her hand. "And from Natsuki-san?"

"Yup." said Sakura, hugging her knees to her chest. The two of them were in the class room alone. School was out, but Tomoyo was still working on costumes for the play. Tomoyo had been Sakura's best friend since forever and knew about Sakura's crush on Syaoran.

"I can't believe it." said Tomoyo, returning to her sewing. "So even Narsuki-san isn't immune to his charms. How many does that make now? If he's not careful he'll end up trying all the keyhearts in the school."

Sakura grumbled, sinking lower into her curled position.

"Sakura." said Tomoyo "You've been in love with him for three years. Don't you think it's time for you to say something?"

"What would be the point?" said Sakura. "He'd just tell what he says to all the other girls.' I'm not interested in anyone but my Lockmate.' Then he'll take my key and show that it doesn't fit. Then I'll never be able to talk to him again."

It was what had kept her silent, scared to say anything. Upon entering highschool last year, Syaoran had started refusing all confessions with the same reason. He wouldn't date anyone except the girl whose key unlocked his heart. No one less than his lockmate would do for him. It had been a year and a half since then.

"Oh Sakura sweetheart," said Tomoyo, setting down her work and giving Sakura a painful look "Is that really what you think would happen? You're one of the most positive people I know until it comes to Syaoran. Why can't you have more confidence in yourself?"

Sakura glanced at her friend, realizing she had worried her. Tomoyo was seriously too kind to her, always listening to her worries about Syaoran and everything else.

"You're right." said Sakura, stretching out her legs. Her eyes fell on the sweater vest Syaoran had given her earlier that day, making her smile. "Perhaps I am over thinking it. I need to be more positive."

Keymates were rare and most people didn't put any stock into it. Syaoran wasn't likely to find his match anytime soon, and in the meantime, she could spend time with him.

The door to the class room slid open. Two girls stood in the doorway, glancing around. They spotted Sakura and Tomoyo, walking over to them.

"Excuse me." said the girl with short hair, addressing Sakura. "You're Kinomoto Sakura right?"

"That's me." said Sakura, standing up. She didn't recognize them, but by their ribbons she knew they were first years.

"My name is Mai." she said. "My friend Mana-chan here has a question to ask you."

The smaller girl walked forward, biting her lip as she glanced at Sakura.

"Umm..." said Mana. "Senpai, I was wondering if you could help me."

"Sure, what do you need?" said Sakura, smiling kindly at her. The girl was so tiny and cute, her long hair almost completely engulfing her. It reminded Sakura of a fluffy rabbit.

"You're good friends with Li-senpai, correct?"

Sakura's heart dropped. Somehow she kept her smile from twitching.

"Yes." said Sakura, "We are friends."

"He doesn't have a girlfriend does he?"

Another weight dropped into Sakura.

"N-no." said Sakura. She was sure her smile was lopsided. From the corner of her eye, she saw Tomoyo looking at her.

"Then would you mind helping me?" said Mana. "I want to confess to him but... I'm scared." Mana bit her lip, glancing at her friend. Mai stepped up.

"She's tried many times to talk to him." said Mai, shaking her head. "But she always gets cold feet. We were wondering If you could take Mana-chan's key to Li-san and ask him to trying unlocking his heart with it."

The smile was completely gone now. Sakura couldn't help the burn of jealousy stirring in her heart, which just made her feel worse. What claim did she have over Syaoran? But still... to bring him another girl's key to use on his own heart...

"I'm sorry." said Sakura, giving a small bow. "I can't do that. I think you should present the key to him yourself."

"Please senpai." said Mana, wringing her hands together. "I'm too scared to try. What if he laughs at me, or my key?"

Sakura looked away, a pang of pity hitting her. "I'm sorry." she repeated, not trusting herself to say anything else.

She could see Mana wilt from the corner of her eye, another pang of sympathy hitting Sakura.

"Alright." said Mana. "I'm sorry for disturbing you senpai." The girl turned around to run away. Her friend quickly followed, grabbing her and stopping her from leaving. The two started arguing, Mai telling Mana that she'd give it to him if she was that sacred.

Sakura watched them fight for a moment, unable to shake the feeling that she had done something wrong. Tomoyo came to stand beside Sakura, studying her expression.

"I know what you're thinking Sakura." said Tomoyo. "I suggest you don't do it."

"Sorry for always making you worry." said Sakura closing her eyes for a moment. "But it just doesn't feel right either way. Might as well try to help someone if I can."

She took a second to collect herself before opening her eyes and calling out to the two.

"Wait." called Sakura. The two girls stopped arguing, turning to face their Senpai. Sakura took a deep breath before speaking. "I'll give him your key."

"You will?" said Mana, hope filling her face. "Thank you so much! You're amazing Senpai."

Mana pressed her hand to her chest, summoning her Keyheart, then held it out to Sakura. She took it, examining the silver key. It was thin, and very small, much like its owner. Was Sakura really going to give Syaoran another girl's confession?

Sakura glanced at Mana. The girl had tears in her eyes, obviously overjoyed that she would get a chance at Syaoran. Sakura couldn't hate her. She was a sweet girl, and it was understandable that she had fallen for Syaoran. He was amazing after all.

Mana and her friend left, giving Sakura another round of 'thank yous' before leaving. Sakura didn't move after they left, standing in the door way with Mana's key in her hand.

Tomoyo patted Sakura on the shoulder.

"You've always been a sucker for the helpless." said Tomoyo. "But sometimes I wish you'd use some of that kindness on yourself. There was no need for you to accept."

"But what if this key works?" said Sakura, swallowing. "Then I'd be depriving Syaoran of meeting his Keymate all due to my jealousy. How horrible would I feel if that turned out to be the case?"

"It won't." said Tomoyo, the certainty in her voice almost convincing Sakura of the fact. "But if it's too hard on you, I can give it to him to try. You shouldn't push yourself."

"No, it's fine." said Sakura, looking down at the key in her hand. "I made a promise. I intend to keep it."

The usual crowd of girls stood outside the kendo club room, blocking any view of the inside. Sakura chose to sit outside on the steps, bag resting on her knees as she waited for Syaoran to get out. She could have fought her way to the front to watch him fight, but her heart wasn't in it. A part of her didn't want to see him, the selfish part that just wanted to return the key tomorrow and say it hadn't worked. That part was also immediately squashed.

Sakura leaned forward, resting her forehead on the bag. Maybe she should go home and give it to him first thing in the morning. Then she'd have more time to compose herself.

The increase of noise behind her told Sakura the boys had been let out. She rose, clutching the bag to her chest, waiting. Five minutes later, Syaoran exited, a small trail of girls following him. Sakura could hear them asking to walk home with him.

"Maybe another time." said Syaoran, but the girls kept persisting. Eventually Syaoran spotted Sakura. He walked over to her, placing a hand on her shoulder as he turned to face the girls. "Sorry, but I've already promised to walk home with Sakura."

The girls groaned, some muttering that Sakura was lucky to be his childhood friend. More than a few glares were sent Sakura's way, but she barely paid them any attention. Her heart had started pumping in anticipation of what she needed to do.

"Shall we go then?" said Syaoran, casually resting his own bag over his shoulder.

She nodded.

The two of them had lived two blocks from each other ever since Syaoran had moved here from China. It wasn't the first time they had gone home together.

"So what's the occasion?" said Syoaran as they walked. "You usually don't wait to go home with me unless you've got something on your mind."

"It's nothing really." said Sakura, "I just wanted to walk home together that's all. We haven't done it in a while."

"I see."

Sakura glanced at Syaoran. The brunet was in a good moon. He was humming, his steps lighter than usual as they walked.

"Was practice good today?" said Sakura. "You seem happy."

"It was fine." he said, smiling at her. "Something good happened, that's all."

"I'm glad to hear it." she said, a smile of her own spreading across her face. His smile was infectious. "So what was so great about today?"

"Lunch." he said. "The food was really good."

"You make your own lunches." said Sakura. "You're not turning into a narcissist are you?"

"I ate about half of yours when you weren't paying attention." he said, a glint in his eyes. "I've always preferred your cooking than mine."

"That's why all my food was gone today." said Sakura, pouting. She usually only ate about half of what she brought. "Meanie!"

He laughed, and Sakura smiled. He had always complimented her cooking, which was why she cooked so much in the off chance they'd have lunch together. Looked like today was another success!

If she was a little braver, she might have offered to cook his lunch's for him. Then she'd have an excuse to see him everyday.

If she was braver.

Sakura stopped walking, her grip tightening on the handles of her bag as her smile disappeared. Why was she such a coward? Why couldn't she be like Natsuki and actually confess? Why couldn't she openly admit to liking Syaoran like Mana? It was the one thing she didn't like about herself. Her cowardice.

Syaoran noticed she had stopped. A few steps away, he turning to face her, amber eyes studying her.

"You alright?" he said.

Sakura took a breath. It was time, she needed to get this off her chest. This was the last time she'd ever present him with someone else's key. It wasn't good for her heart.

"Actually." said Sakura slowly. "There is a reason I wanted to walk home together."

"I thought so." said Syaoran, stepping closer to her. "Is something wrong?"

"It's not that." said Sakura, forcing herself to smile. "It's just that, I was asked to give you something."

"What is it?"

She dug inside her bag, pulling out the key and holding it out.

Syaoran's eyes narrowed, a prominent frown creasing his face. He stared at the key for a moment before turning his attention on her.

"That's not your keyheart I'm assuming." he said, voice level as his eyes bored into hers.

"N-No!" said Sakura, flustered. Why was he upset? "It's from a first year. They asked me to give it to you. They were too afraid to approach you so they asked me to present it for them."

"And you agreed?"

"I did."

Syaoran stared at her for a few more seconds before he turned, slinging his bag over his shoulder as he stomped off. "Just tell them it didn't work." he said. "I don't want to try it if they can't give it to me themselves."


"Wait!" said Sakura, running up and blocking his path. The brunet stopped, brows furrowed as she protested. "I can't lie to her. That wouldn't be right."

"Too bad." he said sternly. "I'm not going to try it."

"What if it's your keymate?"

"I'll take my chances."

"Please." plead Sakura, "She was really upset when she couldn't talk to you. I don't want to let her down."

They stared at each other and she could tell he was hesitating. They were both stubborn, but it looked like she would win this argument.

How in the world did it turn into this? Thought Sakura. One second I was dreading giving the key to him. The next, I'm begging for him to try it. I really need to figure out what I want.

"Fine." said Syaoran, letting his bag drop to the ground with a plop. "Let's get this over with."

Syaoran put his hand to his chest, drawing out his heart. When he pulled his hands away, his lockheart was resting in his palm. Shaped like a hexagon, the yin and yang symbol took up most of the surface, a small key hole in the center. He took Mana's key from Sakura, trying to fit it into the lock. As small as the key was, it couldn't even fit.

Relief spread through Sakura.

"Are there anymore?" he said, handing the key back to her, obviously impatient to have this done.

Sakura opened her mouth to answer, then froze.

This was the perfect opportunity to try her own key! If she presented it to him, he could turn her down without him actually knowing he was doing it. She could have her answer without making it awkward between them in the future. Syaoran didn't have to know she liked him. It was the coward's way out, but she didn't care.

"There's one more." said Sakura, hurriedly pulling her bag up in front of her. She turned around, making a show of looking for the key in her bag. With her back to Syaoran, she pulled out the key from her heart, then turned around, holding it up as if she had just found it.

The key was gold with a star embedded into its pink handle. White wings sprouted from the sides, giving it a cute playful feel. It was small for a keyheart, but it was hers.

"Here it is." she said, handing it to Syaoran. He took it, flipping it over to examine it.

"Huh." he said. "Never seen one with wings before. That's new."

Sakura didn't trust herself to speak. Instead, she held her breath, watching as the key hovered at the entrance of the lock. Slowly, Syaoran pushed it in, the key sliding into place. Adrenaline coursed through Sakura, as she watched the key turning inside the lock.

Thanks for reading!

I have no idea how long this will be.

This is my side project I'm working on when The Prince's Concubine gets me stuck. I'll update when I have time/when I need a break from my other project.

Thanks again for reading!
