Chapter 1

The Gems awoke in a forested area.

Garnet: Pearl? Amethyst? Steven?

Steven: What happened?

Amethyst: Where are we?

Pearl: I can't remember what happened before I blacked out.

Amethyst: Me neither.

Garnet: At least we're all ok. I can say we're on an island. I can sense the ocean all around us.

Steven: Should we find a boat?

Pearl: Yes.

The Gems stood up and started walking.

Steven: Do you know where we are?

Garnet: Not really. My future vision is having difficulty.

Amethyst: I feel a little weird too.

Pearl attempted to pull out her spear, but nothing appeared.

Pearl: My powers aren't working.

The Gems all tried to use their powers, but nothing happened.

Garnet: This is bad.

Amethyst: Here's hoping we don't run into anything...dangerous.

As they continued to walk, Pearl noticed something on the ground.

Pearl: Hey guys. Come look at this.

Pearl picked up a leaf, kneeling over it.

Amethyst: What is that supposed to mean.

Pearl: This leaf has never been seen real. It's only seen fossilized.

Steven noticed something and gasped. As Pearl was talking he grabbed her head, turning it to what he was looking at. Everyone looked that direction and gasped as well. They saw a Brachiosaurus grazing on a high tree.

(Cue Jurassic Park theme)

Steven: It''s a dinosaur.

Garnet: Aren't they extinct?

Amethyst: Maybe this is the only one that survived.

Pearl: I wouldn't be too sure about that.

Everyone looked where Pearl was looking, at a massive open field with a lake. There were herds of Brachiosaurus' and Parasaurolophus' wandering the area.

(End song)

Amethyst: What is this place?

Pearl saw two red jeeps with people looking at the herds.

Pearl: Look. There's people over there.

Garnet picked everyone up, using a massive leap to get to the people, landing right next to them. Of the people, there was a man in a fedora named Alan Grant, a blonde haired woman named Ellie Sattler, a bronze skinned man with glasses named Ian Malcolm, an older man with a fedora named Donald Gennaro, and a highly aged man with a cane named John Hammond.

Garnet: Howdy.

Malcolm: Woah. Woah. Where where where did you come from?

Garnet: Over there.

Garnet pointed to where they were standing.

Hammond: I think Mr. Malcolm means is how did you four get here?

Steven: We don't know.

Pearl: We just woke up and we were on this island. We were lucky to run into you.

Ellie: I suppose so.

Hammond: You are welcome to come with us to our Visitor Center.

Garnet: Thank you.

The Gems rode in the back of one of the trucks. Malcolm looked back to talk with the Gems as they drove to the Visitor Center.

Malcolm: So what are you exactly? Are you stunt people?

Garnet: We are the Crystal Gems. We are magical guardians from another planet who fight to protect the Earth from evil threats such as our own homeworld, which we rebelled against 5000 years ago.

Malcolm: Alright then.

Malcolm turned the other way awkwardly. The two cars arrived at the visitor center, and entered into a massive area with skeletons of a T-Rex fighting a brachiosaurus.

Hammond: We have the most advanced amusement park in the world, combining all the latest technologies. I'm not talking rides, you know. Everybody has rides. We've made living biological attractions so astonishing they'll capture the imagination of the entire planet!

Pearl: Is that what this is? A theme park?

Malcolm: Dinosaur theme park.

Grant: We're here to sign off on the park so it can be opened, but we have to see the tour before we make our decision.

Ellie: So what do you think?

Grant: I think we're out of a job.

Malcolm: Don't you mean "extinct"?

Garnet: How did you even bring these creatures back from the dead?

Hammond: I'll show you.

The group moved into a theatre, sitting on the seats. On the screen, another Hammond appeared.

Screen Hammond: Hello, John!

Hammond: Say hello! Oh, I've got lines.

He fumbled with his note cards. The screen Hammond continued without him.

Screen Hammond: Fine, I guess! But how did I get here?!

Hammond: Uh. Here let me show you. First I'll need a drop of blood. Your blood.

The Screen Hammond extended his finger, and Hammond pretended to poke Screen Hammond's finger.

Screen Hammond: Ouch, John! That hurt!

Stage Hammond: Relax, John. It's all part of the miracle of cloning!

Multiple screen Hammonds started appearing. The Gems huddled with the others.

Grant: Cloning from what? Extraction has never recreated an intact DNA strand.

Malcolm: Not without massive sequence gaps.

Pearl: Where do you even get dinosaur blood?

Ellie: I was just thinking that.

On screen, an animated figure popped on screen, named Mr. DNA.

Screen Hammond: Well! Mr. DNA! Where'd you come from?

Mr. DNA took over the rest of the show.

Mr. DNA: From your blood! Just one drop of your blood contains billions of strands of DNA, the building blocks of life! A DNA strand like me is a blueprint for building a living thing! And sometimes animals that went extinct millions of years ago, like dinosaurs, left their blueprints behind for us to find! We just had to know where to look! A hundred million years ago, there were mosquitoes, just like today. And, just like today, they fed on the blood of animals. Even dinosaurs! Sometimes, after biting a dinosaur, the mosquito would land on a branch of a tree, and get stuck in the sap! After a long time, the tree sap would get hard and become fossilized, just like a dinosaur bone, preserving the mosquito inside! This fossilized tree sap, which we call amber, waited millions of years, with the mosquito inside until Jurassic Park's scientists came along! Using sophisticated techniques, they extract the preserved blood from the mosquito, and bingo! Dino DNA! A full DNA strand contains three billion genetic codes! If we looked at screens like these once a second for eight hours a day, it'd take two years to look at the entire strand! It's that long! And since it's so old, it's full of holes! That's where our geneticists take over! Thinking Machine supercomputers and gene sequencers break down the strand in minutes and Virtual Reality displays show our geneticists the gaps in the DNA sequence! Since most animal DNA is ninety percent identical, we use the complete DNA of a frog to fill in the holes and complete the code! Whew! Now we can make a baby dinosaur!

Hammond: All this has some dramatic music march or something it's not written yet, and the tour moves on.

Hammond threw a switch, and bars came down on all the seats.

Steven: Woah. This is a ride too?

They moved into a lab, seeing scientists working on ostrich eggs.

Mr. DNA: Our fertilization department is where the dinosaur DNA takes the place of the DNA in unfertilized emu or ostrich eggs - - and then it's on to the nursery, where we welcome the dinosaurs back into the world!

Grant: Wait a minute! How do you interrupt the cellular mitosis?

Ellie: Can't we see the unfertilized host eggs?

Hammond: Shorty, shortly.

Grant: Can't you stop these things?

Hammond: Sorry! It's kind of a ride.

Grant: Let's get outta here.

Grant and Malcolm pulled up their lap bars and they went to the door to the hatchery lab. Hammond went to open the door for them, and everyone followed behind.

In the hatchery, Dr. Henry Wu was leading the hatching of the eggs.

Hammond: Good day, Henry.

Dr. Wu: Good day, sir. You guys came in at a perfect time. They're hatching now.

Hammond put on a pair of plastic gloves to watch the eggs hatch.

Hammond: They imprint on the first living creature they come in contact with. That helps them to trust me. I've been present for the birth of every animal on this island.

Pearl: Surely not the ones bred in the wild.

Wu: Actually they can't breed in the wild. We alter the genes, so they are all female. To help with population control.

Malcolm: John, the kind of control you're attempting is not possible. If there's one thing the history of evolution has taught us, it's that life will not be contained. Life breaks free. It expands to new territories. It crashes through barriers. Painfully, maybe even.. dangerously, but and...well, there it is. I'm simply saying that life...finds a way.

Small dinosaurs began hatching.

Garnet: What kind are these?

Wu: It's a velociraptor.

Everyone looked at the baby raptor in astonishment, and slight apprehension.