My wonderful tumblr friend justokayskybluepinkviolinistcat edited this chapter :) THANK YOU FOR LIKES AND FOLLOWS AND REVIEWS! They mean a lot to me! I hope you'll like this chapter :)

Felicity stood in Thea's room looking at her reflection in the mirror. She did look pretty. Her hair was knotted into a beautiful updo, loose curls falling onto her shoulders. The makeup was perfect. Not too casual, but delicate. Felicity would have felt pretty if it weren't for her dress. She was meant to wear the dress of her dreams, the one she had chosen weeks ago, but last night Sadie and Sara had managed to destroy it. Her beautiful, long princess gown was now lying torn and stained at the bottom of the closet because Felicity couldn't bring herself to throw it out. Thea had helped her pick out another dress that was very nice and fit Felicity perfectly, but it was a plain, white dress from a shopping center that had been bought earlier this morning. It wasn't long like the previous one, but a knee length dress with lace sleeves and a lace cutout in the back. Thea and Felicity had tried looking in bridal salons, but without a result. Felicity could still feel tears burning her eyes when she thought about her perfect dress. Last night she had struggled to stay calm. Oliver was trying his best to support her, but he was livid. He didn't know how he managed not to yell at the girls because he certainly wanted to. Felicity had been talking about her bridal gown for months and now seeing her so disappointed truly hurt him. Sadie and Sara never stopped apologizing, but even their sincere apologies wouldn't bring her dress back.

"You look amazing," said Thea, walking up to Felicity. "You really do. Oliver's jaw's gonna drop! And my brother says you look good in those… weird sweats of yours… you know, the ones that scream "Batman!" They're not very fashionable. You know that. I'm a future Queen of Fashion so you just have to agree with me."
"Is it because they're not fashionable or you just don't like Batman?" asked Felicity trying not to sound like she was in utter despair.
"I do like Batman, it's just… there are so many other superheroes that are awesome and no one has ever seen them on a piece of clothing! That's disrespectful," reasoned Thea.
"Well that's true," Felicity smiled, "every superhero deserves to be loved and printed on pants." Thea giggled and started pinning the veil into Felicity's hair. They heard a rapid knocking on the door and a second later Donna, Felicity's mother, jumped into the room and two small girls followed her inside. "Yayyy!" squealed Donna. "My baby girl is getting married!" She squealed even louder and ran to Felicity, handing her the bouquet. "You look so beautiful! But… long sleeves? What, are you eighty?"
"Mom!" the bride whispered loudly.
"Well at least your legs are showing."
"And the back," said Felicity, looking at herself in the mirror.
"What? Oh, that?" Donna stood behind her daughter. "No one will even notice…"
"Mommy so beaulitiliful!" sang Sadie adorably, swaying on her toes with excitement. She was wearing a short, pink fairy-like dress and Sara, who stood behind her, wore a matching yellow one. The girls had chosen the colors all by themselves and had been proudly announcing that they were the flower girls to everyone all morning.
"Yes, Aunt City, you are really and very and truly beautiful." said Sara with a serious expression making everyone laugh quietly.
"Thank you my pretty princesses," said Felicity. She leaned down to hug them.
"Okay girls, it's time to go!" Caitlyn, Felicity's maid of honor, entered the room with a notebook and a pen in her hands, checking something on her "Wedding Day List". "Everything we have to take with us is already in the limo. Except for your flowers; so don't even think of letting them go."
"Yeah City, just hold them in your deadly grip, they'll look better that way." joked Thea, walking up to Felicity to give her a reassuring hug. "You're beautiful. And you're about to become my sister! It's the most important day of my life! I've always wanted to have a sister." she confessed.
"I've always wanted a sister too," said Felicity smiling at the younger woman.
"Me too!" whispered Sadie. Everyone looked at her. Felicity blushed and took a breath a little too loudly.
"Sorry girls, we're two minutes behind schedule!" said Caitlyn breaking the deathly silence. No one knew if it was better to laugh or not.
"Yes Mommy! Dad's ready. And so funny, he's walking and walking and walking around this long car." said Sadie holding Sara's hand and leading her friend out of the room.
"Oh my poor brother… I'll run and check on him." Thea ran downstairs towards the door to reach Oliver before Felicity did. After a long walk down the stairs in sky-high high heels, the bride opened the door with shaky hands and left the Queen's mansion. In the yard stood a white limo, someone was already inside it, probably Diggle. Caitlyn went to sit with the girls and started to call Tommy, who was nowhere to be seen. Felicity's eyes moved to rest on her future husband. He was looking wonderful in a perfect suit, a bowtie around his neck. And he really was pacing around the car…
"Oh frack!" whispered Felicity, "Why is he pacing?"
"Why do these poor flowers look like they were picked a month ago?" Her mom whispered back, pointing at the flowers in Felicity's hands. "I'd better take them away from you before you make them look even worse!"
"Thanks mom," Felicity said and let her mom hug her.
"See you baby girl," Donna had tears in her eyes and Felicity wasn't far from it either.
"See you," was all she could manage to say because suddenly, all the guilt hit her hard. She had wasted years being mad at her mother all because of a stupid misunderstanding. Wasn't today supposed to be the best day of her life? So far it was all but good. She felt like she was about to cry, but then her eyes landed on Oliver who had stopped moving around and was now frozen in place, looking at her. Felicity walked up to him as fast as she could.
"Hey handsome," she said, smiling.
"Hello beautiful," Oliver was also smiling. There was something so familiar about her that always made him smile, no matter how sad, angry or nervous he was. They were about to start a new chapter of their life together and they were both looking forward to it.


Oliver and Felicity were facing each other, holding hands. Next to them stood Caitlyn and Tommy, Sadie and Sara between them grinning excitedly.
"Are they married?" asked Sadie pulling Tommy's sleeve. She looked very unhappy. "Tom, are they married?"
"Shh, no, not yet." he whispered to the little girl and took her hand, trying to comfort her.
"When?" Sadie asked again.
"When they kiss it means they are married, okay?"
"But Tom…"
"Shh, just a little longer princess. That's the best part," said Tommy, silently hoping the marrying couple wouldn't notice the commotion. Felicity took a wedding ring from a soft white pillow.
"Aunt Cait, I…"
"Just a minute baby girl, try standing still. Listen, mommy's going to say a beautiful thing…"
"I, Felicity Smoak, promise you solemnly that I love you with my whole heart and that I will remind you of it every single day of our life. I swear for better or for worse to be by your side…"
"Mommy!" squealed Sadie and Felicity immediately stopped. Both she and Oliver looked at their daughter. Oliver shook his head with a stern look in his eyes and Sadie lowered her head, Tommy and Caitlyn whispering something in her ears. Felicity didn't know what to do. She quickly tried to remember the next verse of her vow, suddenly forgetting everything. Her palms were sweaty in Oliver's hands, cheeks burning and hot tears forming behind her eyes. She wished she could let go already. Whoever said a wedding day was the best day of a girl's life deserved to go through what she had been going through. Oliver felt the same. His tuxedo seemed to be soaking wet. It was too hot; his head was pounding, heart about jumping out of his chest. He could feel everyone's eyes on him and the huge hall suddenly felt claustrophobic. He noticed Felicity forgetting what to say and felt her hands trembling, which made him even more frustrated. He squeezed Felicity's palms, looked back into her eyes and took a deep breath. Felicity immediately understood what he wanted and she took one slow, deep breath too.
"I swear for better or for worse to be by your side, and to support all of your decisions. I will also…" Felicity paused again. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Sadie with a desperate look on her face.
"Daddy!" she whined, tears going down her face. Oliver was immediately by her side and Felicity's heart stopped. Was Sadie doing her jealousy thing again? In the middle of the wedding? The bride walked up to Sadie and the little girl reached to hug her.
"Mommy I need to pee!" she sobbed, clinging to her mom for dear life. Felicity almost laughed. She pulled Sadie closer and hurried towards the corridor. She got the girl to the bathroom quickly. The last thing she needed on her wedding day was a "wet situation". Oliver stood startled for a minute.
"Excuse me, I'll be right back," he said holding back a laugh, and quickly left the room following his wife to be and his daughter.

When Oliver entered the bathroom Sadie was sitting on the sink counter while Felicity was wiping her tears with a tissue.
"Oh girls… What happened?"
"Nothing at all, Sadie needed to go to the bathroom and just got stressed a little, right little girl?" Felicity wondered how it was possible that her nervousness faded away so fast. All it took was a crying little girl for her to get a grip.
"Wanted wait… until you marry daddy… you were talking so long," Sadie was still shaking from her sobs when she tried to explain what happened. "Couldn't wait anymore," she said and reached for Oliver.
"You angry daddy? I could not wait anymore."
"No, I'm not angry at you baby girl, it's okay," Oliver picked Sadie up. "Mom's not angry either," he assured, looking at Felicity.
"Of course not. But… Oliver…" Felicity looked nervous again. "I had your ring in my hands and then Sadie started crying and I carried her here and… I don't have the ring anymore." Hearing how broken she sounded Oliver threw an arm around her waist, pulling her into a hug.
"Yeah, I was pretty surprised when you almost broke my finger putting it on," said Oliver and showed Felicity his hand. In the middle of his middle finger there was the 'lost' wedding ring. Oliver took it off and put it on properly.
"Uh… nevermind. And can we please get married already?" She asked hiding her face in the crook of his neck.
"Well, yes please! I feel like we're in sauna! Is the air conditioning broken or what?"
"No, I think it's just us," confessed Felicity, "I've heard it's normal to be nervous on your wedding day." Oliver nodded.
"What are we nervous about though?" he asked.
"The people. They pinch!" whined Sadie and hugged Oliver even closer.
"What?" wondered Felicity, "Who would dare to pinch my daughter?"
"Old ladies. Here," she explained pointing to her cheeks.
"Oh sweetie! Don't worry, stay close to us and no one will pinch you ever again," Oliver promised.
"So can we go? I want to marry your mommy."
"Let's go! Quickly!" squealed Sadie in excitement and Oliver carried her out of the bathroom, Felicity following right behind them.
They entered the room full of guests Moira and Donna insisted on inviting. All of them were smiling, laughing even, which was a good sign. No one was annoyed by the delay. Sadie hid her face in Oliver's chest, clearly ashamed. The minister smiled as soon as they approached their seats.
"We can continue now," said Oliver taking Felicity's hand, still holding Sadie with the other.
"I'll be quick in case any of you wants to go… you know… as well. So… um… Oliver, I love you and I love Sadie. And I admit that I love her way more than I thought I ever would. And I know that I want to spend my whole life with you," vowed Felicity and squeezed Oliver's hand letting him know it's his turn. With one hand Oliver reached for the wedding ring and started talking.
"I prepared a pretty good vow, but it's really long so… Felicity I love you and I want you to know that I want to be with you for better or for worse till death do us part." Oliver put the ring on the bride's finger and they both looked at the minister, smiling.
"Mr. and Mrs. Queen, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride," added the Minister looking at Oliver. With Sadie in his arms, Oliver leaned down and kissed Felicity quickly on her lips before pulling her into an embrace. "Maybe this day is not so bad after all?" asked Oliver in Felicity's ear.
"It's pretty good," she whispered back and kissed his cheek.
"Can we go eat finalalalaly?" wondered Sadie. Her parents laughed.
"Yes, baby girl," said Oliver, "We're all very hungry now." He put Sadie on the ground and she went to stand next to Sara. The music started playing and the flower girls lead the just married couple out of the hall towards the room where the party was about to start. After all the stress came the happiness. Felicity had a real family now. Not only a husband and daughter, but she also got her mom back after a seven year fight over something silly none of them could remember. Maybe wedding days weren't so bad after all.

Thank you all for reading! You are amazing! Thank you for all comments again... I'm counting on some under this chapter too :) See you all!