My entry to the July MOS challenge on tumblr (new to this but I'll figure it out)

Prompt - Children

Established J/S

You may need Factor 50+ for cheese!

The sun had gone down hours ago, yet the temperature in Colorado Springs seemed to stay the same. Sam wiped at her brow, sticky with sweat, as she pushed herself up from her chair and made her way through to the kitchen only to be halted by the gentle hum of a lullaby floating through the air.

Abandoning her journey to the kitchen, she followed the soothing sound up the stairs.

Upon reaching the doorway to the bedroom she leaned against its wooden frame. A smile lit her face as she watched her husband carry an almost sleeping Ellie around the room as he hummed the lullaby that seemed to lull their daughter back to sleep.

Since Ellie arrived, their existence had been simple, they had agreed that their life would revolve around their young daughter, Jack wasn't getting any younger and wanted to spend as much time with her as possible having had that chance taken from him when Charlie died. They couldn't forget to include Cassie in their simple life. She remembered times where they would both travel to another world and be gone for days at a time. This no longer suited her.

Sam was so lost in her musings that she was surprised to feel Jack's hand on her cheek. She looked up at him, her smile telling him everything that was going on in her head, a mutual agreement that had been made by the both of them when they were too tired to speak. One look could cure all, just like holding each other or receiving enthusiasm.

They seemed to appreciate each other more with the silent communication.

Jack pushed a fallen strand of hair behind Sam's ear, his fingers lingering on the soft skin of her throat. She blinked and looked up at him and he leaned forward pressing a kiss to her lips before moving and pressing his lips where his fingers had just been, inhaling her scent.

A little whimper came from the bundle in Jack's arms and he began to hum against Sam's neck, the vibrations causing her to wrap her arms around her husband's shoulders and bring a hand to her daughter's head. She closed her eyes and her husband started to sway to his own music.

Breathing in slowly she inhaled the scent of her daughter mixed with her husband and sighed contentedly.

Both could concede that this was what was humworthy.

Thanks for reading :)!