Max snuggled closer to Kate, a soft happy smile on her face. Kate giggled and continued to pet Max's hair. Max smiled and nuzzled closer, tucking her face into Kate's neck and pressing a kiss there.

"I love you so much you know that right?" Kate smiled and looked down to meet Max's eyes who was gazing up at her adoringly. Kate smiled widely and leaned down to kiss her softly.

"I know. I love you too." Max grinned goofily and snuggled back into Kate, rubbing her hipbone with her thumb.

The atmosphere surrounding them was warm and tender. The two were snuggled up, Max between Kate's legs and atop her chest nuzzled into her neck. The two were spending time together. The late spring air was warm and he two were outside simply enjoying the warm air.

Max propped her chin up on Kate's chest and kissed Kate's chin to get her attention. Kate looked down and smiled. "Hey."

"Hey angel." Max replied. Kate blushed and brushed the hair out of Max's face.

"What're you thinking about?"

Max smiled. "How amazing your kisses are, how warm and soft your hugs are, how much I love you. How nice it would be to own a small apartment with you, maybe get a cat or a dog. Go on a road trip, play in the ocean, and kiss you under the stars. "

Kate blushed bright red and Max giggled. Putting her hands on either side of Kate she lifted herself up and leaned forwards for a kiss. "I just like to imagine a future where were away from here and happy."

Kate smiled into the kiss and looped her arms around Max's neck and pulled her closer. "I'd like to get away from here with you too. Where do you want to go?" Max smiled brighter than the sun.

"Maybe somewhere on the coast maybe? Or New York. Maybe San Francisco, I think you'd look beautiful on the golden gate, I want to put you against all the graffitied walls, something pure and innocent against the dirt and chaos of the city." Kate blushed once again and max smiled and kissed her nose. "I don't know where I want to go. But as long as I'm with you it doesn't matter where we are."

Kate smiled and pulled max down into a hug. "I didn't know you were a poet." Max rolled her eyes.

"Chloe said the same thing."

Kate smiled and nuzzled into max, petting her hair. "Well we can't both be wrong." Max rolled her eyes and settled back into Kate.

"You two are ganging up on me." Kate giggled and kissed the top of her head.

"Sure." Max smiled and nuzzled into Kate's chest. They lapsed into silence once more snuggled together and both as happy as they could be. Max idly traced I love you into Kate's hip. Kate smiled and kissed the top of Max's head. "I love you too." Kate whispered. Max grinned and kissed her collar and held her tighter.