So I've been gone a LONG time. Mostly because of school, so here's a welcome back thing, i guess. I might throw in some Oneshots now and again. Anyway enjoy! (BTW this is a LEMON STORY. WARNING LEMON IN THE NEAR FUTURE!) Dreamworks owns all characters.

Hiccup was sleeping soundly in his bed, until the weight of a certain Night Fury's head plopped down on him. Hiccup just grunted and pushed the dragon's head off of him. Toothless snorted and plopped down with more force. "Alright bud im up, im up," Hiccup looked over at the clock it said 7:45 "Oh Thor! Im late! Why didn't you say something?" Toothless grumbled in response. The young boy quickly got dressed. He quickly got dressed then scurried down the stairs. Hiccup checked the clock again 7:55 it said. He again cursed under his breath, he hopped onto Toothless. "Let's go bud." He said, the dragon then zoomed out the window heading towards Berk High.

Hiccup almost crashed into the Berk High's dragon stable, as Toothless threw Hiccup off at the last second. Everyone was in the stables and saw his unplanned dismount and they immediately started laughing at Hiccup and his dragon. He got up and brushed himself off. He started pulling Toothless over to an empty stable that just happened to be right next to Stormfly, Astrid Hofferson's dragon. Stormfly chirped at Toothless and flared her wings in excitement. Hiccup was about to put Toothless in the pen when a huge fist came flying towards his face. "Snoutlout, Snoutlout, OY, OY, OY!" There stood Snoutlout Thorston, with his Monstrous Nightmare, Hookfang. Hiccup stood back up, reeling from the blow, and Toothless jumped to his defense."Come on bud, this jerk isn't worth it." Hiccup put Toothless in the pen across from the other one. Snotlout kicked a bucket towards Hiccup and walked out of the stables. Hiccup sighed, "I'll be back at five, okay bud?" Toothless rubbed his head against Hiccup's hand.

As Hiccup walked out the stables, he ran right into Astrid, knocking her books and stuff onto the ground. "Oh gods, i- im sorry," Hiccup stuttered, "here let me help you." She started picking up loose papers, "No, i got it." They both bent down and smacked each other fore heads together. This was the first time he had ever actually talked with her in quite awhile. They sat there for a second or two before they continued picking up the books and papers. He handed what he had to her and she hurriedly snatched them away. Hiccup scratched the back of his head, "Sorry about that again, are you okay?"" Astrid felt so stupid, this was Hiccup she had known him her whole life. He had bulked up since she saw him last, his shoulders were broader, his jaw was more defined, and he gotten taller. In fact, he was taller than her by about 4in. "Yeah, sorry i know that. You've just, grown." She smiled at him. "Well i gotta go, maybe we'll bump into each other again and catch up. See you later Hiccup." "Yeah, see you around." Hiccup responded, but he was spacing out, cause ya know, he's Hiccup and that's his thing.