"Where the hell are you Gilbird?" Julchen couldn't help mutter under her breath, trying so hard to hold back her tears. Prussians never cry – Prussia never cries! But what were you supposed to do when the one person, yes her chick is too awesome to be some mere pet, in your life, second only to Ludwig, suddenly disappears? Break down that is! But she won't break down – never. She's Prussia. She's made out of iron and beer – German beer, the best kind, and not any of those other pathetic imitations. Take that Matthia!

The violent vibration from her phone and the loud symphony of farts that was her ringtone (she deliberately used that tone for all her contacts knowing well how much it would annoy Roderich every time he heard it) jarred her out of the deepest parts of her worry. She hurriedly picked it up, not even looking at the receiver's ID knowing it would be Matthew.

"Did you find him?" she raggedly asked, stopping a moment from running amok around the streets of London. Seriously this would have been a much easier find if all these people weren't here loitering about. Really, for god's sake it's already two in the fucking morning! Don't these people have any jobs?

Well, it's not like she can say anything about it.

Instead of the soft always whispering voice of the Canadian though, a deep booming baritone voice greeted her.

"I should be the one asking you that. Where the hell are you?" Ludwig's voice was laced thick with anger. Julchen visibly flinched and tried to hold in the urge to run away as fast as she could towards the hills of the sound of music. What? She knows her brother won't bother looking for her there knowing how much she hates the owner of said hills thus making it the perfect hideout. Isn't it genius or what?

And the fact that she didn't have to travel far doesn't hurt either. From Germany that is.

"I'm still in London. What about it?" She asked. From the other end of the line, she heard her brother's breathing hitch up, a clear sign he was close to snapping. She steeled herself for what was to come.

"Why are you still there!" The proud German nation shouted in anger, "Didn't I deliberately tell you to come home as soon as possible?" Okay what?

Wait… did he just say tell? Oh hell no! Now she was getting pissed too.

"Like hell you did!" She shouted back, returning back the same anger he sent her. Not that she needed anymore goading, seeing as they were both speaking in German and their shared language tends to normally sound angry to other nationalities, a fact that Julchen is really proud upon. "You haven't 'talked' to me; you even avoided me the whole time! So how would I know, huh?"

She was answered with silence. Then after a beat,

"My God," her brother groaned loud, long and pained which made her really confused.

"Lu-ludwig?" she hesitantly asked. Has he finally snapped?

"Did you receive a note? I asked the receptionist to give you one!" The German nation groaned again. Julchen thought back to it. There was nothing really. After she had confirmed that Ludwig had really already left and paid for their rooms, she had hurriedly locked herself in her suite and not once had the receptionist called her back to hand over a note.

"Nope," she answered, "No note at all."

"Damn incompetent workers." The blond man cursed under his breath. She couldn't help but grin at that, tucking that memory to the back of her mind. Ludwig cursing was such a rare happening that she always found herself keeping them safely tucked away in her memory. After all, that was the only proof he really had that they were brothers – aside from their alike features of course. But then again, Ludwig looked more like Berwald when his hair wasn't slicked back.

"So what was written on it anyway?" She asked, eyes roaming around in search for her adorable small little chick that had been her companion for hundreds of years as she started losing interest at their current discussion. Not that you can blame her anyway. Julchen had always been a man of simple needs. As long as she knows Ludwig won't chew her anytime in the near future and the bastard was talking to her again, then she doesn't need to rehash everything that happened on the past forty eight hours.

Well, not immediately anyway. This happening is very good for blackmail purposes and, of course, guilt tripping that she just knew she would get everything she would want for the next fifty years or so. Well almost – she knew her limits after all.

It took the German nation a while before he answered. And when he did, Julchen could hear embarrassment pouring out of her little brother's voice that she couldn't hide the huge smile it brought to her lips. To hell with these Londoners thinking she had gone mad! "Nothing important… Just some apologies for ignoring you and some other things and telling you to come back home the earliest you can because I had to fly ahead on the boss' orders and…" Aww, and here she thought the reason why he ran back to their home country was because he didn't want to see her again. That's a relief. Although, she admits, a perfect waste of three hours of moping she had done around her room. She could have used those three hours for other things like spending more time with the Canadian – since it's been quite a while since they last saw each other. She was really, really, really, hoping to try those pancakes again – or shopping, for one could never have too many clothes. Plus if she's completely honest, she needs them desperately since she didn't buy enough the first time she, Alice and Matthia shopped or… looking for Gilbird!

Fuck, Gilbird

"I need to go," she frantically told her brother, cutting off whatever it was the German was still saying. What was he talking about anyway? Oh well, priorities.

"… huh? Wait is it because you are still mad at me? I already cooked you a dozen Wurst in apology! Although they're still here at the table waiting for you…"

She paused a moment and let herself be touched at what the man on the other side of her phone had done. That was just sweet! But then again…

"I appreciate the food – like really, can you double it? – but you're not actually the reason why I have to leave. I lost Gilbird and I need to find him."

"Oh," was the other's reply. Then a pause. "D-do you want me to go back there and help you look for him?"

"Nah," she hurriedly replied, eyes roaming back around her in search for that damned yellow chick. Really, she swore that feathered creature won't be able to eat his damned favorite bird seeds after this event – forget the fact it was her fault in the first place. That damned bird knew to never leave her side! "Just continue cooking your offerings for me and I'll be back soon to inhale it all," and without another word, she ended the call and ran around madly through the streets of London.

It wasn't until two hours later that she and Matthew managed to find Gilbird. And in such a peculiar way too! Honestly, even now, when Julchen was already in a redeye flight back to Germany, with Gilbird safely hidden inside her silvery white tresses from the flight attendants watchful eyes, she still couldn't totally wrap her mind around it.

After hours of fruitless searching, the Canadian suggested that they return back to the hotel for a moment and rest, since they were getting too tired. She had refused at first but, as usual, Matthew had been the voice of reason and made a point when he stated there was no way in hell they would be able to observe their surroundings as keenly as they'd like if they were fighting off fatigue.

So with some resistance, Julchen let herself be dragged by the Canadian back to the hotel they were staying at.

When they reached the lobby though, a tall brooding man with Japanese features blocked their path when he extended a short silver metal rod like weapon, Tonfa, she reminded herself, having researched what kind of weapon it was, under her chin.

All fogginess of sleep had immediately escaped Julchen's senses, replaced with attentiveness reminiscent from all the battles she had fought. Even Matthew – sweet, sweet, passive Matthew – stood on alert, a certain glint in his eyes.

The stranger smirked at their reactions.

Before anything could start though, a yellow blur blob flew straight to Julchen's face.

"Gilbird!" She happily exclaimed, cupping the chick that greeted her. Instead of the excessive chirping that was associated with her bird, the yellow chick completely rendered the Prussian and Canadian dumbfounded when it fucking started talking.

"Hibari, Hibari, Hibari…" the bird chirped, flying away from Julchen's hands and circled the stranger's head before settling down buried under the stranger's dark locks, completely unaware of the shock it gave the two nations.

The stranger looked absolutely delighted at their shock, mouth quirking into a morbid looking grin.

Julchen and Matthew looked stunned.

A beat later, "What have you done?" the Prussian asked the stranger, staring at him in horror.

The Japanese man blinked at her. "Nothing. You greeted the wrong bird."

"W-wha-?" before she could finish her sentence, another yellow blur few straight to her, chirping excessively immediately after burying itself on her hair.

This one, Julchen was sure, was definitely her Gilbird.

"We're leaving." The stranger said before retracting his weapon and walking out of the hotel without another word.

She could only follow the other with her eyes.

Beside her, Matthew had finally shaken out of his stupor and was also staring at the Japanese man's retreating back.

"What just happened?" the Canadian asked. She looked at him and shrugged, hurriedly extracting her bird from his perch on her head to nuzzle him, having already lost interest now that her darling chick was back.

"I have no idea."

A/N: So I don't know if you guys remembered but a few chapters back, I specifically mentioned that for this chapter, someone would make a special appearance. So there you go. Who do you think the stranger was~?

On a side note, please be reminded that I'm doing a double update and this is the second chapter. If you haven't read the previous chapter (which was Alice's) then please head there.

But if you don't want then well… okay. It's your decision honestly haha!

Also, just a little heads up that the next chapter would still be Julchen's. It's to make up for the setback in her storyline.

Edited by CriticKat