The Long Weekend-Ch 1

Penelope stood tiredly in front of the elevator waiting for the doors to open so she could see her team of superheroes, a few seconds later the doors opened and they one by one stepped off hugging her. She smiled and said, "welcome home my crime fighters", Hotch said, "it's good to be home Penelope", Dave kissed her cheek and said, "it's good to see you kitten".

She laughed as JJ and Reid stepped off the elevator talking about possible plans for the weekend, Emily blew out a deep breath and said, "it's good to see you PG". Penelope grinned as she hugged her friend and said, "it's good to see you to my raven haired beauty", she then watched as her hotstuff the one and only Derek Morgan was the last one to step off the elevator.

Derek walked over to her and said, "it is sooooo good to see you baby girl", she said, "you look exhausted sugar shack", he yawned and said, "I am momma, we all are". Hotch said, "I'm going to go and get my paperwork started so I can take my beautiful wife and head home", Emily winked and said, "right behind you Aaron".

Dave said, "if you will excuse me kitten I have a few calls to make and unfortunately some paperwork that won't wait", she kissed his cheek and said, "catch ya later my italian stallion". Reid looked over and said, "it should take me approximately 44.2 minutes to get my paperwork finished", JJ laughed and shook her head as she kissed her husband on the lips and said, "I'll meet you at the elevator when I'm done".

Reid grinned and said, "see ya later Jayje", he looked at Penelope and said, "later Garcia", she laughed and said, "later my little genius, later Jayje", Derek kissed the top of Penelopes head and said, "how about after I get my paperwork finished we head back to mine and watch a movie and passout quietly on my new couch goddess"?, she nodded her head and said, "sounds like a plan hotstuff, just come to my lair when you're done".

He kissed her cheek and said, "will do beautiful, will do", he sighed as he watched her head off toward her office, he inwardly moaned as he watched her butt sway back and forth as she disappeared around the corner. He turned around and bumped into Reid and said, "man I thought you went to get your paperwork done so you and Jayje could leave"?, he smiled and said, "when are you going to tell her"?, he said, "tell who what pretty boy"?, he shook his head and said, "when are you going to tell Garcia that you are in love with her"?, he yawned and said, "I don't know what you're talking about pretty boy" as he turned and headed toward his office to start his paperwork.

As Reid watched his friend tiredly walk toward his office he wondered if Derek would ever work up the courage to tell Penelope how he truly felt, after Derek walked into his office Reid turned around and headed over to his desk to get his paperwork started. Almost an hour later Dave knocks on Hotchs door, he looks up and says, "come in".

Dave stepped inside and said, "can I run something by you"?, he motioned for Dave to come inside and said, "sure, what's on your mind"?, he said, "I just got off the phone with Erin and she has given us the next 4 days off sooooooo I was thinking that we could all head up to my cabin for some very much needed family fun".

Hotch smiled and said, "I love that idea but I can't speak for the rest of the team", Dave said, "how about after everybody's finsished with their paperwork we bring them to the round table room and run it by them"?, Hotch nodded his head and said, "good idea", he then stood up and saw that everybody was standing in the bullpen except Derek and Penelope.

Dave said, "I'll text kitten and Morgan and get them to meet us in about 10 minutes", Hotch nodded his head and said, "and I'll step down there and tell the rest of the team". Dave grinned as he pulled his cell off his belt and sent a text to Derek and Penelope letting them know about the meeting, he stood there still holding his cell a few minutes later when he got a return text from both letting him know that they would be there.

Time quickly passed and soon the team was all waiting on Hotch and Dave to walk into the room, Derek smiled as he sat down beside Penelope and said, "you don't think we have another case do ya"?, she said, "I don't think so". Everybody looked up when they heard Hotch and Dave walking into the room, Hotch said, "first off, nooooooo we don't have a case".

Hotch said, "Dave had an idea and he wanted to share it with the rest of the team", everybody watched as Dave stepped forward and said, "I talked to Erin a few minutes ago and we are off for the next 4 days". The room erupted in unanimous, "YESSSSSSSSS", he grinned and said, "so I was hoping that you would want to spend those 4 days up at my cabin".

Reid said, "what do you think Jayje"?, she smiled and said, "4 days at the lake, swimming, eating, laughing and having fun, count me in", Reid looked up and said, "count us in Dave". Hotch said, "Em and I are in to sooooooo that just leaves Morgan and Garcia", Derek looked at Penelope and said, "what do you think baby girl"?, she smiled and stuck her two thumbs up and said, "sounds good hotstuff".

Derek looked at Rossi and said, "count me and sweetness in", Dave said, "great, I'll call and get everything stocked up with everybodys favorite foods and I'll make sure that the poolhouse is ready". Hotch said, "so when should we head up"?, Dave said, "well with us getting the next 4 days off after today, I think that we should go home and get our stuff packed and head up tonight".

Hotch said, "all in favor of us heading home and packing our stuff and heading up to the cabin tonight say I", a few seconds later the room was filled with the team in unison saying, "IIIIII". Dave said, "great, I'll call and make sure that everythings ready for us when we get there", he then turned and headed out of the room with his cell in his hand.

Hotch said, "Rossis cabin has 5 bedrooms, soooo I guess", Derek looked at a smiling Penelope and said, "dibs", Penelope laughed and said, "I would love to share a room with you sugs". Hotch looked at his watch and said, 'alright let's all head home and get packed and how about we all try to head out by 4 so we can beat the traffic"?, everybody nodded their heads yes as they all headed down the stairs and toward the elevator.

As they stepped onto the elevator Derek said, "I'll swing by and pick you up sweetness", she said, "sounds good chocolate thunder", Reid watched as Derek then lovingly wrapped his arms around his friend. He wondered if this long weekend would be enough to give Derek the courage he needed to finally tell Penelope how he truly felt.