A/N: Here's another ikarihshipping filled chapter, and the second part of Falling. There is a lot of dialogue, so be prepared!

Chapter 4: Falling (Part 2)

Summary: After a confused break up with the love of her life, Dawn seeks revenge and decides to date Paul to smite Lucas. But when she begins to fall for him, and feelings she thought she buried arise due to complications... who will she choose?


I stood at my locker, taking my time to pick up textbooks before the warning bell rang. A pair of arms snaked their way behind me and I fliched, surprised.

"That's not usually the reaction I get from a girl." a deep, masculine voice uttered. I rolled my eyes but held a soft smile afterwards.

"Good morning to you too, Paul. You know there are other ways to greet someone." I move forward to push away but he holds onto me tighter.

"Lucas is about seven feet away from us."

"Seven feet? He's slower getting closer."

"He's move about a foot closer in the past 3 months. It's almost spring break and he still hasn't talked to you."

"Can I at least close my locker?"

Paul swirled me around and grabbed my sides, pulling me close to him and giving me a kiss on my mouth. I had hated kissing him in the beginning, hated having another man's lips even grace the surface of my face. But now it was okay; it felt almost natural to kiss Paul.

"See you after school." He said, giving me a quick wave.

"Wait… no soccer practice today?"

"There's somewhere I want to take you. Meet me at our spot." Paul gave a smile and dashed off to class. I placed my hands on my cheeks, blushing. He wanted to take me somewhere?

"So… are you going to close your locker or do I need to do that for you?" I close my locker and see Zoey standing next to me with her arms crossed and a smirk on her face.

"Are you blushing?!"

"NO!" I yell at her, turning even more red. The warning bell rang and I walked away from her, books in hand.

"Don't tell me you actually like him?!" Zoey muttered, her voice low so no one could hear us. I stopped walking and turned to face her.

"Look Zoey… I don't know. Can we not talk about this?"


"Zoey! Please!"

"Fine." She rolled her eyes and we continued to walk.

"How long do you plan on keeping this up? I'm pretty sure that Lucas has had enough revenge already Dee Dee."

"He hasn't had enough until I say its enough." I clutch my books harder, voice strong and tight.

"Whatever." Zoey shrugged her shoulders and took a left down the hallway, heading to her class. I sighed and walked quicker, but Zoey's question kept repeating in my mind. It's been six months already, yet I still can't break away from Paul.

Did I like him?


My mother used to tell me that I would over think things too much. That I always over analyze a situation, or misinterpreted simple thoughts or feelings. Not everything had a back story, not everything had a reason. Sometimes things just happened. Sometimes the world can't help but to do things just because it wants to, and we have to suffer the consequences of that.

There's a reason why I'm telling this, I swear.

School ended and I quickly packed my bags. I was excited and nervous for my hang out with Paul. Was it a hang out, or something more? We have been "acting as a couple" for six months now, maybe he wanted to have it mean something more?

Zoey caught on to what was happening, but she said nothing to me. She hadn't spoken to me since this morning when she continued to question my life and my choices. Lucas hurt me, and I understand that she couldn't comprehend how much that meant to me.

But before I could leave, Zoey got up and prevented me from moving. I rolled my eyes at her.

"Are you going to ask me more questions?"

"Lucas is outside, asking for you."

I sucked in a breath, and averted my eyes to the ceiling. "Please tell me you're lying. I can't deal with this. Paul said he was getting closer, but I didn't realize that he would do this now."

ZOey cocked her head to the side. "What do you mean by getting closer?"

"This morning. Me and Paul usually meet at my locker. He said Lucas was getting closer to us."

"Dawn… Lucas wasn't there in the morning."

I looked at her, confused. "What?"

"Lucas wasn't there this morning. He hasn't been there in the morning for a few weeks now."

"But...Paul said…."

"I know you're annoyed of me at the moment, but I am telling the truth."

"Then why would he…"

"I dunno Dee Dee, maybe you should ask him. I'll distract Lucas."

"Thank you Zoey." I dashed out of the classroom once Zoey had Lucas facing the other way. MY heart was beating fast with excitement. Why would Paul lie about Lucas being there? Why would Paul insist on holding my hand in the morning, hugging me, or even kissing me if Lucas wasn't there? We only did this for Lucas, only to spite him and to get him annoyed.

I ran out of the building and turned around, walking behind it. There was a grassy area full of trees and flowers that me and Paul always met at. I slapped my cheeks, a reminder to keep myself from blushing and then proceeded to put a hand on my heart, to calm myself down.

I really hoped this all meant something, even though I kept questioning myself why. But when I saw Paul on top of another girl, engaged in an intense make out session, my feelings went south.

"Oh my Arceus." I muttered, ganging their attention. Paul looked up, wide eyed and quickly got of the girl. The girl straightened her hair and fixed her blouse once she looked at me.

"Dawn! Look I-"

"Is this the surprise you wanted to show me!?" I whispered, my voice cracking on the last word.

"No! I'm so sorry."

I didn't even hear his apology, or his voice yelling out my name. In that moment I realized that this meant nothing to him, that I overestimated, and that my heart had now officially broke into fragments, taking a worse beating than Lucas had done to me six months ago.


Zoey came over to my house a couple of hours later, bearing gifts of tissue, chocolate and lots of hugs. She held me in her arms as I cried my eyes out, and didn't ask my any questions. But we both knew what she was going to ask and what the answers were.

In some, sick, horrible twisted way, I realized that I liked Paul, and I also realized that Paul didn't like me.

"It's not fair, you know." I blew my nose into a tissue and patted my eyes. "I got my heart broken twice. I'm a good person, I get good grades, do lots of community service, help the elderly."

"I know Dawn, you're a great person."

"Then why does this happen?!" I yell at the top of my lungs, probably waking the neighbors for the umptenth time. Zoey pats my back.

"I mean, you think the first time I would know how to pick and fall in love with the right guy, but NOOOOOOoooOoO! I end up picking an more horrible guy to fall in love with! Can you believe this?"

The doorbell rings and I fall on my bed, putting my head on my pillow. "If it's Cupid on my front porch, punch him in the stomach and stab him with his stupid arrows." Zoey laughed and gave me a head rub.

"I'll send them away."

Zoey goes downstairs and opens the door. I listen for a loud door slam and her footsteps but I don't hear them. Minutes pass by, and I hear someone crying.

"Zoey?! What's wrong?"

I dash downstairs, clutching my bag of chips and my blanket. At the door I see Lucas holding Zoey as she cries silently. I drop the bag in surprise.

"Get out."

Zoey wipes her eyes and walks towards me. "Dawn, you need to listen to Lucas."

I glare at her and throw my arms in the air. "No, I dont need to do anything. Get out!"

"I don't think I can do that Dawn."

I walk up to him and push Zoey aside, then poke a finger at his chest. "If you as so even THINK you can waltz into my life, six months after a break up, which by the way, I still don't have any idea why you broke up with me, and expect everything to be ok after you made my friend cry and after the fact that a guy that I might like ripped my heart to shreds then you are so WRONG Lucas. Get out of my house, get out of my life. Go away." I breathe heavily, emotionally and physically exhausted from all the crying and talking I've done today. Lucas backs away, out of my house and onto my porch.

"I have cancer." He looks me in the eyes, before giving a pathetic laugh and running his hands through his fingers. "I'm going to die, Dawn. That's why we broke up. I couldn't bear the fact to have you be with someone like me."

I widen my eyes and take a step forward. "You… what?"

"I'm not going to be at school anymore, and I won't be in your life anymore. I need to go somewhere else for treatment. I just wanted to say goodbye… and say that I still love you. Never stopped, and I don't plan on it anytime soon." Lucas gave a small smile and I felt tears prick my eyes, before slowly cascading down my face.

"Goodbye Dawn." Before I could reach out to him he closed the door, and I slumped to the ground, sobbing loudly. Crying because I lost Lucas again, crying because I know that not matter what, my heart will always yearn for him.

A/N: Paul seriously messed up, big time. And poor Lucas... :( Fav/follow if interested, and review please! Check back tomorrow for the ending of Falling.