The Inquisitor


In the grim darkness of the future there is only war.

This is the fact I must accept despite my origins of being on a Hive-World where my own life was a mere speck of flesh and blood. I am but one human amongst the endless that thrives within the Imperium of Mankind. So in the reality of this stricken universe, I was at first nothing but another life amongst the countless of lives under the Emperor's gaze. However in time I grew apart from those numbers who did have a voice into one who gave the answers. Answers that have haunted myself for countless nights due to what I have seen in this reality.

I once said to myself when I was younger that I knew how to survive, that I knew how to live and how to earn my place to stay amongst the living. Living always seemed so difficult to do, always did it test ones self to be loyal to their cause and I know not what to think of it as something akin to a test. Did we all live to seemingly die for no ends? Did we die just to be mocked by those who rip asunder our souls? I had to withhold an urge to smile, now why would I ask myself about a reality in which that is the fate that we must face.

I myself am in constant dangers of being torn asunder by the ones who lurk in the darkest corners of the universe.

I question many things of what I have seen over my time, I have seen so many foul ilk of the Warp and the Heretical conception of those who stand against my purpose. I have seen many fall to that tainting manipulation and I have not the proper response without a power-sword to slay those who stand in my way. I am merely a servant to the power that may dictate my actions and will only will be able to command me! For I am a loyal agent to the Imperium of Mankind for which I question to discover the dangers lurking within. Now isn't that an interesting thing to say about myself and it takes me a moment to realize something.

If I am a loyal agent of the Imperium of Mankind...

Then why do I question everything that is wrong about it?

Walking down the various ally ways of the Hive-World that I had landed my ship on, my various servants and resources were merely searching for anything of notice. The heretical notions of those turning against the Imperium of Mankind are laughable but it occurs far too often. Far too common did those amongst themselves fall because it got easy to let go. My other fellows would have a field day in discovering the internal strife's that plague humanity and I have to witness so many in being destroyed. My eyes witnessed one of the lowly life prostitutes take a willing client per say, the concept was still the same to my thoughts and walk off behind a darkened portion of the alley.

If I were amused I'd say that the man taken by that woman wouldn't be clean.

So just for the coming future and for his own sake, well he'd die a slow death for such a perverse decision.

Any Adepta Sororitas I knew would certainly burn those who sullied in such acts.

Underneath this hive world where hundreds of billions if not tens of trillions of humans lived about their lives normally. None of them were worth the efforts needed by my mission and I honestly considered them all disposable if the worst came to pass. The forces of Chaos as a whole loved to infect, it thrived in causing deceit and decay of what made a society endure over the centuries. One of my Orders specialties as it were, was to sniff out and purge heretical elements within the Imperium's incomprehensible population of worlds. It was amusing to consider that the missions would never end as long as the millions of worlds all continued to endure, millions of word as a concept was staggering.

Throne of Terra did I consider myself a mad man to consider extinguishing millions of lives all over the possibility of Chaos entrenching itself?

Tapping my bolt pistol against my own temple as I pondered this while tipping my hat to conceal my face, the artificial lights within this part of the hive-city wasn't the most stable. Centuries of decay and neglect showed on the structures, a normal sight as it annoyed me to admit such a thing and this world was one of many. One of many that endured but not all of it lasted to confront the harsh truth that it was crumbling reality. Now it was again a shame as the millions called this particular spot home and many would claim otherwise to hope to battle this decaying fate. Not to mention I knew in the back of my mind they did what they could to earn a living.

A pitiful living to be more accurate as I slid amongst the shadows of the alleyway on my way towards my destination.

Perhaps it is what I get for serving the Imperium as an agent to the Emperor who sat on the golden throne and I knew not, but to follow the Imperial Creed. For it is the will of the Emperor who overlooks humanity to defend us from Chaos, Xeno and other such horrors alike. The Ruinous Powers that sought to destroy all and corrupt every last sentient life in the universe, Xenos included as much as I am loathe to admit this fact. Again I may be considered a heretic for my own thoughts, Xenos had their uses as any other human life for that matter and I was not arrogant to consider not using whatever tools were available too my will. Tools that came in all shapes or forms for my usage to complete the mission tasked before my very hands.

Some may call insane, a radically dangerous fool or perhaps a shred opportunist.

It mattered not, the means justified the ends in which I oversaw.

I have lived quite a long time to encounter War bands of Chaos, the ever persistent yet simple Orks, the mystical Eldar and their aloof nature that truly make my stomach curl in envy. Not envious of their long lives but the knowledge they hold in their hands, I have gotten a glimpse and it never looked in the Emperor's favor! As much as I am disgusted to admit this in my own thoughts, I'd never explain in public eyes or ears. The Xeno is a dangerous creature to warrant a cautious respect for even though many of my brethren do not share my sentiments. A pity but alas when they are at door in which the Emperor will judge their souls in the warp.

I will not weep for fools who do not think of the larger picture.

My legs carry me through a doorway where bloodied imprints of human hands are all over the exterior, a shame I hold no grief for idiots who dabble into heretical rituals that cause this mess and they reap the rewards for their misdeeds. Now I was a patient person for a better lack of a word, I did my duties to my utmost capability. A duty that I had grown used too and I never made mistakes in manners to damn my own soul. As much as I had it stained in the blood of heretic, innocent and Xeno alike in my quests to uphold the Imperial Creed across the Imperium's numerous worlds. I could sense a distortion in this area, a sickening yet very tempting sensation I had grown all too familiar to know what it means.

Chaos had once again infected another group of my fellow humans.

"Stupid fools."

I uttered these two words as I stepped through the doorway, it unlocked itself due to my hands easily accessing the panel that kept the gears in that position and it took a few moments. My earlier investigations bore the fruit in which I could access the lower entrances across this hive-city with little trouble, plus my own authority made things smoother than necessary. Glorious perks that the Emperor attained to our Order so many millennial ago, I honestly never considered it a tool unless such an occasion made that perspective appear in my gaze.

Walking down the hall, I noticed all seemed to be normal.

But to anyone else they'd be ignorant of the facts.

Blood leaked underneath the various doors locked, the distant screams of agony and praise made my stomach twist in disgust. So once again I had to purge out this miniscule incursion, Emperor willing did this task be quick and utterly satisfying to purge out these heretics. Absently I cocked back my bolt pistol into a ready position to fire away, my eyes took in the various symbols of eight pointed stars starting to line the walls with various other scripts aligning the surfaces. I sighed shaking my head at these idiotic foolish people for even delving into the dangers that always pertained to the taint of Chaos. I held no pity for those who willingly embraced the taint of such fowl disgusting ways.

The power sword in hand hummed as I activated its source, if I had been younger or perhaps more arrogant then I'd not expect numerous corpses line the floor. They were torn apart in the most inhumane ways that even not the Emperor on the golden throne would appeal too, Emperor willing, I'd say most Adeptus Astartes weren't this brutal considering their zeal was their own weaponry at times. Oh such brutality that were sent in my mind as I recalled the Blood Ravens, I also had met with their brother chapter of the Dark Angels were amongst my memories and I best not forget the Ultramarines whose feats were quite impressive. Well impressive enough to know that they weren't all bravado in any case.


I stated that to no one with a small smile on my lips.

Although I still preferred my own experiences amongst the Death Korps of Krieg on one mission of mine, very dedicated souls to their missions and purposes. I had a small sardonic smile to remember how bloody things could get within the gaze of the Emperor, his will worked in ways that protected but it never was doubtful to have a loaded firearm for good measure. I sounded paranoid, but it again was for good intentions for the most part. However my senses caught wind of praises and prayers to make my eyes harden all the more easily.

"Blood for Khorne!"

"Leave no flesh unscratched for the Blood God!"

Moving around a corner I came to bare witness two cultists of some kind stabbing wildly into a third body, a woman if I could tell of her chest was now stripped bare of flesh and her abdomen vertically slashed open. I narrowed my eyes briefly to see the unborn fetus of a child at her feet, her eyes were wide and dull, death was a mercy despite the circumstances that she must have experienced. I twitched my jawline to rush forward with my blessed power sword stabbing forward to cut into the heretic's flesh.

"Perish you foul creatures, may the Emperor judge your souls and crush them into vestiges of the warp that your Dark Gods dwell in."

One went down without a single thought, I torn through his heart and shot him point blank in the the face. Blood, brain matter and flesh all marred my face briefly as I spun around to kick the other into the wall. I tipped my cap to intone a silent prayer to the dead pregnant woman, even as I rammed my weapon into the downed cultists neck to decapitate his sorry excuse of a face. I glared briefly to see his head roll onto the ground just a mere foot away from my boots, I felt disgusted that he felt no pain other than a quick death.

Pitiful on my part, but I had no time to linger on delivering judgment on these heretics.

Walking forward I crushed the head with a stern step, I may not have the pleasure in delivering these foul heretical scum into the depths of the Warp but I would not fail in my task. Purging out this small cult would be a blessing of the Emperor's grace for this world to avoid something rather common amongst my order. I'd have to consider calling an Exterminatus if this taint were to spread beyond what it had already done. I honestly had no qualms in annihilating this planet if it came to pass, the price of one world against the dozen or more within this system would be at stake if I did not cleanse this heretical infection.

The Symbols of Chaos glowered in a light not natural to the mortal realm, I could detect the faint traces of darkened air trickle as I moved further inwards. The halls were bathed in red and body parts littered the ceiling to be hung like twisted decorations as one welcomed another into their home. I felt nothing but contempt for these foul ridden bastards that would feel my wrath, my eyes burned briefly as power surged within my veins as my natural abilities took a hold.

As a psyker I had the privilege to use my mind as my own greatest weapon.

And it never failed me in my times of need.

Inhaling deeply I could taste the foul energies on the tip of my tongue, a sweet yet sickening feeling floated over my body and I winced. Chaos taint that manifested hide its true intentions with the aroma of something tempting a man, or woman for that matter. Mere words were not enough to comprehend what any mortal felt when encroaching upon a tainted Chaos ritual, stronghold or even summoning for once a pact had been made. Reality bent towards the force of the Warp and now force aside from the Holy rites of purification did its work to banish these foul atrocities.

Idly my power-sword lay pointed downward as I kept my bolt pistol pointed ahead of my position.

I heard discharges of a firearm around the bend, my hearing picked this up as the sound of feet hitting the metallic floor came upon my senses and I had to keep my eyes trained ahead of me. I waited for seconds to pass as I heard a shotgun of sorts fire away, panting came next in the form of a crying little body being flung across in front of my vision.

Stopping roughly five meters, I looked upon a bruised and tearful teenage boy with a crude shotgun of sorts in his trembling grip. He looked so fragile and distraught, it caused maternal feelings to arise within my breast and I had to withhold an urge to frown. Hormones within my own body certainly had a time for envy and hopeful futures entwine, a pity for myself yet again. So I held my position with my sidearm drawn to the side to watch what came next.

And it certainly caused me to raise an eyebrow at what I witnessed.

"Why do you run, I just want your blood to be spilled. I promise it won't hurt much!"

A gargled twisted voice spoke up to send a shiver up my spine, this was the voice of a daemon that had been summoned into a vessel of flesh and blood. If this were a full manifestation then the entirety of the area would bend into a hellish visual of the Ruinous Powers from whence it was spawned. Curiously enough my caution warranted to watch as the teenage boy hissed back fearful but yet his tone held a strength of hatred to match any pure agent of the Imperium of Mankind. Well now, what an interesting trait I never shared with others of my own Order.

Hatred so righteously issued...

All made myself do was to form a grin.


I withheld that moment to chuckle, oh did the poor little one already lost someone? He was among many and beyond many more to count to have such a fate bestowed upon him. I stood there watching with a growing interest as my mind prickled when I saw the first signs of the daemon's host, I had to inwardly conceal my discomfort. It started when a meat like arm with no skin appeared to stretching out and exposing the muscle underneath. Horns of some kind were sticking along the forearm and the full depravity of this cult summoning as I inwardly summoned my power.

A shotgun shell erupted as it exploded the arm as the gurgled voice laughed too happily.

"Come now, the God of Blood will welcome your rage against his foes! You have potential unlike those other fledglings, Khrone will reward thee with power and glory to your souls content child!"

I noted that the boy was crying, it wasn't a shame he didn't look no older then twelve or something of that number. It was remarkable how defiant he was despite the terror radiating off his little form at the face of a daemon. Rather commendable in my opinion but I wondered how far he'd go to resist that daemon's hosts words, I knew many other lesser willed men would've agreed to turn. Not to mention his little green eyes were desperate to look away but I could tell, if he took his eyes off it'd be his death, a very astute assumption and that wasn't a sign of cowardice in any right.

"You killed killed her...I HATE YOU!"

Both sets of teeth were clenched so viciously I noted he had some blood leaking down, now possibly due to biting the inside of his mouth to refuse to scream. Not out of fear as I sensed, but out of sheer hate for an enemy he was facing down that he had no hope to destroy. An interesting prospect no doubt, so if any child in that position had nothing to attain for such a result. At least not being able to banish this foul entity back into the warp with a parting gift of a blessed weapon, now I couldn't help but think about this for a moment. His screams were so potent that even I had to abstain from laughing.

It was so full of hatred for the right reasons and on top of that, I sensed the very air around him shimmer as if it were heated.

I could sense an invisible steam arose around his frame that most would not be able to witness if they had no talents in the arts of sorcery to be a pskyer.

Again an interesting prospect, I distinctly heard the foul warp entity chuckle, "Hate me? Oh you poor delusional child, your powers will be an excellent addition to our horde. Your soul will make my hunger go away for a time, the Blood God desires such tenacity in his servants!" I witnessed the full body of the daemon host step forward into my gaze, any humane body parts were melded together as more than one corpse had been fused for a better lack of a word. Fused together to form this hunched back visage akin to a mutant, no I was being too lenient to say such a comparison. Oh I felt so disgusted at that sight, the horns aligning the arms and legs like a mockery of a pure warrior and I could see the faces of the dead twisting in agony along its rib cage.

God-Emperor willing I'd banish this wretched thing back into its spawn pit and burn its corpse into the cosmos!

I noted however that the boy put on a face mixed with defiance and utter loathing, "Then eat this you fecking bastard!"

I watched as the youngster literally ran up to the daemon host and smashed the shotgun under its chin as he pulled the trigger to fire the last two shells within the weapon, it gave a prominent click when it emptied and he ran towards me without evening looking. I smirked a bit while standing there to see the partially headless daemon host stumble in its tracks. Oh it wouldn't be long before that thing regenerated its skulls since nothing human remained within that abomination and I had to thumb my holy bolter pistol with its ammunition. At least the little one had a mind to flee when the daemon's host had to reform its physical state, I knew pain could do the trick at times.

Soon enough to my prediction the daemon host stood upright and a bubbling mass of flesh start to form a face with a sickening smile laced on its expression.

I praised the Emperor knowing this wasn't a full manifestation so the risk were generally lower, but the danger was all the same. Daemons were never to be underestimated or one would pay with their life to fail at such a task, or even worse the price would be their soul. The boy ran quickly away from the regenerating form of the daemon's body, oddly enough I had an opportunity to get out of his way but I allowed my body to remain still. If there was a time where I had feeling of hopeful endeavors this had been the most unforgiving circumstances I'd had known to date and the Emperor must have had a sense of humor.

Again I pitied myself to allow these maternal hindrances plague my thoughts.

I felt a small body impact my waist as the youngster cried out in shock to land on his behind, I casually looked down to stare at a pair of green eyes in shock and terror. The terror if he had found himself caught by another being that would kill him, partially true if I wanted too in the first place. I chuckled out loud drawing the attention of the boy who trembled speaking out, it was almost adorable how sturdy his voice was when I compared it too...

Compared it to Imperial Guardsmen or Commissars, or the occasional Planetary Governor as they all quaked in their questions when asking I, the authority that only the Emperor could command. I was the authority to judge, to decide and to ultimately carry out fate itself. The Imperial Creed guided my hands and I guided my actions to purge out Daemons infesting the Imperium of Mankind for it was what my purpose was in this darkened universe.

"W...Who are you?" He asked fearfully while cradling the now spent firearm, I doubted he knew it had anymore shells left inside its loading chamber and it was a shame, I'd consider him to use it against me. While useless to an extent, I witnessed that spirit of rage within his eyes. It was were more then enough to make it commendable as always but I answered casually.

My jacket shifted when I revealed the Rosette that I carried on my chest, a red numeral of Holy Terra that had a skull in the center.

"That is not the question you should be asking me, little one. In fact I'd pay attention to what I have to say in the next minute or so." I spoke this quite bemused as the boy looked naturally confused, a pity that he showed more courage to face me directly than most men three times his age. I wondered if the Emperor wanted me to meet this boy or somehow come across him, well to have him come before me and to judge him. Such was the duty of one in my station and I had no qualms in eying the daemon's host standing on its malformed two feet.

I had to rectify such a state for it to endure a holy fire.

He screamed at me without a care in the world, "What do you want from me!"

My eyes briefly flashed a bright white to make the child step back, a wise choice.

I merely gestured to him in order to stem my trigger finger, "It is not I who seeks something from you, but its you, yourself that must decide for what you need. Do you seek retribution or death?" The boy looked over his shoulder to see the abomination hiss out angrily at having to regrow a skull where I'd assume one its brains were located at, it'd be a bothersome chore to play a guessing game like trying to hunt down a cloaked Lictor of the Tyranid menace. The temperature of the hallway arose enough to where I tipped my cap to hide my face so that I'd dare not stare at the foul daemon host for I might lose control to purge it without a cause.

"I...I don't understand! We have to run from that...that thing! It won't die!"

Here I smiled almost gently to lean forward to make the boy rear back as if I were a daemon in the flesh. An irony I was more of a terror as a human than the abomination currently staring us down, pride was a devious thing to have when a child consider you the real monster but fear corroded truth in order for pride to flourish. Sighing internally I needed to set the record straight, for the Emperor protects those who believe in him and I had to set this child on a path needed for positive support.

"Everything dies eventually, little one. It's just a matter of finding the right facts and circumstances to inflict such an outcome, so that Retribution is all the more sweeter when a horror is banished back into it's festering hole." I stated almost casually to someone whose heard of my thoughts on the matter.

I noticed the boy was looking at me with expression akin to...


Whatever the case was I had his attention and that is what mattered, I had to perform a small test in order to gauge this youngsters potential for which my mind considered and I was almost believing myself to be a heretic. Why would I consider saving a child and have him molded into a weapon, when I myself had no need for Acolytes for example. It was laughable but instincts were more than fulfilling to see what laid within this small child. "Do you seek vengeance, or do you seek to flee? Flee and to die helplessly like those already within this place."

The youngster I noticed, had bit his lip as tears streamed down his face."It killed Jane! It killed her to satisfy Arneb, he told me and Jane that'd we get paid if we helped him with a job. He spoke words and then something came out from inside him!" I raised an eyebrow to hear the agony inside his voice, I knew it had to be sub-par attempt at summoning a daemon beyond the veil of reality. I had to commend the stupidity of who summoned that foul monstrosity ahead of us, blood sacrifices managed to get some attention and I had to take account how many it'd do to get something like that.

"I...I want it dead! I want to kill it! Please!"

I glanced down again partially smirking.


I smiled all too happily, well this was such an eager child that wanted to know things he could simply do if he had the right education. I would have started to explain but I first had to buy a few minutes to properly assist this youngster in the best way possible, directly intervention. Placing a hand onto my belt I activated a grenade that hummed alive creating a beeping sound as I looked up a bit bored to see the stalking daemon hiss out angrily at my presence.

The jawline wasn't even remotely human anymore.

"A frag should do the trick, for now."

Pulling the boy aside I flung the primed explosive device and manged to whirl around to have him pressed under my chin as I stared at the abomination which caught the object. I smirked when it hissed out in confusion as to what it did, apparently the youngster had blown out a few brain cells that were once human and now it was a mindless beast. I felt the child cling to me out of sheer desperation despite the circumstances in him wanting to kill this daemon host, definitely a new sensation to have a child grip to waist line as my coat encircled him briefly.

The grenade had a three second delay.

And I mentally counted along with the Emperor's blessing.

An explosion rocked the entire hallway as a horrid screeching came to my ears, I had shielded the boy from harm as shrapnel barely came close to our position and my armor merely did its duty. Occasionally chips of metal fell off the ceiling as I surveyed the damage, it wasn't too much as I thought of it sadly. Pieces of flesh were spewed over the walls, I saw bone and organs pulsating to where I sensed the daemon's sorcery at work.

The host daemon started to pull itself back together literally.

"I want you to listen to me very carefully, little one."

I intoned this sternly as the boy looked up at the base of my waist, his eyes were watery but fine nonetheless. I could tell he was looking at me in awe now, a flattering thought for sure but I wanted to make sure my instincts weren't lying to me in the least. If this youngster wanted retribution, he'd have to learn that the price for that type of power would be costly and I'd have to collect the fee for assisting him in this little petty scheme for revenge.

I back tracked a bit. Now it was petty for me to think such things, he had yet to succeed. In the end I just smiled, "In order for you to slay your friend's killer, you need to face that fear head on so you can understand that it can die. Do this first and foremost, fear may be natural but it does not rule you as courage can be gained to face your fears."

Slowly I turned him to face the half blown apart daemon host, it struggled mightily shouting a language of its dark origins and I barely understood a word or two. Being apart of the Order I felt the need to be aware of what my enemies and prey spat out in their rages, it wasn't a pleasant thought to be cursed by a daemon who was on the verge of being banished to the Immaterium yet again. Carefully I sheathed my power sword to lay a hand on his shoulder, I needed to channel my own ability to prematurely jump start this youngster's weaponry locked away within his mind.

"Are your eyes closed?" I asked calmly as I heard the boy mumbled, "Yes."

Looking forward I raised my bolt pistol to unleash four shots to blow apart one of legs for good measure, the daemon host screeched beyond anything humane as the blessed rounds fizzed into its flesh to began eating away akin to acid and I smirked, such a wonderful display. The Emperor protects but again does it never say it is wrong to keep the Holy weapons on your person for usage. So I eased my firearm to the side to have the smoking barrel ease its heat, I think I was having too much fun with this and it'd be all the more sweeter to realize what I was doing.

The youngster had flinched when I fired close to his ear, a simple endurance test as his eyes were still closed. Briefly I spoke up to ward off the concern, "I want you to use your hatred as a weapon. A weapon you can unleash on your foes, for your own sake, so imagine a burning sensation within your head and pull it to the surface. Use your hate as a means to demand retribution in the holy fires to purge this abomination and take vengeance for your loved one. Imagine heat and fire at the base of your finger tips."

My eyes glow white briefly to inject my pskyer signature into him briefly as the boy shuddered when he did as he was told, I had admit he was such an obedient little one and I felt his body subtly shift. My gaze looked a bit shocked to see the little one raise the shotgun in a manner of a trance, I understood why. He needed a familiar object to transfer his potential, so my hand gripped his shoulder as his smaller frame trembled when I felt the temperature of the air grow hotter. The weapon started to have smoke arise from its barrel, I noted how this little one was channeling that sensation of heat into the weapon and it showed. Smiling at such a creative way to discover control through feeling.

I whispered harshly the words to allow him to unleash the flames of retribution to banish this foul ilk of daemon sorcery into the Warp and fulfill his wish of destroying his loved one's killer. A righteous hatred given the form of flames to cleanse the taint of Chaos. "Now open your eyes and see your enemy, the daemon. Imagine it burnings and hate it with all your heat, to burn it alive! Show no mercy for it slaughtered your friend Jane, imagine her face as you watched it tear her asunder and let the flames of vengeance come forth in a Holy Retribution little one..."

His form trembled as he hissed out in pain, the shotguns barrels were reddish white.

So close yet so far...

"Burn the daemon, child"

The boy whimpered as his eyes remained tight with tears leaking down his face to hiss into steam as it hit the weapon in his hands. I could feel that potential burning within him like an inferno, such power from an untrained child on his no named world, it was simply magnificent as I continued to push him. That raw emotion was there to influence his need for vengeance, I allowed my training to guide his soon to be retribution.

"You have no power here! That child is mine you wretched whore!"

I looked up smiling at the host of the daemon as it gurgled at sensing the massive build up of psychic energies and I merely told the boy. His eyes were clenched so fiercely as he remembered the screams, the pain, the heart wrenching agony and that sheer enraged feeling of wanting to protect his friend. It was so cute that I hissed out vindictively to give him that push to unleash the Emperor's wrath through his gift of the Warp's own strength.

"Burn it child. Burn it now or forever know you have failed in avenging your friend's death, forever knowing you are nothing more than a coward and a worthless piece of flesh who can't deliver on his wishes."

My words had an effect on him.


He whispered so vehemently I smirked, "What did you say?"

The boy looked up with his eyes closed as I grinned all the more interested. My hand through its gloved fabric burned enough to sizzle the leather and metallic plates in a show of steam, my skin remained cool as my energy kept him focused on picturing the target on hand. Emperor bless me for my efforts were taking effect without as much as myself moving a hand to banish this creature, I could only imagine what he'd do with a proper education. It'd be a waste for the Black Ships of my Order to find him and keep him locked away to be used at the base of the Golden Throne. I have taken an interest in a child before this instance and it was rather hypocritical of me to realize I had passed up on latent psykers beforehand.

They all met their fates viva the Black Ships, or the end of power sword rammed into their chest cavity to put them out of their miseries.


Watching interestedly as the boy lifted his empty shotgun with the barrel an angry red and orange as my eyes lifted to see the daemon roar out in rage. Its vocal cords were mending the damage on its host and it screeched as the impasse of energy peaked in the form of this little one, I was merely directing his hatred as a weapon.

"How can a child manifest such a firestorm without guidance! I will not be banished, I WILL NOT!"


That word do itself credit as the inhumane eyes of the host widened as the boy opened his eyes to see his adversary.

Both green orbs were nothing more than a pure cyan with steam licking away on the sides, the tears still fresh as he trembled with so much anger did he point the charged weapon at the daemon. I smiled as my instructions were followed the letter, such imagination to have an intense heat being instilled in that dormant weapon and that was only the tip of the spear when it came down to infusing psychic energies to combat the horrors of the Warp.

"I...will not fail Jane...I will..."

The boy paused for one moment as he leveled the weapon and I braced him with my other hand knowing what came next.


The trigger was pulled as a wave of white fire shot forward like a combi-flamer used by the blessed soldiers of the Imperium as heat and light combined to cause an inferno firestorm with the daemon screeching. The boy yelled out so loudly his knees buckled under the power being exerted onto his body and I withstood completely steady with my brim of my hat concealing my face's smile. Metal and stone burned under this child's potent rage, I could only inhale happily enjoying that smell of burning flesh of a foul ilk of a daemon. The daemonic screeching ceased within a moment as the boy collapsed in front of me and passed out into a merciful unconsciousness.

Fire ceased spewing from the shotguns muzzle as metal burned so hotly it lightly began to melt.

So I kicked the weapon to the side to allow it too cool off.

I stood over the prone form of the boy as fire licked away at all before us, I saw flesh becoming blackened charred remains to crumble into dust. One host for a daemon on its partial manifestation had been eliminated and the main threat had been eliminated. I didn't even have to break a sweat, my how very kind of this boy. Really I was impressed such a display of power could be handled even though I used my own signature to stimulate the response, it was a clear indication if he was given the right training and education he'd be an asset for the Imperium to cleanse its population of these foul daemon cultists.

Kneeling down I placed a finger near his neck, the youngster was alive and breathing heavily as if he sprinted a gauntlet of a mile. Otherwise he was fine and in workable condition. Absently I blinked when felt a trace of burned dust hit my face and I wiped it away easily. Just then my Vox communication came to life, crackling as I heard an update from my subordinates, "My lady, we've just destroyed a group of heretics and the rest of my Storm Troopers are en-route to your position. The area is secured and we're awaiting your orders."

I responded naturally to do a sweep and to destroy all traces of this small cult, no need to linger since the threat was neutralized. There was still so many numerous situations like this and all I had to do was continue onwards, for an Inquisitor's work was never finished regardless of the situation, "Plant melta-bombs in all key areas, no traces of we were ever here. Level the building and prepare for a new arrival, lieutenant."

My Vox crackled as the trooper spoke up, "Acknowledged mam. May I inform the rest of the retinue to prepare for a new member?"

I smirked, "Negative. This is more personal, it sees I have found my own suitable Acolyte for the Inquisition's Ordos Malleus to take under my wing. So rendezvous on my location immediately and prepare to go off world. We have more infestations to root out, Lieutenant."

"By your orders Inquisitor Tartarus."

The Inquisitor ceased her Vox's communication as she looked down at the boy who was breathing steadily.

But unlike before did she notice a detail on his face that made her interested.

He had a smile on his face with the tears still falling.

And was the sign of a future daemon hunter if she ever said such a thing.

End Prologue

Author's Note: This has been a very long time coming, I'm an avid Fan of Warhammer 40K and to be fair I only got into it about a year two ago. Seriously, I've read mainly Imperial Guard books which by far are my favorites hands down. As much as I hate the High-Gothic (Astra Militarum) name, I don't use it and to be fair it doesn't sound right to me at all regardless of legal issues. However I do like the Inquisition just as much, I really wanted to expand myself to go from waiting on stories on the sidelines and I figured to do this little project of mine.

I play Dawn of War 2 Retribution w/Elite Mod, so I consistently see the urge to write out what I wish too and to honest who wouldn't? I'm getting into table top but it's damned expensive to really get into it, so slow progress on that front but overall this story is about the Rise of a New Inquisitor of the Imperium of Mankind. Honestly they control so much at their whims and the fascination of seeing one start from a humble yet realistic origin (for Warhammer 40K I'm giving this a light note) for such a grim distant future. So I have time to mess around and to see where I want to go with this type of thing.

So I really want reviews/feedback since I'm a bit iffy with the Lore as a Whole, so by means correct me and do what you need inside said reviews please.