Hey! So this is my first fanfic. I love GaLe! I'll be adding more chapters as the story progresses, possibly ending in lemon? Please review I haven't written in avery long time so I'm sure this isn't very good! I hope you enjoy it! Thanks!

The day started the same as always. Gajeel sat at the bar watching everything around him attentively. Mirajane was down at one end talking to Cana who kept taking swigs out of a large barrel of booze. Natsu and Gray were at it again, throwing names and slurs at each other that did as little damage on the other as their attacks seemed to. Natsu's flaming fist made contact with Gray's own ice clad fist, droplets of water came pouring down around the guild hall, drenching everyone close to them. Normally he'd be itching to be a part of it, but today he decided to amuse himself by just watching. Besides he and Levy had a job.

As if on cue the doors open and in walked Levy. Her sky blue hair pulled up in a black ribbon her normal orange dress and been changed out for skin tight white denim shorts and a black halter top. Gajeel watched as she walked across the hall and took the seat next to him and she greeted him. He gave her small figure the once over. Her curves were not as pronounced as the other women around her, but she knew how to show them off when she wanted. Her shorts fit her thighs perfectly so that they could have been painted on, her top fit loosely so it had to cling to her small breasts for dear life. He shook his to bring himself back to the present.

He kicked Levy's chair a little to get her attention, "Hey shrimp, are you ready to leave?"

"Of course! When does the train leave?"

"In about an hour, we should probably get going,"

He lazily slid off the bar stool and stretched a little. He looked around to see if Lily was in the hall, he wasn't huge on goodbyes but it might be nice to see him before they leave. The cat was nowhere to be found, Gajeel shrugged. It's not incredibly unusual for the Exceed to wander off to find a quiet place to nap. Besides Pantherlily knew he had a job today, so instead he just followed Levy outside.

Magnolia was always hot in July, but this year it seemed unbearable. The people had taken to wearing as few clothes as was legal, and hiding inside. Those that were brave enough to wander outside, or worse had to work in the scorching heat, wore bandanas and carried canteens with them everywhere, just to keep from melting. Which was more than could be said for the architecture, the cobblestone streets shimmered in the heat giving the illusion that they had become liquid. Despite wearing heavy clothes heat almost never bothered Gajeel, but today he could feel it pummeling him, causing is forehead to sweat. Levy stood next to him, a large trunk in tow. He sighed inwardly the whole trunk was probably books, and if she had remembered, a change of clothes. She caught him eyeing the trunk and smiled up at him,

"It's only a few important books I promise,"

"Yeah sure," He shrugged and they started through the streets towards the train station.

After navigating the bustling train station they loaded their packs into the car, Well really Gajeel loaded their packs. Levy settled down on one side of the car and stared out the window as the train pushed off,the deep golden rays of the evening sun landing across her face. When he looked at her a few minutes later she was fast asleep, her forehead pressed light against the glass. The dragon slayer laughed to himself and leaned is head against the bench cushion, making himself comfortable before falling asleep himself.

When they had arrived at the station it was late into the night, most of the streets were empty as they walked to the hotel. They were staying at small inn in the middle of town, the brick building was sandwiched between a bridal shop and a book store. Gajeel made a mental note to keep Levy out of the shop if he could. The last thing they needed was fifty extra pounds in books to cart home, but it was too late.

"Gajeel! Look at how cute that little shop is! Can we stop there before we go home, it the perfect place to spend a little of the jewels from the reward don't you think?" She ran to the window inspecting all the titles on display, fingertips pressed to the glass trying to get a better look at everything inside. Her breath was fogging up the glass.

"Yeah we'll stop by there when we're done," He pushed the door to the inn open, "now come on let go get our room,"

The girl behind the counter was mousy and she spoke so quietly Gajeel almost couldn't hear her, but they finally managed to get the key to their room. The room was at one end of a long hallway on the second floor. The inn was musty and you could smell the age of the place, as if it leaked through the floor. Each door had its number carved into it by hand, they came to their room, 156, and Gajeel unlocked the door and pushed it open.

The room was old, the wood floors had deep scratches and grooves and was warped from different spills and abuse. the furniture was well taken care of but the years of use were starting to show. There was a small closet and wardrobe, a bedside table. A chair with lace doilies on the arms sat close to the bathroom door. The only thing that looked new was the bed, with clean white linens and a new frame it looked oddly out of place. Wait! One bed? Gajeel groaned inwardly. He had specifically asked for a room with two beds. He was going to have to walk back down to the front and get them a different room.

"Dammit, come on shorty we have to back to the desk and get a room with two beds," he turned around.

The small woman was slouched against the wall, eyes heavy. It seemed all of her energy had drained out of just walking down the hall.

"Gajeel it's ok I can sleep in that chair or on the floor its no big deal," she stifled a yawn, "really."

"If you're sure its ok with you, but you can take the bed and I'll sleep in the chair," he moved into the room to allow her entrance.

Levy stumbled to the bed and slipped her shoes off next to her trunk at the foot of the bed and took her headband out. She crawled onto the bed and collapsed onto a pillow. Gajeel sighed and made his way over to the bed.

"Hey, lift up for a sec," she warily did as she was told and lifted her body off the bed, allowing Gajeel to take the blankets from under her lay them on top of her. She mumbled a thank you and pulled them tighter around her slight shoulders. He ran his hand up and down her back for a few minutes. His hands were as long as the width of her back just she was quietly snoring.

Gajeel took off his own boots off and then dug around in his pack for a blanket and some more comfortable clothes. He found some black sweats and slipped them on while Levy's back was turned and then settled into the chair. He folded his arms and leaned his back against the chair, which was far more comfortable than he had assumed. He smiled a little thinking of how cute Levy looked when she was tired. He heard turn over on the bed. Then he heard her voice.

"Gajeel why don't you ever kiss me?"

Gajeel's eyes shot open. He sat up and looked around. This wasn't the room at the inn, he wasn't in a chair, and Levy hadn't just asked him that. At his feet Pantherlily was sleeping soundly, and outside his bedroom window the sun was just rising. Gajeel flopped back down and stared at the ceiling. He would've like to have seen where that dream ended up.