Chapter 7

This girl is despicable! Wha-what the hell!? She just assaulted me a second ago but shrugged it off like it's no biggie and went back to sleep? I could still feel my heart racing in my chest. How dare she touch me like that..I will make her pay when the time comes.

Narrowing down my eyes at her I pulled at the chains to annoy her. "Don't touch me." I spat at her.

"Go to sleep or I'll make you." she grumbled sleepily.

My eyebrow twitched, just what does she mean by 'make me'? I shivered at the thought only, I'm not taking any risks. So I scooted away as far as possible from her and lay on my side trying to get some sleep. It was really quiet, the only thing that was audible was the quick noise of the crickets in the distance. Sighing I clutched at my sides after shivering. It was quickly getting colder.

Seconds passed and turned into minutes, and minutes turned into an hour,but I still could not fall asleep. What am I supposed to do..? Did I make a wrong choice, should I have not left the Kingdom? Getting frustrated I ran a hand through my hair. I turned around and looked at Marceline. She was fast asleep once again, facing the ceiling. Her chest raised and fell in a slow motion. Looking at her face made my own expression soften, I noticed how calm and innocent she looks like, so unlike her usual serious and grumpy self.

Tearing my gaze off of her I closed my eyes and tried once again to force myself to go to sleep. Everything will have to wait for now, I need to get some sleep if I wanna get things done. Thankfully this time I felt myself slowly drifting off, and soon enough I was enveloped by darkness.

[] Dream []

Cold...its so cold, I though as I trembled. My hands were tied behind my back and my vision was restricted by the cloth around my eyes. Resting my head against the hard stoned wall I let out a breath, my limbs begun to feel numb. A dress was my only protection from the freezing temperature.

I heard shouting from outside of my room, followed by furniture breaking and slashing of swords. Whats going on?...

Hearing the door suddenly open caused me to jump a little I blindly looked in the direction of the sound and would have backed away from it if not for the wall that blocked my way.

"Princess Bonnibel!" the person shouted. That voice...!

"Gumball?" I managed to ask as hope started filling me.

He ran up to me and quickly crouched down to untie the cloth that blocked my vision. I blinked a few times and squinted at the person in front of me. He then proceeded to untie the ropes around my wrists.

"Gumball its really you!" I said as I hugged my older brother tightly.

He returned the hug breathing heavily. "Bubblegum, I was so worried, I'm sorry we couldn't find you anytime sooner.." after pulling away from the hug he gripped my shoulders and looked me in the eye "did they do anything to do?"

I shook my head and he sighed in relief giving me one more quick hug. And placed a blanket over me to protect me from the cold. "We need to leave, me and my troops have dealt with those mongrels."

Nodding I shakily stood up regaining my balance, Gumball led me out of the room I was held in. Dead bodies were sprawled on the floor and the smell was getting to me, I knew I shouldn't break down here and now. Bare footed I walked after my brother on the wooden floor.

He opened the door and bright rays of sunlight blinded my view, I held out my hand to shield myself from it. The cold air filled my lungs and I pulled the blanket even tighter around myself. The air that I breathed out turned into fog. We headed towards the horses, the troops were walking around checking the bodies.

We neared the horses, but out of nowhere a man jumped out swinging an ax at us. Gumball quickly ducked down pulling me with him. He elbowed the guys arm, forcing him to drop the weapon and punched him back.

The man spit out a tooth and grinned as he charged at my brother. He tried to punch Gumball in the ribs but thankfully he averted the hit and smacked the man's side of the head. He took out his sword and was about to attack when the man tackled him down.

"Gumball!" I desperately shouted as I clutched my fists.

His sword had pierced the man and Gumball pushed him off of himself panting. He tried to sit up but he winced in the process. Running up to him I felt my heart racing loudly.

"Gumball?" I asked nervously as I examined his face.

He looked down and cursed nuder his breath, looking down I noticed a small handle sticking out of his chest. My heart sank when red liquid started soaking into the fabric of his clothes.

"Crap... didn't notice... he had a knife." he slowly said and coughed up blood. He wrapped his fingers around the handle nervously and pulled it out. The handle seemed small, but the blade itself was really long, and the fresh blood dripped off of it.

I panicked not knowing what to do. Turning around I saw guards running up to us. "Somebody help him!" I shouted, tears threatening to roll down. They surrounded us and put pressure on his wound, but the blood slipped through and continued flooding Gumball's clothes. I sat there next to him and took his hand in mine.

"Gumball, please stay with me!" I pleaded as painful tears streamed down my cheeks. It felt like it was I who just got stabbed.

"Bonnibel it's alright, I'm okay." he lied as he tried to smile at me. A thin line of blood ran down from his mouth to his chin and dripped down his clothes. My vision blurred by each second as I cried.

"Promise me...Bonnibel...promise me one thing...stay happy..stay strong, you will face many problems in the future..but don't give up...please.." he managed to say the faint smile not leaving his face.

I shook my head "" but it was too late I felt his hand loose it's grip in my hands, he lost the spark in his eyes and his breathed ceased. I cried hugging his lifeless body. It's my's all my fault...because I got kidnapped he had to come and save me...he had to die because of me.

[] []

Someone shook me gently and I forced myself to open my eyes. Panting I looked up to meet Marceline's red orbs. She looked concerned. I felt a tear run down my cheek, then another. I closed my eyes and turned away from Marceline. Great now I exposed my weak side to her. Gritting my teeth I tried to force myself to stop crying.

My eyes widened when I felt arms around myself pulling me into a hug. Trembling I tried to push Marceline away from me. I closed my eyes "What the hell are you doing?" I angrily asked her, but this only made her hold me tighter. It caused me to cry harder. "Are you def?! I told not touch me." I said through tears as I hit her with my fists on her shoulder. Shes insane, why is she even doing this? Shes my kidnapper, shes my enemy. The tears never stopped running down my cheeks. Hitting her lightly once again on her shoulder I left my hand there and sobbed into the nook of her neck. I undid my fist and gave up trying to get her off of me.

Why is she so confusing, why does she make me feel this way...Why is she acting this way. She gently placed one of her hands on my head and smoothed my hair.

"Calm down." she simply said yet gently.

I felt dizzy and lightheaded, but I tried to calm down. Gumball...he was my only sibling who actually cared after me and protected from everyone. And I...I was the reason he had to die. I had lost all the strength in me and limply laid against Marceline.

When I calmed down more or less she slowly let go of me and looked at me.

"Are you better?" she quietly asked. I tried to avoid her gaze and simply nodded.

Marceline sighed. "Bonnibel we have couple more hours to sleep, we have a long day ahead of us, so I suggest we go back to sleep." nodding once again I lay down, facing away from her. I stared thinking about what happened. Marceline lay done too. I trembled it was colder than before. Cold just like then- I was cut away from my thoughts when I felt warmth against me. Marceline laid right next to me and put her arm around me, resting her chin on my head.

I felt helpless at this point and didn't even bother trying to get away.

"Why are you doing this Marceline?.." I whispered.

There was a pause, she was thinking for a while now. "I don't know" she finally answered.

I closed my eyes feeling my consciousness slipping away, but her being there helped, a lot...