Chapter 1: See you again (Wiz Khalifa)

I was standing here looking at the gravestone with my name on it. Wondering who she was, who I was. Dom said we where exactly the same, he said he could see it in the way I drove my car, he said he could see it in my eyes. I couldn't help but wonder if he just imaged it. If he just wanted to see it so badly because he ones loved the girl that was supposed to be buried here, in a way she was.

Dom, Dominic Torretto. He was a great man and I could see why I once loved him, I still love him in a way. I mean my heart loves him. But how can I love someone if I don't remember him. He wants to help me regain my memories so baldly, he takes me everywhere so that maybe I will remember something, he wants me to remember us. It's tiring. Everywhere there are people, faces, they all know me or they know of me. I don't want to do it. Obviously I want to remember but clearly It's a lost cost.

I hear a car stop and feel him coming up behind me. Another singe I still somehow know him, even if I don't remember.

"You know it's kind of funny. I guess now the joke is on me." I turn around, he's standing there with a sledgehammer and I immediately know what he is going to do.

"Well than this is one thing that's got to go."

"Stop" I pull the hammer down so he can't destroy the/mine gravestone. "Don't you get it? It's the truth." I turn around and look at the date on the stone and then back to Dom. "It's the day that I lost my memory. That's the day that Letty died, and I was born."

He tried to argue with me, but my mind was made up. I couldn't be around all people who still toughed of me as a girl I was not. I told him I couldn't hive him what he disserved, I couldn't give him the Letty he knew back.

I told him goodbye kissed him and left.

I didn't rely knew where to go so I drove to the house that once was mine. It still is but it doesn't feel like mine. There was nothing familiar about it. When I entered there was a man sitting on the table. He looked a bit weird. Al flashy and expensive suit, scarf and gold jewelry. There were two people standing behind him in a body guard kind of stand. I reached for my gun, not trusting a thing about a situation. When I saw his guards doing the same, the man who was obviously in charge spoke up.

"You won't be needing that Letittia." He sad my full name, not Letti. Why would he do that. In all the time I met people from before, no one ever called me by me full name. I kept my hand on my gun when I asked;

"Who are, what are you doing here and why are you calling me by my full name?" He laughed a bit at that.

"My name is Abraham Mazur, I'm your biological father and apparently all my daughters have a tendency towards the crime-life and hate their full names."

Here is your first chapter

Lots of love

Born to Love, Protect and die